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Rules of the road for preschool children. Traffic rules for children Traffic rules for children

Lyudmila Stryukova

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children should be addressed integratively in the course of mastering all educational areas (lines of development) along with tasks that reflect the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support. The activities of the educator aimed at achieving goals: the formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the environment). All daily human activities directed to meet physiological, social and spiritual needs, including security.

One of the most important tasks of raising and educating children preschool age - preparing the child for the process of ensuring personal safety (self-preservation). Preschool age is a rapid increase in physical capabilities, motor activity, increased curiosity, independence and therefore the paramount task facing preschool organization - education preschoolers safe behavior skills. According to K.D. Ushinsky: "Everything that is assimilated by a person subsequently never has the same depth as everything learned in childhood differs."

Every year our city grows and prettier. There are many wide, beautiful streets in it. Huge and endless flow of traffic on the streets. Thousands of pedestrians pass through these streets. Among them, of course, are children. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something new, unusual, he finds himself on the street in life-threatening situations. This is due to the fact that children do not yet know how to manage your behavior. They are unable right determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing environment. road conditions. Danger can be avoided only through appropriate upbringing and education of the child from an early age. That is why I set a goal for myself - to introduce children to traffic rules. Today, no one needs to be convinced that the sooner we introduce the child to traffic rules, teach him the skills of the culture of behavior on the streets and roads the fewer accidents on the roadway.

Education traffic rules children should start with preschool age, since the knowledge acquired in childhood is the most durable, and Traffic Laws, learned at this age, subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance - a human need.

The main objectives of the study traffic rules and street behavior are:

Increasing the level of knowledge rules of the road among preschool children

The development of the psychophysical qualities of the child

Formation of a culture of social behavior in the process of communication with expensive

Education preschoolers culture of behavior on the street is closely related to the development of orientation in space in children. In addition, it is impossible to bring up a disciplined pedestrian if such important qualities as attention, composure, responsibility and caution are not instilled from childhood. Indeed, often the absence of precisely these qualities becomes the reason traffic accidents. Education preschoolers disciplined behavior on the street must be exercised in the system. We gradually complicate, clarify and supplement the knowledge communicated to children. Children know and remember better traffic rules and are willing to do them.

Present the theory to children road rules for pedestrians does not mean to teach them cross the road correctly, practical consolidation of knowledge is necessary. The most effective form is the game-occupation. It is important to carry out classes, walks, excursions, observations, taking into account the age of children and the surrounding conditions.

Education is carried out by familiarizing children with orientation in space, comparing objects, shape and color, modes of transport.

For example:

1. Getting to know the truck

2. Getting to know the bus

3. Game "Red and Green"

4. Getting to know the street, etc.

Talking with children, I found that most of them do not have knowledge about elementary traffic rules. It turned out that many children, together with their parents, do not always comply with these rules. regulations. A work plan was drawn up. The plan reflected both work with children and with parents.

To consolidate knowledge, I used targeted walks, excursions, conversations, outdoor games, logic tasks, fiction reading, didactic games, board games and street layout games. Knowledge on traffic rules children receive in classes on the development of speech, familiarization with others, drawing, applications, design. Children love to solve riddles.

An interesting form of consolidating knowledge about traffic rules are the evenings entertainment: "My Buddy Traffic Light", "Red, Yellow, Green" By playing and practicing at the same time, children learn Traffic Laws.

They love games on special playgrounds, which are a small copy of roads with crossroads on the territory of the kindergarten. Children learn to cross the street on a pedestrian track, respecting regulations and explaining the meaning road signs.

In their free time, children look with interest at illustrations, albums, drawings, posters on traffic rules.

In improving and consolidating knowledge, a special role is given to the organization of children's play activities, in which spatial orientation is formed. preschoolers and their ability to apply this knowledge in practice. In working with children, a large role is given to didactic and outdoor games, as well as creative games that develop orientation in space. These are games like "Burners", "Stop". These games activate the child's thinking, put him in front of the need to independently find a solution, use the available knowledge.

Much attention in kindergarten should be given to working with parents. At meetings and in conversations, with the help of visual propaganda, the moral responsibility that lies with adults should be emphasized. Unconditional obedience to the requirements road discipline, parents should set an example for their children, since violating rules of conduct preschoolers learn primarily in adults. Only in close cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can children develop solid skills of cultural behavior on the street, that discipline that encourages them to obey the order. Then the habit right walking down the street will become the norm for children.

Organizing such an important work on the prevention of child road- transport injuries with the parents of pupils, it is necessary to think over their participation in the events. One of the parent meetings was devoted to the main measures to ensure the safety of their children on the streets, such forms of work with parents were used how:

1. Parent survey "on teaching children traffic rules»

Target: - Identification of parents' interest in education preschool rules safe behavior on the street,

Revealing parents' knowledge about their own child nke: his age and

psychophysiological features,

Revealing parents' knowledge about traffic rules,

Identification of parents' awareness of their child's experience in understanding the sources of danger at road in their family living conditions.

2. A consultation was held for parents » .

3. Handed out memos for parents How to teach a child street rules»

At meetings, it is important to remind parents that bright clothes help the driver to see the child. Conversely, the baby is difficult to notice if he is wearing faded clothes.

It is difficult for a child to see what is happening on the street if a hood is pulled over the eyes or an umbrella covers the view. Parents should educate their children about the danger they are in when they are out of sight. To make it easier to see the child on the street, he must be dressed in neon-colored clothes with reflective stripes or special reflectors. Modern children's clothing (jackets, overalls) usually already has reflective stripes. Many toys, badges, stickers on children's backpacks have

reflector properties. The more of them on the clothes and things of the child, the better.

With regard to the problem of child safety, there should be no frivolity, disagreements on fundamental issues are intolerable.

Active participation of parents in creating the necessary conditions for preventive work with children (production of attributes and manuals for classes, games) increases their responsibility.

The task of the teacher is to use the authority of the family as much as possible. (parents) in a strong and conscious assimilation by children not only rules but also the skills of safe behavior on the streets.

Whoever taught the children traffic rules whether parents or teachers preschool educational institutions It is important to remember that the greatest influence on the formation of a child's behavior on the street has the corresponding behavior of adults.

Educator MBDOU No. 58 L. V. Stryukova

Accidents can happen to all of us someday. Fortunately, injuries are not always severe, and we recover fairly quickly. Children who behave carelessly get into trouble more often than their more cautious peers.

Children are by nature very mobile - they love to run, jump and often forget about the possible danger in the excitement of the game. Of course, you should not be too careful and, for fear of injury, completely abandon games, entertainment and sports. But still, it would be nice to follow some rules so that accidents occur as rarely as possible.

In the car

1. When getting into a car, fasten your seat belt, even if the trip lasts only a few minutes.

2. Do not get up from your seat and do not move in the car when it is moving.

3. Keep your hand out of the car window.

4. Before the car moves off, check if the doors are well closed.

5. Lean back and lean against the back of the seat so that when the car suddenly stops, you will not be thrown far forward and you would not hit the windshield.

6. Don't play around with doorknobs, otherwise the door may suddenly open.

7. While in the car, do not touch the buttons and control levers and do not try to drive the machine yourself.

8. Do not touch the steering wheel when the car is moving.

9. Get out of the car on the sidewalk.

10. Never get into a car with a stranger.

On the street

1. Walk down the street at a calm pace.

2. Avoid exits from garages, from parking lots: some car may reverse, and its driver may not notice you.

3. Walk along the sidewalk, on its right side.

4. Never cross the street at a red light, even if there is no car nearby.

5. On a country road, go towards the traffic.

6. If there are no traffic lights where you need to cross the street, look carefully in both directions to make sure there are no cars nearby, and only then cross the road.

7. If you are afraid to cross the street alone, ask one of the adults to transfer you or wait for the adult to cross the street and walk next to him.

8. Be especially careful when crossing the street when the sun is shining in your eyes. Bright sunlight blinds your eyes and you may not be able to see an approaching car. Cover your eyes with your hand or a book.

9. Do not run out onto the pavement for a ball or other toy.

10. If a traffic controller is on duty at the intersection, listen to his instructions.

11. Do not ride a bicycle on the roadway where cars and trucks drive.

Rules for crossing the street

1. When crossing the road, look first to the left, then to the right.

2. Cross the road at the place where there is a footpath or a traffic light.

3. If there is no footpath and traffic lights, cross the street when the cars are far from the crossing point and nothing prevents you from seeing the road well.

4. It is dangerous to cross the road if its visibility is limited.

5. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green.

6. Cross the street with a calm step, in a straight line, and not obliquely.

7. It is necessary to cross the intersection only at pedestrian crossings.

8. When crossing the street, follow the traffic light.

9. Do not have time to cross the street - stop at the "Safety Island".

10. Cross the railway only in specially equipped places.

11. If there is a traffic controller on the street, cross the street, obeying his commands.

Rules of conduct in transport

1. Hold on tight to the railings.

2. Do not enter or leave the bus when the doors are already closing.

3. Keep your hands and head out of the vehicle window.

4. Give up your seat to the disabled, the elderly and small children.

5. Do not talk to the driver while the vehicle is in motion.

6. Do not walk on the bus when it is moving.

7. Don't talk loudly, don't sing, don't make noise, don't shout on the bus.

8. When waiting for passenger transport, do not stand on the very edge of the sidewalk, you can stumble or slip and get under the wheel.

9. Enter the back door, exit the front. If a bus, trolleybus or tram has three doors, it is more convenient to enter the middle and rear doors, and exit the front and middle doors.

10. While driving, do not touch the doors with your hands until the driver opens them.

11. You need to bypass the trolleybus and the bus only from the back, and the tram - from the front.

12. Entering and leaving the transport, do not rush, do not push.

13. After getting off the bus, go to the crossroads and only there cross the road.

14. In case of an accident on the bus, use the emergency exit.

Talking to children about road safety

(Card file of conversations on traffic rules for preschool children)

Conversation with children "Where can I play?"

Target: To form the idea of ​​​​preschoolers about safety on the streets and roads. Convince children of the dangers of playing on the roadway (road). Explain why you can not play on the street and roads. Designate places for games and riding scooters, children's bicycles, skiing, sledding and skating.

Dictionary: danger, discipline.

The course of the conversation: Rules of the road

There are many in the world.

Everyone should learn them

We didn't bother

But the main one

traffic rules

Know how to table

Must multiply.

On the pavement - do not play,

Don't ride

If you want to stay healthy!

game exercise "Kick scooter"

Kick scooter! Kick scooter!

Scooter, very happy!

I roll myself, I roll myself

Scooter where I want ! (children bend one leg at the knee slightly springy, with the other leg they imitate repulsion movements, as when riding a scooter, while the leg seems to slide, but does not touch the floor).

The teacher reminds the children that it is very dangerous to play on the pavement. You need to skate only on the rinks; on skis and sleds - in parks, squares, stadiums; on a bicycle and scooters - only in specially designated places. Bicycles and scooters outside are strictly requested. Play should be on sports grounds and stadiums. You can not play snowballs, football and other games on the sidewalks and the carriageway of the street or road - this interferes with pedestrians and traffic.

Physical education minute "Cars":

We go, we go, we go for a long time,

This path is very long.

We'll get to Moscow soon

There we can rest . (walking in place, moving forward on half-bent legs, with bent arms, a forward and backward movement is made). (The song sounds, “It is dangerous to play on the road”, lyrics by V. Murzin; music by S. Mirolyubov).

mobile game "Pedestrians and Vehicles"

Children are divided into two groups (vehicles and pedestrians). Each of the group "transport" they give a sign with a picture of the type of transport: bicycle, car, motorcycle, etc. Pedestrians are given signs - "child", "a pedestrian". Team "Traffic!" for those. who has a sign with the name of the mode of transport. team "Sidewalk!" served for pedestrians. Children must clearly respond to their team. On command "Traffic!" children lift up the signs with pictures "automobile", "motorbike" etc. On command "Sidewalk!" Pedestrians do the same. Those who do not receive penalty points. Then the game is played in the yard on a marked area. (repeat several times) . Next, organize traffic. Cars and motorcycles must slow down to give way to pedestrians. Pedestrians cross the street correctly. Then the children switch roles. Mistakes are sorted out and the game continues.

Task and questions:

1. Where can I ride scooters and children's bikes?

2. Where is the safest place to play football and other sports?

3. Why can't you play on the pavement?

4. Tell me where you can play?

5. Tell me where you can not play and why?

Conversation with children "On the rules of the road"


Teach children to correctly name the elements of the road;

Familiarize yourself with the rules of driving on the side of the road;

Reinforce knowledge of familiar traffic rules

Visual aids:

Traffic light, roadway mockup, three traffic light signals for game "Traffic light", posters depicting various situations on the roads

Conversation flow:


A hare came running

And screamed: - Hey, hey!

My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

And his legs were cut

And now he's sick and lame

My little hare!

Guys, why do you think the bunny got hit by a tram? (Breaked the rules.). Yes, of course, he violated the rules of the road - he played on the tram tracks or ran across the rails in front of a nearby tram. And to avoid such a disaster, you must always follow the rules of the road. Today we will talk about this.

Everyone should know the rules of the road without exception.

Who becomes a person on the street? (Pedestrian.)

What parts is the street divided into?

What is the name of the part of the road that cars drive on?

What is the name of the path that pedestrians walk on?

Guys, what about pedestrians when there is no sidewalk next to the roadway? Where should pedestrians go in this case?

That's right, in the case when there is no sidewalk next to the roadway, you can walk along the edge of the roadway, which is called the shoulder. The curb is the edge of the roadway. I will walk along the side of the road, but what is the right way to walk along it so that the cars do not hit me - along the side of the road towards moving cars or in the direction of their movement?

Exhibited layout with the image of the roadway and moving cars.

Educator. Let's look at the layout and figure out where to go so as not to be hit by a car? Look, if I walk along the side of the road towards moving cars, I see the car well, and the driver of the car sees me, and if I walk along the side of the road, in the direction of the cars, then I don’t see the car behind me, but the driver sees me. I feel uncomfortable, and most importantly, life-threatening - you stumble a little and you can get hit by a car.

What is the safest way to walk on the side of the road? (children's answers)

That's right, on the side of the road you need to go towards moving cars. And who helps us to cross the roadway?

Stop, car! Stop, engine!

Slow down, driver!

Attention, staring

You have a three-eyed traffic light -

Green, yellow, red eye

He gives orders to everyone.

mobile game "Traffic light"

On red - the children stand quietly.

On yellow - clap your hands.

On the green color - the children are marching.


Traffic rules!

Should know

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tigers

Ponies and kittens!

V. Golovko

Now we will be young traffic inspectors. Let's check how our animal friends obey the traffic rules on the streets of the city.

Displays cards depicting different situations on the road.

Educator. Look and tell how animals follow the rules of the road.

Children take turns talking about the situations depicted on the cards.

Conversation"Attention - we cross the street"


Develop connected speech

Conversation flow:

Guys! Let's imagine street: noisy, sonorous filled with cars and pedestrians.

Who will tell me what is on the street?

Children's answers (houses, road where cars drive, sidewalk for pedestrians).

That's right guys. Buses, cars and trucks rush along the road. There are many pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street on pedestrian crossings. In order to be safe on the road, you must follow special rules. Drivers and pedestrians should be aware of these rules. You should also know them, since small children are also pedestrians.

Rules help to restore order not only in games but also on the road. One of these rules is the rules of the road. We must know the rules of the road from childhood. Knowing them prevents accidents and dangerous situations in which both adults and children can suffer.

1 situation:

What? What happened?

Why is everything around

twirled, twirled

And rushed the wheel?

It's just a boy Peter

One goes to kindergarten...

He has no mom and no dad

I ran to kindergarten.

And of course on the road

The boy almost got hurt.

Petya jumps and jumps

Doesn't look around.

The boy is very careless

You can't behave like that!

Do you think, kids?

Pete needs advice

How to behave as a boy

In order not to make trouble!

(the boy must be attentive and careful, he can get hit by a car; you need to know the rules of behavior on the road; you need to go to kindergarten with mom or dad.)

2 situation.

Hear the sound of cars

What happened there?

Maybe something happened there?

After all, no one goes there.

Don't worry, it's Masha

From the kindergarten she goes

She does not take mom and dad by the hand at all.

The baby just wants to sleep, she doesn’t want to go slowly!

And nothing prevents her, even though many honk.

You guys think you can behave like this!

Sleep at the crossing!

(you need to cross the road holding mom or dad by the hand, do not fall asleep, because you are walking slowly, everyone will be late for their business).

Well done boys! Now you and Masha have taught the rules of safe behavior on the road. After all, the road is primarily a danger. And an inattentive, distracted person can get into trouble. And not only he will suffer, but also the driver. Therefore, it is so important to know and follow the rules of the road.

It is necessary to study and know the Rules of the road in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the traffic. It's just that there are no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they themselves are large, and their speed is greater than ours. And for us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. Here we are safe. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. Won't even get off pavement: dangerous, and a hindrance to drivers. What if it's not in the city? Then the rule is otherwise: road for cars, roadside - for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the roadside so that the cars drive towards you.

So we remember: the sidewalk serves for the movement of pedestrians along the street, you need to walk along it in steps, keeping to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians.

Take your time like a fire

And remember: transport - road,

And pedestrians - the sidewalk!

Yes, and parents are also punished

And there will be no trouble on the road!

Conversation with children "My friend is a traffic light"

Target: To introduce children to the basic rules of traffic, to tell what irreparable consequences a violation of traffic rules leads to.

teacher: How many cars are on the streets! And every year there are more and more of them. Trucks, buses rush along our roads, cars drive fast. In order to be safe on the roads, all cars, buses are subject to strict traffic rules. Everyone must know and follow the rules of behavior on the roads. pedestrians: adults and children. People go to work, to the store, the guys are in a hurry to go to school. Pedestrians must only walk on the sidewalk, but the sidewalk must also be walked on, keeping to the right side. And then you don’t have to stumble, bypass oncoming people, turn to the side. In some settlements there is no sidewalk, and there are also a lot of cars. Vehicles move along the carriageway. If you have to walk on the road, then you need to go towards the traffic. Why? It's easy to guess. You will see a car and give way to it, you will step aside.

You must cross the road on the footpath. Our friend, the traffic light, helps us cross the road. The traffic light is not simple, but special for pedestrians, it has only two lights, red and green.

Red light is a dangerous signal. Stay where you are! A green friend will light up - you walk with him cheerfully!

Such traffic lights are not everywhere, sometimes there is a large traffic light next to the pedestrian crossing, you can call it "automobile", as drivers are guided by its light so that an accident does not happen. How much is this traffic light "eye"?

(three eyes).

That's right guys! Only the rules for pedestrians are different from the rules for drivers.

Red light - the signal is our friend, don't stand still! - the red signal of the traffic light tells the pedestrian. Then a yellow light appears at the traffic light. He says “Look around! Get ready! Now you can go!". A green He speaks: “Pedestrians are closed! Have patience everyone will be surprised!”.

And when there are no traffic lights near pedestrian crossings, but you need to cross the road. Look to the left before stepping on the road, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right.

teacher: "Traffic Laws" strict. They do not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the road as he pleases, not following the rules. And then an irreparable disaster happens. But the rules of the road are also very kind: they protect from terrible misfortune, protect life. Whatever happens to you, you need to follow the basic rules behavior:

Do not cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

Do not play outdoors close to the road. -

Do not ride sleds, roller skates, bicycles on the road.

teacher: So, what should children learn in order to live peacefully on light:

1. Walk only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right side. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.

2. Obey traffic lights. Cross the street only at the green light of the pedestrian traffic light. Or on red when there is no pedestrian traffic light.

3. Cross the road only along the footpath. You need to cross the street straight, not obliquely.

4. Before crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right.

5. Cars, buses, trolleybuses should be bypassed from behind, and trams - from the front.

Conversation on the topic:"Meet the Street"

Purpose: To introduce children to the street with its features, to consolidate the rules of behavior on the street; walk only on the sidewalk; on the right side; cross the street only through the underpass or zebra crossing.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was here recently at the school of pedestrian science and I was told a lot about the streets and roads, but I did not understand everything. Help me figure it out!

Guys, what is the street? Clearly, this is the road along which the houses stand.

Who is called a pedestrian? So these are the people who walk.

Who are the passengers? These are the people who travel.

Where is traffic on the street? This means on the road, which is called the carriageway?

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? Remember that pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk.

Which side should they go on? So on the right, so as not to interfere with other pedestrians.

Where should a pedestrian cross the street? Underground and pedestrian crossings. So the striped road is a pedestrian crossing. It is also called "zebra".

Guys, they asked me a riddle, but I don’t know what it is.

Day and night I burn

I give signals to everyone

I have three colors.

What is my friends name?

What do traffic lights mean?

Oh, how much I need to remember!

Red light - stand order.

The yellow light will flash to the people - get ready for the transition!

And the green lights up - the path is clear.

The traffic light addresses me and the car at the same time, but in completely different words. The moment he tells you, "Go!", he orders the cars, "Stop!" And when he lets cars go, at the same second he warns you: “Stop!”

Now I understand everything! Thank you guys! I will try to be an exemplary pedestrian. Well, I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:"It's time is not time - do not go from the yard."

Goal: Explain to children that you can’t play on the roads.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! Do you like to play hide and seek? And who doesn't love? Do you like driving?

Like it or not, everyone has to drive. What do you say before you open your eyes and go looking?

You probably say this: it's time, it's not time - I'm walking from the yard. This is such a hint. He said, turned around, looked around and went to look.

But I was recently at the pedestrian school there, the guys have a different saying: it's time not time - don't go out of the yard! If you play hide and seek, hide only in the yard!

If you ride a scooter, don't go outside!

If you got on a bicycle ... There’s nothing to talk about: until you grow up, the rules strictly forbid you to ride a bicycle down the street.

Why such strictness? Because there are a lot of cars on the street, and they all drive fast.

And in the courtyard of the car appear infrequently and go slowly. This is what the rules for drivers say: in the driveways between houses, in the yards where children play, you need to drive slowly and very carefully.

Do you remember the hint?

That's right: it's time not time - don't go out of the yard! And why?

Well, well done, remember everything! So it's time for me. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:"Look left, look right."

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to cross the road correctly.

Pinocchio comes to visit.

Does anyone know where to cross the road?

That's right, along the pedestrian crossing, where white zebra stripes are drawn, or along the underpass. But there are also quiet, quiet streets, and even more so lanes or, perhaps, roads along which one car passes an hour. And there are no stripes on the pavement, no underground stairs ... If you think that you can walk around here, anywhere, then you are mistaken. Whatever street you cross, do not rush to step on the pavement. The road must be well and far visible. Right and left. And then, not even an hour, a car will jump out from behind a turn!

On the sidewalk, look to your left to see if cars are approaching. And be sure to wait until they all pass.

But why to the left? Yes, for the simple reason that cars drive from this side.

Have you looked carefully? Free road? Then go. Fast, but don't run. When you get to the middle of the street, stop. And again, look carefully, this time to the right: there is an oncoming flow of cars from there. First, look to the left. In the middle of the road - look to the right.

Do you remember how to pass? In which direction should you look first? And then which one?

You guys remember well!

What if a car approaches? Do not try to cross the road - you will not have time. No matter how you run, the car goes faster. Wait for it to pass by.

But where to wait if you are in the middle of the street? Wait there. Right on the white line that divides the pavement into two parts. And at the crossings through the wide streets, an island is often painted with white paint. Here you are completely safe. This place is called: the island of safety. Look. (show picture)

Do you remember the name of the place where you can wait until the cars pass by?

Well done boys! Remember well! But it's time for me. I'll go tell the other guys. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic "Road safety"

Purpose: to remind children about the rules of behavior on the roads.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! And today I managed to visit the school of pedestrian sciences. They told me there what to do to save my life on the roads. Do you know?

That's right, you must follow the rules of the road. Let's remember them all.

Rule number 1. Where can you cross the road?

That's right, you can only cross the road at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign "pedestrian crossing". Here look (shows a sign). Guys, do you know what is the safest crossing? This is underground. It's marked like this (shows a sign).

Rule number 2. If there is no underpass, you must use the underpass with traffic lights. Do you know traffic lights? Correctly. "Red man" means: "stop!", and "green man" means: "go!"

Rule number 3. You can not cross the road at a red light, even if there are no cars.

Rule number 4. When crossing the road, you should always look around. Where do we look first? Yes, first - to the left, and having reached the middle of the road - to the right.

Rule number 5. It is safest to cross the road with a group of pedestrians. This is understood even by stray dogs who do not know the rules of the road. Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road. Guys, why can't you run out on the road? Can you play on the road? Why? Correctly. This is rule number 6. You can not play on the carriageway and on the sidewalk. Guys, if your parents forgot which side to bypass the bus, trolleybus and tram, you can remind them that:

Buses and trolleybuses must be bypassed at the bus stop only at the rear, while trams can only be bypassed at the front. Deal?

Here are the guys! Remember all the rules. This is great! It's just time for me. I'll go to the other guys and remind the rules. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

"Rules of conduct in transport"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in transport.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! When I was driving to your kindergarten by bus, I saw a boy who was screaming and littering on the bus. Is it possible to behave like this in transport?

Guys, let's talk about the rules of conduct in transport!

How should you stand at the bus stop when waiting for transport?

That's right, they don't play around at the bus stop. When the bus arrives, look at the bus number before you get on it. And first let the passengers out of the transport, and then come in yourself. Do not linger at the door, go to the middle of the salon. Do not push other passengers or step on your feet. And you have to be careful when closing the doors.

That's right, we pay the fare or show the ticket. And keep it until the end of the journey!

And if a grandmother entered the transport, what needs to be done? That's right, give way to the elders. We need to help the elderly. Do not scandal and do not be capricious in transport. And don't talk loudly - you're disturbing others. If you are asked about something, answer politely. Respect other passengers!

And with ice cream can you go into transport? Why? Can you litter? How about throwing trash out the window? Why?

Guys, I was told that leaning out the window is very dangerous! Why?

Guys, if someone is a hooligan in transport, what should I do?

You have to tell the driver. And if you are offended, attract the attention of adults.

Oh guys, thank you! You explained a lot of things to me today. I will now be an exemplary passenger! I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic: "Regulator"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the profession of a policeman - a traffic controller and the work of a traffic policeman.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was at the walking science school yesterday. There I was told that there are people who make sure that everyone follows the rules of the road. These are special divisions of militia workers - sharp-sighted and attentive people. And this division is called the state automobile inspection - GAI. They keep order on the roads of our country. They protect people's lives and health. Here he is, the most important person on the road - a policeman, an inspector - a traffic controller. (Shows a picture) Look at how he is dressed. Even the suit helps him regulate movement. Waterproof jacket. Protective helmet. Striped belt. Striped armlets. Everything is striped. The strips are not simple: in the dark they glow. This is so that drivers can see the inspector at night. And he also has a radiotelephone to talk with other traffic inspectors, traffic police cars. In the hands of the traffic controller is a rod, a short stick in black and white stripes. When the inspector - traffic controller stood at attention, and then quickly raised his hand with a rod up, this means: “Attention! It is forbidden to enter the intersection. You have to wait for my permission." The order of the traffic controller is mandatory for everyone. And if you have already entered the pavement, go back to the sidewalk or get to the "safety island" - much closer. Wait there for the permission of the regulator. If you have already passed the middle of the street, then quickly get to the sidewalk. When the traffic controller raises his right hand up, you need to do what everyone does at a yellow traffic light - get ready. We can only go when the traffic controller stands with his chest or back to us with his arms outstretched forward or to the sides.

This work is hard. But everyone needs it. It is necessary to respect the traffic controller - the commander of the intersection, follow his orders, carefully and accurately follow them. Then there will be no accidents on the streets.

Look, the policemen have a special car that sees and hears everything. In order to see and hear everything, it has a variety of devices: a radio station, a loudspeaker, a headlight - a finder ... All drivers and pedestrians must obey the command of the traffic police car. Remember? Well done!

Oh guys, it's time for me. I lingered here. See you soon!

Rules of conduct in public transport.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct in public transport.


  1. To consolidate with the children the concepts of "driver", "pedestrian" and "passenger".
  2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in public transport.
  3. To develop the horizons of children and logical thinking, memory, speech and other mental processes.
  4. Continue to develop a sense of responsibility for your life.

Methodological support:

Vocabulary work: pedestrian, passenger, driver.

Equipment: pictures with situations.

Motivation: communication with children about the rules.


They gave the guys a warning:

“Learn the Rules of the Movement!

To not worry
Every day parents

To calmly rush
Street drivers"


Guys, what does the word "rules" mean, which of you can explain to me? (children's answers)

There are rules in the games you play while walking. There are rules of conduct in the theater or cinema. There are rules of conduct in the hospital. Can you remember what the rules are? (children's answers)

I know that there are rules in every family. Maybe you can tell us about your family's rules? (children's answers)

In my family, when I was little, there was such a rule: when my mother came home from work tired, she went to rest, and I went to another room and did not make noise so as not to disturb her sleep.

Rules are a certain order. So, for all these rules, it is important that they must be followed. And today we will remember some rules that will help you save life on the roadway and the streets of our village. Do you already know the rules for pedestrians? (Ask some, remind if you forgot) There are also rules for drivers. And if drivers and pedestrians strictly follow their rules, then there are no accidents. And when you grow up, you will learn the rules for drivers yourself to drive your car or work as a driver.


Together we help dad:

We wash our own car!

We rub glass cleanly.

Wash your car fast!

One two three four-

Stretched, bent over.

Five, six, seven, eight

We won't stop washing the car!

Stretched, leaned

Well we did our best!


Guess the riddle:

The house is walking down the street

takes everyone to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots. (Bus)

Today we will remember the rules of conduct in public transport. What are the names of people who ride in public transport? (passengers) That's right, passengers. And the rules that we will now recall are called the rules of passengers.

Who remembers how to behave properly on the bus? (children's answers)

The traffic police inspector summarizes the answers of the children, based on pictures depicting situations:

  • You have to get on the bus at the bus stop.
  • Enter through the back door and exit through the front.
  • Do not jump into or out of a moving vehicle while it is moving.
  • In transport, you must behave calmly, do not shout or talk loudly.
  • It is necessary to give way to the elders.
  • You can not stick your hands and head out the open window.
  • You cannot walk on the bus when it is moving.
  • If you are standing, then hold on tightly to the back of the chair, as you will not reach the handrails yet.
  • Do not distract the driver by talking.
  • Do not try to open the transport door yourself.
  • It is necessary to get out of the transport carefully, looking at your feet and not pushing.
  • The bus and trolleybus must be bypassed at the back, and the tram at the front.

Summing up:

Passenger rules have been repeated, now you can safely go on any trip, but so far only with adults

Conversation: "Our street". older age

Purpose: To form the idea of ​​​​preschoolers about road safety; familiarization with the concepts: roadway, sidewalk, lawn, roadside.
Dictionary: street, road, carriageway, sidewalk, lawn, curb.
Contents: - Let's solve the riddle:
There are two rows of houses
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.
And square eyes
They look at each other. (the outside)
- Today Petya Svetoforov invites you to Avtograd. The town has houses, shops, a school, streets, a road, crossroads, a lot of cars. But it is necessary to comply with the condition - there must be order and discipline on the streets. And so that no one gets hit by a car and there are no accidents, everyone must follow the rules of the road.
City street game
Purpose of the game: to clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of vehicles.
Material: street layout, trees, cars, pedestrian dolls, traffic lights, road signs.
The teacher examines the model of the street with the children, asks a number of questions. children accompany their answers with a display on the layout.
Questions for children:
1. What houses are on our street?
2. What is the traffic on our street - one-way or two-way?
3. Where should pedestrians walk? Where should cars drive?
4. What is an intersection? Where and how to cross the street?
5. How is a pedestrian crossing marked?
6. How is traffic on the street regulated?
7. What traffic signals do you know?
8. What road signs are there on the street?
9. Why is passenger transport needed? Where are people waiting for it?
10. How should you behave on the bus?
11. Can I play outside?
12. Next, the teacher invites the children to “drive” along the street, observing the rules of the road. Then someone plays the role of a pedestrian. The winner is the one who did it without mistakes.

Our street.
Here is our street. Cars rush along the roadway. There are buses and trams. There are many pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street on pedestrian crossings. In order to be safe on the streets, special rules must be observed. Drivers and pedestrians should be aware of these rules. you should know them too.
Petya Svetoforov introduces children to the rules:
1. You can’t walk on the roadway, but you can only walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right side.
2. Cross the street at a walk in the places indicated by signs.
3. At regulated intersections, wait for a green traffic light or the corresponding sign of the traffic controller, while carefully watching the traffic.
4. Before getting off the sidewalk onto the carriageway of the street, make sure that it is completely safe, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street to the right; skip oncoming traffic.
5. Wait for the tram, the bus only on specially designated landing sites, and where they are not on the sidewalk.
6. After leaving the tram, look to the right, and only after making sure that it is safe, go to the sidewalk.
7. Do not play on the roadway, do not skate, scooter, sledge on the roads, do not cling to moving vehicles.
It is necessary to study and know the Rules of the road in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the traffic. It's just that there are no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they themselves are large, and their speed is greater than ours. And for us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. Here we are safe. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. He won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous, and it’s a hindrance to drivers. What if it's not in the city? Then the rule sounds different: the road is for cars, the roadside is for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the roadside so that the cars drive towards you.
So, we remembered: for the movement of pedestrians along the street there is a sidewalk, you need to walk along it in steps, keeping to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians.
Vehicles move along the carriageway of the streets.
Game (on a marked area)
Children act as vehicles. Each is given a picture of the transport. Children are divided into three groups, two groups line up face to face on the right and left sides. The command is given: "To the right!" “Movement!” Children drive down the street, obeying the traffic rules, on the right side, the third group moves along the sidewalk. Then the groups switch places.
Then Petya Svetoforov introduces the road markings. This is the white line that divides the road in the middle. It is forbidden for drivers to cross a solid line, and it is allowed to cross a broken line when overtaking, turning left, or turning around.
The white lines of a pedestrian crossing are called a zebra.
Game "Pedestrians and drivers"
Some of the guys portray pedestrians, and some - drivers. Drivers must pass a driver's license exam and get a car. Pedestrians head to the toy store for shopping. Drivers head to the car park, then drive to a signalized intersection. Pedestrians from the store go to the same intersection.
At the crossroads:
- Attention, the traffic on the streets will begin now, follow the traffic lights. Cars go, pedestrians go. Change of signals. The game continues until the children learn the rules of the movement.

Cognitive conversation "Pedestrian Rules" senior age
Objectives: To expand children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrians on the road (carriageway) and on the sidewalk; consolidate knowledge of the following concepts: “pedestrian”, “road signs”, “safety island”, “crossing”; to consolidate in children the ideas about the purpose of road signs: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”.
Material: road signs: "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Bicycle traffic is prohibited"; e / game "Play and dare", Board-printed game "Who is an excellent student - a pedestrian?", traffic police inspector's baton.
The course of the conversation
- Guys, we recently talked about the fact that when going out into the street, going to visit, or any kind of trip, we all must follow the rules of a pedestrian and a driver. Today I want to see if you remember these rules well. And the baton of the traffic police inspector will help me in this!
D / game "Merry Wand"
Tasks: to generalize ideas about the rules of behavior of pedestrians on the street; to activate children's knowledge, their speech, memory, thinking; educate the desire to comply with traffic rules in life.
Rules: listen carefully to the answers of your comrades and do not repeat yourself. The team with the most pedestrian rules wins. You can give an answer only after receiving the wand.
Equipment: traffic police inspector's baton
Game progress
The teacher divides the children into two competing teams, tells the rules of the game.
Educator. The one to whom I will give the rod in the hands will have to name one of the rules for the behavior of a pedestrian on the street. These rules cannot be repeated, so be very careful! The team that names more rules and does not repeat will win. (For each correct answer, the team receives a chip, at the end of the game the chips are counted)
The wand passes alternately from one team to another. Children name the rules.
- You can cross the street through a pedestrian underpass or only at a green traffic light.
- Pedestrians are allowed to walk only on sidewalks; if there is no sidewalk, you can move along the left side of the road towards traffic.
- It is forbidden to cross the street in front of nearby vehicles and cross the street for small children without adults.
- Before you cross the street, you need to look first to the left, then to the right and, making sure that it is safe, cross.
Note: you can complicate the game if you limit the time: the player must give an answer within 30 seconds. (guided by the hourglass).
- Well done guys, you remember the rules well.
- Guys, do you know what different road signs tell us? Then tell me, what sign is placed on the road if there is a dangerous gap in the road and there is no pedestrian crossing? ("Pedestrian traffic is prohibited").
Let's play a game and see if you know other road signs well.
D / games "Play and dare!"
Tasks: to develop mental abilities and visual perception; to learn to correlate the speech form of the description of road signs with their graphic representation; to cultivate independence, speed of reaction, ingenuity.
Rules: the image of a road sign is closed only after listening to information about it. The winner is the one who first correctly closes all the images that sounded in riddles or verses.
Equipment: tables with road signs (“Children”, “Roadworks”, “Underpass”, “No cycling”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “First aid station”) and blank cards.
Game progress
Tables with road signs and blank cards are laid out in front of the children. The principle of the game is loto. The teacher reads riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their images on the table with cards.

Hey driver beware!
It's impossible to go fast.
People know everything in the world -
This place has kids! (Sign "Children")

Here is the road work
No drive, no pass.
This place is for pedestrians.
It's better to just bypass. (Sign "Road works")

Will never let you down
Us underground passage:
Pedestrian road
It is always free. (Sign "Underpass"

It has two wheels and a saddle on the frame
There are two pedals at the bottom, twist them with your feet.
He stands in the red circle
He talks about the ban. (Sign "No cycling")

This zebra on the road
I'm not at all afraid
If everything is all right,
I'll go on the road along the stripes. (Sign "Pedestrian crossing")

I didn't wash my hands on the road
Ate fruits and vegetables.
Got sick and see the item
medical assistance.
(Sign "Point of First Aid")

Well done boys! You remember the road signs well. I hope that all your knowledge will help you in our next game.
Children play the game at will.
D / game "Who is an excellent student - a pedestrian?"
Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road (traffic signals, pedestrian crossing); cultivate attention, patience.
Material: playing field, 2 chips and a die with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Synopsis of a thematic conversation on the rules of the road in the senior group.

An instructive tale "Like at our gates, a very important sign lives."

Program content:

  • fix the rules of the road;
  • learn to apply their knowledge in practice;
  • promotion of traffic rules among preschool children.

Preliminary work:

  • Acquaintance of children with the rules of the road;
  • Acquaintance of children with traffic signs;
  • Solving riddles about transport, traffic.

Materials and equipment: steering wheel (several pieces), traffic controller's baton.

Conversation flow:

The teacher invites the children to make an interesting and informative journey through the gates of the garden. At the gates of the kindergarten there are road signs "Attention - children" and "Speed ​​limit 20 km / h".

Like ours at the gate

A very important sign is alive.

This sign warns:

The driver reduces the speed

Because kindergarten

The kids are in a hurry here.

This sign stands by the garden,

Like a military sentry.

This sign "Attention - children!",

Protects you and me.

And then any driver

Just seeing this sign

Slow down and, of course,

We will miss the same hour.

Just be very careful

We must be with you.

Suddenly the driver will not be able to

Slow down quickly...

Educator: Guys, tell me, why is this sign important? (because it shows that there may be children on the road, and the driver should be more careful).

Who is depicted on it? (children)

What are the children doing? (somewhere in a hurry)

Where are the kids going? (to a kindergarten)

What does the sign warn the driver about? (about the fact that there are children on the road).

Why is this sign at the kindergarten? (because there is a road near our garden where cars drive. And the driver has to slow down. Because there are two kindergartens here).

After carefully examining the road sign with the children and observing how passing cars follow the rules provided for by this road sign, the teacher suggests continuing the conversation on the site. All return to the territory of the kindergarten.

Educator: And now I will read you a poem about a boy. You listen carefully and think about whether the boy behaved correctly or not quite on the road.

1 situation:

What? What happened? Why is everything around

twirled, twirled

And rushed the wheel?

It's just a boy Peter

One goes to kindergarten...

He has no mom and no dad

I ran to kindergarten.

And of course on the road

The boy almost got hurt.

Petya jumps and jumps

Doesn't look around.

The boy is very careless

You can't behave like that!

Do you think, kids?

Pete needs advice

How to behave as a boy

In order not to make trouble?!

(children's answers: the boy is inattentive, he can get hit by a car; you need to know the rules of behavior on the road; you need to go to kindergarten with mom or dad).

Educator: Well done boys! Very useful advice you gave Petya. I hope nothing bad happens to him on the road again.

And here is another poem. Listen carefully.

2 situation.

What? What happened?

Why is everything around

Frozen, stopped

And how did you go to sleep?

It's just a boy Misha

Walking slowly into the garden.

Barely he walks

Doesn't look around

On the way, he falls asleep -

You can't behave like that!

Why do you need to

Misha also teach

How do I drive a road

Move right?

(children's answers: you can’t be inattentive on the road; you need to look when you cross the road to the left and right; cross when there is no car nearby, you can’t sleep on the go).


Game "Controller"

Educator: And now I propose to check how well you yourself know these rules. To do this, we will play with you the game "Regulator".

Rules of the game:

We choose 1 child - this is the traffic controller. He receives a whistle and a rod. The rest of the children are divided into two teams: pedestrians and cars. The task of the traffic controller is to give signs to the teams so that there is no collision or collision. The game is played on a specially marked area. The traffic controller can be changed several times per game.


Educator: Well done boys. Today you have shown yourself to be good pedestrians, exemplary drivers and experts on the rules of the road. Good luck on the roads!

Conversation on traffic rules in the 2nd junior group "Follow the rules of the road without objection"

Purpose of the conversation

Familiarize children with the movement of vehicles and pedestrians;

Continue to form knowledge of the rules for crossing the street at traffic lights,

develop orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal

give an idea of ​​how important it is to learn how to walk around the city correctly;

Develop thinking, visual perception, fine motor skills of hands

Develop connected speech

Raise awareness of the rules of the road

Cultivate understanding among children.

Conversation flow:

Guys! Let's mentally imagine a city street: noisy, ringing filled with cars and pedestrians. Here is our street. Cars rush along the roadway. There are buses and trams. There are many pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street on pedestrian crossings. In order to be safe on the streets, special rules must be observed. Drivers and pedestrians should be aware of these rules. You should know them too.

Rules help to put things in order in a person's life. One of these rules is the rules of the road. We must know the rules of the road from childhood. Knowing them prevents accidents and saves the lives of many people.

And now I will read you a poem about a boy. You listen carefully and think about whether the boy behaved correctly or not quite on the road.

1 situation:

What? What happened?

Why is everything around

twirled, twirled

And rushed the wheel?

It's just a boy Peter

One goes to kindergarten...

He has no mom and no dad

I ran to kindergarten.

And of course on the road

The boy almost got hurt.

Petya jumps and jumps

Doesn't look around.

The boy is very careless

You can't behave like that!

Do you think, kids?

Pete needs advice

How to behave as a boy

In order not to make trouble!

(the boy is inattentive, he can get hit by a car; you need to know the rules of behavior on the road; you need to go to kindergarten with mom or dad.)

Well done boys! Very useful advice you gave Petya. I hope nothing bad happens to him on the road again.

And here is another poem. Listen carefully.

2 situation.

What? What happened?

Why is everything around

Frozen, stopped

And how did you go to sleep?

It's just a boy Misha

Walking slowly into the garden.

Barely he walks

Doesn't look around

On the way, he falls asleep -

You can't behave like that!

Why do you need to

Misha also teach

How do I drive a road

Move right!

(you can’t be inattentive on the road; you need to look when you cross the road to the left and right; cross when there is no car nearby, you can’t sleep on the go).

Well done boys! Now you and Misha have taught the rules of safe behavior on the road. After all, the road is primarily a danger. And an inattentive, distracted person can get into trouble. And not only he will suffer, but also the driver. Therefore, it is so important to know and follow the rules of the road.

It is necessary to study and know the Rules of the road in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the traffic. It's just that there are no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they themselves are large, and their speed is greater than ours. And for us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. Here we are safe. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. He won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous, and it’s a hindrance to drivers. What if it's not in the city? Then the rule sounds different: the road is for cars, the roadside is for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the roadside so that the cars drive towards you.

So, we remembered: for the movement of pedestrians along the street there is a sidewalk, you need to walk along it in steps, keeping to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians.

Today we have repeated all together the rules of the road. Which is important and necessary for each of us to know.

Stick to the road rules strictly

Take your time like a fire

And remember: transport is expensive,

And pedestrians - the sidewalk!

Yes, and parents are also punished

Because your children are looking at you.

Always be a worthy example

And there will be no trouble on the road!

Conversation with children "My friend is a traffic light"junior group
Purpose: To introduce children to the basic rules of traffic, to tell what irreparable consequences a violation of traffic rules leads to.
Teacher: How many cars are on the streets?! And every year there are more and more of them. Heavy MAZs, KRAZs, GAZelles, buses rush along our roads, cars fly. In order to be safe on the roads, all cars, buses are subject to strict traffic laws. All pedestrians, adults and children, must also know and follow the rules of behavior on the street. People go to work, to the store, the guys are in a hurry to go to school. Pedestrians must only walk on the sidewalk, but the sidewalk must also be walked on, keeping to the right side. And then you don’t have to stumble, bypass oncoming people, turn to the side. There are no sidewalks outside the city, and there are also many cars. Vehicles move along the carriageway. If you have to walk on the road, then you need to go towards the traffic. Why? It's easy to guess. You will see a car and give way to it, you will step aside. You must cross the road on the footpath. Before crossing the road, you need to look to the left, and, having reached the middle of the road, look to the right. We are helped to cross the road by our friend - a traffic light. Red light is a danger signal. Stop! Stop! - the red signal of a traffic light speaks to the pedestrian. Then a yellow light appears at the traffic light. He says "Attention! Get ready! You can move on now!" The green traffic light says: “The way is clear! Go!”.
Teacher: The law of streets and roads, which is called "rules of the road" is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, not following the rules. And then an irreparable disaster happens. But the law of the streets and roads is also very kind: it protects from terrible misfortune, saves life. Whatever happens to you, children, follow the basic rules of behavior: Do not cross the street in front of nearby vehicles. Do not play outdoors close to the road. Do not sled, skate or bike on the road. So, what should children learn in order to live peacefully in the world:
1. Walk only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right side. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.
2. Obey traffic signals. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green.
3. Cross the road only along the footpath. You need to cross the street straight, not obliquely.
4. Before crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right.
5. Cars, buses, trolleybuses must be bypassed from the back, and trams - from the front

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The child must be introduced to the rules of behavior on the roads, starting from kindergarten age. This does not mean at all that the baby should be forced to memorize all the road signs that adults learn in driving schools. Each age has its own set of knowledge.

Dear parents! Do you follow the rules of the road? You can not answer, I know myself - not all and not always.

It is so scary to watch how a young mother drags her child by the hand, crossing the street in the wrong place, or dad, having put the baby on a bicycle, rolls in the general stream of cars, not even bothering to put a helmet on the child ... But children copy their parents in everyone. And then, a little grown up kid, without hesitation, runs across the street anywhere or rides a bicycle along the roadway.

Everyone is sympathetic to the fact that car drivers are taught for a long time and hard not only to drive a car, but also to follow the rules of the road. But after all, pedestrians are exactly the same traffic participants as motorists, only more vulnerable, more unprotected.

And children, due to their age and development of the mind, the inability to correctly assess the speed of moving cars and the environment, are all the more at risk as soon as they go out into the street.

Therefore, observance by adults of traffic rules is a necessary condition for children's safety on the roads.

Necessary, but not sufficient.

The child must be introduced to the rules of behavior on the roads, starting from kindergarten age. This does not mean at all that the baby should be forced to memorize all the road signs that adults learn in driving schools. And this is a large amount of knowledge that can be obtained at the EU driving school at Each age has its own set of knowledge.

What should a preschooler know about traffic rules?

  1. Walking on the streets should be on the sidewalk.
  2. Keep to the right on the sidewalk.
  3. Toddlers under 7 years old can only ride a bike on the sidewalk and accompanied by an adult.
  4. Children from 7 to 14 years of age have the right to ride on sidewalks, bike and bike paths. Drive slowly and on the right side of the sidewalk or path.
  5. The presence of a bicycle helmet is mandatory.
  6. When riding a bicycle, be sure to hold on to the steering wheel with at least one hand (you can show turns with the other).
  7. When crossing the road, get off the bike and drive it alongside.
  8. Cross the road only in places specially designated for this - along the "zebra".
  9. If there is a traffic light at the crossing, follow the rules of the transition "green - go, red - stop".

It seems that everything is easy and simple. But for a child, this is new information. And these coloring pictures will help you remember it.

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The rules of the road must be known to all its participants - drivers and pedestrians, adults and children. Ignorance of these rules does not release us from the obligation to adhere to them, otherwise trouble may happen.
The purpose of classes with students on traffic rules is that all students are well oriented on the road, understand the principles of car movement and know their actions in various non-standard situations that may occur.

How to avoid typical road traps

The main danger is a standing car! A standing car is dangerous: it can cover another car that is moving at high speed, making it difficult to notice the danger in time. You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that the danger is not in danger, and only then cross the road.

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind! A standing bus closes a section of the road along which a car can pass at the moment when you decide to cross it. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop, you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Know how to anticipate the hidden danger! Because of a standing car, house, fence, bushes, etc., a car may suddenly leave. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. In extreme cases, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger. Today, on the roads of the city, we are constantly faced with the fact that car drivers violate the Rules of the Road: they drive at high speed, ignoring traffic lights and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to teach children to navigate the green traffic light, you need to make sure that the danger does not threaten. Children often talk like this:« Cars are still standing, drivers see me and let me through». They are wrong!

The car is approaching slowly. And yet you have to skip it. A slow moving car can hide a fast moving car behind it. The child is often unaware that another may be hidden behind one car.

Children often run across the "desert" street without looking.On the street, where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road without first examining it, and fall under a car. Develop in your child the habit of always stopping before going on the road, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind! Children usually only watch cars moving on the right side and forget about cars passing behind them. Frightened, the child can take a step back - right under the wheels of the car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you must be extremely careful, do not make a single movement without making sure that it is safe.

Outside, hold your child tightly by the hand! Being next to an adult, the child relies on him and either does not observe the road at all, or observes poorly. Adults do not take this into account. On the street, children are distracted by all sorts of objects, sounds, not noticing a moving car, and thinking that the path is clear, they break out of the hands of an adult and run across the road. At the crossing of the road, you must firmly hold the child's hand.

Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger! In large cities, a place of increased danger is the arches through which cars leave the yards onto the roadway. Do not let the child run past the arch in front of the adult: he must be held by the hand.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the street, taking an example from you, parents, other adults. Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only to your child, but also to other children. Cross the road observing the Rules of the Road.

General provisions

"Road"- a strip of land or the surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, shoulders and dividing lanes, if any.

"Roadside"- a road element adjacent directly to the carriageway at the same level with it, differing in the type of coverage or marked out using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2, used for driving, stopping and parking in accordance with the Rules.

"Bike"- a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, having two or more wheels and driven by the muscular power of the people on it.

"Driver"- a person driving a vehicle, a driver leading pack animals, riding animals or a herd along the road. A driving instructor is equivalent to a driver.

"mechanical vehicle"- a vehicle, other than a moped, propelled by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Moped"- a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of not more than 50 cubic meters. cm and having a maximum design speed of not more than 50 km/h. Bicycles with outboard motors, mokikis and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equated to mopeds.

"Organized Foot Column"- a group of people designated in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Rules, moving together along the road in one direction.

"Passenger"- a person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (gets on it) or leaves the vehicle (gets off it).

"A pedestrian"- a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair are equated to pedestrians.

"Crosswalk"- a section of the carriageway marked with signs and (or) markings and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between the signs "Crosswalk":

"Sidewalk"- an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or separated from it by a lawn.

"Road user"- a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle.

Road users are required to know and comply with the requirements of the Rules, traffic lights, signs and markings that apply to them, as well as follow the orders of traffic controllers acting within the rights granted to them and regulating traffic with established signals.

The roads have right-hand traffic.

Road users must act in such a way that they do not endanger traffic or cause harm.

It is forbidden to damage or pollute the road surface, remove, block, damage, arbitrarily install road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing traffic, leave objects on the road that interfere with traffic. The person who created the obstacle is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if this is not possible, then by available means to ensure that participants in the movement are informed about the danger and inform the police.

Persons who violate the Rules are liable in accordance with applicable law.

Responsibilities of Pedestrians

1. Pedestrians must move along sidewalks or footpaths, and in their absence, along roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items, as well as persons moving in unpowered wheelchairs, may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or roadsides, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of the vehicles.

When driving along roadsides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with retroreflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers.

2. The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the carriageway is allowed only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the columns on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lights on: in front - white, behind - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence - on roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

3. Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and elevated ones, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

4. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

6. Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the transition must stop on the line separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure that the further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

7. When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing beacon and a special sound signal on, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and those on it must give way to these vehicles and immediately clear the carriageway.

8. It is allowed to wait for a shuttle vehicle and a taxi only on landing sites raised above the carriageway, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or roadside. In places of stops of route vehicles that are not equipped with elevated landing areas, it is allowed to enter the carriageway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary, without delay, to clear the roadway.

Obligations of Passengers

1. Passengers are obliged:

* when riding a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened with them, and when riding a motorcycle - be in a fastened motorcycle helmet;
* boarding and disembarking should be carried out from the sidewalk or curb and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.
If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway, provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants.

2. Passengers are prohibited from:

* distract the driver from driving the vehicle while it is moving;
* when driving a truck with an onboard platform, stand, sit on the sides or on a load above the sides;
* open the doors of the vehicle while it is moving.