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Drawing footprints in the first junior group. Fgos abstract od drawing "traces of a kitten" (younger preschool age)

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the outside world and drawing in the younger group of kindergarten

Topic:"footprints of animals"
- to consolidate children's knowledge about the animal world, the sounds and voices of nature,
The habits of animals.
- develop an interest in working with paint.
- learn to draw by sticking.
- develop speech and its sound culture, speech breathing.
- familiarity with sound (y)
Materials: easel, pictures of animals, jars of paint (white gouache), a blank for each child - an A5 album sheet, painted in pale blue, a brush, animal voices mp3.

Lesson progress:

In front of the guys on the easel is a winter forest.
Sounds music (relaxation).
- guys, what time of year is it now? (winter)
- look at the easel.
What season is shown?
- why?
- Guys, I know that none of you have been in the winter forest yet.
But you want to be there, don't you? Then sit down properly and help me.
- in front of you is a drawing on which a forest is drawn.
- Tell me, what kind of forest is this? Why are the trees covered in snow?

"everything is white today
And light, even though there is no sun:
Cold falls from the sky
White-white soft snow"

- make palms like mine (show)

Now close your eyes and imagine that Santa Claus dropped snowflakes on your palms.
- blow snowflakes off your palms (breathing)
- well done! The frost could not freeze the hands of the guys.

Who is jumping there?
Jump, yes jump
And sits under the tree
Like fluffy snow
White and clean

A figurine of a bunny is fixed on the easel.

Guys, do you know how a bunny jumps?

Children stand near the chairs and jump.
friendship leads only with a fox,
This animal is angry, evil.
He clicks and clicks with his teeth,
Very creepy grey...

A picture of a wolf is fixed on the easel
Do you know how sad a gray wolf is on a moonlit night and he
Singing your sad song?
What song is this?
Let's sing? (uuuuuuuu)

sly sister
Lives in the forest
Waving his tail
The trail will sweep
What is a little sister?
Call her ... ... .. (chanterelle)

A picture of a fox is fixed on an easel

Guys, the fox is tired, she hid by the bush and sniffs the snow.
The fox was going to play with his friends the wolf and the hare.
And he can't find them.
The blizzard, the naughty one, covered all their traces with snow, and you helped her when
Snow was blown from the palms.
We'll have to help the fox find them.
Can we help?
Now we will draw their traces.
The teacher shows the children the footprints of the animals.

Children are given blank sheets.
The teacher shows the method of drawing by sticking.
The children independently, under the supervision of a teacher, draw traces of animals.
Exhibition of the resulting drawings.
Thank you guys, the fox thanks you. She found her friends.

Synopsis of OOD on creative activities with children of an early age group.

Theme: "Footprints of a kitten."

Program content:

1. Learning tasks:

1.1. To form the ability to distinguish and name colors.

1.2. To develop the ability of children to draw with paints with their fingers.

1.3. To form the ability to carefully, treat materials, use them correctly.

1.4. Develop the ability to pronounce sounds correctly.

2. Developmental tasks:

2.1. Develop an interest in painting.

2.2. To create conditions for the development of children's imagination.

2.3. Create conditions for the development of everyday skills.

3. Educational tasks:

3.1. Cause aesthetic education of the surrounding world.

3.2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

3.3. To give the child joy, satisfaction from work.

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, conversation, examination, showing the mode of action.

Motivation: We practice drawing gouache marks from the paws of a kitten, using an unconventional technique (painting with fingers).

Preliminary work:

On a walk, children examine their footprints left in the snow. Whose footprint is larger is measured. Find traces left by birds. (This footprint is small - a sparrow, and this, a large footprint, was left by a crow).

Equipment and materials:

1. Display material: soft toy kitten.

2. Handout: A4 white sheet of paper; for each child, blue gouache, wet wipes.

Introductory part:


Children, listen and guess the riddle:

Pointy ears, pillows on the paws,

Mustache, like a bristle, arched back.

Soft paws, and on the paws - tsap-scratches.

Drinks milk, sings songs.

Cleanly washes, but with water is not known.

Children: - Kitten.

Educator: - Right! This is a kitten. Look, a kitten has come to visit us. (The teacher brings a toy into the group). - What kitten? It is fluffy, soft, small. - What colour is he?

Children: - The kitten is white.

Educator: - Correctly, the kitten is white.

What does the kitten have? (ears, tail, paws). - Let's pet him. The kitten has paw pads where claws can hide, and a real kitten can scratch with them. And how fast he runs. Didn't have time to look back... Oh, kitty, what have you done! Look, the kitten has stained its paws in blue paint:

Wet the kitten's paws

He went for a walk barefoot.

He did not find his slippers

And hurry home.


The kitten ran home to wash its paws, but its traces remained. (The teacher hides the kitten behind the door).

The teacher on a sheet of paper attached to the easel demonstrates the traces of a kitten.

Educator: - Look, children, at the tracks of a kitten. What color paint did he step into?

Children: - Blue.

Educator: - Right. Let's draw these footprints. Let's pinch the fingers. Look how I fold my fingers (to help those who can't). Now I dip my folded fingers into a plate of blue paint and put my hand on my sheet of paper, like this. Now I raise and again lower my hand to the paper, raise it - lower it, while leaving blue marks on a white sheet.

And now you dip your fingers into the plates with blue paint, lift and attach your fingers to your sheet of paper. We do as I do, raise and lower, raise and lower ...

Children draw footprints with their fingers, the teacher controls the work, helps those who need help.


What beautiful footprints you have.

Tell me, children, what kind of paint did we draw traces with?

Blue paint.

Educator: Right! Blue paint.


Do you hear someone knocking?

The teacher opens the door and brings in a kitten toy.


Oh, it's you, kitty! Did you wash your paws? Children, look how clean the kitten is!


Children, the kitten also wants to see what footprints you have. He like it very much. You are great! The kitten asks you to give him milk to drink.

Let's leave the tables and go to the carpet to give milk to our guest.

The teacher sings a song:

The pussy approached the children, Children imitate a bowl with one palm,

She asked for milk, and with the other hand they “pour” milk into a bowl.

Asked for milk

Meow spoke.

Treated with milk, Toy kitten licks milk from the "bowl".

Kitty ate,

Kisonka ate, Having drunk, milk, the kitten thanks the children

She sang a song: and stroked her tummy.

Moore, moore, moore.


Children, a mother came for a kitten - a cat, she calls him home (the kitten says goodbye to the children and leaves).

The teacher sums up the event, praises the children.

Target:development of speech, memory, attention.

Program content:

  • Improve the ability to examine objects: learn to examine, feel, stroke.
  • Give an idea of ​​the characteristics of the object (size, length), quantity (many, few).
  • Continue to learn to draw with paints by sticking your fingers to a sheet of paper.
  • Enrich passive vocabulary. Activate the speech of children, encouraging them to repeat the words after the teacher.

Demonstration material: a large toy hare, watercolor paint, a box in the form of a carrot with sweets.

Handout: blue watercolor paint, a sheet of paper with painted silhouettes of a Christmas tree and a hare, napkins for each child.

preliminary work. Working with methodological literature, writing a summary. Examining with children the traces of hares in the illustrations.

vocabulary work: footprints, hares, big, small, one, many.

Methodical examples. Surprise moment, art word. Examination, explanation of drawing techniques. Soaking. Analysis.

Lesson progress

caregiver. Today I go to kindergarten and see: a bunny is sitting under a snow-covered bush and crying. I felt sorry for him, I took him with me and brought him here, to my kids. Look how good he is. You probably feel sorry for him too. Show how you feel sorry for the bunny.

Bunny. I am a little bunny

What a remote one!

I'm not cold in winter

In a warm fur coat.

caregiver. Feel the bunny coat. His fur is fluffy, soft and warm. Repeat, what coat does the bunny have?

Children. Fluffy, soft, warm.

educator. Where is his head? Here is the head. She is round. Varya, let's circle the bunny's head with our hand. What is the head of a bunny?

Children. Round.

caregiver. And what's that?

Children. Ears.

caregiver. That's right, ears! Run your hand over your ear. It is long. What ear?

Children. Long.

caregiver. One ear, the other ear, two ears. Where is the bunny's eyes? Here they are. What funny eyes he has. Show your nose. He is pink. Feel how smooth it is. And what's that?

Children. Mouth.

caregiver. Look at the white teeth of the bunny. He deftly gnaws carrots with his teeth. Now show the tummy and back of the bunny. Pet them. Well done! Bunny loves this. What else does a rabbit have?

Children. Tail.

caregiver. That's right, ponytail. Small, white, fluffy. Where are the paws? Here are the paws. The rabbit has four legs. Children, how many paws does a hare have?

Children. Four.

caregiver. That's right, well done! That's how fun the bunny jumps. Let's play the game "The little white bunny is playing" together.

Children under the guidance of a teacher play.

caregiver. Okay, well done. frolic. And now sit on the chairs, and I will draw you how merrily the bunnies play in the forest, jump and leave footprints in the snow - under the Christmas tree. Look, I fold my fingers into a fist, and I bend one finger, I draw paint on it. This is how I dip my finger in the paint ( showing) and stick it to a sheet of paper - you get a trace of a bunny. Jump-jump-jump-jump. Bunny in the snow: jump-jump.

caregiver. Now sit down at your tables. Look who's hiding under the trees?

Children. Bunnies.

caregiver. That's right, bunnies. And now we draw footprints in the snow under the Christmas tree on our sheets (children draw). Well done. What did you draw?

Children. Traces.

caregiver. And now let's go, too, and jump in the tracks, like our bunnies. Jump-jump-jump-jump.

The children are doing the task.

caregiver. Oh, who's that hiding in the bushes? Is that a little bunny? Children, let's take pity on him.

Children petting a hare on the head.

educator b. Tell me who hurt you? What happened?

Bunny. How can I not cry? I got scared in the forest, I got lost in the forest. How can I find friends now? How will I get home?

caregiver. Do not worry. You will follow the footprints in the forest and you will get to your friends.

Bunny. There you go, thanks kids! They didn't leave me in trouble. I'll hurry home. And for you I have a gift (gives a box in the form of carrots).

caregiver. What did the bunny give you?

Children. Carrot.

caregiver. Let's eat together with the bunnies.

teacher of the first junior group

MADOU Kindergarten No. 69 "Rosinka"

urban district of Sterlitamak

Republic of Bashkortostan

"Footprints in the snow".

NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".


To interest children, to evoke positive emotions, to create a joyful mood from the lesson.



1. Continue to consolidate knowledge about the season of winter and its signs.

2. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge of wild animals, their habits and distinguishing features.

3. Continue to form the ability to listen to poetry.

4. Activate the speech of children. Strengthen the ability to answer questions


5. Fixing the ratio of objects in size.


1. Develop speech breathing (pronouncing a sound< У>on one breath)

2. Develop thinking.

3. Develop the ability to work with paints.


1. Cultivate moral qualities: goodwill, the desire to help someone.

2. To cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards artistic creativity.

Preliminary work: Observation of the weather on walks with children. Examination of illustrations on the theme "Winter". Whatman is the size of a table with painted Christmas trees (one large and several small ones) and footprints, small toys of fox and bunny animals, a small white handkerchief (the size of a bunny).

Lesson progress:

The teacher puts the children on the chairs in a semicircle.

Educator - Children, now I will read you a riddle, try to guess it.

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,

The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?


Educator - That's right, children are winter! What happens to us in winter? What's the weather like? (children's answers)

It's cold in winter! (show hand movements, hug yourself)

Wind blows in winter! (show how the wind blows)

The blizzard howls! (pronunciation of sound< У>on one breath)

Snowing! (we show how snowflakes fall, smooth hand movements from top to bottom)

Well done children! You know everything about winter!

Now I will read you a poem, and you listen.

Reads a verse.

Like light fluff

Quietly falling snowflakes

They circle, curl, as if alive,

Naughty, lacy.

But although the frost is angry,

We walk - one fun.

And the children's faces are burning

And from snow, and from laughter.

Educator - Children, do you like to walk in winter? (children's answers)

Children, let's go for a walk in the winter forest!

The teacher gets up and calls the children for a walk, reads a verse:

Fresh air for kids

Needed and helpful!

We have a lot of fun walking!

And no diseases!

We approach the table on which lies a sheet of drawing paper.

Educator - So we came to a forest clearing.

See how beautiful it is in the forest in winter. The whole clearing is white-white. The trees are beautiful.

What color are the trees? (children's answers)

Correctly! Green!

What size is this tree? (children's answers)

This tree is big!

What is this tree? (children's answers)

These trees are small.

What trees are more? (children's answers)

That's right kids! There are many small Christmas trees, but there is only one big Christmas tree!

Children, look, whose footprints are in the clearing? (children's answers)

Let's see where these tracks lead?

The teacher follows the footsteps with his fingers. Traces lead to a handkerchief, under which a bunny is hiding.

Educator - Children, look at what a big snowdrift. Who is hiding there? (children's answers)

Reads a verse.

Here is a snowdrift. -What's inside?

- If you want, look! -

I looked, and there is a bunny,

Hidden our rascal!

The teacher picks up the handkerchief.

- Look, children, it's a bunny!

Hello bunny (the teacher encourages the children to say hello to the bunny)

And why are you sitting here in a snowdrift? Children, why do you think the bunny hid? (children's answers)

Bunny - Hello guys! I was playing in a forest clearing and then I heard someone coming, I thought it was a fox, so I hid.

Educator - No, bunny, these are the children who came to the forest for a walk. Our children are good. They won't hurt you.

Bunny - I am very glad to meet such good children!

The teacher is Bunny, let's play. Children love to play! Children, do you want to play with a bunny? (children's answers)

The teacher conducts the outdoor game "Bunny" with the children

A little white bunny sits and moves its ears. (squat down, show ears - palms)

Like this! Like this! He moves his ears. (wiggle hands)

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, (we hug ourselves by the shoulders)

Gotta warm up the paws! (clap hands)

Like this! Like this! You need to warm up your paws.

Bunny is cold to stand, (get up)

Bunny needs to jump! (children fold their hands in front of them and jump like bunnies).

Jump jump, jump jump! Have fun buddy!

Educator - Well done children! Well done bunny!

Bunny - Oh, I hear someone coming! Oh how scary!

Educator - Children, let's hide the bunny in a snowdrift!

The teacher covers the bunny with a scarf.

The teacher takes out a toy - a fox. Reads a verse.

I met a fox

curious eyes,

Lurking behind a stump

bright red light,

And calmly observes:

Who walks in her forest!

Fox - Who is walking in the forest here? Who is making noise here?

Educator - No one is making noise here! These children came to the forest for a walk.

Fox - Or maybe the children will tell the fox where the bunny hid?

Educator - No, fox, the children will not tell you where the bunny is. Children will not let you offend a little bunny. Go away fox! Right kids? (children's answers)

Fox - Oh-oh-oh, well, don't, I'll leave you!

Educator - Go fox, go!

The teacher removes the fox toy.

The teacher shows joy that the fox is gone. Encourages children to positive emotions.

Educator - Bunny, come out. Don't be afraid! Children, call the bunny.

The teacher removes a handkerchief from the bunny.


- Bunny, why are you so sad?

Bunny - Now you will leave, and the fox will find me in my footsteps, oh, how scary!

Educator - Children, we need to help the bunny! What do we do? (children's answers)

And let's draw many, many footprints, and then the fox will not be able to find the footprints of the bunny!

The teacher puts a saucer with blue paint in the middle of the table. Invites children to dip their fingers in paint and walk with their fingers in a forest clearing to draw many, many footprints and confuse the fox.


“Look, children, how many footprints we have drawn!

Now the fox will never be able to find where the bunny is hiding! - What you all good fellows! (clap hands)

Bunny - Thank you children for your help!

Educator - And thank you bunny for playing in the forest clearing! And now it's time to go back to kindergarten! Goodbye bunny! (encourages the children to thank the bunny)

- Goodbye, children!

Turkova Yana Petrovna