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She retired within a year. The procedure for issuing additional payments to pensions for children

From January 2015, a modified procedure for calculating the amount of pensions by points or coefficients will be introduced, that is, in particular, the procedure for calculating and accruing old-age pensions is changing.

Let's try and understand what will change with the introduction of the new pension formula.
The changes are related to in December 2013, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a new Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" and "On Funded Pensions" In addition, additions and changes were made to the already existing regulations on pension provision of citizens. The new procedure for calculating pensions will come into effect on January 1, 2015.

Who is affected by the new “pensions in a new way” formula?

Innovations in full apply only to citizens who will start working in 2015. Current pensioners will not be recalculated according to all the new rules. Labor pensions, which were assigned before January 1, 2015, will be partially recalculated , but the participation of a citizen is not required for this, the Pension Fund will do everything itself. For those who receive a pension, there may be an increase due to the fact that new non-insurance periods will be included in the length of service (for example, care for up to 1.5 years for 3 and 4 children).

For those citizens who, as of January 1, 2015, are from 50 to 52 years old, the pension will be determined mainly according to the legislation that was in force before January 1, 2015.

What has changed in the calculation of pensions?
The procedure for calculating pensions and calculating seniority has changed, as well as the requirements for citizens who are entitled to an old-age pension. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have earned a certain pension coefficient (PC), the minimum amount of which will be 30 points, will receive the right to a pension, but not immediately. In 2015, to assign a pension, it will be enough to score 6.6 points, but in 2024 at least 30 points, otherwise the citizen will be left without a pension.
The requirements for the required minimum work experience have also increased., it will be necessary to have at least 15 years; today, to calculate an old-age pension, it is enough to have a work experience of 5 years. But the requirements for seniority will not be introduced immediately, but will increase annually by 1 year, in 2015 - 6 years of experience is required, so by 2024, 15 years of experience will become a mandatory requirement.
It turns out that the new requirements for those wishing to receive the state old-age pension will be gradually tightened, starting from 2015 to 2024.
What is important under the new legislation from January 1, 2015, the retirement age will remain the same: for women it is 55 years, for men - 60 years. This issue was “pushed back” until 2024, which means that for another 10 years, women will continue to retire at the age of 55, and men at 60.

Pension calculator. 2015. What will be counted and how?

So, each year of work experience since 2015 will be evaluated in points or coefficients. The number of points awarded per year of employment will depend on:
- general work experience;
- retirement age;
- level of official salary.
Additionally, points will be awarded for non-insurance periods of a person’s life, which, according to the new rules, will be counted as work experience, that is, for the time the citizen has not worked, but deserves encouragement. Points are promised to be awarded for the following non-insurance periods:
- military service,
- caring for a child and a disabled child,
- caring for a citizen over 80 years old.

According to the new pension formula, the pension will be calculated as follows:
pension = А*B+C+d.

A - pension points, their number will depend on the length of service, official salary and retirement age, for each year you can get a maximum of 10 points.
B - the value of a personal pension point, in 2015 it will cost 64 rubles. 10 kopecks, in subsequent years will be set annually by federal law and will increase depending on the income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but not higher than the official inflation rate.
C is a fixed payment, by analogy with the current fixed basic size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension. In 2015, it will be 3935 rubles monthly. Further, it will be established by an annual federal law and increase depending on the income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but not higher than the level of official inflation.

d is a funded pension, this part will be formed at the choice of a citizen. From 2015, the funded part will no longer be part of the labor pension and will become an independent type of pension.

The size of the future pension is directly dependent on the length of service (the longer the length of service, the more points); from the official salary (the higher the official, “white” salary, the more pension points) and from how old the citizen applied for a pension.

From January 1, 2015, Russian citizens will be encouraged to continue working after reaching retirement age. If a citizen did not apply for a pension immediately after reaching retirement age, then for each missed year he will receive additional bonus points and an increased fixed payment.

Under the new legislation on pensions, introduced the concept of two different pensions - insurance and funded. The state guarantees citizens only an insurance pension, and then, if a citizen fulfills certain conditions, only the citizen himself can form a savings account.
Now mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the amount earned are 22%, of which 16% goes to the future pension of a citizen. These 16% can be divided at will: 10% for the insurance part and 6% for the funded part. If a citizen, upon application, refuses the funded part, then all 16% go to the insurance part of the future pension.
In a new way, pensions will directly depend on the points earned.
The insurance part of the funds received by the Pension Fund will be divided by 16% of the maximum amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation, subject to mandatory pension contributions. In 2014, this is 624,000 rubles. The result will be multiplied by the coefficient, from January 1 it will be 6.6, in subsequent years it will increase by 2.4.
When calculating the size of the pension, pension coefficients (PC) for all years will be added up and multiplied by the value of 1 pension point. Experts have already calculated that with such arithmetic, the required minimum of 30 points, which will become mandatory from 2024, can be earned on average in 12-15 years, depending on the amount of contributions received by the Pension Fund.

Thus, in order to receive an insurance pension, you will have to work and have a “white” salary, otherwise you can be left without a pension at all. It is clear that from 2024, if a citizen does not have 15 years of work experience, then he may not count on a decent pension. Otherwise, a citizen will be able to apply for a pension only 5 years later than the established retirement age.
For working pensioners, points for the pension coefficient (PC) will be awarded only for the period for which they refuse to retire. If a citizen of retirement age works, and at the same time does not draw up a pension, then in the subsequent period, when he applies for a pension, he will be awarded points for the years worked after reaching retirement age with a coefficient of 1.4, that is, they will increase the size of the insurance pension. In 10 years, by 2024, this ratio will rise to 2.32.

Let's try to figure out why the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation believes that it will be beneficial for citizens who have reached retirement age to continue working. Suppose a man applied for a pension not at the age of 60, but at the age of 65, in this case, he will actually have fixed payments in pensions by 36% more, and the insurance part of the pension will increase by 45%.
If a citizen of retirement age continues to work, but at the same time receives a pension, then his earned points (PC) for each year after retirement age will be fixed, but will not be accrued, even if the employer pays insurance premiums for him. In this way, Russia plans to accustom citizens to retire later than the retirement age. If you can work, work, in the future you will receive an increased pension.

Pension in a new way in 2015. What categories of pensioners are affected by the changes.

There are new benefits for women from January 1, 2015.
New benefits for women who reach retirement age after January 1, 2015. For the period of caring for the first 4 children, they will be awarded additional points: for 1 child - 1.8 points, for 2 children - 3.6 points, for 3 and 4 children - 5.4 points. In addition, 6 years will be taken into account when calculating the old-age pension as seniority.

An increase in pensions for agricultural workers.
Provided that employees of agricultural enterprises have more than 30 years of experience and live in rural areas, an increase in pensions will be introduced from 2016. The increase is also promised to citizens who have worked in the internal affairs bodies, served in the army and are equated with them.

What will the pension reform save?
There are early pensions, seniority pensions, for mothers of many children and parents of disabled children.

The Pension Fund tested the new formula for calculating pensions. They won't add much!
The Pension Fund has already tested the new system for calculating pensions - it carried out an imitation (fake) recalculation of pensions as of January 1, 2015 for 1.2 million pensioners living today. The result turned out to be quite insignificant: the pension for citizens with many years of work experience, which is 45 years for men and 40 for women, would indeed receive an increase in pension, but in all cases it would amount to no more than 700 rubles, and this is very, very little. On top of that, about a thousand pensioners, on the contrary, would have their pensions reduced.

This was reported back in the summer by Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrey Pudov.
"We instructed the Pension Fund to make a simulation recalculation for more than 1.2 million pensioners who are already receiving pensions today, as if we were on January 1, 2015. The calculations confirmed that the size of pensions will certainly increase for those citizens who who at the time of retirement had more than 30 years of experience (for women) and 35 years (for men).

"The range is different, most of the increase, of course, for those citizens whose experience has the maximum parameter - 40 years for women and 45 for men. They averaged an increase in the region of 500 to 700 rubles. There are different gradations. There are those with higher ones," the deputy minister commented in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Indexation of pensions in 2015. How much will the size of the labor pension in Russia increase in 2015.

Many are interested in whether the increase in pensions in Russia is planned in 2015, and how much labor pensions will increase in 2015.
In 2015 there will be an increase in labor pension. They promise that the average labor pension in Russia in 2015 will be 12.4 thousand rubles. If we take into account the average old-age pension in Russia from April 1, 2014 was set at 11,600 rubles, and the average social pension at 7,500 rubles, it turns out that the size of the labor pension in 2015 in Russia should increase by an average of 800 rubles.

It is worth remembering that back in 2013 the government promised to raise the average labor pension to 13,200 rubles by 2016
As always in Russia, one should not hope for a big increase in pensions. The exact figures will be known only after January 1, 2015.


A pensioner turned to our editorial office with a request to explain on the pages of the newspaper the possibility of receiving additional payments from the Pension Fund of Russia. According to her, for several years now women pensioners with children have the right to a monthly supplement. To find out all the details, we turned to the head of the PFR department, Tatyana Smirnova

Tatyana Alexandrovna, is there really such a possibility?

In accordance with the current legislation, the periods of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years (but not more than 6 years in total) are included in the insurance period along with periods of employment. If the periods of work and care coincide (during the period of caring for the child, the mother was employed), the pension can be calculated in two ways: either the period of employment or the period of caring for the child is taken into account. In each case, the most beneficial option for the pensioner is selected.

A pensioner has the right to apply to the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for inclusion in the insurance record of a period of caring for a child up to 1.5 years or to replace the period of employment with a period of caring for a child. The pension will be recalculated if it is beneficial to the recipient.

Who can apply for a recalculation?

Citizens who retired before 2015. For those who go on a well-deserved rest since 2015, periods of child care are calculated automatically.

Is it beneficial for everyone to recalculate pensions?

No, not everyone. As a rule, if the size of the pension is above average, or the leave was taken to care for one child, it is unprofitable to recalculate.

What kind of pension increase can you expect?

Each calculation of the size of the pension, and, accordingly, the size of the increase, will be individual. Basically, it is beneficial to those who had low earnings.

If the periods for accruing points for care coincide, the corresponding period of work is excluded from the length of service. It is possible that earnings will need to be reviewed if they were taken into account for the period that is excluded in connection with the recalculation.

How long does it take to recalculate?

Recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the application for recalculation was submitted.

What documents are needed for recalculation?

Recalculation in connection with the replacement of periods is carried out at the request of the pensioner. When contacting the PFR client service, you will need an identity document, birth certificates for children and documents confirming that children have reached the age of at least one and a half years. If the birth certificate is stamped with a passport issuance stamp, it is sufficient to present only the certificate.

Is there any deadline for applying for recalculation?

There are no such deadlines. Residents of the region can apply for recalculation at any convenient time.

The issue of additional payments to pensions for children has gained great popularity only now, although technically the possibility of such a recalculation has been around for a long time and has arisen since the entry into force of the new law "About insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 - that is, from January 1, 2015. However, earlier the possibility of recalculating an already assigned pension to receive a supplement for children caused great controversy. Now, several years later, the legitimacy of applying to the FIU on this issue has already become recognized and is not in doubt.

According to the new pension legislation, now when assigning a pension, it is provided better accounting for the period of child care, which is expressed in:

It is noteworthy that more favorable rules can be applied to similar periods, that took place before 01/01/2015. Therefore, those pensioners who have reached it a long time ago can also apply for an additional payment to the pension - i.e. women who, among other things, already have adult children born before 1990 (during the Soviet era).

The choice of the best option for accounting for non-contributory periods of childcare (and, consequently, the possibility of recalculation) consists in choosing the procedure for calculating the amount of the insurance pension:

  • valid until 2015 (according to the norms of Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001);
  • currently in force, starting from January 1, 2015 (according to the norms of the new law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

Upon detailed consideration and comparison of all options for calculating a pension in practice, it often turns out that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights is more beneficial for a pensioner and can provide a significant monthly increase (see). Therefore, it is worth using this opportunity and contacting the Pension Fund with the appropriate one. Although the supplement to the pension for children not guaranteed for all pensioners(each case is individual), you can say for sure for whom it may be most likely.

What is the supplement to the pension for children and who is entitled to it?

The meaning of the allowance for children consists in offsetting the so-called “non-insurance periods” (clause 1, article 12 of law No. 400-FZ) in the length of service and accruing additional pension points, the amount of which (the so-called individual pension coefficient) directly determines the amount of the pension. In this case, this will be the period of departure of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years(the maximum total can only be taken into account 6 year care period for all children, so if we talk strictly about the period of care for each up to 1.5 years, then only four children can be counted in points).

The essence of the proposed recalculation for children is as follows:

  • for women who were in an employment relationship at the time of birth and caring for a child, this is the possibility of offsetting this period in one of two ways: either as a period of work, or, according to the new rules, as a non-insurance period, if such a replacement would be beneficial to her;
  • for women who at that time had a break in work or combined the time of the birth of a child with study, this is an opportunity to increase the size of their pension by including a new unaccounted for non-insurance period in the length of service and adding the number of points that directly affect the amount of the pension paid (taking into account the new one).

It should immediately be noted that not all pension recipients benefit apply for a refund! There are such categories of pensioners who will not receive additional payments during its implementation, and possibly even at all - the amount received will go into the red.

It is important that in the event that a smaller pension is received upon recalculation than it was before, the initial amount of payments will not be reduced, and in response to the application for recalculation, the PFR specialists will make a decision to refuse.

Given all of the above, first of all, it is worth paying attention to those mothers who recalculation is likely to be beneficial:

  • women with at least two children;
  • who received low wages and, accordingly, have a small coefficient applied to the calculation of the payment;
  • who had a short work experience.

Which of the pensioners will not receive a surcharge upon recalculation?

The amount of additional payment for recalculation, as well as the very possibility of its implementation, are strictly individual. However, it is safe to say who should not count on such an increase. These categories of pensioners include the following persons:

  • retired after January 1, 2015(for them, all possible options have already been calculated, taking into account non-insurance periods for children, and the most profitable method was automatically selected);
  • recipients, paid in a fixed amount(established, including for living in the area of ​​the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);
  • retired previously established retirement age if they have preferential work that gives such a right (since as a result of replacing the insurance period with points for non-insurance periods, they may lose the right to due to the exclusion of this time from the special experience - this is especially true for periods of child care before 10/06/1992);
  • having only one child;
  • pension recipients.

Other citizens may benefit from applying for recalculation.

In each individual case, the calculation of the pension, as well as the calculation of the amount of the additional payment, will be purely individual, and there is no need to talk about any fixed amount of the increase. For some, this will be an additional payment of 300 rubles or even more, while for others, the supplement will be equal to one ruble or zero.

How many points are added to the pension for children?

According to paragraph 12 of Art. 15 FZ No. 400 "About insurance pension" The number of points awarded for periods of child care depends on the following parameters:

  • order of birth of the child;
  • amount of care time.

Data on the value of points taken into account when recalculating the copay for children is presented in the following table.

Table - Recalculation of pensions for women for children

It is worth considering some nuances when:

  • the care period is less than a year - then the calculation of the coefficient is established based on its actual duration (clause 14, article 15 No. 400-FZ);
  • there are several such periods coinciding in time - then the sum of the coefficients for each child is determined (clause 13, article 15 of law No. 400-FZ).

Consider the example of recalculating a pension for a woman with 2 adult children, taking into account non-insurance periods for the care of each of them.

Example - Pension recalculation for pensioners with 2 or more children

Anna Ivanovna has been a pensioner since April 2014. In order to compare different options for calculating a pension (accordingly, according to the old rules or according to the new ones), we determine the number of points earned by a woman for each of them. Thus, we will determine the profitability of a possible recalculation and the chance of receiving an increase for children.

Necessary initial data for recalculation:

The total work experience of a woman is 18 years, of which 15 years were worked in the period from 1978 to 1997 and 3 years - from 2005 to 2008, during which the employer transferred 135 thousand rubles to her personal account for financing of the insurance part of the pension (the funded part was not formed). The length of service until January 1, 1991 is 11 years. Anna Ivanovna has two children born before 1990 (in 1979 and 1985). On leave to care for a child, a woman was 1.5 years with each. The calculated wage coefficient is 0.8.

    The first option - as it was determined when assigning a pension. When retiring before January 1, 2015, non-insurance periods counted as work experience according to the norms of the law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001, because at that moment the pensioner was in an employment relationship.

    • The estimated pension until 2002 (Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 173) amounted to 256.72 rubles. is ((0.55 × 0.8 × 1671 – 450) × 18 /20).
    • The estimated amount of valorization (Article 30.1 of the Federal Law No. 173) is 53.91 rubles. is (256.72 × (0.1 + 0.01 × 11 )).
    • The increase from insurance premiums received after 2001 is 592.11 rubles. - this is 135,000 rubles. / 228 months
    • The total labor pension (excluding the base part and indexation) assigned to the pensioner was 2336.24 rubles. is ((256.72 + 53.91) × 5.6148 + 592.11).

      In terms of pension coefficients, this amount will be 36.45 points- this is (2336.24 rubles / 64.10 rubles for 1 point).

  1. The second option is how it will be calculated when recalculating the pension for children. When recalculating according to the norms of the new law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, it is necessary to convert the amount received into pension points (including for non-insurance periods of caring for 2 children), dividing it by the cost of one such point in 2015 (64, 10 rubles), and subtract 3 years of experience from the previous calculations (1.5 years for each child).

It is obvious that for Anna Ivanovna from the example considered, the recalculation of the pension for two adult children will be beneficial(39.45 points more than 36.45). This is due to the fact that she had a small salary and low experience, while she has two children.

Thus, the woman in the considered example will receive a permanent increase in her pension in the amount of 39.45 - 36.45 = 3 points. The cost of 1 pension coefficient from January 1, 2019, taking into account the indexations carried out, is 87.24 rubles.

That., the pension supplement for her will be equal to 3 × 87.24 = 261.72 rubles.

How to apply for additional payment to the pension for children?

The recalculation of the pension payment, which implies an additional payment, taking into account non-insurance periods, is carried out by application only with the necessary documents.

In order to apply for an increase in the pension for children, pensioners must take few steps:

At the same time, there is several ways such an appeal:

  • personally (or through a legal representative) make an appointment with the client service of the district department of the Pension Fund;
  • contact the MFC at the place of residence;
  • send documents by mail;
  • issue an electronic appeal through a single portal of public services.

Despite all the appeals of the FIU not to create a stir around the topic of additional payments for adult children, the information provided about a possible increase in pensions causes concern for a large number of citizens, and their desire to quickly get an appointment with FIU specialists can be understood in view of the difficult economic situation in the country. However, in some PFR departments, an entry on the issue of recalculation has already been scheduled many months ahead.

Since the moment of recalculation will depend on the date of application, women in large settlements should pay attention to alternative ways of applying, bypassing a personal appointment with the FIU.

Application for recalculation of pension for children (sample)

An application for the recalculation of a pension for children is a standard form for revising the amount of a payment, including for other reasons. The application form for an additional payment can be filled out in advance by printing it out from the website of public services or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (or it can be downloaded). You can also issue it upon personal contact with the FIU or the MFC under the guidance of specialists from these institutions (in this case, the correctness of filling is guaranteed).

This document is drawn up in Russian and signed personally by a citizen or his legal representative (if there is a notarized power of attorney). According to the content of the application, one can distinguish its main points:

  • first, the name of the territorial body of the PFR is indicated, where the citizen applies;
  • then personal data follows (full name, citizenship, address of registration and actual place of residence);
  • in paragraph 3, the type of pension subject to recalculation is reported, and in the last column of the same paragraph, the basis for the additional payment is indicated "including non-insurance periods";
  • it is also necessary to list in writing the documents attached to the application.

The final signature of the applicant at the end of the document confirms the accuracy of the information provided by him.

What documents are needed to apply for an increase

AT package of documents required to apply for an increase in payment includes:

  • a document proving the identity of the pensioner or his legal representative;
  • pension insurance certificate ();
  • an application (a 4-page form is printed by an employee of the PFR in person or filled out by the applicant independently in electronic form on the website of public services);
  • birth certificates of children or a birth certificate from the registry office;
  • documents confirming that the child is 1.5 years old, to choose from:
    • certificate of education;
    • child's passport.

If the child's birth certificate contains a stamp indicating that he received a passport when he reaches the age of 14, then there is no need to provide any additional documents to confirm that he has been cared for!

It is worth remembering that in the case of applying for recalculation through the post office, copies of the submitted documents must be notarized, and in case of applying for an increase via the Internet, the documents necessary for the additional payment (except for the application made directly on the site) should be brought to the Pension Fund within five working days.

Deadlines for making a decision and when there will be an increase

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of Law No. 400-FZ, the recalculation of the amount of the insurance pension is carried out from the first following the month in which the application was submitted. The revision of the pension payment by including non-contributory periods for adult children is no exception in this sense.

Do not forget that the possibility of submitting such an application for additional payment is not limited by any period. However, if you apply for the increase later, the pensioner will only be able to start receiving a higher pension from the next month - no supplements for the previous time missed since the entry into force of the new law is not allowed.

But since the additional payment to the pension is not guaranteed to absolutely everyone, the option of refusing to recalculate is also possible. In this case, an appropriate decision of the PFR commission will be made, of which the applicant will be notified by phone or e-mail address indicated in the application, and in the absence of such, by mail notification.

Is there a supplement to the pension for children born before 1990? I retired in 2005, I have three daughters born in 1974, born in 1979. and born in 1985, with each of which she was on parental leave for a year. During the indicated periods, I was in an employment relationship and this time was counted to me when assigning a pension payment as a length of service.

According to the norms of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, which entered into force in January 2015, it became possible to calculate the time spent caring for children (one and a half years with no more than four) according to a more favorable option, including for periods until 2015.

The question of increasing the pension for children, including those who have long been adults, is not worth it precisely because of the date of their birth before or after 1990. Such a recalculation is due to all women who have children and care for them at different times, including the Soviet period.

To compare several calculation options, you will need to contact the PFR department, where your payment case is located with documents confirming the departure, and write an application for recalculation.

If you have a short experience and a low salary coefficient applied to the calculation of the payment, then if you have three children, such a recalculation is likely to be beneficial. In the event that such a revision of the pension is unprofitable, its initial size will not be reduced, the commission will decide on the refusal.

There is an unprecedented influx of clients in the city and district departments of the Pension Fund of Mordovia. People who have retired at different times come here to have their pensions recalculated. Women want the time spent caring for a child/children up to 1.5 years of age to be counted, while men ask to include years of service in the army in the length of service. Everyone goes with the hope that after the recalculation they will receive a little more pension. As a result, the number of applications to pension fund specialists is growing like a snowball. But people are only being booked in for an appointment, and the queue has already stretched for several months. However, this circumstance only fuels the confidence of pensioners in their rightness. For clarification corr. "VS" turned to the head of the department for organizing, assigning and recalculating pensions of the Pension Fund Department for the Republic of Moldova Alfie Yambaeva.

Recalculation of pensions is not beneficial for all women
- We have included child care in the length of service for a long time, - Alfiya Yambaeva explains, - but basically it was in determining the right to a pension, while initially only a year and a half was included. With the introduction of a new law in 2015, we could already include the length of service up to 6 years. This fundamentally began to affect the size of the pension precisely from January 1, 2015, when the pension began to be calculated by points. For each year of employment, a certain number of points are awarded, in addition, individual non-insurance periods, including child care, are calculated in points.
We have a large republic. There are many districts in Mordovia, such as Torbeevo or Atyurievo, where there are many families with five or more children. For childcare, 1.8 points are awarded, and the price of a point is now 78 rubles. In principle, recalculation for such mothers is relevant. And everything would be nothing if not for some moments. If a woman did not work before the birth of the child (for example, a student or a young woman who did not have time to get a job), we focus on the birth certificate and award points. But most women take maternity and parental leave from work. In this case, when assigning a pension, these years are counted as work, as experience! In most cases, this is exactly what is beneficial! Especially for women who had good earnings. It turns out that when assigning a pension, the option for calculating it is already selected. And this option suited everyone, no one had any questions.
We explain to women: if the pension was granted before January 2015, then the period of childcare has already been chosen by them and taken into account as work. But the women asked the question: “Is it more profitable to count these years of caring not as work, but in the form of points?” It is far from always possible to say unequivocally in advance who benefits from it. I can say for sure that it makes no sense for those who have one child to go, as well as for those who were assigned a pension after 2015, since they have already been chosen a profitable option. If a person had the maximum coefficient when assigning a pension, there is also no reason to apply for this, even if there are three children.
All other categories can find out whether the revision of the pension is beneficial or not, only through a personal appeal. Here I can cite statistics for the city - out of 100 applicants, recalculation is beneficial only for 34 pensioners. But the difference in the calculations can be even 5 rubles!
Let's take an example to illustrate the situation with recalculation. The woman retired in 2007 with a maximum earnings ratio of 1.2 and continued to work. Even if there are three children, calculating the amount of the pension taking into account the points for the children is unprofitable, since when the new pension is awarded, a survival period of 228 months will be applied. Previously, when recalculating insurance premiums, the survival period decreased annually and could be 120 months.

Preferential pension - a reason to come to PF
“As for men,” continues Alfiya Yambaeva, “military service has always been taken into account when assigning a pension, and according to the old legislation, even at a double rate!” Now there are options to take this service into account in the calendar version and by points. There is no point in asking men to count their service in the army by points if they receive a simple old-age pension! They've already got it all figured out!
For men who have a long period of preferential service, that is, those who retired before the age of 60, it is worth contacting us. There is a whole list of such professions and working conditions. In this case, reviewing the pension is usually beneficial. We will definitely register these citizens for an appointment.
Let's take a look at a specific example here. The man has 25 years of service, including 20 years under List No. 1. In this case, the assessment of pension rights will be made on the basis of preferential service as the most profitable option. And only in this case, the pensioner will be awarded points for military service.

Features of the recalculation of pensions
- I want to warn pensioners that there is an important nuance. Unfortunately, we cannot simply recalculate the pension, - says Alfiya Yambaeva. - Revision is possible only through the procedure for refusing to receive a pension, in order to then exercise your right to a new pension, but already taking into account non-insurance periods. It turns out that a person comes to us several times. But, not knowing all the calculations, a woman cannot say: “I refuse this pension, I will come tomorrow and write an application, you will include my children there!”. It takes a long time to calculate each person. Customer service specialists cannot do everything within the 15 minutes that we are allotted by law to work with one person. They need to carry out a lot of operations in order to understand whether it is profitable or disadvantageous in each case to make such a revision of the pension. I can give several examples when even a woman with three children does not benefit from such revisions! This is especially true in cases where a woman had a high salary, and even after the appointment of a pension she worked. And it is beneficial for this woman to consider childcare as a working period, and not as an insured event. In any case, there must be an individual calculation!
Therefore, today the client services of our fund record all requests, transfer them to specialists who are involved in the calculation of pensions, and only after making sure that the revision of the pension will be beneficial for the person, the pensioner is invited to write an application for refusal to receive an insurance pension. After that, you need to write an application for a new pension, taking into account all the changes.
Now 800 people in the city have applied for a revision of their pensions! Of course, it would be easier for us ourselves if a person came to us once with an application for recalculation, in this case we either refused if it was unprofitable for a pensioner, or made a recalculation. But all actions are prescribed by law, and we cannot violate them! Everything is coordinated with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Labor of Russia. Our specialists, it turns out, do a lot of work in the basket. But we are ready to continue this work, it just takes time. Out of 256,000 pensioners, 127,000 are women. We physically cannot serve the entire population at once.
In addition, many pensioners went through valorization, that is, they were recalculated for their Soviet experience (until 1991). Separate interest is charged for valorization. And if we take care of the child from the grandmother and withdraw it in order to convert it into points, then she will have less experience, and it remains to be seen whether this will be beneficial for her in the future. I want to note once again that in this case, the period of work will be excluded from the length of service and replaced by retirement. Today it may be beneficial, but what consequences it may lead to in the future, we do not know.
Once again, each case is individual! Therefore, in the customer service they cannot immediately tell the people who applied to whom it is beneficial to recalculate the pension.

There was a case when a person, without thinking it over carefully, wrote a refusal of an insurance pension. And when everything was recalculated for him, it turned out that his pension was even less than it was, by a couple of hundred rubles. But according to the law, he no longer has the right to return to his previous pension! Therefore, before recalculating, everything must be carefully weighed, calculated, and only then give a recommendation to a person. We cannot offer everyone in a row to write applications for waiving their previous pension, the main thing for us is that the client makes his choice and is satisfied.

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Collage by Olga PROYDAKOVA

The branch of the Pension Fund of Russia in the Rostov region clarifies that this is still not an additional payment for the performance of socially significant activities, but a recalculation due to changes in legislation.

The mathematics of calculating pensions was divided into the period "before" and "after" 2015, when the amount of payments began to be determined taking into account pension points, which are now accrued for length of service and earnings (until 2002), for the amount of insurance premiums (after 2002) and so called "non-insurance periods", when a person did not work for a very good reason.

For those who took a well-deserved rest before 2015, pensions were calculated according to other criteria.

Therefore, it is quite natural that pensioners have become more active and are asking to recalculate their pensions taking into account these innovations. Women hope for a raise due to the fact that they looked after children, men - for serving in the army.

“Although the new pension legislation has been in force for two years, I recently learned about the possibility of receiving an allowance from my sister, who lives in the Perm Territory,” says Rostov pensioner Olga Alekseevna. - I will definitely go to the Pension Fund. And what - personally, 200 - 400 rubles will not hurt me!

- I'm from Mordovia, I came here to visit. In our republic, in connection with this recalculation, one can say, since the spring there has been a real stir. People are queuing up. I heard that the employees of the Pension Fund are already struggling to cope with the amount of work that has piled on, - says pensioner Galina Alexandrovna. - I'm not going to apply for recalculation. I have one son, so I do not think that this will somehow significantly affect the size of the pension, which I am quite satisfied with.

Each calendar year of employment is now assessed by a new parameter - pension points. They are also accrued for periods of so-called socially significant activity: 1 year of military service on conscription - 1.8 points, 1 year of caring for the first child - 1.8 points, for the second - 3.6 points, for the third and fourth - 5, 4 points. Now the length of service can include care time up to a total of 6 years.

The cost of a point is set by the state and indexed annually. In 2017, the point costs 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

When applying for a recalculation, specialists will look at what is still more profitable - to take into account the period of work or the period of caring for a child.

In general, it makes no sense to apply for recalculation to those who retired from January 1, 2015. They have already re-calculated everything. It is hardly worth starting this for those who have one child or a high coefficient was applied when assigning a pension.

Another thing is men who went on a preferential pension before 2015, or women who raised two or more children.
In any case, everyone has their own individual retirement history and arithmetic.

Therefore, it is likely that, in addition to those who will experience an increase in the size of the pension, there will be those whose expectations will not be met.

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