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Scenarios on ecology for schoolchildren. Scenario for an ecological holiday in the school library

Extra-curricular environmental activities in the school should be mandatory. After all, this is a great way through which teachers can have an educational impact on students in an interesting way for them. Why is it important to affect the environment? Because it is the science of the relationship of living beings between themselves and nature. And since a person occupies an important place in this system, the topic cannot be ignored.


I would like to say a few words about the standards in accordance with which environmental activities in elementary school were included in the mandatory program. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the tasks of the educational system is to form a spiritual and moral personality. And education in this regard is very multifaceted in content. It includes instilling in children pride in their people, teaching about different values, as well as conveying to children the essence of the fact that they are an integral part of this world.

Therefore, the goal is to form a culture among schoolchildren, which in the future will manifest itself in their attitude to health, the environment, as well as in the observance of moral standards in the system of value orientations. Because they are all future members of society. And only people with the right worldview regarding our nature are able to lead the planet out of the catastrophic situation in which it is now.

That is why environmental activities in schools are so important. The names reflect their very essence: lessons of kindness and thinking, eco-excursions, a club of nature researchers, a laboratory of a young ecologist. In fact, there are many ways to get children interested in nature. And some of them can now stop.

Conversations with elementary students

When conducting environmental events at a school for kids, it is very important to pay attention to the disclosure of the topic. The teacher must competently and clearly present it to the children so that they understand the significance of the conversation. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the following goals, which are:

  • Formation of elementary knowledge and ideas about ecology.
  • Analysis of positive experience in interaction with the environment.
  • Education respect for nature.
  • Development of individual abilities of schoolchildren.

At the end of the class hour, children will have to learn that ecology is a science that teaches respect for the environment. It is also important to convey to them that the disappearance of animals and birds, as well as the deteriorating flora, is the fault of people. And therefore it is very important to protect natural resources, to protect them. After all, it was we who came to this world, which initially, without human intervention, was even more beautiful.


An environmental extra-curricular activity in elementary school should be interesting. And since the lecture does not captivate the kids, you will need something that can add variety to the lesson.

There is a great idea - an imaginary journey along an ecological trail. The teacher will need to prepare an exemplary presentation in advance. You don't need a lot of shots - 15-20 is enough. In parallel, as a thematic soundtrack, you will need to include the soft singing of forest birds to create an immersive effect. And before starting the presentation, the teacher will have to bring the kids up to date - what they will talk about and why.

After that, you can start the story. The first few frames should show the children a beautiful forest, bright birds and funny animals that live in it. At the same time, the teacher seems to be telling a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a forest. And cheerful, perky birds lived in it. Animals also lived there. Hunted, frolicked in the meadows. Let's get to know them! Who did you recognize? - at the same time, you need to switch slides with the image of various animals so that the children shout out their names (raccoon, hedgehog, bear, fox, deer, wolf, etc.).

The next frame should depict a person. The teacher continues: “But one day a man came to the forest. And he built houses, roads and factories nearby. However, this was not enough for him. He started cutting down forests, which destroyed this beautiful little ecosystem. Factories dumped their waste into lakes and rivers, which polluted all the water bodies in the area. And the smoke from the chimneys of factories poisoned the air. Vacationers began to kindle fires, forget to take out their garbage. Animals and birds had nowhere to live. And the forest has turned into a dreary and terrible place.”

In parallel, after each phrase, you need to show the corresponding slide - with cutting down trees, kindling fires and subsequent fires, dirty reservoirs, a littered area. Visualization is very important, because only through visualization will children be able to understand the state of the modern ecosystem and what human carelessness can lead to.

Questions and tasks for kids

Environmental education activities at school should be instructive and effective. Therefore, the interaction of the teacher with the students is required. Otherwise, without interaction, it will not be possible to understand whether the children have mastered the topic or not.

At the end of the fairy tale presentation given as an example above, the teacher will have to involve the students in the discussion. Children are required to answer why no one lives in the forest now. The answer is simple - because man destroyed it. If schoolchildren have learned this, then they can proceed to the task - to the “mission” of imaginary restoration of the forest ecosystem.

The children will need to distribute cards with pictures of the trees they will "plant" and riddles on the back of the cards. Students need to guess them to find out the name. For example:

  • Russian beauty is standing in a clearing, in a green blouse and white sundress! (Answer: birch).
  • I saw a beautiful berry in the forest! The basket is heavy, good ... (answer: mountain ash).
  • He is tall and powerful! The acorn, its fruit, is coarse. Rustling among the clouds ... leaf in the wind (answer: oak).

Having guessed the riddles, the children, having previously divided into groups, must prepare a short message about the species of the tree that fell to them, using reference books and books available on the table for this. Then it will be possible to perform exactly the same task, but related to birds and animals.

Class hour for the senior group

For secondary school students, it is necessary to draw up a more serious scenario for an environmental event. Its goal is to form in children a negative moral assessment of human violations observed in the sphere of nature, as well as to develop a negative attitude towards the irresponsible and thoughtless attitude people experience towards our environment. The tasks are:

  • Expand children's understanding of environmental laws.
  • Increase your interest in nature.
  • Cultivate a humane attitude towards the environment.
  • Arouse the desire to participate in
  • Promote environmental ideas.

Before starting a class hour, it will be necessary to conduct preliminary preparation, in which all children will take part. It is recommended to give them the following tasks:

  • Prepare an appeal on behalf of Nature to a person (individually for each).
  • Make a video for the whole class by interviewing other students on the topic of protecting the ecosystem.
  • Compose poems.

Then, when the day of the class hour comes, it will be possible to start it with the preparations of the guys.

Laws of ecology

As part of the class hour, it will not be superfluous to tell the children about them. In an accessible language, of course, and preferably with examples. It might look like this:

  • Law #1: Everything is connected to everything. To protect the population of partridges in Norway, thousands of birds of prey were destroyed. It did not help. Soon the partridges were overwhelmed by an epidemic and they all died. No wonder, because owls and hawks played the role of orderlies, eating sick birds. This prevented epidemics.
  • Law #2: Everything has to go somewhere. Burning or burying garbage does not mean getting rid of it. One substance decomposes into another, and the air is poisoned, which leads to climate change and human diseases.
  • Law #3: Nothing comes for free. Between 1958 and 1962, two billion (!) Sparrows were destroyed in China, as they were considered agricultural pests. But in the end, a lot of insects divorced, which really caused damage to the crops. As a result, China began to buy sparrows in other states. I had to pay for my actions.
  • Law #4: "Nature knows best." Many people presumptuously desire to "improve" the ecosystem, which usually disrupts natural processes. There is no waste in nature. For each organic substance there is a separate enzyme that affects decomposition. But a person creates those substances that do not decompose anything, but only accumulate in the ecosystem. And pollute it.

If such an information and educational block is included in the scenario of an environmental event, then it will be possible to make the classroom more visual and productive.

Senior Tournament

School environmental activities for adult students (grades 9-11) should be more complex and meaningful. A quiz-type tournament would be a great option. It is better to conduct it among parallels so that there are more participants. By the way, they usually include such events in the ecological week of the school.

The tournament begins with the introduction of teams. Points are awarded for this (according to a 5-point system). The name and motto of the team should correspond to the environmental theme.

Then the tour starts. Each team is given four clues in turn. Give the answer from the first - get 4 points. If they guess from the second clue, they will be awarded 3 points. They will give an answer from the third - they will receive 2 points. If all four clues are used, then one point is awarded. For example:

1) It lives up to 2,000 years.

2) The trunk does not rot in water - it only grows stronger and blackens.

3) Furniture, parquet and barrels are made from it.

4) In one of Pushkin's poems, a mermaid was sitting on this.

The answer to this selection is oak. The other team can be offered the following hints:

1) It releases phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria.

2) It makes the best firewood.

3) Its bark is used to make useful things, decoctions, medicines.

4) This is a Russian tree.

We are talking, of course, about birch. There are many such collections to make an environmental event at a school for high school students interesting, intellectual and useful.

Nature as a universal value

A seminar with this name can also become a good environmental event in the school. Its purpose is to determine what exactly is the true value of nature, as well as what are its components. In addition, it is important to develop in students the ability to notice the beauty around them and to instill in them personal responsibility for the preservation of the ecosystem.

You can start such a seminar with a group task. Distribute cards with descriptions of natural zones and landscape forms to each. Students need to identify their names and give a few relevant epithets that could characterize them. Card example: “They are not in Antarctica, in North America and in Europe. There are about thirty of them on the entire planet. And they occupy about 11% of the Earth. We are talking about the desert, and this will be the correct answer.

After completing such a task, it will be possible to offer students to get acquainted with the cost of biosphere services. The last time such studies were conducted by the University of California in 1994. And it turned out that:

  • The average cost of biosphere services is ~33.27 trillion dollars per year.
  • Rivers and lakes - $1.7 trillion.
  • Marine Ecosystems - $21 trillion.
  • Tropical forests - $3.8 trillion.
  • Land ecosystems - $12.3 trillion.

Such was the report of the scientists. On environmental activities at school, in fact, you can come up with a lot of interesting tasks. The most important thing is their informativeness and practicality.

About the negative impact

You can also hold environmental events for high school students. This topic is just right for teenagers. It will be useful for them to learn about the permissible level of negative impact of anthropogenic and natural environmental hazards on humans and the environment.

They should also be introduced to the regulation of environmental impacts, quality control of natural components and sources of impact on them, as well as monitoring of environmental risks. As part of the discussion of such a topic, some may have a special interest - to do this at a professional level. Some in the course of such events are determined with their further activities in adulthood.

Earth Day

This is a big ecological holiday, the date of which is April 22. Therefore, activities at the school dedicated to nature are usually held in the week that includes this day. And in addition to educational lectures, class hours and tournaments, it is now customary to organize really useful promotions that can bear fruit. One of them is called "Decorate the world around us."

This action involves the purchase by the school of seedlings of flowers, seedlings of shrubs and trees. Then, when the date of the ecological holiday comes, the children, together with the teachers, plant them in the plots and flower beds. Then the responsibilities for caring for the plants are distributed among the schoolchildren. Thus, it will be possible not only to contribute to the ecosystem, enriching it a little, but it will be possible to demonstrate to children in practice how difficult it is to ensure that flowers, trees and bushes take root, not to mention growing them yourself. Pupils will get a little environmental experience and will begin to respect nature and its resources more respectfully.

Event form: Ecological holiday.
Library address: MU "TsBS im. N.V. Gogol, library. D.S. Likhachev, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, st. Kosygin, 35 "B".
Phone: 610296, 610297.
Author and responsible for conducting: Lebezova O.Yu., leading librarian of the reading room.
The purpose of the holiday: improving the environmental culture of schoolchildren (grades 4-6)
Tasks: to acquaint with the environmental problems of the city of Novokuznetsk, to arouse a sense of concern for the fate of nature, to awaken a sense of responsibility for one's actions.
Design: book exhibition "This is your land and mine", DVD with the cartoon "Shapoklyak" (a fragment about the pollution of the river), musical accompaniment - CD: Bach I.S. Aria from Suite No. 3, Saint-Saens Ch.K. "Carnival of the Animals" ("Swan"), "Beautiful Far Away", "Clouds", "Good Road".

We all owe our lives to the planet - the beautiful and only Mother Earth - green from the forests, blue from the oceans, yellow from the sands. Our planet is the greatest mystery and wonder. It keeps in itself the most mysterious mysteries from the origin of life to the future destinies of mankind. The science of ecology studies the house - the planet Earth - and how one should live in this house. Everything in our house is interconnected, everything depends on each other: if the sun goes out, everything will freeze and be covered with darkness; if air and water disappear, there will be nothing to breathe and nothing to drink; if plants disappear, there will be nothing for animals and humans to eat... Therefore, the theme of today's ecological holiday is "preserve nature - save life."

Airfields, piers and platforms,
Forests without birds and lands without water...
Less and less natural environment.
More and more environment.

Just a few lines from a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky, but they reflect the fact that all of us, people of the 21st century, almost imperceptibly turned out to be not just witnesses, but the perpetrators of these sad changes. After all, it is we, adults and children, who consume electricity, for the generation of which there are entire industries, we drive cars that burn millions of tons of gasoline and require expensive asphalt roads ... And plants and factories, huge megacities that poison the air , soil and water...
Watching a DVD with the cartoon "Shapoklyak" (a fragment about the pollution of the river).
Environmental problems have always been there. But before they managed to somehow solve. For example, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, noticing that the game that was abundant in his lands was causing irreparable damage, managed to limit the prey of swans, beavers and other species of game animals with the help of laws ... As you can see, the environmental issue bothered our ancestors a thousand years ago.

Peter I, by his decree of 1718, ordered the novices who cut down the oak forest and are going to cut it down, as well as those who order them to cut (despite the warning of the law), to be punished with batogs and sent to hard labor. By the same decree, Peter I strictly obliged negligent citizens to ensure cleanliness near houses and on the streets.

And here is the next decree of Peter from 1719. In it, the tsar expressed concern for a different argument: “if anyone defiles the Neva with garbage or other sewage, he will be sentenced to beating with a whip or to exile in Siberia ...” Strictly? But in some countries of enlightened Europe of that time, for example, for illegal logging, the executioner cut off the hand of the convicted criminal. For a long time, the strictness of the law triumphed. And the ecology of the planet remained in balance. Although here it was rather not the law that played its role, but the weak technical equipment of the then mankind.
But now the age of scientific and technological progress has come. And in a short time we managed to dig through the bowels of the earth and poison the air and water ...
Listen to the poem by V. Glebov “And only Nature gasps ...”

The poem sounds against the background of an aria from suite No. 3 by I.S. Bach.

Spring! The streams do not stop:
Streams in a riot - here and there.
And flow into our lake
And fertilizers and oil.
The whole coast became like a landfill -
What, what is not here:
Leftovers, old washcloths,
Scraps of books and newspapers...
Those dumps are growing year by year
Along the banks of lakes and rivers,
And Nature breaks down:
- Why all this, Man?!
I'm going through the taiga valley...
And again - bitter words:
The tops of the pines have dried up,
Leaves fell from the birches
On herbs - black sores -
Trouble wherever you look...
And the huntsman explained to me gloomily:
- And what? Acid rain...
... The forest was crying just in bad weather
The creaking complaint of cripples,
And I heard the groan of Nature:
What have you done, man?
Once in a tourist voyage
I wanted to take a dip.
But walked by the beach
And, believe me, I did not dare to undress.
Pulled from the water with poison -
The smells came in waves.
Not the sea - a gutter
Splashed silently before me.
Factories smoked in the distance,
Our space age was noisy.
But the crown of Nature was sad -
Her creation is Man.
Our mind has become a yoke to Nature!
Wouldn't it suddenly happen
What do we ourselves care about the Red Book
Is there just one step left?
From thermonuclear reactions
And from chemical innovations
More than once the thread of offspring was torn.
A wave of monstrous mutations
Threaten to flood the planet.
Anything is possible, anything is possible
The question is blunt: to be or not to be?
No one for us that question
And will not think to solve.
And yet, hour by hour
We continue to do evil.
And now there are no forest reserves,
You can't drink in the river.

Let's see what the ecological situation is in our hometown.

Over Novokuznetsk, even on clear days, sometimes you can’t see the blue sky: it is covered with a veil of dust and smoke.

According to scientists from the International Center for Ecological and Biomedical Research, their content in the air exceeds European standards by dozens of times.

According to the totality of environmental conditions, Russian cities are divided into 5 categories, the 5th category means a critical ecological state. Novokuznetsk belongs to this category.

The main objects of the ferrous metallurgy of Kuzbass are concentrated in Novokuznetsk: OAO ZSMK, enterprises of the former OAO KMK. In addition, the sources of environmental impact in the city are: Zapadno-Sibirskaya CHPP, OAO NEK, Kuznetsk Cement Plant, Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant, Kuznetsk CHPP, OAO Plant Universal (promstroymaterialy) and a number of other enterprises.

The consequences of such an economic policy turned out to be catastrophic for the local nature; almost all spheres of human habitation are affected in the city: air, land and water.

The main atmospheric pollutants in Novokuznetsk are: carbon monoxide, suspended solids, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride. Some of them are classified as highly hazardous compounds.

The terrible reality of our city is smog situations: the essence is that there is not a decrease in the concentration of harmful substances, but their accumulation at the level of our breathing. As a rule, smog situations occur during periods of complete calm.
The state of the water basin is of concern. The Tom River - the main source of water supply - has become a kind of giant collector of chemical pollution. Among them are many highly toxic organochlorine compounds. The content of these substances is dozens of times higher than the maximum permissible concentrations, and water intake stations are not able to bring water purification to the required standards. As a result, a very dangerous “cocktail” flows in water pipes, prolonged use of such water causes damage to the kidneys, liver, and adversely affects offspring.
Industrial emissions also end up in the soil. An excess of heavy metals in soils causes their increased accumulation in horticultural crops, which poses a danger to human health.
Even 100 years ago Academician V.I. Vernadsky, the creator of the science of biogeochemistry, warned us against ecological disaster. He wrote that if we do not change our attitude to nature and its riches, then the result can be one - the complete self-destruction of man.
And the Russian writer V. Astafiev sadly remarks: “Even now we still cannot and do not want to understand that animals, birds, fish, plants will live without us. But we can’t live a single day without them.”
To save the world and civilization, engineers and scientists must first get down to business. It is necessary everywhere to replace the old production technologies with the creation and implementation of new, cleaner, closed-loop technologies. If there are more powerful plants capable of processing millions and millions of tons of accumulated waste, then it can still be improved.
You know that in December 2008, a new landfill for the disposal of solid household waste and a waste processing plant began operating in the Novokuznetsk District. This complex is the first in Kuzbass, located two kilometers from the village. Round. The process of recycling and disposal of household waste is as follows: first, wood, plastic, paper, metal and glass are extracted. The rest will then be pressed, hermetically packed in polyethylene and buried. According to the project, the new landfill will serve the city and citizens for at least 75 years.
What can you guys do to make things better? First of all, you need to remember about yourself: didn’t I throw papers at my feet, didn’t I throw bottles into the river, didn’t I break thin and defenseless trees? Until each of us begins with himself, there is no point in expecting changes for good around us. If one of us manages to overcome our bad habits and inclinations - laziness, slovenliness, rudeness, impatience, unwillingness to work for the common good - then everyone will live happier and freer.

We all breathe the same air, drink the same water, walk the same streets... We love the same world. So why don't we take care of him?
The poet M. Dudin calls:

Take care of the Earth!
take care
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder stalks,
Sunshine on the paths
On the stones of a playing crab,
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
A clear moon over the river calm.
A swallow flashing in life...
Take care of the Earth!
Take care...

The poem sounds against the background of the work of Sh.K. Saint-Saens "Swan" ("Carnival of the Animals").

To save wildlife, it is necessary to study it. Let's try to answer the questions environmental quiz.

1. How are coniferous trees different from deciduous trees? - Do not shed needles.
2. How is larch different from other coniferous trees? - Sheds her needles every year.
3. How long does a mushroom live? - 5-10 days.
4. How many years does the mycelium live? - Up to 100 years.
5. Do mosses have roots? - Not.
6. Does the size of insect wings affect flight speed? - Not. Those who flap their wings more often fly better.
7. Name the insect that is the orderly of the forest.
Inconspicuous in the thicket of the forest, I am a baby, but at the right time
More than its own weight lifted the load 109 times. - Ant.
8. Which tree keeps its bark cool even on the hottest day? - At the birch.
9. What tree needles are used in perfumery? - Fir.
10. The roots of this tree help hydraulic builders hold the banks together like steel reinforcement and prevent waves from washing away the banks. - Willow.
11. What trees give us small tasty nuts? - Cedars.
12. What bird does not incubate eggs? - Cuckoo.
13. What bird flies at a speed of 100-200 km/h? - Strizh.
14. These birds come to us with the first snow. - Bullfinches.

The game "Who's the extra one here?"

The game involves 2 teams ("Ladybugs" and "Green Grasshoppers"), each team has 2 participants. Teams are given sheets with the same task. Names of insects, birds, amphibians are written on the sheets. Leave only insects.

Wagtail (bird)
Aphid (insect)
Splyushka (owl)
Japanese-born (butterfly)
Greenfinch (bird)
Bunting (bird)
Triton (salamander)
Poloz (already)
Nuthatch (bird)
Peacock eye (butterfly)

The team that does not cross out the aphids, japanese and peacock eye wins.

While the teams are completing the task, the audience listens to the song “Beautiful is far away” and tries to hear the question “What did I do for tomorrow” in it?
Answer options for the guys: you can build birdhouses, make feeders, plant a tree, you need to put out a fire in the forest, walk along paths in the forest, etc.
Comment. Folk wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, 100 people leave a path, and thousands leave a desert. Rest in nature - remove the garbage. Abandoned paper decomposes for 2 years, a tin can for at least 70 years. The left plastic bag will lie for several centuries. Bottle fragments can injure people and animals. And in sunny weather, a piece of glass can play the role of a lens and cause a fire.

People have long paid attention to natural phenomena associated with weather changes. Do you know folk tales?
The guys in chorus answer what kind of weather (rain or a bucket - good weather) corresponds to a sign.
1. Midges and mosquitoes fly in swarms. - AT.
2. A lot of cobwebs on the grass, bushes, trees. - AT.
3. Swifts and swallows fly low. - D.
4. The bees leave for the field very early. - AT.
5. Chickens pick their wings with their beaks. - D.
6. Frogs crawl out of the water and croak loudly. - D.
7. Sparrows tumble in the dust and chirp loudly. - D.
8. Ants work tirelessly. - AT.

Competition "Find out a healing plant."

Simultaneously with the description of the plant, its image is shown.

1. Green bushes,
Scarlet flowers.
And the fruits - in a red shirt, Abdomen stuffed with pebbles.
There is a lot of vitamin C in the berry of this shrub. And the bush itself on which it grows is with thorns. (Rose hip).

2. In a white sundress
Under a green scarf
Gagging in the meadow
Slim Alena. (Birch).

3. I play hide and seek with the kids,
Do not ask for a basket to her.
Who am I? - Dozens of berries
In every berry of mine.
Dried berries and leaves of this plant are indispensable for colds. They quickly bring down the heat. (Raspberry).

4. Under the leaf on each branch
Little children are sitting.
The one who picks up the kids
The hands will be smeared and the mouth.
These berries help improve eyesight. (Blueberry).

5. A decoction of the roots of this plant calms the nervous system. He is also very fond of cats. (Valerian).

6. It grows in spring, blooms in summer, falls off in autumn.
And a flower, honey,
He treats flu, cough and wheezing.
You will meet this tree rather in the park than in the forest. Its fragrant flowers are dried and then brewed for colds. Bees collect the most useful honey from this tree. (Linden).

7. A flower like a bell, a little white corolla,
It does not bloom magnificently, whether it rings - it is not audible. (Lily of the valley).

8. How many white and dark purple bushes have grown along the fence! Touch the branch - with petal rain Wet trembling crumbles. (Lilac).

9. Poets of all ages sing about her,
There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,
Than this scroll of scarlet petals,
Opened with a fragrant bowl. (Rose).

10. Blossomed everywhere boldly.
And sometimes it happens
What I cling to brutally
Even in the most vicious dogs. (burr).

11. She stands on the sunny edge in the grass,
She gently lifted her purple ears.
And here ingenuity will help you -
Everyone knows what the flower's name is... (Violet).

12. White flowers with tassels,
The fruits are black, with bones. (Bird cherry).

13. A small Christmas tree has prickly needles,
The balls are blue, as if in hoarfrost. (Juniper).

14. Red, sweet, fragrant,
Grows low, close to the ground. (Strawberry).

15. A funny flower blooms under an aspen:
Was red recently - now blue. (Lungwort).

16. On wastelands and on roads
Inflorescence white weed.
But, having studied all its properties,
You may not see it that way.
The bleeding will stop
In China, he is a salad to the table.
The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds
In a fruit that looks like a bag. (Shepherd's bag).

Competition "Live Letter"

Teams "Ladybugs" and "Green Grasshoppers" line up in two columns of 6 people. At a distance from the teams, sheets with tables for different letters were prepared. Table example:

The beast

The competition is held on the basis of a relay race. On a signal, the first two participants with markers instead of baton run to the tables and write down the name of a flower, tree, insect, fish, bird, animal (for example, T: tulip, O: dandelion) and pass the marker to the next participants. The first team to complete the table wins.


Concepts are confused in the poems. It is necessary to unravel the poem, to correctly define the concept.

1. I walked around the zoo.
Passed by the cells.
Suddenly, I look, sitting on a branch
All green... crocodile.
2. Late at night I won’t fall asleep, -
Someone is howling at the moon!
He has a terrible temper
And his name is ... giraffe.
3. It smells sweet of ripe strawberries,
The rays of the sun play on the grass.
The tops of the trees touch the clouds -
This place is called... a river.
4. That sits on a tree,
The way an airplane flies.
Black, croaks - surprise,
Let's say together: this is ... foxes.
5. He has a big mane,
Guys, he's a beautiful beast.
He has a big bowl
Caution: it's... a pussy.
A lion.

Tell me, guys, without what, besides air, a person cannot live for a long time? That's right, no water. Although we are used to it, it surrounds us everywhere - this is a real miracle of nature. There is no life without her. Our region is rich in water resources. There are about 21 thousand large, medium and small rivers in the Kemerovo region.
Guess the names of the rivers.
1. The main water artery of the native land. Translated from the Ket - "dark". (Tom).
2. It flows within the boundaries of our city, the left tributary of the Tom, translated from Turkic - "a river flowing from the top of a mountain or gorge." (Aba).
3. The left tributary of the Tom river, flowing through the Novoilinsky district. (Petrik).

Scenario of the ecological evening of arts "Touch the beautiful carefully." High school students.

Librarian of the 1st category of the Kuban rural library of branch No. 11 of the MBUK "Perevolotsk MCBS" Yantsen Elena Gergardovna.
Purpose: formation of ecological culture of the personality of senior schoolchildren through works of art.
Tasks: education of a humane, careful, caring attitude to the natural world and the world around as a whole;
the formation of elementary skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment;
fostering a civic position and a responsible attitude towards humanity and its environment;

Event progress:

Presenter 1: Someone once said that nature is the best artist, nature is the best composer. And it's hard to argue with that. You understand this when you are alone with her, you hear the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, the sound of rain and the chirping of a grasshopper. Even complete silence in the bosom of nature turns into a kind of unique symphony. Getting into this atmosphere of sensuality, it is so easy to think about the beautiful.
Host 2: It's even easier to create beautiful things yourself. And this is not surprising - after all, nature gives a huge stream of inspiration and fresh ideas. The only problem is that this truly inexhaustible source can still be exhausted.
Presenter 1: There are fewer and fewer places in the world filled with the simplicity and grandeur of natural objects. A creative person understands this like no one else. That is why most environmental movements are inextricably linked with creativity. There were special genres in art focused on ecology. These are ecological art photography, ecological posters, expositions from which today gather a huge number of people. There is ecological cinema, eco-painting. Ecology has left its mark even in fashion - now outfits made from natural fabrics are gaining popularity quite quickly, as well as floristry in clothing design. To date, there are many genres of environmental art, and we will talk about them today. And we'll start with the music.
Host 2: This type of creativity is perhaps one of the most sincere. In music, we are looking for a way out of a difficult situation, confidence in the future, a charge of positive energy or a long-awaited harmony. You can also draw in the melodies the environmental consciousness that is so lacking in modern society. Show business stars are increasingly trying to set their own example of a "green" life. The idols of millions raise such important and relevant topics from the stage in front of an audience of millions.
Presenter 1: For the first time, environmental themes were revealed in music in the 50s and 60s by American hippers. Then this subculture was mass and indicative. Hippers arranged entire communes and traveled with concerts throughout the country. The main goal of the hippie movement was to convey to people that they are responsible for Mother Nature. They called themselves "children of flowers", and the style in music was reggae. In their songs, they often raised the theme of protecting the Earth and gratitude to Nature for everything she does for man. Perhaps the most famous hit of hippers in defense of nature can be called the composition of Kulcha Candela “Mother Earth”. (song sounds)

"Mother Earth"
mother earth

She creates birds and butterflies
rivers and mountains,
But you never know
What will be her next step.
You can try
But asking is useless.
She can't be controlled
She goes her own way

Giving and taking
She rules everything until the end of time
She goes her own way

With every breath
And every perfect choice
We are just walking along its path.
I feel my strength
Believing that your soul is alive
Until the end of time
I will carry this faith with me

One day you will know, my dear:
You don't have to be afraid
The end is always the beginning of something.
And so it will be until the end of time.

She rules everything until the end of time
Giving and taking
She rules everything until the end of time
She goes her own way
Host 2: At about the same time (50-60s), environmental protection was also thought about in the Soviet Union. The theme of nature increasingly began to sound in bard songs. Of course, the bards could not openly come out with environmental manifestos, since it was then generally accepted in the country that there were no problems with the environment. But, despite this, the bard culture was initially closely connected with nature. It is also called the campfire song culture. Therefore, the bards simply could not help but praise the world, its beauty and grandeur in their songs. Such music was sensual and heartfelt, therefore it somehow touched the hearts of Soviet people, who practically did not think about the safety of the environment. Naturally, it is not always possible to call bard songs propaganda for the protection of the environment. Probably, many of these people did not even set this goal. They simply admired the beauty of nature, sang about forests, fields, rivers. But, nevertheless, the bard song in the most natural way awakens respect for nature and a craving for its protection. Now we can say with confidence that the bards, like no one else in the USSR, and even now, contributed to environmental education. As an example, I propose to listen to Ada Yakusheva's song "I invite you to the forests" (Song sounds)

I invite you to the forests
We haven't been there for so long
What is hardly remembered
Their incomparable beauty
I invite you while
They are cozy and green
We're there on our knees
Let's drink water from the spring.
I will lead you along the path
She will take away your fatigue,
And we'll be young again
We are on about it

In the evening the pines will sing,
Branches close overhead
And we will seem weak
Our strong urban comfort.
And under the fire a familiar sound
I invite you to the meadow
Where we throw between the poplars
We are the tablecloth right on the grass,
Here is my sonorous youth
Lives in the sun
Here, maybe we can touch
To the great mystery of being.
Presenter 1: Undoubtedly, not every representative of the bards set himself the goal of calling people to environmental responsibility. These people simply sang about forests and rivers, sunrises and sunsets. They conveyed their admiration for nature through music, thus awakening in the listener respect for our Earth, a craving for its protection.
Presenter 2: An amazing anthem for the protection of nature, an immortal hit was performed by the well-known musician Michael Jackson, “Earth Song”. (Song sounds. Video clip.)

Earth Song (Michael Jackson)

Song of the Earth
But what about dawn?
But what about the rain?
But what about all that
What did you promise us?
But what about the destruction of fields?
Do we still have time?
But what about all that you called
Our common property?
Have you ever noticed
All the blood we've shed?
Have you ever noticed


What have we done to the planet?
Look what we've done!
But what about the world
Promised by you to your only son?
But what about the flowering fields?
Do we still have time?
But what about all our common,
In your words, dreams?
Have you ever noticed
All the children the war killed?
Have you ever noticed
How does the Earth weep and the shores weep?


Once I dreamed
I looked beyond the stars
Now I don't know where we are
Even though I know we've been carried away...


Hey, what about yesterday?
(What about us?)
But what about the seas?
(What about us?)
The skies are falling
(What about us?)
I can't even breathe
(What about us?)
But what about the bleeding earth?
(What about us?)
Can't we feel her wounds?
(What about us?)
But what about the value of nature?
(ooh, ooh)

This is the womb of our planet
(What about us?)
But what about animals?
(What about us?)
We've turned kingdoms to dust
(What about us?)
But what about elephants?
(What about us?)
Have we lost their trust?
(What about us?)
What about screaming whales?
(What about us?)
We empty the seas
(What about us?)
What about forest trails?
(ooh, ooh)

Scorched despite our pleas?
(What about us?)
What about the Holy Land?
(What about us?)
Distorted by dogmas?
(What about us?)
But what about the ordinary person?
(What about us?)
Can't we just leave him alone?
(What about us?)
What about dying children?
(What about us?)
Can't you hear them crying?
(What about us?)
What did we do wrong?
(ooh, ooh)

Someone tell me why?
(What about us?)
But what about babies?
(What about us?)
But what about the days?
(What about us?)
But what about all their joy?
(What about us?)
But what about the man?
(What about us?)
What about the crying man?
(What about us?)
But what about Abraham?
(who we were)
And again about death
(ooh, ooh)
Do we care?


Presenter 1: In the modern world, the topic of ecology is becoming more and more relevant. And so "green" songs are increasingly appearing in mass music. Despite the fact that many compositions are performed in the pop genre, they have an important meaning that every inhabitant of the planet should understand. They sound the call - "Protect nature!!! Love your home!!! Take care of the environment!!! The touchingness of modern environmental clips suggests only one thought - it's time to change something, otherwise very soon futuristic gray pictures will become an ordinary reality. (song sounds)


Lyrics: Volta Suslova Music: Oksana Brazhnikov

I feel the pain of loss more and more
It's bad with flora and fauna discord.
And in salads, they say, only nitrates,
And nitrites in each fish sit.

In the environment, in the environment
Don't smell the flower
Don't swim in the water!
In the environment, in the environment,
Don't swim in the water!

What happened? What is forgotten? What's broken?
I understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!
There is no more nature left on earth,
And we live in the environment.
Everything is more alarming on the planet from year to year!
And even a mosquito understands:
Or will we protect our nature,
Or we'll fly into the ozone hole!

What happened? What is forgotten? What's broken?
I understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!
There is no more nature left on earth,
And we live in the environment.
People, people, what have you done to the planet?
They themselves rushed from the found paths.
After all, there is no other like it anywhere in the world,
Yes, and there is no spare parts in nature!

Host 2: As you can see, there are environmental songs in various styles of music. We may not like certain performers, but such compositions are unlikely to leave us indifferent. After all, the main goal of "green" songs is to reach out to human hearts, to teach us to treat the environment with care and love.
Presenter 1: Ecological motives could not arise in ancient art for a completely understandable reason - this problem simply did not exist then, and the person himself felt himself a particle of nature. However, already from the era of the late renaissance, anxiety for the excessive intrusion of man into nature begins to be guessed on the canvases of painters. In the 19th century, ecological motives themselves emerged.
The idea of ​​man's helplessness before the forces of nature is conveyed in F.A. Vasiliev's painting "The Thaw". The artist emphasizes the dependence of man on nature, his powerlessness in front of her.

Host 2: We see the desolation and neglect of the landscape in the painting by I.I. Levitan “Savvinskaya Sloboda in front of Zvenigorod”. The results of human activity (housing, street) act here as a factor that violates the harmony of nature.

The feeling of vague anxiety was expressed by Levitan in his painting "Vladimirka". The endless distance in which the road is lost evokes the feeling that the road is not easy, that something painful for a person is connected with it.

The painting “At the pool” continues the theme. Dilapidation, abandonment of the dam, unreliability of the transition on slippery logs. The general twilight tone of the canvas, a gloomy evening sky. Disappearing, as if hiding in the bushes, path. Unkind silence and unsettling alertness. The artist deliberately creates the feeling of a “dead place” and the fact that it is a creation of human hands.

Presenter 1: Concern about the future of mankind can be traced in the painting by A. Vasnetsov "Kama". The space and scope, the power of nature are the fundamental principles of life and a fragment of the ruthless, consumer intervention of man in its harmonious world. The artist is alarmed by the destructive consequences of human activity, hence the underlying fear that this fragment will be expanded, that the whole Earth will undergo such destruction.

The painting by K.A. Korovin “The Barn” is filled with deep philosophical meaning. A sharp contrast is striking between the life of the forest, which expresses the natural power of eternal renewal and does not need a person, and the uselessness of a forgotten, outdated barn, once erected on the edge of the forest. The finiteness of human being, his deeds and the eternity of nature - this is the main idea of ​​the artist.

Host 2: Environmental problems of a global scale are studied by contemporary artists very often. Nowadays, the artist needs not only to depict the surrounding reality and document what is happening, but also to be a philosopher, thinker, theorist and an insightful critic of what is happening. Then he will be not just a contemporary, of which there are many, but a truly relevant character. Fortunately, the space of the creative environment today is much more expanded. In the world of postmodernism, a lot of opportunities open up before the master.
Presenter 1: Beauty can be found in the most seemingly ordinary things. Modern artists can see beauty even in ordinary garbage! Tom Deininger is without a doubt the most creative of all the artists who work with creative material such as junk and junk. From afar, his landscapes and portraits look like real paintings painted with paints, but these are just skillfully executed collages that combine a wide variety of objects, everything that only an artist could find at hand.

Host 2: Photographer Chris Jordan takes photographs of ordinary objects like bottle caps, light bulbs and aluminum cans and turns them into art by programmatically rearranging them to create one central image. However, his works are so striking and environmentally valuable thanks to the small parts that create a single work of art. For example, his work "Plastic Caps" (above), created in 2008, depicts 1 million plastic bottle caps. This is the number of caps used in the United States every six hours during flights.

Presenter 1: Through the paintings of artists, one can not only study the current environmental situation, but also the one that was many years ago. In the canvases of the ancient masters of painting, one can often come across a real phantasmagoria of colors used to depict sunrise or sunset: the skies seem to be blazing with crimson, copper, scarlet and purple flames. Atmospheric physicist Prof. Christos Zerefos of the Academy of Athens in Greece has been studying this issue.
Host 2: He and his colleagues in Greece and Germany argue that the amount of red in the sky (more specifically, the ratio of red to green) is a reliable indicator of how polluted the earth's atmosphere is. Since the color of a sunset is the result of the scattering of the sun's rays by particles in the air, the darker the red, the more aerosols (tiny particles) in the atmosphere. Previously, they had an exclusively natural origin: dust and smoke were formed due to volcanic eruptions, forest fires or sandstorms.
Presenter 1: Let's take the canvas of the German romantic Caspar David Friedrich, written in 1818, “Woman. Sunrise". It would seem that what else can be seen here, except for the conditional figure of a woman, a welcoming gesture addressed to the still hidden luminary, and dark ocher-colored skies? But Zerefos sees here a direct connection with the powerful eruption of the Tambora volcano in Indonesia in 1815. For three years after that, particles thrown into the air by the volcano created bright red and orange sunsets across Europe.

Host 2: No less remarkable are the works of the Russian-Ukrainian artist Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1841-1910), a master of landscape painting. In 1876-1890 he creates the canvas "Sunset". The sun is heavily immersed in a purple veil of clouds, but even a cloudless fragment of the sky, as it were, glows orange from the inside, like the tail of a comet... Scientists associate the magnificence of this landscape with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy, which occurred in April 1872.

Presenter 1: Another painting by Kuindzhi "Red Sunset" was painted in 1905-1908. Art historians especially like to talk about it: such an abundance of red color on canvases is not often found! And again, the clue lies in the eruptions of Vesuvius, which woke up in October 1902 and then in March 1905 ... Perhaps it was this volcanic activity that became the source of inspiration for the artist, who for decades persistently tried to realize the admiration of the sun in "blazing" paintings.

Host 2: In total, the researchers analyzed 124 sunsets painted by European artists between 1500 and 2000. During this time, more than 50 major volcanic eruptions occurred on Earth, and the saturation of the red color on the canvases changed in accordance with these events. In addition, sunsets have consistently become redder and redder since the Industrial Revolution - and even during periods when volcanoes were dormant. Artists, without even knowing it, have compiled a chronicle of anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere.
Presenter 1: Each film movement has its "pillars". The films that started it all. And although scientists have been talking about climate change and its consequences since the mid-1980s, this topic reached the mass-documentary cinema (if one can talk about such a thing) in the mid-2000s. So what are these films, after which the conversation about global warming, the problem of garbage, the purity and safety of water went beyond laboratories and offices? And have you seen the "founding films" of the eco-movie movement?
What films turned out to be "turning" for you?
Directed by Davis Geggenheim, featuring former US Vice President Al Gore. USA, 2006
Scientists have been arguing about global warming before this film. But they argued among themselves, in specialized journals and serious conventions, exchanging diagrams and calculations. Al Gore did an amazing job of explaining it all in plain language. He collected facts, opinions, research results, added beautiful pictures and animations, put in good music (the song for this film won an Oscar), and he ended up being named one of the biggest events of the year by the American Film Institute.
The film received another Oscar in the Best Documentary category, and Al Gore himself was eventually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for studying the consequences of global climate change caused by human activity and developing measures to possibly prevent them."
Since An Inconvenient Truth, environmental documentaries have become a more and more popular genre. Although the opinions of environmental experts are still divided both for and against Gore's work. (Trailer)
Presenter 1: STORY OF STUFF
Directed by Annie Leonard. USA, 2007
This is a twenty-minute cartoon, which has been available online since 2007, including in Russian. The cartoon frankly condemns excessive consumerism and softly hints at sustainable development. The film, striking in its simplicity and facts, is shown today in schools, universities, corporate trainings. The creators estimate that by 2009 the film was shown in 228 countries, where it was watched by more than 12 million people.
Like any film that exposes a hot topic, The History of Things is still controversial. In 2009, The New York Times dedicated a front page to him. In the United States, while in some schools teachers were rewarded for showing this film, in others teachers were accused of "leftist" propaganda and disrespect for American values.
The History of Things has been joined by The History of Plastic Bottles and The History of Electronic Waste, and now the project has taken a new direction and talks about water, land, the right to decide and democracy. (Trailer)
Host 2: HOME
Directed by Jan Arthus-Bertrand, Luc Besson. France, 2009
No list is complete without this movie. And also - this film is one of the few films that even those who are not very involved in the eco-conversation watched.
On June 5, 2009, on World Environment Day, the film "Home" was simultaneously shown in open areas in 87 countries around the world. Jan Bertrand, a renowned photographer, shot the entire film from a helicopter. His team flew around 53 countries, showing and talking about how beautiful our planet is from a bird's eye view, and how defenseless it is against human activity. Some of the shots proved so frankly what states can do with their land that, for example, in India, half of the material was confiscated, in Argentina, the film crew was imprisoned for a week, and in Saudi Arabia and China they simply refused to shoot. Bertrand himself says that all comments in the film are based on known and available facts and figures. (Trailer)
Presenter 1: Main element. anthropogenic factor.
Russia, 2014
Recently, the scenario of the apocalypse has become increasingly common, where the main role will be played not by a natural disaster, but by people. Have humans become so powerful that they can destroy an entire planet? Dinosaurs dominated the planet much longer than humans, but suddenly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. There are many theories, but none can explain what happened to the dinosaurs. In total, dozens of large-scale extinctions have occurred on our planet. In the 21st century, natural processes hardly appear among the popular versions of the end of the world. With each passing year, the likelihood that a person will destroy himself becomes more and more likely. Scientists have calculated that nuclear power plants can pose a threat to humanity only if all 400 nuclear reactors existing on earth explode at the same time. The likelihood of such a catastrophe is very small. The end of the world through the fault of nuclear energy is a myth. Now almost the entire periodic table gets into the atmosphere. Due to the fault of man, the ozone layer of the atmosphere suffers. Physicists have compiled several scenarios for global warming. The worst-case scenario implies that the number of factories, cars and garbage will continue to grow as it is now. Then, by the end of the 21st century, the average annual temperature will rise by 4 degrees, and by the end of the 23rd century by 8 degrees. The earth has already entered a mode of rapid change. (Trailer)
Presenter 1: To date, a huge number of animated films have been created and are being created on a wide variety of topics, designed for different age and cultural groups of viewers. Western and domestic animators pay special attention to environmental issues.
Host 2: WALL-E (WALL-E)
Directed by Andrew Stanton. USA, 2008
A sci-fi cartoon that often pops into your head when you start talking about the future. Here you have the Earth, on which, due to the huge amount of non-recyclable waste, it is impossible to live, and people who spend 24 hours staring at a tiny screen in front of them can neither walk nor work. A beautiful and funny cartoon that does not want to become a reality. (Fragment)
Presenter 1:"Princess Mononoke"
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Japan, 1997
Hayao Miyazaki often raises the theme of ecology in his work. One of the most beloved by the audience and, perhaps, the highest grossing cartoon directed by the director, "Princess Mononoke" is no exception. The protagonist Ashitaka finds himself in a mysterious country where people, led by the evil lady Eboshi, cut down the forest and spoil everything around them, fighting with the inhabitants of the forest: spirits, demons and giant creatures. And only the kind heart of Ashitaka and friendship with the forest dwellers can save this magical world. (Fragment)
Host 2:"It's not about that at all"
Director: Alexander Fedulov, 1984
The Soviet satirical cartoon “This is not about that at all” was originally created for adults. In the center of the plot of a three-minute cartoon is a cow that grazes in a garbage dump every day. Here she eats leftovers and garbage, drinks water from the river into which industrial waste is poured, breathes air with poisonous factory gases. Soon, the mistress in a gas mask comes for the cow to take her home and milk her. But what kind of milk can an animal give after such a walk? Instead of a fresh drink, the hostess manages to milk only a canister of gasoline. She pours the resulting fuel into her car and leaves on business. The cartoon in an ironic manner reminds people that environmental pollution does not go unnoticed and is fraught with serious, often irreversible consequences. (Fragment)
Host 2:
The nature of dance is in dances from nature.
In the wind, the willow is like a ballerina.
And a man under the wind of unfreedom
As malleable as dancing clay.

But the dance, soluble like coffee,
Clay shows the hardness of granite,
When love is equal to Calvary,
And the memory is not hidden by the dance of the wind.
Presenter 1: The birth of dance happened along with the world, while the emergence of all other arts was the result of human inventions. In this world, everything is in the dance circle, including atoms, the simplest molecules and, of course, living organisms. In other words, everything related to animate and inanimate nature. (Dance)
Host 2: The first dances of antiquity were far from what is called this word today. They had a completely different meaning. With various movements and gestures, a person conveyed his impressions of the world around him, putting his mood, his state of mind into them.
Presenter 1: But, as it developed, the dance moved further and further away from the fundamental principle of life and acquired a generalized conditional character, being filled with peculiar symbols, signs, and codes. Choreography has learned to depict the whole with one stroke, one detail (hands raised above the head and resembling deer antlers - a symbol of the deer itself); she collected a large fund of vocabulary and drawings, where each movement and construction of the participants on the plane, which initially had a specific function and a meaning understandable to everyone (stomps as a way to awaken the earth from sleep in spring, a circle as a reflection of a solar cult, etc.), then acquired conditionally generalized character. Learning to convey the signs of the outside world, a person at the same time wanted to embody his attitude towards him, his inner world, by means of dance.
Host 2: A person tries to express the beauty of nature through dance, to convey to the audience the beauty of a green forest, the sound of waves, the intoxicating aroma of summer or the bewitching crunch of snow under a sleigh, to teach them to appreciate the environment, the land in which they live.
Presenter 1: The beauty of nature is also shown in classical ballet. “The choreographer must know nature - both its beauty and its imperfections. This knowledge will always help him determine what exactly should be chosen in it, ”Nover wrote. Further, he pointed out that only knowing life, the choreographer will be able to find for his work that grain of truth that will make it possible to reveal its true features on stage: “Closer to nature, and our works will become beautiful.”
Host 2: Among the most famous ballets, one can distinguish "Swan Lake" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The premiere of the ballet took place on March 4, 1877 at the Bolshoi Theatre. The first directors of the ballet were Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov. It is their names that are associated with the staging of the famous "swan" scenes. The prerequisite for writing the ballet was Tchaikovsky's visit to the estate in the Cherkasy region, where he spent a lot of time on the lake. There the great composer admired the snow-white birds. The ballet "Swan Lake" is rightfully considered a universally recognized masterpiece of the world ballet school. And the image of the White Swan remains a symbol of Russian ballet today. (Fragment from the ballet)
Presenter 1: Modern ballet also very often addresses the topic of ecology. Natalia Guslistaya's ballet "Stella" is one of them. The production tells the story of our planet from its appearance - the origin of life on Earth, the first people, the first human communities, the destruction of harmony, strife, wars, environmental upheavals ... These global themes are closely intertwined with the tragic story of two lovers - Astrophil and Stella, who lose each other on Earth and are looking for in other worlds.
Host 2: Both the content of the ballet "Stella" and the dance technique itself set the viewer on thinking about the connection between man and nature, about love for one's planet, about the universal happiness that should exist in the life of every person, but many of modern people have lost this feeling. “Life is the most valuable thing, the most beautiful, but the destruction of the environment takes away our health and life, the future of our children and our present. We must think about it every day, morning and evening. We must talk about it all the time, raise the problem at the highest level and find solutions,” says Natalya Guslistaya, director of the Stella ballet. (Fragment from the ballet)
Presenter 1: Seeing the beauty that nature gives us, feeling that boundless admiration for the simplicity and grandeur of her creations, you involuntarily think - this is real art, a masterpiece apotheosis of creative sensuality, which, probably, any creator aspires to. Being in nature, each of us thought that nature is the best artist, nature is the best composer. The singing of birds, the rustle of trees, the chirping of a grasshopper - all this turns into some kind of unique symphony. It is not for nothing that environmental movements are almost always inextricably linked with various creative actions - after all, thinking about nature, you involuntarily think about art.
Host 2: In order to avoid environmental problems in the world, the person himself inside must be environmentally friendly, keep a person in himself, have a good attitude towards the world around him, and art helps him in this, which we have seen today.
I plucked a flower, and it withered in my hand,
Caught a beetle - he died in the palm of his hand,
And the singing of birds in the heavenly "far away"
Reminds me of bells.
The heart froze, suddenly realizing
That the world around is beautiful and fragile,
That he dies from our rough hands,
That a moment of good cannot be overdue
And perfection fragile glass
We can only observe from a distance.
So that for a long time it attracted a secret,
Beautiful touch carefully.
Do not tear the flower, and do not catch the beetle,
And do not trample the creatures under your feet,
Enjoy beauty from afar
And then beauty will be with us.
Olga Romanenko "Beauty"

Scenario of ecological event for elementary school.

Targets and goals:
- formation of children's opinion in defense of the environment,
- the formation of responsibility and an active life position among schoolchildren for the “Common Home in which we live”,
- attracting students' attention to existing environmental problems,
- education of ecological culture of the younger generation.

Event progress.


Good afternoon dear friends!

This year has been declared the Year of the Environment.

We are all residents of one big house called planet Earth. We are gathered here today to remind each other that the planet we live on is in danger, but it is up to us to save it.

Look around: what a wonderful, wonderful world surrounds us.

Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. This is nature! She feeds us, gives us water, clothes, gives us everything for life and in return requires very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.

However, sometimes both adults and children act soullessly towards her. Some of the most beautiful reservoirs turn into sewers, rivers dry up, forests suffocate from garbage, rare species of plants and animals disappear.

Do you want to save your planet from pollution? Do you know the main problems of the Earth? (children's answers)

Let's see what the ecological situation is in our hometown.

The main environmental problems of the city of Berezovsky:

1. Air pollution as a result of emissions of pollutants from stationary objects of industrial and municipal enterprises, as well as vehicles.

2. Pollution of water bodies and irrational use of water resources due to the operation of dilapidated treatment facilities by enterprises.

3. Imperfection of the system for handling production and consumption waste.

Guys, together we are the children of the Earth. The earth is our common home. If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is also a gardener and a doctor. Environmental problems arise more and more often due to the influence of man on nature. The protection of nature, the rules of behavior in it are studied by a whole science - ecology. And now we will play an ecological game, which will show us how well you are familiar with nature.

"Mysteries of the Forest"

1 student:

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes,
Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

2 student:

In the dense forest under the tree,
strewn with leaves,
Lies a ball with needles,
Lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

3 student:

Green, not a meadow,
Bela, not snow,
Curly, not a head. (Birch)

4 student:

The owner of the forest
Waking up in the spring
And in winter under a blizzard howl
Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

5 student:

In the meadow, near the trees,
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And it has a million residents. (Anthill)

6 student:

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here on the fly
He tore off the stump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow. (Squirrel)

7 student:

Two brothers

Looking into the water

Century will not converge. (River and banks)

8 student:

Blind by day, sighted by night
It catches mice, not the cat. (Owl)

9 student:

Mother, father I don't know
But often I do.
Children I will not know -
I'll make someone else's! (Cuckoo)

10 student:

Curls dropped into the river
And she was sad about something.
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

11 student:

Not the sea, not the land

Ships don't sail

And you can't walk. (Swamp)

12 student:

What kind of girl is this

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

13 student:

Just born

Immediately turned into a hat (mushroom)

14 student:

What kind of tree is

There is no wind, but everything is trembling? (aspen)

15 student:

green in spring

sunbathing in summer

put on in autumn

Beautiful corals (rowan)

"Feathered Friends".

All groups of animals are interesting, but most often nature lovers are interested in the life and habits of birds. The flights of birds, which take place twice a year, are very amazing.

What kind of birds do you guys know where you live?

What kind of birds are there? (migratory and settled)

Who are settled, and who are migratory, do you guys know? (migratory - fly away, settled - winter)

Why do birds fly away? (In winter, the birds are cold, but they especially suffer from hunger, there is no food, all the insects hid)

How can we help the birds? (It is necessary to make birdhouses, bird houses, feeders)

And now let's guess riddles and imitate this bird.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

And scares passers-by (owl)

Far away is my knock

Heard around

I am an enemy to worms

And the trees are a friend (woodpecker)

naughty boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yard

Collects crumbs (sparrow)

Lives in hot countries

And in non-hot zoos

And he is arrogant and boastful

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires them

And shows us (peacock)

Hide chickens in the sky clear

Dark shadow circles (hawk)

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (nightingale)

He importantly wanders through the meadow

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feather beds (goose)

Our cheerful friend

Gives us feathers for a pillow

Gives eggs for pancakes

Easter cakes and pies. (chicken)

Green Pharmacy.

In the natural pantry, as in a pharmacy, you can find the right medicines, but in this pharmacy everything is without labels. To get them, you need to know and love nature well. In addition, in the "green pharmacy" one must behave in the same well-mannered way as in the real one.

What medicinal plants do you know? (answers guys)

"A complaint"

There are many rules in nature
You need to know them by heart.
And now the time has come
Look in the book of complaints.

I suggest you take one letter each. In these letters, complaints of animals are written, it is necessary to determine who it is about and what benefits it brings.

1. “I myself know that I am not a beauty. If I show myself, many will shy away, or even throw a stone or kick me. For what? After all, they came up with the idea that there are warts on my hands. Some nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful! And the benefit from me to people is great. ”

(Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If cockroaches start up in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear) (Frog. Each of them destroys a large number of midges, slugs, mosquito larvae, among which there are malaria mosquitoes.)

2. “There is, perhaps, no such creature on the globe, about which so many legends and tales were told, as about us. I don’t like that we love darkness, that we don’t look like ordinary birds and animals. But we are man's friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, that's how we were born. We love hanging upside down. And they offend us undeservedly.


3. “Oh, people don't like me! I don’t like my voice and my eyes, they say, are not beautiful. They think I bring bad luck. But is it so? If not for me, someone would be sitting without bread. Therefore, think carefully or offend me or respect me?

4. “We play a big role in the life of nature. We loosen the soil, spread the seeds and fruits of plants, exterminate many insects. Close cohabitation with us is good for trees. We arrange underground and ground galleries, opening access to the roots of the tree. Therefore, the tree grows faster than the neighboring trees. That's how helpful we are. But people don't always treat us well. It happens that our houses (anthills) are ruined and we have to rebuild the house or look for another shelter.


5. “The most faithful companions of man are birds. All insectivorous birds eat 5-10 times more harmful insects than beneficial ones. A pair of large birds exterminates more than 2 thousand insects during the period of growing chicks. In most cases, we find in the neighborhood of man an abundance of food and security. But this is not always the case. Often people destroy us birds, destroy nests, break eggs.


6. “The name of the first spring month is associated with me. I give people a very tasty and healing drink. And people abuse it, chopping and cutting my trunk, and after that I die. But it could be of much more use."

Summing up the event.


Do not damage tree bark. They stop growing and die painfully for a long time.

Do not pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death. Let the flowers please our eyes, rejuvenate the soul of those who come to the forest to look at them.

In the forest, try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the path and the soil. Folk wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, and thousands leave a desert.

Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones. Amanitas help trees grow. Moose, squirrels, magpies feed on them.

Don't make a fire in the forest. Fireplaces are wounds in the ground cover of the forest.

Ecological hour scenario: "Take care of nature"

(for elementary school)

Librarian: SOS is an international radio signal. It is served from a sinking ship. Anyone who hears him, no matter what language he speaks, no matter what country he lives in, knows that people are dying somewhere, they are praying for salvation. Now a plea for salvation is heard not only from a sinking ship, but an SOS signal from nature is increasingly heard. Modern people have forgotten how to understand the language of grasses, birds, the language of forests, animals, the rustling of leaves, the sound of streams, the singing of sand ...

Let's listen to the SOS alarms! After all, our planet is tired of smoking pipes flowing into rivers of waste ...

In our country there is a law "On Environmental Protection", which says that every citizen has the right to a favorable environment and its protection. At the same time, the law says: "All citizens are obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to take care of natural resources."

We all want to breathe fresh air, drink water without harmful impurities, and eat organic food. But it gets harder every year to do so. This is due to severe environmental pollution. What is the environment? This is a rich and wonderful world of plants and animals, this is our native nature.

There is a huge house on Earth

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Spring sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.

The nature of native land

This house is called.

Now I'm giving you guys a quiz on Environment Day.

The first topic of our quiz is "Forest is our wealth"

Game "Name the tree"

(The facilitator asks questions to the teams in turn)

1. Why is bird cherry useful? (Kills germs)

2. How to find out by the trunk of a sawn tree how old it is? (Count the rings)

3. Does lilac bloom in spring or summer? (Spring)

4. What kind of tree, tell me: in spring it is dressed with white flowers, and in autumn with red fruits? (Rowan)

5. Riddle: Not caring about the weather

He walks in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch)

6. Riddle: Everyone is green around -

She is among friends

Like the sky is blue

Worth it, proud of it. (Blue spruce)

As you know, not only trees and shrubs grow in the forest, but also various herbs and flowers. Many herbs grow useful

On the land of the native country!

Help from diseases

Linden, mint, St. John's wort!

We know these plants

We protect and protect.

We will collect not for fun,

Now, dear guys, I offer you questions about medicinal herbs.

1. For what disease is it advisable to brew and drink tea from the leaves of the coltsfoot? (For a cold)

2. If you rub your leg on the way, what plant will relieve the pain? (Plantain)

3. What herb is used for insomnia and nervous disorders? (to Valerian)

4. What plant treats some skin diseases? (Celandine)

5. What plant promotes healing of burn wounds? (St. John's wort)

6. Name a medicinal flower, on which they also guess. (Chamomile)

Well done guys, you did a great job with the previous tasks. Now for a new quiz. She will bring out bird connoisseurs.

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to us, like home,

Birds on the porch!

Train your birds in winter

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

Good words, right guys? It is difficult to imagine the Earth without bird singing. Birds are our faithful helpers and friends, they delight us with their songs, birds are the orderlies of the forest.

1. What bird is nocturnal? (Owl)

2. The name of which bird consists of forty letters? (Magpie)

3. On the rock he builds a house.

Isn't it scary to live there?

Though beauty is all around

But such height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down a steep cliff -

Two huge wings

At the owner ... (Eagle)

4. In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, it is (bullfinches)!

5. Small and colorful bird

Not afraid to catch a cold in winter.

She dreams of our treat -

Comes to us often (Titmouse)

7. Who heals trees in the forest,

Spare no head?

His work is hard

Hollow trunks all day long. (Woodpecker)

8. In every city yard

Eat for the joy of the kids

Birdie. You don't hit her!

This bird (Sparrow)

9. Who is without notes and without a flute

Who is this? (Nightingale)

10. What kind of bird is evil spirits afraid of? (rooster)

11. Silent during the day, screaming at night. (Owl)

12. Which bird has a tail with horns? (At the swallow)

13. Who flies to us earlier in the spring, swifts or swallows? (Swallows)

14. Which bird's chicks do not know their mother? (Cuckoos)

15. With the arrival of which birds do we associate the beginning of spring? (Rooks).

16. What is more terrible for birds, hunger or cold? (Hunger)

Our next topic is "Animals".

Animals play a huge role in people's lives. And not only because they give a person food, clothing, but also because many of them are beautiful and attractive. By cutting down forests and polluting water in reservoirs, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals. Due to the careless economic activities of people and the immoderate hunting of animals, many species have disappeared forever, others have become rare. They were listed in the Red Book. Guys, what do you think, are all animals needed in nature? Mosquitoes, flies bite us, snakes, toads and frogs scare us. Maybe they just need to be destroyed?

(Children answer). The facilitator sums up: “In nature, everything is interconnected, each species is useful in its own way.”

Everything, everything in the world is needed!

And midges are no less needed than elephants.

You can't do without absurd monsters

And even without evil and ferocious predators.

We need everything in the world, we need everything,

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone -

We still really need each other!

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

That, of course, would be a mistake!

It is proposed to find a mistake in the riddles and correct it.

In more often, head up,

Giraffe (wolf) howling with hunger

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfooted brown wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons

Ant teaches to grunt (Pig)

Who likes to rush through the branches?

Of course, the red fox (Squirrel)

Fastest of all from fear

The turtle is rushing (Hare)

In his warm puddle

The ant croaked loudly (the Frog)

Down from the palm tree

On the palm tree again

Cow jumps deftly (Monkey)

Standing on one leg

Staring into the water

Pokes beak at random,

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on the nose.

Do you recognize? It's a heron!

Next topic - "Water".

From the bowels of the earth a spring gushed,

Brook crystal became instantly.

Streams rush, run forward -

And now the river is flowing!

The river doesn't run somehow

And it leads straight to the sea.

And the sea, like a huge mouth,

All the waters of the rivers will pour into itself!

Well, then he will take them himself

The boundless ocean!

And he will wash the globe

Water clean, blue!

Guys, of course, you know very well how important water is on Earth. Without it, there would be no life on our planet. What a pity that people do not cherish this wealth: garbage and bottles are thrown into rivers and streams, tons of oil and fuel flow into the seas and oceans.

Now I will ask you guys to answer the riddles related to the topic "Water".

1. People are waiting for me, they call me,

And I will go - everyone is running away (Rain)

2.From a height of great breaking down,

He roars menacingly.

And breaking on stones

Foam rises (Waterfall)

3. Around the water,

And drinking is a problem.

Who knows where it happens? (On the sea)

4. On the sea goes, goes,

And it will reach the shore, and then it will disappear. (Wave)

5. Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't sail

And you can't walk. (Swamp)

6. Lies quietly all winter,

And in the spring he will run away. (Snow)

7. Who runs on the mountain slopes,

Talking to himself

And in the thick green grass

Hides blue tail. (Stream)

Yes, folks, water is the most amazing substance in nature. An invaluable gift - clean water on Earth must be protected and used wisely. May there always be blue and clean water on Earth!

We offer a game "Good bad".

1. Pollution of water and air by plants and factories. Is it good or

2. Garbage in the forest. Is this good or bad?

3. Hanging bird feeders.

4. Poaching.

5. Cleaning filters on the pipes of factories.

6. Creation of reserves.

7. Planting trees.

8. Creation of the Red Book.

Guys, who knows what the Red Book is? Why is it called Red? (Red color is an alarm signal, a ban. The Red Book is a book - a reference book about endangered animals and plants. All plants and all animals that are listed in the Red Book must be protected. For this, reserves are created, strictly protected by the state.

And now a new game "Choose the correct answer"

Why shouldn't water be polluted?

1. Living organisms die in such water

2. There will be an ugly water color

Are there useless and unnecessary creatures in nature?

1. Yes, for example, a mosquito

2. No, in nature there is nothing unnecessary, useless

What plants are listed in the Red Book?

1. The most beautiful.

2. Those plants that are very few left on Earth

It remains for us, dear friends, to sum up our meeting, award the most active participants and once again remind everyone, everyone, everyone: “Be a little more attentive to nature, learn to listen to it, and it will tell you a lot of interesting things, reveal its secrets and secrets to you. . Do not offend her and do not let others do it. Try to preserve the beauty and richness of our planet.”