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"fairytale calendar" - eco-book for children. Fairy tale calendar for children Mikhail Kheifets - director, playwright

Good fellows and Red Maidens!
Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf and Fabulous Rus' invite you to understand yourself and the Universe through the Wisdom of our Native Language, Children's toy Matryoshka and a deck of playing cards!

In the near future, due to the change of the Age of the Fox to the Age of the Wolf, the World Calendar Reform is also planned, so different Calendars are offered: the Slavic-Aryan Kolyada Gift, the Mayan calendar, the Comte calendar and others.

Fairy-tale Rus' in the person of Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf also adopted a new Calendar of the Age of the Wolf from the Three Ninth Kingdom!

The Deep Purpose of each Calendar is to structure Space and Time in an order understandable for modern people in order to start climbing the Golden Spiral of Evolution, so that every day it becomes better and develops in Beauty, Health, Wisdom and Joy.

This is exactly how the Calendar of Fairy Rus' of the Age of the Wolf was compiled. New Year (New Year) is associated with the Christmas holiday of our Red Sun on December 21!
Seven Days of the week are devoted to the development of the Seven Bodies of the Matryoshka of Man.
49 weeks of the year are devoted to the passage of Spiritual Lessons according to the wisdom of the Letter, and then 3 weeks - Christmas Holidays.

2016 - Summer of the Swan Princess! Time for a magical transformation to find the Squirrel with Golden Nuts, 33 Bogatyrs and Family Fairy Happiness!

From December 21, 2015, for each Week, Spiritual Lessons will be signed in detail according to the wisdom of the Initial Letter, the Deck of Cards and the Matryoshka!

Good fellows and red girls! The Age of the Wolf has arrived on earth. The era of magic and free will. And it happened in 2012.

And in every era you have to live according to your own calendar. Until 2012, our generally accepted calendar was this one: November, December, January, February, March, April, etc. 1 number, 2, 3, everything is divided into weeks. And this calendar reflects simply a statement of fact as time goes by. It has no spiritual meaning.

And the Age of the Fox, this is before 2012, it was just the era of senseless wars. Senseless family and these showdowns. Mindless digging in the head of a person, what, why, and how.

And the Age of the Wolf is just the era of understanding, the era of the Vedas. The era of the Wolf Veles is the discovery of the prophetic forest. Prophetic forest of folk wisdom. And the time of understanding that the calendar of our Kolyada is a Gift. Our Kolyada calendar is a gift. This is what should structure space and time.

That is, thanks to the calendar, you can begin to develop spiritually. Indeed, until 2012, in the Age of the Fox, this generally accepted calendar with January, December, what did it lead to? That people reached maturity around the age of 25, and then they grew decrepit, grew old, their health began to go away. Gray hair at 50. We saw that people spiraled into materiality, into the matrix, into the swamp along the golden spiral. They grew old, grew old and died of diseases.

And a correct calendar should help a person to structure space and time in such a way that he can start climbing up along the golden spiral. Every year to get healthier, prettier, wiser, become better in every way.

And here is a calendar that fills space and time with spiritual meaning.

Remind me of every moment

hours and days of inexorable running.

Then you will take over the whole world,

then my son you will be a man.

And he said beautifully.

In general, in the Slavic culture, which lives for eternity, there are 16 Slavic calendars. This is just one of 16. It is necessary to choose the calendar, the spiritual meaning of which is understandable and consonant with a person at his level of development.

This calendar structures space and time, thinking for three, with the help of the wisdom of the Initial Letter, a deck of cards, and a matryoshka doll. That is, we have 52 weeks in a year, and there are 52 cards in the cards. Each card reflects a spiritual lesson for one of the weeks.

That is, everything starts with twos. And notice, now on Kolyada, there is maximum polarization, maximum polarization. And here is the maximum polarization of human relations, events, in order for people to rub, rub. And this grater can be like a fight, men and women, light and dark, such a battle is going on. Or maybe like a dance.

Man and woman are opposites, but they can also dance. And opposites can dance. Due to opposites, the electric motor turns. Plus - minus, and once - torsion goes. The benefits are coming.

And each person chooses how this duality, friction is expressed in him. Like dancing, or like friction, and something painful like that.

Then, when two rub, a third appears. Child. Then comes the comprehension of the trinity, the quaternary, and so on.

According to the calendar, we, giving spiritual meaning to numbers, study number science, numerology, as they say now. And according to the cards we pass from the knowledge of our individuality with the help of numbers, and to personality.

Individuality - we develop our mind and our pride, we become so multifaceted, but very smart. And when the time of the Jacks comes, we must become already reasonable. That is, to shine with wisdom. Move on to personality. This is a transition to a qualitatively new level of development. When a person can clarify any situation, illuminate it, do it beautifully and joyfully. These are jacks, ladies, kings.

That is, by the end of the year, one must move to the state of Divine light within oneself, illuminating all life issues.

Second structure, drop cap. There are 52 weeks in a year. And we have 49 initial letters. Why? Because there are 49 spiritual lessons for the knowledge of the universe. And then 3 weeks of Christmas holidays. 21. Point.

Christmas holidays in honor of the Christmas of our red sun, December 21. And at the beginning, the lesson goes to Az, from stake to stake we have a calendar. Because the very word "calendar" is Kolyada's gift. Note, not Maslodar, not Kupaladar. Therefore, the calendar begins with Kolyada. The sun is born, time is born, man is born. Everything is born.

Christmas is the most celebrated holiday among all white people: Russia, Europe, America. Why? Because it is the most important holiday. There is a birth, the laying of new programs for the year ahead.

Everything starts from the basics. Therefore, from December 21 to December 28, a development program for the whole year is laid. How do you react to situations, events, meetings. What do you fill your time with? It all comes back to haunt the whole year.

Therefore, we are shooting this video now, just in time for the Christmas carol week. And this video is huge. Much more than we would shoot it in March, in February, or in the summer. Because right now the whole year is being programmed. Now the most significant thing is happening, this week.

Then comes the lesson Gods, Lead, Verbs, etc. Here, for example, is the lesson of Live. According to the modern calendar, if compared, we will have this from February 8 to February 14, the lesson of Live.

At this time, it is just necessary to disperse the power of Alive life in yourself.

And the calendar is divided into forty years, and the second forty years - Zharya body. That is, from February to March, the power of life awakens. And notice how this corresponds to natural cycles.

Here we have a Yave body, and here a person, as a rule, gains fat in December - January. Here in these months. Yave body is the largest.

This is where you start frying. Here we have a carnival holiday. So. We fry to the fullest in folk games.

Spring is here for us. Hot sun, melting snow. This topic is hot, it is obvious. This is a natural cycle.

This calendar is fully consistent with natural cycles. And a person, when he pours into them, then everything is for him. It amplifies many times over. And the awakening of the vital force should be this week. How you awaken your vitality this week will come back to haunt you for the next year. to Kolyada.

Therefore, the calendar is filled with the meaning of each week. And every day. For each week, a spiritual lesson is written with a letter, according to the map. And for every day - a spiritual lesson on matryoshka.

That is, Monday is the day of the Yave body. You need to take care of your obvious body. External beauty. How does your body look like? Handsomely? Or should there be pimples somewhere? Or do they need to be removed somewhere? Is your diet right or wrong? THAT is, on Monday we are engaged in improving our nutrition and appearance, obviously. We decide what needs to be done for this, a plan. And we implement it.

On Tuesday Zharye's body. You look - but do you have enough vitality? Do you fry to the fullest, or do you need to go to the gym, to folk games, to valiant fun? To dances, and fry there, so that there is enough vitality, and all dreams come true.

Wednesday is Navi's body day. That is, do you have enough wisdom in life? Vedas? Or you need to learn. And have you settled in the current moment here and now, or not? What is needed for this, in order to once - and be here and now.

And also Navier's body is lucid dreams. Do you have lucid dreams or not? Do you remember dreams or not? And what should be done for this? This is the theme of the third day, Wednesday.

Thursday has the spiritual meaning of the club body. Guiding ball in fairy tales. Can you make friends? Can you love? Can you cooperate? This is the theme of interweaving your guiding ball with other balls, so that you get a beautiful towel, a tablecloth, so that your life is, intertwine with this life.

Learn to love and be friends. Because unions, bonds, family, friendships - this is the theme of Thursday.

Friday is Kolobok's day. Can you enjoy life? Are you a reasonable person? Did the king light up in his head? How to clarify all life situations, the dark sides of life, relationships, etc. with the help of golden rays emanating from Kolobok.

Kolobok Day. Laugh the right way. Laugh at all your problems. This is Friday's theme.

Saturday is Magic Day. Do you have enough magic in your life? Have you become a weirdo so that everything in your life unfolds miraculously? A miracle, a miracle, a miracle. And some amazing themes to do. That you should surprise yourself, your relatives, friends on Saturday. Find out something like that. To go beyond. Completely do what you've never done. This is the theme for Saturday. Surprise yourself and the whole world.

And the theme of Sunday is the theme of the Axis of the Resurrection. Baptism is a living fire. In the axis that we ignite, the leading axis. Sunday, why, according to folk tradition, nothing can be done? A week. Because really, on Sunday you need to take care of your soul. And you can neither dig potatoes nor make anything. And it is necessary to engage in baptism, purification of the soul. It is necessary to spend a folk holiday with the family, the rites of christening. To be cleansed of the pain and resentment that have accumulated over the week. In family and with friends.

On Sunday we are engaged in mental and spiritual matters only. We are cleansed and filled with new strength, new inspiration.

Therefore, we work, but we are no longer working in the obvious world of Sunday, but we are working with our souls. We make the soul sing, the spirit tanned. The spirit burns, the soul sings. And the body then works and does not get tired.

And this theme of Sunday is to enter into the round dance of the body of the soul and spirit. Ignite the living fire of the spirit within you. Sing funny songs with your family and friends. And the body does not get tired, you dance all day, and that's it. And danced all the problems. Sunday.

Thus, every day is filled with spiritual meaning, every week, every fortieth day. That is, there are 7 sorokovniks here, because we need to go 7 miles across the sky and all through the forest. 7 lines in a drop cap.

And by consciously going through this calendar, we are rewarded with the fact that by the end of the year we begin to climb up along the golden spiral. We become better, more beautiful, healthier, wiser and richer in every way.

This is the main task of the calendar. Run up the golden spiral of human evolution.

Because the modern conventional calendar screws down. And the evidence for this is just to see that people don't get better with age. They grow old, decrepit, deteriorate, hair turns gray.

This means that the calendar is not correct, not the correct disposal of time and space.

And for those who want to switch to the correct calendar, and who want to get healthier, richer and more beautiful every year, you need to live according to this fabulous calendar.

Or according to another calendar, which has a spiritual meaning for you and is consonant with you. Because folk wisdom says: "Everyone measures with his own arshin." Correctly?

And this calendar is consonant with those who are ripe for it.

At the beginning of the calendar, we show the image of the Swan Princess, because according to the fabulous calendar, now the summer of the Swan Princess has come.

It is written here how to use the calendar, the meaning of each day, forty. Meaning of card suits. Because there are 4 more card suits. By date of birth, you can determine your suit. For example, you were born on the week of the cross, and all the weeks of the cross will be trump for you. In these weeks, all things will go as successful as possible. You can find out your trump time of the year, thanks to this calendar.

Card suits, the meaning of numbers, number science we go through during the year. Letter meanings. And we collect 49 personality traits in a year. Integrity. We are going through 49 spiritual lessons. We pass 52 lessons on the cards.

And who comes to us at the end of the year? Father Frost. In cards it is a joker. Black joker and red. And Santa Claus has a blue nose, a bruise that thumped, drunk Santa Claus. This is the black joker. This is when you have a Kolyada, you studied so badly, you missed these spiritual lessons, and you, as they say, go to Kolyada. The blockage in business, in personal life, and in money, and also in some other matters strained. This is the black joker for you. Santa Claus Blue Nose.

And if you studied, did your homework, didn’t skip, a red joker will come to you. Santa Claus Red Nose. These are good jokes, fun, joy, and unexpected gifts. Because when the black joker, it's unexpected trouble. And the red joker, Santa Claus Red Nose - these are unexpected gifts. Blimey! Gifts in different areas of life.

Therefore, mind you, Santa Claus is a fool, a joker with one letter. "D". That is, "D" will come to you in any way, some kind of "D". Good or demonic.

Also, it is very important that we have the image of the Caroler of solar holidays.

Above it is shown that the Age of the Wolf has come to us. What is the name of summer in the Age of the Wolf? Now it is 2016, this is the 5th summer of the Age of the Wolf, the summer of the Swan Princess. The image of purity, fidelity, beauty this year will be revealed the most.

And in order to raise the coming year, you need to read the fairy tale "About Tsar Soltan, Prince Gvidon and the Swan Princess." Because it is the fairy tale that will be the main myth of this coming year, it will unfold for all people.

Carol sign. These are 8 solar holidays, this is the wheel of fortune that you spin, and you are always lucky in life. You succeed.

Success is when you do well. Everything, you make it on time.

And thanks to this wheel of fortune, we see that the wheel begins to spin on Kolyada, 8 solar holidays should be celebrated. The more joy these days, the more round dances these days, cheerful songs, rituals with meaning, the stronger the wheel of fortune spins, and the more lucky you are. And in personal life, and in working life, and in friendship, and in love. In everything.

Also, here we show the birthdays of fairy-tale characters. Because Fairytale Rus' has come, and here it is, incarnated. Throughout Russia, literally after 2012, a huge number of fabulous museums were built. Kolobok, Santa Claus, Serpent Gorynych, Ilya Muromets, Brownie, Leshy, Swamp Kikimora, Frog Princess, Ivan Tsarevich, the estate was reclaimed, Golden Fish.

Here it is - the fairy tale is embodied. How many cartoons are now fabulous filmed good. Series "Mountain of gems".

In 2012, the Age of the Wolf came, the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" was released. Not at 11, not at 13, not at 14, but the cartoon about Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf came out in December 12, completely with the beginning of the Age of the Wolf. All. Clearly. With the second coming of Kolobok.

And the birthdays of fairy-tale heroes. Here is March 2, Kikimora's birthday. March 28 is the birthday of the Firebird. Manor in Palekh.

And according to the calendar, we have just Zharye's body. March 27th. 28 side by side. The Firebird matures here, and here it is born.

And here, at the end of the calendar, you need to write the birthday of your relatives and friends, merge with this calendar. Understand? You, along with fairy-tale heroes, with the fairy-tale summer of the Swan Princess, with the fairy-tale caroler, write your name with an initial letter. And you are the name of your friends and relatives, dates of birth, and you fit into this structure, and it begins to have a very beneficial effect on you.

This is the folk wisdom. And your birthday and your relatives is a generic theme. You weave folk wisdom with tribal wisdom, and still weave with natural wisdom.

Because I showed that here these forty years are connected with the cycles of nature. The body is hot, the vest is hot, everything is melting. Then the Navier body, the body of wisdom. This is just May, when everything is filled with smells, filled with these Vedas, which spread everywhere. Etc.

Generic wisdom, folk and natural should be intertwined together, thinking for three. Therefore, you need to write your birthdays and your loved ones here.

Good fellows, red girls! I invite you to live 2016, the summer of the Swan Princess consciously, going through spiritual lessons, and starting to climb up the golden spiral, together with me and Fairy Russia.

Find your meaning! -

A few years ago, a map was created in Russia that unites the regions of the country into a single fabulous space. Thanks to a huge research work, the homeland of more than a dozen characters in Russian fairy tales and legends has become known. The birthplace of Kikimora is Vyatka (Kirov), the birthplace of the Snow Maiden is Kostroma, and the birthplace of Lefty is Tula.

The map brings together almost three dozen large and small cities located throughout our country. Each of them has its own fairy-tale character.
Now a magic calendar has been added to the magic map. It reflects all the important dates of the Russian fairy-tale world. After all, each of the folklore characters has not only a homeland, but also a birthday! So, the holiday of Ilya Muromets is celebrated on January 1, and Kikimora's birthday is on March 2.
By the way, the calendar includes not only the birthdays of wizards, but also other significant events. Such, for example, as the meeting of summer with Tsar Berendey or the awakening from the winter sleep of the Waterman.
The official presentation of the fairy tale calendar will take place on the International Fairy Tale Day - June 7th.
In addition to the cognitive function, the calendar of fairy tales will be of great practical importance. It will help tourists who want to visit the fabulous places of Russia to orient themselves in time and space, find out how and where winter games for kids and how to get involved. With its help, travelers will be able to optimally plan their trip, timing it to a particular event.
It should be noted that there is a great tourist interest in those regions that are marked on the fabulous map. One of the clearest examples is the Vyatka land (Kirov). When it became known that Vyatka is the birthplace of Kikimora, as well as many other fairy-tale characters, the region's tourist attendance increased by almost 50% compared to previous figures.

Please leave your comment. Thank you!

Happy New Year, Reader Friend! Bolyboshka wishes you well!

I got a real calendar that Santa Claus sent me!

A string of weeks
As nature dictates
Spinning time-carousel
Seasons of the year.
According to the sheets of the calendar
They follow each other
January to December
Months in a circle.
After autumn comes winter
After spring - summer.
There's already autumn, so that again
Winter has come...
Rotate your carousel
Time is not tired.
In the calendar row
Brother will replace brother.
How many months in a year?
That's right, twelve.
("Carousel" L. Zavalnyuk)

Over a long history, people have come up with many different calendars. Holidays are different: official, professional, unusual. Many traditional holidays are well known. So, the New Year is celebrated all over the world. International Women's Day March 8 - in 19 countries. May 1, Labor Day, is known in 38 countries. Victory Day - May 9 is celebrated in 15 countries. International Children's Day - in 8 countries.

Along with well-known holidays, there are little-known ones: the day of science, the day of cinema, the day of military glory of Russia, the international day of the native language, the day of chess, the All-Russian day of family, love and fidelity. In many countries of the world there are many different holidays. Some of them are devoted to nature conservation, for example, Ukraine's Environment Day, China's Tree Planting Day, Canada's Earth Day, Japan's Bird and Sea Day, USA's Forest Fire Day, World Oceans, Whales and Dolphins Day. Other holidays are unusual: tea day, cake day in Iceland, smiley birthday, sleep day in Japan, neighbors day in the Netherlands, a holiday of purity and clarity in China.

Dear reader, many books have been written about the birth of the calendar, its features, which you can take for reading in the libraries of our city:

Time and calendar: [for children ml. school age / per. from English. T. Pokidayeva]. - M. : Makhaon, 2012. - 31 p. - (Encyclopedia for clever men and clever women).

The world around us is constantly and rapidly changing. And it is quite natural that the questions of young scholars are becoming more complex and diverse. The edition is colorful, with good pictures. In the book you will find answers to such questions as "What is a minute", "How to tell the time by colors", "Why do animals hibernate", "Why do we need a calendar", "How to measure speed with a rope" and many, many other interesting information.

Calendars // Children's Encyclopedia: an educational magazine for girls and boys / ed. V. Polyakov. - 2004. - No. 3. - 48 p.

The pages of the encyclopedia will tell about a variety of calendars: Greek, Gregorian, ancient Roman, Zoroastrian, etc. It is interesting to know which of the current calendars is the most ancient? Whose calendar was more accurate than all the solar calendars that have ever existed?

Alexandrova, L. Folk calendar / Larisa Alexandrova. - M. : White City, 2003. - 48 p. - (Russian history).

Since ancient times, people have noticed that everything in nature obeys certain laws. And so the folk calendar was born, full of worldly wisdom and signs. From the book you can learn that one of the most ancient calendars is a pattern on a jug, and pagan idol gods served not only for religious purposes, but they were also used to determine the position of the sun in the sky. The book contains an illustrated dictionary with folk signs for certain days of the calendar: Christmas time, Maslenitsa, the Annunciation, the feast of the Trinity and much more.

Khrenov, L. S. Folk signs and calendar / L. S. Khrenov. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1991. - 63 p.

Tsybulsky, V.V. Calendars and chronology of the countries of the world: book. for students / VV Tsybulsky. - M. : Education, 1982. - 128 p.

The book will help to better understand the issues of chronology, introduce the history of the creation of calendar systems. The pages of the book will tell a lot of interesting things about the origin of the names of months and days of the week, about the creation of the Julian, Gregorian, Muslim calendars.

Reader friend, I want to remind you that many of my relatives and friends are literary characters. Come with me, Boliboshka, let's travel through fairy tales. Travel route will be prompted by the Calendar - a gift from Santa Claus. So, go!


Moscow publishing house Primrose» forthcoming publication of my book for children « fairy tale calendar". It includes fairy tales about animals and nature according to the seasons. At first I wrote these fairy tales for a wonderful children's magazine " Svirelka”, but once I realized: if you put them together, you get a nice book. While it will be thin, it will include only 12 fairy tales (one for each month), although there have already been forty of them, and in the future it is planned to release a thick, solid book.

The publishing house took care of all the prepress. The book will be in paperback, format 62х92/16, circulation will be 2000 copies, although the final figure will depend on you - those who are worried about the current state of nature, who think about the environment, as well as from moms and dads, grandparents who still consider the book the best gift.

The money raised will be used to pay for paper and printing services.

12 wonderful illustrations for the calendar were drawn by a talented, despite her youth, artist who has her own style Lisa Semyonova.

In addition to large ones, per page, there will also be small pictures in the book.

It's always embarrassing to praise your work, so it's best to read excerpts from reviews written about Fairy Calendar ...

Natalia Olefirenko, Head of Special Programs at Greenpeace

“The amazing and undeniably talented Marfa Sokolich, with her collection of fairy tales about nature, continues the good traditions of Vitaliy Bianchi. Her fairy tales about animals teach to reveal the secrets of the forest, to solve big and small riddles from the life of animals, birds, fish, insects.

The book is written in that amazing, lively, bewitching language, which is easily perceived even by the most demanding children's public, sensitive to any falsehood. It immerses you to the full feeling of a “keyhole”, as if you are actually looking at animals, insects, experiencing their stories, rejoicing and sad together.

There is another amazing feature of the fairy tales of Martha. They are permeated with the divine light of love for nature, capable of “igniting” the heart of everyone who comes into contact with it with kindness, compassion and empathy. The age limits of the book are quite wide, perhaps even up to the first grades of the school, because the child gradually deepens into the content: if at first the illustrations, the fairy tale plot are of interest, then later the children will be able to learn a lot of facts from them for nature studies lessons. And this shows an amazing, rare property of the collection - it is able to lay the foundations of love and interest in the natural sciences, biology, ecology, and the relevance of this is increasing every year.”

Olga Doronina, teacher of Russian language and literature

“The stories you are about to read are for the most part unhurried, flowing, and seemingly devoid of drama. And yet, they are fascinating. The author managed to convey to us a sense of the vanity of the natural course of life. But each of these stories captures a moment of miracle. Whether it's a nymph that turned into a dragonfly, a heroic and almost sacrificial act of a walrus cub who saved the whole herd with his "ugly" cry, or the games of lynxes in March, which is scarce for prey, "after all, difficult times are no reason to stop frolicking."

The very form, the idea of ​​a calendar collection is philosophical in its essence. The wheel of life is spinning, "difficult times" come and go, in which there is also a place for joy. You can prepare for them, you can make life easier if you show sympathy and support for the weak, remember that the time will come for warmth and light, when magical metamorphoses are possible. And yet - we must remember that another world lives and breathes nearby, in many ways we do not understand. We are constantly in touch. And our coexistence is possible only with great respect for each other. To surprise each other with magical flowers in the sky, and not with guns and fangs in bloody fights.

Anna Efimova, Chief Librarian of the Historical Library of the Romanov House (Kostroma)

“Fairy tales about animals by Marfa Sokolich, combined into a fairy tale calendar, are written in good literary language, small in volume, entertaining, understandable to kids from a very young age. And if something is not clear, it is a great occasion to turn to reference and encyclopedic literature together with mom and dad, expanding the horizon of knowledge.

Thanks to fairy tales, little readers (or listeners) become witnesses of the annual cycle of wildlife. The child learns how different animals hibernate, how terrible the flood is - "big water" for the inhabitants of the forest, how difficult it is to get food in late autumn, who and why eat fly agaric; get acquainted with animal signs and methods of "self-treatment" of animals: "bathing" in dust or sour apples.

It seems that this kind of reading is necessary at all times, but it is especially relevant today, when life increasingly makes us think about the sometimes destructive human activities on planet Earth. When the Year of Ecology is announced, in order to pay attention, to take some action to protect wildlife, only a part of which is a person.

Mikhail Kheifets - director, playwright

The author knows how to instantly create an accurate and unique portrait of his heroes in just a few words, in one sentence. So the reader from the very first lines involuntarily imbues them with sympathy, begins to sympathize and empathize with their future fate.

Despite its brevity, each fairy tale is a completely complete story, with its own original plot and deep inner meaning.

United in a single collection, they unobtrusively, without excessive didactic formalism, convey through their content to the children's consciousness such important things and concepts as: kindness, devotion, friendship...

The fairy tales of Marfa Sokolich (Elena Sokolova) are a wonderful example of modern children's literature, designed in the style and spirit of Russian folk tales. Today, there is an extreme lack of such children's literature, which would instill in children a love for nature and animals from a very early age, using the example of simple, kind, entertaining stories.

folk wisdom says: you only need to believe your own eyes! If you wish, of course, you can find my work on the net or in magazines for children: Svirelka, Bonfire, Anthill, Klepe, Kukumber, Misha, Shishkin Les, Good Night, kids", "Young naturalist". However, let's do it easier! Please read the fairy tale that opens the "Fairytale Calendar" and after that decide whether my book is worthy of your trust and support!


Do you know that walruses love to sing? Don't believe? And in vain!

The walrus that I want to talk about was the same as all his peers. Competed with friends, who will dive deeper and last longer under water. He boasted about his still small tusks. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, I drank delicious mother's milk. And, of course, he loved to sing. But when he sang for the first time, the friends first began to roll their eyes, and then how they scream:

- A bear stepped on your ear!

The kid was so scared! After all, walruses are at enmity with polar bears. In addition, walruses have ears hidden inside their heads. How do you step on them? So he scratched his neck with the claws of his hind flippers and ran to his mother.

“No one stepped on you,” she said. “You just don't have a hearing.

The walrus was outraged:

- I can hear better than anyone!

Mom had to calm him down. And although the son whimpered a little from resentment, he did not grieve for long. However, since then he began to move away from the herd. So as not to disturb anyone with your singing.

And then one day, after a musical walk, the baby returned to the parking lot. And suddenly I noticed a polar bear. He quietly crept towards the sleeping herd.

In fact, walruses can smell the approach of enemies. However, the bear was cunning. The wind blew from the herd towards him. So the walruses don't smell it.

“So they need it,” the walrus was delighted, “they will know how to tease.” And then he remembered his mother. And although the baby understood that he himself would not have time to escape, he screamed as loudly as he could. And you can believe me: walruses scream very loudly.

- Save yourself! Save yourself! Save yourself!

The herd immediately woke up, and the walruses rushed to the opening. With a growl of anger, the bear turned around. The kid tried to run away, but it was too far to open water. When the hoarse breath of the white giant overtook him, he thought: “But ours were saved,” and stopped.

- I will fight! exhaled the walrus directly into the mouth of his pursuer.

But the bear suddenly backed away. The kid looked around and saw a group of adult walruses, as if growing out of the ice.

After this incident, the whole herd began to like the way the walrus sings. However, he still tried to sing alone.

Medvedeva M.V., Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Children's Movement "Green Planet", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences

Fairytale Calendar by Marfa Sokolich is not just a collection of fairy tales about animals, but a useful literary guide for parents and teachers in their desire to arouse a child's cognitive interest in nature, which is the foundation for the formation of ecological culture. And since re-educating adults is a practically useless undertaking, therefore, the main attention should be paid to the younger generation.

The "Fairytale Calendar" is relevant, satisfies all the necessary psychological, pedagogical and methodological principles for literary works of this kind. Therefore, I consider it expedient to publish it for the purpose of using it for family reading, as well as in preschool institutions and the system of additional education.

Melitopol School Library No. 14 Winter Spring Summer Autumn Here is his first-born - January, He is important in a sheepskin coat, like a king John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born, discoverer of the mysterious world of hobbits, elves, gnomes and powerful wizards. Birthday of Jacob Grimm, elder brother - collector of fairy tales. Festival of Snowmen and Snow Maidens. Urgently sculpt, otherwise everyone will gather, but yours is not. Alexei Tolstoy was born, met Pinocchio, and Pinocchio appeared out of nowhere. Tatyana Alexandrova was born, who told the world about the brownie Kuzka, so economical and reasonable that she would not yield to any adult brownie. Charles Perrault, he was almost the first to start collecting fairy tales and was also born in January. Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood, on this occasion, bake pies. And you? Many years ago, the storyteller Alan Milne was born! ????four?? ???D?B????four?? ???4 and all - All - All! Tales of Lewis Carroll?C?D?B???????;?R?C?9?D??E?4?A?8?D????B???>?B?6? Day of the letter. Have you written to friends and family? Wait for an answer! Tove Jansson was born - the main Moomin - the mother of all Moomin - trolls. Birthday?# [email protected]?9???O ?&?D?4?6?9?D?E? ??B?7?B?? from him we learned about the "town in a snuffbox", where the bell boy lives. Birthday of dragon lord and wizard friend Edith Nesbit ︠ Who hasn't read her magical fairy tales yet? Running?6??5??G? Holiday in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors: writer's birthday???[email protected]??C?B?5?O?6?4????6??Q?F?B?=??E?F?D?4?A?9? Birthday Dunno. ?#?D?4?;?8?A?G?R?F??6?E?9??L?>?B???O??A?4?L?9?=??E ?F?D?4?A?O? and the whole world. To celebrate it, all children with flowers go to school. And what else to do at school, if not to celebrate? The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was born. Then he was still without a beard. And then she grew up with him, and to celebrate, he wrote many thick - very thick books, and even fairy tales. For example ─ "Three Bears". Festival of kites. On this day they gather in flocks. Birthday of Sergei Aksakov. He was the first to see a monster ─ a miracle of the forest, a marvel of the sea and his favorite scarlet flower, which is not more beautiful in the world. The best friend of witches, mermen and Grandmothers was born - Yozhek ─ writer Otfrid?#?D?B?=?E???9?D. Yevgeny Schwartz, storyteller and kind magician, was born. Gianni's birthday?$?B?8?4?D?< , ?8?D?G?7?4? ?+??4?;?>?4? Birthday of Dmitry Mamin - Sibiryak, Alyonushka's dad, for whom he wrote Alyonushka's Tales. The great holiday of fairies, sorceresses, sorcerers and sorcerers ─ Day of Miracles. The birthday of the storyteller Nikolai Nosov, who gave us wonderful tales about Dunno and his friends. Wilhelm Hauff was born, ?4??E??A??? and dwarf Nose. Born Lazar Lagin, ?B?A????