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Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces What pensions were indexed in February

Published on 01.02.16 19:09

Indexation of pensions in 2016 in Russia: an increase in pensions from February 1 to old-age pensioners, latest news: according to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, indexation of pensions by 4% solves only part of the problems.

Pension in 2016, latest news: by how much and to whom will payments be increased?

Since February 1, 2016, social payments, insurance pensions and state pensions have been indexed in Russia. The increase in first payments was 7%, and pensions were increased by 4%. The corresponding document was published on the official portal of legal information.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2016, latest news: On February 1, pensions for working pensioners will not be increased intkbbee will be

As previously reported, the increase in pensions in 2016 will affect only non-working pensioners. According to employees of the Ministry of Labor, the government took this step in order to compensate them for inflationary costs.

“Since working pensioners have a source to cover these costs in the form of wages, it is envisaged that they will be paid the amount of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to the insurance pension in the amount calculated without indexation,” Izvestia quoted a source in the department.

According to the PFR, the amount of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,558.93 rubles per month, and the average annual old-age insurance pension in Russia in 2016 will be 13,132 thousand rubles. Thus, the Ministry of Labor expects to partially stabilize the income level of the population.

According to the ministry, the indexation of social payments will require 30 billion rubles from the federal budget. The decision on its re-indexation will be made in 2016, taking into account the financial capabilities of the state.

Raising pensions for non-working pensioners from February 1, 2016 will solve only part of social problems, Medvedev believes

According to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners on February 1, 2016 by 4% solves only part of social problems.

"It is clear that this only solves part of the tasks: as we agreed in the framework of our discussions in the government and with the State Duma, we will return to this issue based on the results of the economy's work in the first six months of this year," RIA Novosti quotes the head of government.

Medvedev also recalled that since February 1, 2016, the size of social payments to veterans, the disabled, citizens exposed to radiation has been indexed, and benefits for children have also been increased.

"This also applies to millions of our citizens who need support in the current conditions," the prime minister added.

Indexation will cost the federal budget 30 billion rubles. With the help of this measure, the authorities expect to partially stabilize the income level of the population.

Social payments will be indexed in Russia by 7% from February 1, the corresponding government decree is published on the official portal of legal information. According to the Ministry of Labor, the increase will cost the federal budget 30 billion rubles.

Also, according to the Pension Fund of Russia, from February 1, insurance pensions and state pensions will be indexed by 4%. Thus, the average annual insurance old-age pension in 2016 will be 13,132 rubles.

Earlier, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin announced the indexation of social benefits. According to him, the Ministry of Labor has already agreed with the Ministry of Finance a draft government decision. From February 1, 2016, all social payments, monthly cash payments, all children's social benefits at the federal level will be indexed by 7%. The minister noted that this indexation will not affect maternity capital. According to the Ministry of Labor, this increase will cost the federal budget 30 billion rubles. The ministry expects to partially stabilize the income level of the population with the help of this measure.

From February 1, insurance pensions and state pensions will be indexed. An innovation in 2016 is that insurance pensions will be indexed only for non-working pensioners. Their insurance pensions, as well as a fixed payment to it, from February 1, 2016 will be increased by 4%. According to data posted on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), the size of the fixed payment after indexation will be just over 4.5 thousand rubles per month, the cost of a pension point is 74.27 rubles (in 2015 - 71.41 rubles). The average annual insurance old-age pension in 2016 will be 13,132 rubles.

From April 1, 2016, state pensions, including social ones, will be increased by 4% for all pensioners, regardless of the fact of work. As a result, in 2016 the average annual social pension will be 8,562 rubles.

According to the PFR, the second indexation of pensions is planned in the second half of 2016, the decision on which will be made in mid-2016 based on the financial capabilities of the state.

In February 2016, the size of the monthly cash payment (UDV) will be increased by 7% - the most massive social payment made by the PFR. Simultaneously with the indexation of the UDV, the cost of a set of social services will also increase, which federal beneficiaries can receive both in kind and in cash.

At the same time, as before, in 2016 there will be no pensioners in Russia whose monthly income is below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. "All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pensions up to the level of the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence," the Pension Fund of Russia said in a statement posted on the agency's website.

In January 2018, insurance pensions were indexed by the state by 3.7 percent. However, this does not mean that there will be no additional payments to pensions in February. So, some categories of pensioners can count on an increase.

In particular, the state has planned an additional payment to those categories of pensioners to whom the Russian Pension Fund pays UDV (monthly cash payments), which also includes the so-called NSI (a set of social services).

How much will they add? It is known that from February 1, 2018, the state will index such social payments by 2.5 percent.

In addition, from February 1, pension payments will increase for retired employees of the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee, as well as for some military men.

According to the law adopted in December 2017, they are entitled to an additional payment for their class rank and rank. For some retirees of such departments, pensions may increase by a third.

And since the second month of this year, the government will recalculate the monthly and one-time child allowances to the percentage of inflation. It is important to know: maternity capital is not subject to indexation. Its amount was what it was, and will remain so - 453 thousand rubles.

The government has already revealed plans for indexing pensions in 2018, which means that something definite can be said on this issue.

The question of whether there will be indexation of pensions in 2018 can be answered definitely - there will be an increase. The question is how much.

Recall that in February 2016, pensioners received a pension increase of only 4 percent, the website informs. The government promised pensioners a second indexation in the second half of the year, but it did not happen. Instead, pensioners were given a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles, and even then in January 2017.

In 2017, the authorities promised to carry out the indexation of pensions in full, that is, at the level of inflation in 2016. According to official data from Rosstat, inflation in Russia in 2016 amounted to 5.6 percent. As a result, in February 2017, the insurance pension was raised by 5.4 percent, and in April by another 0.38 percent.

By how many percent will the pension increase in Russia in 2018? Recall that Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets reported that the country is restoring the usual, legal procedure for indexing pensions - according to actual inflation. This means that in 2018 insurance pensions should be raised to the inflation rate for 2017. What this value will be will become clear by the end of the year. But plans for future indexing have become known today.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta previously reported, since February 2018, it was planned to raise insurance pensions by 3.8 percent. This is indicated in the main parameters of the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) for 2018 and planned 2019-2020. Accordingly, the cost of the individual pension coefficient (pension point), taking into account which insurance pensions are assigned, should have increased from 78.58 rubles to 81.57 rubles.

However, judging by the latest news, the situation has changed. Labor Minister Maksim Topilin recently told reporters that insurance pensions will grow by 3.7 percent in 2018, and not from February 1, as usual, but from January 1. The change in terms is aimed at ensuring a more significant increase in real pensions next year, RIA Novosti reports. The cost of one pension coefficient will be 81 rubles 96 kopecks.

In addition, it is proposed to adjust the amount of the fixed payment to insurance pensions, setting it from January 1, 2018 in the amount of 4982.9 rubles (an increase of 1.037%). As a result, the average annual insurance old-age pension in Russia will increase in 2018 to 14,137 rubles and amount to 160.5% of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

Why did the percentage of indexing decrease a little? But because inflation in Russia is declining faster than planned. Until recently, the inflation forecast for 2017 was 3.7 - 3.8%, but now the data has changed. It is now expected that inflation in 2017, according to official data, will be only 3.2%, and, accordingly, pensions will grow even more than prices.

Recall what increase in pension is planned for the future. In 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension will add 4 percent per year, said Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the board of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). Rossiyskaya Gazeta also wrote about this

Working pensioners, unfortunately, do not have much to please.

For working pensioners, there will be no indexation of pensions in February 2018. And in the next couple of years, they may not wait for the indexation of their pensions if they work during this period.

Recall that in accordance with the current legislation, starting from 2016, the planned indexation of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it, carried out on February 1, does not apply to working pensioners. For a pension increase to take place, you have to quit your job.

But in August 2018, working pensioners are waiting for the traditional unclaimed recalculation. The increase in pension as a result of recalculation is individual in nature and depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid to the Pension Fund for a working pensioner in 2017.

From April 1, 2018, state pensions, including social pensions, will be increased for both working and non-working pensioners. How much? And this is a really good question.

As we remember, since April 1, 2017, state pensions, including social pensions, have been indexed by 1.5 percent.

Earlier it was reported that in 2018 social pensions are planned to be increased by 1.2 percent. Alexander Kurtin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), spoke about this in the summer. And now comes more information. Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that the indexation of social pensions from April 1, 2018 is planned at the level of 4.1 percent! Well, let's see what figure the State Duma will approve. As soon as new data appears, we will immediately inform the readers of the latest news!

Recall that in the next two years, in 2019 and 2020, the social pension, according to Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the board of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), is planned to be increased by 3.9 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively.

It should be noted that, as before, in 2018 in Russia there will be no pensioners with a monthly income below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence.

Pension indexation calendar for 2018

Based on this information, it is possible to draw up a preliminary calendar of pension increases for 2018.

  • From January 2018, there will be an increase in the insurance pension for non-working pensioners by 3.7 percent.
  • From February 2018, other monthly payments to beneficiaries will be indexed by 3.2%.
  • From April 2018, the social pension will increase by 4.1 percent.
  • In August 2018, pensions for working pensioners will be recalculated, depending on their salary for 2017, but not more than 3 pension points.

In June 2018, Russia launched a major pension reform. Starting January 1, 2019, the retirement age will be raised gradually and step by step. Retirement for women and men will be increased by 5 years to 60 and 65 respectively. The increment step will be - "plus one year in a year". For the first pensioners who will retire under the new reform in the first 2 years of the reform, the retirement age will be reduced by half a year - 6 months. Then the program “plus one year in a year” will work.

As a result of the reform, the state promises that old-age pensions will be increased by 1,000 rubles from January 1, 2019, based on an average pension of 14,400 rubles in 2018. Pension indexation in 2019 will be - 7.05%.

The increase in pensions in 2019, according to the latest news from the State Duma, instead of the usual indexation on February 1, is postponed to January 1 and will amount to 7.05%, approximately 1000 rubles.

Based on the results of the implementation of the new pension reform, it is expected that by 2024 the average pension will reach 20 000 rubles (+ 35 %).

According to the figures for the increase in pensions from January 1, 2019, it will be the following values ​​(values ​​for 2018 will be indicated in brackets):

  • 15,430 rubles - the average old-age pension in the country in Russia (14,400 rubles);
  • The cost of the IPC will increase to 87.24 rubles (81.49 rubles);
  • The fixed part of the insurance pension will be 5334.19 rubles(4,982.9 rubles);
  • The disability insurance pension will increase from January 1, 2019 to 9 309 rubles(8,700 rubles);
  • The survivor's insurance pension will be 9 523 rubles(8,900 rubles);
  • The set of social services (NSS) will increase to 1,108 rubles (1,075 rubles).

From April 1, 2019, an increase in social pensions by 2.4% is expected. The average disability pension in 2019 will be 5 366 rubles.

The indexation of military pensions in 2019 is scheduled for October 1. The increase will be 6.3%. Initially, it was planned to index pensions for military pensioners by 4.3%. Vladimir Putin in October 2018 announced an additional indexation of military pensions by another 2%.

Will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019?

Recall that since 2016, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been frozen. Pensions were also not increased in 2017 and 2018.

Anton Siluanov, at a meeting of the Federation Council on June 27, 2018, stated that the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 was not planned. According to him, the rate of wage growth in the country covers the rate of inflation.

The only increase that working pensioners can count on in 2019 is a recalculation from August 1. This is an annual procedure and should not be confused with indexing. The recalculation takes place in an unclaimed manner, the maximum increase is limited to 3 points, which is multiplied by the cost of one point for 2018.

As a result, working pensioners from August 1, 2019 have the right to count on an increase to a pension of no more than 244 rubles.

What is indexation of pensions?

Who will be indexed pension in 2019?

Pension indexation from January 1, 2018 applies to citizens who are not employed at the time of accrual of the increase, that is, not only working pensioners, but also the self-employed segment of the population. For example, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers and notaries.

For working pensioners indexation of pensions in 2016 was canceled, but this decision only applies to the procedure in the 1st quarter of the specified period. The second indexation should be carried out without taking into account the employment of a certain group of the population.

main news for working pensioners, it is an obligation to visit the regional FIU and submit an appropriate application if such a citizen has stopped working until March 31, 2016. When accepting documentation, you must attach papers confirming the fact of dismissal. Such documents can be:

  • Employment history.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

For persons who stop working after the specified period, i.e. in the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for notifying the government agency will be changed. From this date, the pensioner does not need to visit the Pension Fund in person, all information will be provided by the employer automatically when submitting reports that are entered into the pension fund database.

If an employee of retirement age quit and was recalculated taking into account the social allowance, and then he re-employed, the established allowance, taking into account the percentage of indexation, is no longer subject to cancellation.

Indexing from January 1, 2019

An increase in the old-age insurance pension from 01/01/2019 will be 7.05% or in monetary terms - 1000 rubles. The average insurance old-age pension will increase to 15,430 rubles.

The disability insurance pension will be 9 309 rubles. The fixed pension payment will increase to 5334.19 rubles.


The main provisions for the recalculation of pensions on 01/01/2019:

  1. Indexation is a procedure for increasing certain payments, or any part of it, depending on the level of inflation or consumer prices for household goods or services. This option is regulated Art. 25 FZ No. 166 dated 15.12.01 and Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 According to the standards, the first indexation on February 1 of the current period depends on the level of consumer prices over the past year.
  2. The main condition for applying the February indexation to the pension benefit is the absence of employment or self-employment.
  3. For working pensioners, the application of the current indexation was denied. Such citizens can receive this allowance in the event of dismissal or termination of business activities and the provision of supporting documents to the FIU. If such a person subsequently resumes work, the increase will no longer be cancelled.