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Toasts for Valentine's Day in verse. Good mood club - funny congratulations, songs, jokes, anecdotes

The most impressive toasts for Valentine's Day in verse for a pleasant feast.

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I ask you to raise your glass
For love, passions glow.
To hug more often
Understood from half a word!

Drink today for love!
Let her come again!
Will fly like a moth
To you in the eyes of a light.

Will cover itself
Truth brings peace...
But she's worth a lot.
And not everyone is given by God ...

We drink wine for love
We know about it for a long time...
Let her not leave us
It will bring pleasure!

Beautiful toast for Valentine's Day in verse

Pour on Valentine's Day
Don't forget to eat!
To head intoxicated
Didn't have to own you.

Passion and tenderness are acceptable
If they look nice.
So keep the style solid
And in love, be far-sighted!

For intoxicating love I drink,
To inflame the blood!
And I thank fate
What I love today!

Toast in verses for Valentine's Day

Let love not leave
Your heart never!
Let him intoxicate
Decorates all year round.

And this glass today
I will empty to the bottom
To keep her warm
Drunk drunk!

Wonderful toast for Valentine's Day in verse

On Valentine's Day I raise
I am a glass of champagne.
I drink for the fact that I know happiness
With the one who gave my heart!

Today I drink toast
For you, my love!
Because I love you so much
Which I don't believe myself.

And I want forever
This heat burned in my chest.
I will follow in your footsteps
Just don't go too fast...

In verse, a magical toast for Valentine's Day

In love, all ages are beautiful,
When she brings happiness!
I want a sip of wine
May you not be alone.

Sincere toast for Valentine's Day in verse

I drink for your happiness
Because you found love.
Let the family come
And things will get better.

Every moment will be good
Next to the best.
Even on a rainy day
And it sounds like a song of laughter!

What is love? This is such a sweet, bitter, exciting, eternal, bastard, light, high, exhausting, funny, stupid, tragic and beautiful thing that one day is not enough for, even if it is St. Valentine. If you're lucky, it takes your whole life. So let us be lucky!!!

Victor Hugo wrote: "Love always surpasses faith in it. Everyday words - if you knew how much I love you! - contain a deep and infinite truth." So let's say these everyday words to our loved ones more often! Let's drink for them and for love!

Even Aristotle said: “To love means to wish for another what you consider to be good, and at the same time to wish not for yourself, but for the sake of the one you love, and try, if possible, to deliver good to him.” Let's love according to Aristotle!

I want to remind you of the lines from a poem by Sergei Yesenin: “They don’t talk about love in words, they only sigh furtively about love and their eyes burn like yachts ...”. Indeed, tender love is afraid of an awkward word, and often words are not needed - everything will be said by the eyes of a loved one. So let's drink to the fact that lovers retain this ability to understand each other without words for life. Then mutual understanding will always reign between them. For love without further ado!

As the German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said:

“To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.”

Let's make each other happy!

Let's remember who brought us together today. Do you remember that Saint Valentine did not spare his life for the happiness of other people? Why did he do it? Because he loved everyone very much. We live in a different time, when, fortunately, it is very rare that one has to sacrifice one's life for someone's happiness, but does this mean that there is less love in the world? Of course not! So let's drink to what unites all people - love for each other! We are all so different from each other, we have different habits and outlooks on life, so we will not analyze who is worse or better, but we will simply love each other! I want to address you with the words from the song of Bulat Okudzhava: “Let's live, indulging each other in everything! Especially since life is so short!

They say that first love kills boredom, and then boredom kills love. Let's drink so that boring love does not meet on our way!

One old doctor said to his students: “I have lived a long life, I have seen many people and cured their diseases. I prescribed them many different medicines, but I became convinced that the best remedy for all diseases is love. Then one of his disciples asked: "Teacher, what if love doesn't help?" To this the doctor replied: “Well, that means you have to double the dose!” So let's drink to love, which can really cure any disease!

Who loves how?

Cook - hot; firefighter - fiery; photographer - instantly; confectioner - sweet; lawyer - eloquently; attendant - hot; accountant - prudently; student - platonically; sprinter - swiftly; doctor - deadly; a madman loves madly, but a fool like me loves faithfully and deeply.

For foolish love!

It is known that the Lord, when he made women, put a piece of sugar in each, and put two pieces in one. Since then, all men are looking for that woman in whom there are two pieces of sugar.

Let's drink to those who found it!

Three people argued about what love is.

One said:

Love is a flower that grows from a seed accidentally dropped by the wind into fertile soil, blooming beautifully, but fading very quickly and unstable to the vicissitudes of the climate...

The second one said:

Love is a drink that you pour yourself into a glass and you can drink it in small sips for a long time, savoring it, or you can drink it greedily in big sips, but still inevitably at some point you will see the bottom ...

And the third one said:

Love is love: it is random and regular, it is momentary and eternal...

And everyone was amazed at the beauty and wisdom of his words.

Let's raise our glasses to love

You are charming like a seagull, Graceful like a gazelle, Appetizing like a cod, Fragrant like Chanel. You intoxicate like Amaretto, Like cognac Napoleon, Like a flaming summer, Like rock-n-roll baldezhny ... I drink a glass of wine for you to the bottom!

Darling, you do the impossible every day: you prove to me that my intentions are serious. I congratulate you on the fact that we have each other, and raise my glass to you - smart, patient and the only woman in my life!

One ancient oriental parable says that a quiet and withdrawn young man lived in a certain city. He liked the girl, but he could not bring himself to speak to her. He learned that she loved violets, but he could not bring himself to send her even a modest bouquet. Once he stood for half an hour near the gate of the house where his beloved lived, but did not dare to knock. But then he saw the door of the house opened and a strict middle-aged woman came out to him.

"Who are you waiting for here?" she asked. "Wa ... your daughter," the timid young man answered in a frightened voice. “I'm afraid you don't suit us at all,” said the woman. “When my daughter’s father was courting me, I suddenly didn’t go out on a date one day. Then he climbed over the garden wall, passed the dog, put out the window, crept into the house, locked my parents in their room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would be married right away. And for our daughter, we would like a more determined groom than you."

Let's raise our glasses to real men!

In the Caucasus, there is an old legend about a young dzhigit in love: “He came to his father, who was sitting under a tree and thoughtfully drove a twig through the dust, and said:

Father, I have come to you for advice. I want to marry one girl, she is very beautiful.

Father silently drew a zero in the dust. The son continued:

And, of course, she is a wonderful hostess. Father silently drew another zero in the dust. The son spoke for a long time about the wonderful qualities of his beloved, but the father did not answer him, but only drew zeros in the dust.

Then the son cried out in despair:

But we love each other so much!

And then the father looked at his son with respect and put a unit in front of all the zeros. So let's drink to the love that infects youth, inspires respect in old age and increases all the virtues of our loved ones many times over!

I need you my heart

Like a hunter needs a gun.

I need you my star

Like the desert needs water.

I need you, my joy

As the ships of the sea need.

Like a homeless person needs shelter

I need you my love.

Darling! Everything is shameful without you:

Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...

And even the sun shines on me sadly,

When you are not by my side.

So let only happiness accompany you

Good luck will overshadow you with a wing.

And may my love, hope and participation

Protect and protect your home.

I'm crazy about love.

Without you, my whole life is in vain.

Without your eyes, without your lips

I am so miserable without your hands.

I don't understand why

Fate gives me a meeting with you.

So that every time I see you,

To be sad when the evening comes.

I dreamed of expressing more than once

All the things that you mean to me

I was looking for unique phrases,

Looking for words that are so rich

But speech is not subject to feelings,

And I accepted it as an inevitability

That I can't put into words

Inexhaustible tenderness.

Happy holiday,

Clear and gentle

with the most beautiful

And the most wonderful.

Happy holiday of affection, love and attention!

May your wishes come true!

On Valentine's Day

Let love overtake you!

Let Cupid send an arrow

Goes straight to the heart!

Let those feelings wake up

What languished in the depths ...

Like the universe is infinity

May love last forever!

The old legend lives on

And I believe that it is undeniable.

We need a story like this

So that once a year, on Valentine's Day,

I could confess my love to you:

You are not better on earth.

Happy Valentine's Day!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you

So that there was no reason for sadness!

And let your eyes shine with joy!

May the smile never leave your lips!

Let grief bypass!

Let happiness find you everywhere!

Passion and love let there be a sea!

May Valentine's Day

Will strengthen us in our feeling,

Love happiness will be strong

And the sky will connect us!

With love I will open my heart

And I'll tell you a secret

What has been conquered by you for a long time,

I always ask you to be with me.

Ah, how the Creator created you -

Conqueror of women's hearts!

You are a phenomenon, not a man,

In love with you! Happy Valentine's day!

May Happy Valentine's Day

Congratulations to all the men you know!

I wish you all kinds of adventures

Various meetings and entertainment!

My friend, February is ringing again

Again around solid kisses

And the heart, as if quietly speaking,

That he loves hard and will not spoil.

You today is Valentine's Day

I want to congratulate sincerely and tenderly -

Let the shadow not touch you

And happiness will be complete and boundless.

Happy Valentine's Day!

You are beautiful like a picture

Insanely charming

And sweet and witty

I'm on fire and that's for sure

I'm in love with you ahead of time

Definitely a shock

I can't feel my feet

I'm sick of you forever

I'll be there, of course

Heart thumps in the chest

I'm crazy in love!

Dear, good, beloved, dear,

My life, happiness, my unearthly paradise,

I heartily congratulate you

Happy Valentine's Day, with you myself.

Many more days ahead of us

A lot of luck, and maybe rain,

Yet I know and believe in you,

Everything can be overcome only by loving!

Life takes its course.

I love you not the first year,

Therefore, there is a reason to congratulate

I congratulate you on Valentine's Day!

I'm not too lazy to say words of love to you,

Let my love warm every day!

I will tell you from the bottom of my heart:

May everything be fine with you!

One ancient oriental parable says that a quiet and withdrawn young man lived in a certain city. He liked the girl, but he could not bring himself to speak to her. He learned that she loved violets, but he could not bring himself to send her even a modest bouquet. Once he stood for half an hour near the gate of the house where his beloved lived, but did not dare to knock. But then he saw the door of the house opened and a strict middle-aged woman came out to him.
"Who are you waiting for here?" she asked. "Wa ... your daughter," the timid young man answered in fright. “I'm afraid you're not a good fit for us,” said the woman. “When my girl’s father was courting me, I suddenly didn’t go out on a date one day. Then he climbed over the garden wall, passed the dog, put out the window, crept into the house, locked my parents in their room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would be married right away. And for our daughter, we would like a more determined groom than you."
Let's raise our glasses to real men!

An ancient Eastern treatise on love says that our soul needs friendship, our mind needs respect, and our body needs passion. Only when united, all three desires give birth to love. I propose to raise glasses for this wonderful child of passions - for eternal and beautiful love!
So let's drink to the fact that these needs always live in us, and we would love and be loved!

The flowering of love is our reward.
Once a dog was thrown to a lion. At first he wanted to eat her, but first he decided to play with her. Played and fell in love. And they began to live together. Let's drink to love at first sight, which can work real miracles!

Human happiness is a building in which friendship is the walls and love is the dome.
So let's drink to friends and loved ones!

There is spiritual love, and there is earthly love - for real. A toast to spiritual love turning into earthly love! And for earthly love, turning into spiritual!

When people meet, they talk about the laws of universal gravitation. When they diverge, then they start talking about the laws of counteraction. Let's drink to the laws of love, thanks to which people meet and discover other laws!

"Sabi" is a Japanese concept meaning the discovery of the imperishable in the perishable, love for the unattainable. Our memory is a repository of memories. But the memory of joy is also joy. Let's drink to those who, at least for a moment, gave us love - to random companions!

Let's raise a toast to love, about which poets have written so much. For a source of joy and light!

In love, one becomes theoretician when all the practice has already ended. Let's drink to the fact that theory and practice are never separated from each other!

V. Hugo said: “Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots in our whole being and ... continues to bloom even on the ruins of our heart. For love!

V. Hugo said: “Love always surpasses faith in it. Everyday words "If you knew how much I love you!" contain deep and infinite truth!” A toast to telling your loved ones more often about your love!

Today I want to tell you a wonderful love story: on one side is a girl, on the other is a guy. I raise this toast to the future!

C. Dickens said: "Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses." Let's forgive ourselves and others this weakness!

In the strategy of love, as in war, two tactics are used. One is blitzkrieg, the other is siege. Let's raise our glasses and wish that the fighting using these tactics will always be crowned with success!

The passion of a young girl is akin to young unfermented wine: it intoxicates, but does not captivate. The passion of an older lady intoxicates and amazes with the versatility of shades. However, both of them bring joy to a man. So let's drink to lovely ladies, so different, but equally beautiful.

The swings of love make a weak and insecure person even weaker, and a confident and healthy person is tempered, like a hammer - steel. So let's drink to the fire that melts steel from ore!

My dear! Every day spent with you only proves that I made the right choice. For you, my soulmate, for you, without which my life would become half poorer!

The love of parents gives us life, the love of life makes us regret leaving this beautiful world, without love there is nothing
death, no birth, without love there would be no people. So let's drink to this all-encompassing feeling!

Once upon a time, a wise Jewish ruler remarked that a woman is stronger than the most aged wine and stronger than the most powerful ruler; she is able to envelop the sage in nets and intoxicate the most sober man, she is sweeter than all fruits and more beautiful than all flowers. But even this perfection bows before the highest power - love. So let's drink to the great power of love!

Toast to Love for Valentine's Day

My toast to love:
She turns poison into honey.
And from iron creates gold.
She is given to heal the sick.
She makes wine from vinegar.

I want the world to not know screams
So that the mournful groan was not heard,
I want people to forget
Screams born of the horror of wars.
My toast: to always be distributed
The loud cries of newborns.
My toast: to sound in the world
Only songs of happy, songs of lovers

You are like spring, bright and good.
Everything is perfect - body and soul.
You gave me the radiance of the day and light in the night.
Let me give you my love and drink for you.

My toast is to wives - not only at this hour.
For them, lovely, sweet, dear!
For them to appreciate us
And raised us in the eyes of others!

On Valentine's Day, the holiday of all lovers,
I wish you happy victories
Be happy, healthy and cheerful
Forgetting the hardships of all past years.
Stay kind, gentle and sweet,
May your dreams come true.
And always be so unique
And in dishes, and in habits, and in love!

"An intelligent person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool," wrote La Rochefoucauld. So let's drink to crazy love!

As Goethe said: A fool who has fallen in love is much more stupid: And he will give the sun, and the moon, and the stars For fireworks, beauty for fun! So let's drink to loving men!

The happiness of love is in action, love is tested by the willingness to do something for others. Let's be ready!

The chicken runs away from the rooster and thinks: "Catch up - I won't give up." The rooster runs and thinks: "I won't catch up, but I'll get warm." Let's drink to the fact that among us there are no roosters and hens with such conservative thinking!

Let's drink to a phenomenon that, shortening the life of each person individually, prolongs it for all of humanity as a whole. Let's drink to love!

The love of a young woman is like new wine - tart, unseasoned, intoxicating. The love of an aged woman is like old wine - aged, with a bouquet, intoxicating. All women are beautiful. For your love!

They say that first a person must study the theory, and then gain practice. In love, the opposite is true: they become theorists when all the practice has already ended. So let's drink to the fact that theory never breaks away from practice!

They threw the dog into the lion's cage. He wanted to eat it, but decided to play first. Played and fell in love. And the dog began to live with the lion drunk. So let's drink to love at first sight, capable of working miracles!

They say that a giant who does not know love will not even reach the waist of an ordinary man in love. Love is uplifting. Let's raise a glass to the sublime love that raises us to heaven!

Let's drink, friends, to the women who adorn our lives like flowers. Let's drink to the men who, like gardeners, take care of these flowers!

A journalist comes to one of the collective farms, sees - three old men are sitting at the board of the collective farm in deep thought. - What are you thinking about, grandfathers? the journalist asks. They answer him: - When a baby is born. God descends to earth, and if he kisses the baby on the forehead, then a scientist will come out of it, if on the lips - a singer, if on the hands - an artist, if on the feet - a dancer. And here we are sitting and thinking, well, where did he kiss our collective farm chairman? So let's drink to men and women whose divine kisses give birth to love!

For those who love once - and for life, for us to learn to love like this, and so that the first - only love does not have the bitterness of late autumn. "We all loved a little: someone and somehow ..." There is no greater joy in a successful marriage than remembering the first unsuccessful love. For the first failures that lead to future victories!

Love leads through deserts And through mountain ranges, And it does not get cold in the wind, And it is not afraid of heights. For the fact that we care about blood, My toast, of course, is for love!

When a man and a woman meet, then it comes to the law of universal gravitation. When a man and a woman diverge, it comes to the laws of opposition. So let's drink to the laws of love, thanks to which people meet who discover other laws!

Life with love is always Welded together by unbreakable threads. They are one without the other Not a second to bloom, not a moment. Life is interrupted - And then the end of love comes, Here is the eternal law, Destined for all generations. I propose to raise glasses and drink For the unity of life and love!

Night, moon... He and She. He said yes, she said no. Years passed. Night, moon... He and She. She said yes, he said yes. But the possibilities were not the same. So let's drink for timeliness in everything!

A good fellow rides on a Zhiguli. He sees a toad sitting by the road. She raises her paw and says in a human voice: "Have pity on me, good fellow, take me away from here." The young man had a good heart, he took the toad in the car. Stopped at his house: "Get out!" And the toad asks again: "Let me live in your garden!" - "Live!" The guy waved his hand. He entered the house and made the bed. The toad jumped onto the windowsill and again asks: "Let me into the room!" - "Okay, jump!" the young man agreed. The toad jumped onto the bed and turned into a beautiful naked girl. Our young man lost his tongue, and at that time his wife entered the room ... So let's drink to the tales that we inspire to tell our wives !!!

Three people argued about what love is. One said: - Love is a flower that grows from a seed accidentally dropped by the wind into fertile soil, blossoms beautifully, but fades very quickly and is not resistant to the vicissitudes of the climate ... The second said: - Love is a drink that you pour yourself into a glass and you can drink for a long time in small sips, savoring it, or you can drink it greedily in big sips, but still you will inevitably see the bottom at some point ... And the third said: - Love is love: it is random and regular, momentary and eternal. .. And everyone was amazed at the beauty and wisdom of his words. Let's raise our glasses to love!

No pretense and tricks can either hide love where it is, or show it where it is not ... So let's drink to true feelings!

Valentine's Day was once a rather unusual and strange holiday, but nowadays it has changed, it has become very popular and even a long-awaited day. On this day, many couples in love arrange a romantic dinner, and families set up a festive table. And, of course, there will be burning candles, beautiful flowers and delicious wine on the table. Sometimes it's hard to find the right words at a time like this. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance. Toast to LOVE, valentine's day toast, Tosti za Lubov na den Svyatogo Valentina will help you make the holiday more fun, warmer and more sensual.

Toast for love. Toast for Valentine's Day

Omar Khayyam wrote:
“The secret of eternity is not given to mortals to comprehend
What is left for us? Love and wine.
The world is eternal or created - does it matter
If we are destined to leave without a return?

Friends! Let's drink for love and for the one who can give it to us!

They say that first a person must study the theory, and then move on to practice. But in love, the opposite is true: they become theorists when all the practice has already ended. So let's drink to the fact that theory never breaks away from practice!

The best medicine for pain is to scream. The best cure for loneliness is to fall in love. Let's drink to the most beautiful medicine in the world - for women and love!

I see drops of dew frozen on the grass like tears
And in every drop a bright ray, so similar to the sun,
And in every drop of purity, and in each - a revelation,
And the anthem of love, and the anthem of life, not knowing oblivion.
I give you the shine of dew, which absorbed the sun's heat and light,
I give you a new day - the beginning of all the coming years,
And the purity of your love, soul and heart revelation,
And the tenderness of the lips, and the caress of the hands - all that you will not betray into oblivion.

The love of a young girl is like young wine - tart, juicy, intoxicating from the first sip. The love of a mature woman is like aged wine - luxurious, rich, deep and ... intoxicating from the first sip. So let's drink for women's love which is beautiful at any age!

The glasses are pouring
They have a reflection of amber,
And faces light up
Like spring dawn.
With wine, longing sweeps
It excites the blood
And in the heart asks again
Both happiness and love.

Let the years rush by in a row
Let the winds howl and trumpet,
You be the kind to fall in love
Could someone always in you!
Let there be sun on a rainy day,
And generous, warm light - in the eyes!
May there be a lot of happiness in life!
And only occasionally - a tear.

A lot of sonorous words were said about her by wise poets. For eternally young love - Source of joy and light!

For you, my love! For love! Oh, how insignificant are all the comparisons that come to me in moments of inspiration! One thing I know: I always need you - In the sun, in the moon, in the crowd and in silence, And even in a dark dream, at the very bottom - I need you!

I want you to be beautiful
Always desired, young,
In the family circle - always loved,
In the circle of friends - always simple.
I wish you lots and lots of happiness
As well as light and heat,
And so that all your road
It was covered with flowers.

The morning will come and
In a moment, the petals will bloom a rose ..
May your gentle eyes
They don't know what tears are
Let everything be as you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Your reality will become!

I will give my whole life for you, my love, you are perfection! You reign completely among people, I raise my glass For your happiness, for you, So that your love for me always, Like a rose, flames!

raise my glass

They say that first love kills boredom, and then boredom kills love. Let's drink so that boring love does not meet on our way!

The great Goethe once said: "With a few sips from the goblet of love, nature compensates for all the hardships of a difficult life." So let's raise our glasses to this wonderful feeling!

Everything in life sounds beautiful
I truly wish you, my love,
So that love never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Great happiness, great friends,
Health, success and sunny days.

Darling, I give you a bouquet of scarlet roses,
May your beauty live for a hundred years.
Your voice and your eyes are full of love and tenderness,
And a lock of your lovely hair
Like clouds in the sky.
I wish you from my heart
Always be like this, do not grow old,
Blossom and always be happy
Healthy, joyful and henceforth.

It is known that the Lord, when he made women, put a piece of sugar in each, and put two pieces in one. Since then, all men are looking for that woman in whom there are two pieces of sugar.
Let's drink to those who found it!

Darling! Everything is shameful without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not by my side.
So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing.
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and protect your home.

I want you to be beautiful
Soul and shape always,
So that separation does not threaten us,
Trouble did not separate us
We keep from bitter jealousy,
I want you to be kind
Irreconcilable with untruth
Like a cold with a fire flame

Darling, you do the impossible every day: you prove to me that my intentions are serious. I congratulate you on the fact that we have each other, and raise my glass for you - smart, patient and the only woman in my life!

You are near, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you my clear
For the fact that you are in the world.

Thanks for those lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you my love
For the fact that you are in the world.

We are close, but we could
Never meet each other...
My only one, thank you
For the fact that you are in the world!

Who loves how?
Cook - hot; firefighter - fiery; photographer - instantly; confectioner - sweet; lawyer - eloquently; attendant - hot; accountant - prudently; student - platonically; sprinter - swiftly; doctor - deadly; a madman loves madly, but a fool like me loves faithfully and deeply.
For foolish love!

How happy I am to love you.
And that you are walking somewhere nearby.
But sometimes I just lie to you
With his cold, unapproachable gaze.

I don't tell you about love
You don't need my love.
But I thank God again
For the fact that you live, and I am glad for that.

Life would be, of course, empty,
If she was not marked by beauty.
And when they say "beauty"
I always see myself as a woman.

No, that blood will not cool,
Who in beauty did not remain ignorant.
Where there is a woman, there is love,
And with love - and faith with hope.

This is the largest capital
What will not be provided by itself ...
And I raise my glass
For a beautiful part of humanity!

Inspired by a high feeling,
Sometime in the old days
Someone came up with Valentine's Day,
Without knowing then

What will be your favorite day?
The desired holiday of the year,
What happy valentines day
He will be named with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere
In love, confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone -
Let only love rule the world!

There is student love: when there is with someone, there is something, but no where.
There is a lonely love: when there is where, there is something, but there is no one with whom.
There is unhappy love: when there is where, there is with whom, but there is nothing.
There is philosophical love: when there is where, there is something, there is with whom, but why?
So let's drink to love that each of us deserves!

The needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs together give rise to true love.
Let us drink to the fact that all these needs always live in us.

Not complicated, even very simple,
Half-forgotten old toast:
May they be with us again and again
Hope, Faith and Love!

My toast is to wives - not only at this hour.
For them, lovely, sweet, dear!
For them to appreciate us
And raised us in the eyes of others!