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The stomach drops at 35 weeks. The stomach dropped, how long before childbirth? Belly dropped - photo

Your baby is already 35 weeks old. He not only formed and grew, but also became absolutely unique: he has a unique skin pattern and individual facial features.

Fetus at 35 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

Now the baby already weighs an average of 2,400 g, but this figure may differ in each individual case. Starting from the 35th week of pregnancy, the baby gains weight very quickly, becoming heavier every week by 200-220 g. Its height can already exceed 46 cm - of course, it is quite crowded in the womb, and you clearly feel every movement.

Every day there is less and less space left in the uterus, therefore every push, every movement of the crumbs is felt by the woman very clearly. The baby is already quite big and strong, sometimes he pushes his mother from the inside, which causes her very noticeable pain. The frequency of movements of the mask remains the same: doctors say that at this time the expectant mother should “catch” at least 10 movements of the baby within half a day.

If the baby moves much more often, or, conversely, his movements are felt much less often, you should immediately consult a doctor. Increased intensity or lack of movement indicates that the baby is experiencing certain difficulties.

The organs and systems of the baby by the 35th week of pregnancy are formed and are actively working. The adrenal glands secrete hormones that are responsible for the mineral and water-salt balance in a small organism.

Subcutaneous tissue continues to accumulate, now most intensively - in the area of ​​​​the shoulders. By birth, the baby will become beautiful and plump, the skin is smooth, even, pleasantly pink, round cheeks, fairly long hairs. However, there are also almost bald babies - all this is individual.

By now, your pauncher has long enough fingernails, and he may even scratch himself inadvertently. The fact that the baby is curled up, and even upside down, absolutely does not cause him any discomfort. But the tummy can bring a number of inconveniences to mom.

Delivery at 35 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that the baby has already grown enough and all the life-supporting systems of the body have started to work, the time for childbirth has not yet come. Of course, in order to guarantee its survival and further normal development, the baby needs to be conveyed to the mother. But some babies already by the 35th week of pregnancy decide that they don’t want to linger in their mother’s tummy and persistently begin to move towards a new world.

You should not be especially afraid and worried in this regard: if the birth took place at the 35th week, the masik with a high degree of probability will not only survive, but in the future will not lag behind in development from babies born on time. Of course, in each individual case, all this is individual, however, as practice confirms, most 35-week-old babies still live and grow quite safely over time.

By 35 weeks, the baby already knows how to breathe on its own - the amount of surfactant in the lungs is enough. All its organs and systems are formed and developed. In some cases, of course, a longer stay of the crumbs in the hospital may be necessary, possibly with a connection to life support devices. The need for additional maintenance of the baby in this way will be determined by the doctor. But even when the baby survives after childbirth due to artificial support, in the future he will most likely have time to get stronger and demonstrate the best indicators of development.

Future mom

The uterus slightly flattens the lungs with its mass, it has reached its peak - it rises at a level of 15 cm above the navel or 35 cm above the pubic bone. Shortness of breath can sometimes be very severe. If it becomes impossible to breathe, get on all fours and slowly inhale and exhale deeply several times. If, with a lack of air, your lips turn blue and your limbs get cold, call an ambulance and consult.

Perhaps the baby will begin to descend a little, and you will notice that breathing becomes easier. However, do not worry if this does not happen: many babies do not go down to the birth itself.

Carrying a baby is getting harder and harder. You quickly get tired and can no longer walk for a long time, as before. That is why you try not to go far from home, but daily walks should be an indestructible rule for you - oxygen is vital for a baby.

Doctors do not recommend making long trips, and even more so flights at such a late date. If you need to go somewhere, enlist the support of a loved one and change position every 15 minutes: get up, walk around.

Sleep is getting harder and harder. Frequent urination does not give rest - try not to drink a lot of liquid at night.

Pain at 35 weeks pregnant

Try to rest as much as possible and go to bed with any unpleasant symptoms - rest and relaxation in a lying position will now be the best way to deal with annoying discomfort.

You are probably almost used to the daily presence of painful sensations in the back, lower back, legs. A serious load on the back and legs provokes the appearance of pain, and even a strongly shifted center of gravity due to the large abdomen. Surely you managed to note that the pains become aggravated with a long stay on your feet, your excessive physical activity. Therefore, do not forget about wearing a prenatal bandage, avoid a long stay on your feet, try to unload your back more often. Regular warm-ups will help reduce the risk of exacerbation of pain: change your body position more often, stretch and warm up every 15-20 minutes.

Include circular movements of the pelvis in the complex of “warm-up” exercises - with their use, you can reduce and even prevent the occurrence of pain in the sacrum and thighs. But, even if pains in the pelvic region, in the perineum are present, you will have to endure them: such sensations are associated with the natural preparation of the body for childbirth, when the pelvic bones gradually diverge, preparing the passage for the baby through the birth canal.

If during pregnancy you continued to work at the computer in the same mode, do not be surprised at the presence of pain in the hands, especially in the fingers and wrists. In the case of hemorrhoids, you will have to endure pain in the anus, however, in parallel, taking measures to treat it.

Perhaps from time to time headaches will make themselves felt. The recipe for their elimination is still the same: bed and rest, and always in a dark, cool, well-ventilated room. If the headache is severe, exhausting, resort to cool compresses, ask your spouse to give you a head massage.

Anxiety about the upcoming birth is also added to the obvious general discomfort. You should not take sleeping pills. Better wake up your husband - let him calm you down. Listen to a calm relaxing, do not overeat at night. No matter how much you want to lie on your back, try to fall asleep on your side. Additional pillows will help you find the most comfortable sleeping position. You may even have to sleep half-sitting, but you need to endure this time and still find some solution for yourself. Very soon, the nights may well become truly sleepless.

Belly at 35 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

Pay close attention to abdominal pain: a pulling sensation in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back, may indicate the approach of childbirth. Normally, there is no pain in the abdomen at 35 weeks of gestation. But irregular uterine contractions have become familiar - the so-called training bouts of Braxton-Higs. True, if earlier they were not painful, now they can be quite noticeable. Watch the intensity and severity of contractions: if they acquire a certain frequency, are accompanied by increasing pain, and, moreover, against this background, there is an outpouring of amniotic fluid - it's time for you to go to the hospital.

The prolapse of the abdomen, which is one of the harbingers of an early birth, usually occurs between 36 and 38 weeks. In some cases, the abdomen may not drop at all until childbirth. Or drop earlier than usual - at 35 weeks of gestation. But this does not mean that childbirth will begin in the next hours, after the stomach has dropped - women can wait a week or two weeks for the start of labor after the stomach drops.


By the 35th week of pregnancy, the nature of vaginal discharge may slightly change: in normal creamy, light milky discharge, an admixture of mucus is observed. These are parts of the mucous plug, which closes the cervix until the end of pregnancy, protecting the baby from the penetration of pathogens. In the last stages, the cervix softens, the cervical canal gradually opens up, thus, the mucous plug slowly separating in parts turns out to be in the discharge. The cork can come out and everything - you will understand that this happened by finding a clot of thick mucus, possibly interspersed, streaked with blood. If this happens, be prepared for an early birth: the separation of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers.

Call an ambulance immediately if you notice an admixture of blood in the discharge, if the discharge is generally bloody. The separation of blood from the genital tract indicates a high risk of placental abruption - a serious and complex pathology that can even have tragic consequences. In theory, spotting, in addition to abruption, can also be a symptom of placenta previa. However, this pathology is already probably excluded after all the examinations and tests passed. In any case, blood from the vagina is an unfavorable symptom: when it appears, go to bed and call an ambulance without delay.

The appearance of liquid watery, possibly yellowish or greenish discharge, which is actually amniotic fluid, requires the same action from a pregnant woman. The outflow of amniotic fluid is a signal that childbirth will begin in the next few hours. It happens that the waters pour out even against the background of contractions. Therefore, with the call of doctors for help, do not hesitate. Keep in mind that amniotic fluid may not necessarily pour out all at once: it happens that the amniotic fluid leaks a little. This is possible with violation and deterioration of the fetal membranes. But even then, do not postpone a visit to the doctor, because if the integrity of the fetal membranes is violated, an infection can penetrate to the fetus within a day.

Ultrasound at 35 weeks pregnant

To determine whether everything is normal with the fetal membranes, whether the placenta is coping properly with its function, whether there are any threats to the baby, ultrasound will help at 35 weeks of gestation. As before, with the help of ultrasound, the doctor will determine the size of the fetus and their compliance with the term, evaluate its heartbeat, and once again make sure that there are no pathologies and developmental anomalies.

When conducting an ultrasound, the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid is necessarily taken into account, the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord is excluded. He will check the ultrasound and the degree of maturity of the placenta: the placenta is still in the second degree of maturity, but next week it will move to the third degree.

Once again, the correct presentation of the baby before childbirth will be confirmed - the head one. If the baby has not taken the optimal position, the question of the possibility of delivery by caesarean section will be considered.

Chances are you are already on maternity leave. But if not, then it is strongly recommended to abandon the work hassle and fuss if it tires you and makes you nervous.

Take care of yourself and the upcoming birth. Collect things in the hospital, master, perform to relieve pain in the back and lower back (circular movements of the pelvis in different directions).

Be sure to tell the baby how much you love and expect him, and assure him that together you will do the upcoming work perfectly.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

The 35th week of pregnancy has come. The baby is the same number of weeks old - it has formed and grown in the womb, already has unique facial features. He grew by about three centimeters, recovered a little and his weight becomes about 2.4 kilograms.

Pregnancy is slowly approaching its logical conclusion

Starting from this period, the baby will begin to actively gain weight, an average of 200-220 grams every week. Its weight is about 2400 grams, but each case is individual, so there may be slight differences in weight in different cases.

The growth of the fetus is about 46 centimeters. Since it is cramped in the womb, the mother feels every movement of her child. With each new day, the place in the uterus decreases, because of this, any movement or kick is very clearly felt by the expectant mother and sometimes brings discomfort.

The child is already rather big, respectively, his kicks are now applied with much greater physical strength. When he pushes the parent from the inside, the mother may experience pain.

The movement inside the uterus continues with the same frequency - at least ten movements in half a day. If this figure is higher or lower, consult a doctor. Any error may indicate the difficulties experienced by the baby.

The internal organs and systems that support the life of the crumbs are formed and functioning. The adrenal glands already secrete hormones that regulate the mineral and water-salt balance of the fetus.

If the baby is born now, then doctors do not see anything terrible or dangerous in this.

Due to the fact that the subcutaneous tissue continues to accumulate, and at this stage it is quite active, the child will be born pleasantly plump, with pinkish smooth skin. Perhaps the birth of both a bald baby and with hairs, everything is individual.

The baby has quite long fingernails. He is located in the mother's womb in the so-called fetal position - curled up. It is located head down, and this does not give him any discomfort. On the other hand, his parent is able to feel some inconvenience due to the tummy.

at 35 weeks pregnant

Of course, all the internal organs have already been formed and are actively functioning, but the time has not yet come for the birth of the baby. On average, childbirth occurs during the fortieth week. So the child is guaranteed to develop normally, and nothing will threaten him. However, sometimes the little ones decide for themselves when they are born.

Do not worry that your son or daughter will be in danger due to premature birth. Statistics show that babies born during this period survive and develop quite normally.

Of course, in terms of weight and size, they are slightly different from those who were born at term, but some time later they catch up with their peers in development and nothing says that they were born prematurely.

At 35 weeks, the baby is able to breathe on its own, since surfactant is produced in sufficient quantities in its lungs. The organs are formed and work independently, which allows after birth not to connect the child to a life support apparatus.

In some cases, it may still be needed, but this does not mean that the child will not get stronger in the future. Even with this outcome, children grow up healthy and active.

Perhaps the mother and child will be left in the hospital longer, but the main thing that future parents need to know is that childbirth at 35 weeks is not dangerous.

Future mom

The uterus enlarges so much that it even presses on the lungs. At the moment, it has peaked and grown about 15 centimeters above the navel, or 35 centimeters above the pubic bone.

Of course, this position of the uterus can cause quite severe shortness of breath. If it becomes almost impossible to breathe and it becomes bad, you need to get on all fours and inhale slowly and deeply.

If your lips turn blue when you are short of breath, or your hands or feet become too cold, call an ambulance. The hospital staff member will ask you some clarifying questions and advise you.

In the later stages, you need to be as careful as possible, avoiding injuries and falls.

It is possible that at this time the baby will begin to sink a little in the womb, which means it will become easier to breathe. If this does not happen, there is no need to be scared or upset - there are times when the fetus only descends.

Due to the weight of the fetus and its size, as well as the fact that the uterus presses on the internal organs, it is more difficult to carry it. Mom can no longer walk for a long time, as she gets tired quickly. It is advisable to include short walks in your daily program, since oxygen is especially important for the fetus inside. But do not go far from home, so that in case of emergency you can quickly return.

The deadline is already late, so do not make long trips, and even more so do not plan flights. If you still need to go and there is no way to cancel the trip, change position every fifteen minutes. It is advisable to stop the car, get up from the chair and walk.

Sleep problems can torment - because of frequent urination, mom has to wake up several times a night. In order not to aggravate the situation further, do not drink a lot of fluids at night.

You must make the longest trips on foot - no trips, let alone flights, are allowed for this period

Pain at 35 weeks pregnant

You need to rest more often and not burden yourself. If discomfort occurs, you should lie down in bed. Now, relaxing while lying down is the best weapon to combat discomfort.

Most women are already used to this time that they are constantly accompanied in the legs, back and lower back. This is due to the huge load on the back and lower limbs. In addition, the center of gravity shifts due to the large abdomen, which also brings discomfort. These pains often occur when the mother is on her feet for a long time, moving too actively.

Hence the conclusion - in order to avoid painful sensations, you need to rest more often or at least take breaks between your classes.

Also, try not to neglect the prenatal bandage, as it supports the stomach and takes some pressure off the back and lower back. It is especially important for those who are on their feet for more than three hours.

Try to avoid being on your feet for a long time and being too active. Try to unload your back and lower back, otherwise the pain will cause a lot of trouble. To further alleviate your condition and relieve pain, do a warm-up every fifteen to twenty minutes. The warm-up is very simple - change position, stand up and stretch.

Lower back pain accompanies many women during pregnancy.

Pelvic circles will also help - they will not only reduce pain in the sacrum and hips, but they can prevent it, so it is advisable to include these exercises in all expectant mothers at 35 weeks of pregnancy.

And if pains in the pelvic area and in the perineum bother you, then you have to put up with it - the body is preparing for childbirth. This means that the pelvic bones gradually diverge, preparing the passage for the child.

If the expectant mother continues to work at the computer, then there is no need to be surprised that there are pains in her fingers and wrists. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, then you will also have to endure pain in the anus.

But this does not mean that the problem is left to chance - take measures to treat it, after consulting with your doctor.

Headaches may be bothersome. Get rid of them easily - bed and rest. But you need to rest in a ventilated room with curtains drawn or blinds down. The room should not be brightly lit. If the pain does not subside, apply a compress or ask your husband for a head massage.

Not only is it becoming increasingly difficult for a woman to endure pregnancy, but the fear of childbirth is also added. Do not take sleeping pills or sedatives. If you wake up and cannot calm your excitement, wake up your spouse, he will be able to calm you down.

many women attend group classes for pregnant women - there you can relax and get rid of the fear of childbirth

It is also advisable to listen to quiet, soothing music, do not eat too much at night. Try to sleep on your side, even if you want to lie on your back. To make it more comfortable to fall asleep, put extra pillows, sleep half-sitting. In general, look for the most comfortable position.

Most likely, during this period you will not be able to get enough sleep, but you need to endure it. Very soon the baby will be born, and then the nights will become really sleepless.

Belly at 35 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

You need to carefully monitor the nature of pain. If it pulls in the stomach and gives it to the lumbar region, then childbirth may be approaching. It is normal when there is no pain in the abdomen at 35 weeks. However, irregular uterine contractions are of concern - they are training, they are also called Braxton-Higgs.

Only if earlier they were painless, now they can bring tangible discomfort. Watch for their manifestations - if they occur at regular intervals, the pain increases, and amniotic fluid also pours out, then it's time to go to the hospital to give birth.

Try not to be alone, because labor can begin suddenly

Lowering the abdomen is one of the signs of an approaching birth. However, everything happens individually - the stomach may drop at the end of the 35th week, and childbirth will occur only after a week or two. Also, the stomach sometimes does not fall until childbirth.

35 weeks pregnant - intimacy

Intimacy during the 35th week of pregnancy has its own characteristics and contraindications, namely:

  1. You can not have sex if there is a threat of premature birth. Even if there is no immediate threat of premature birth, but it was during previous pregnancies, then intimacy is excluded. Also, contraindications include the low location of the placenta, pain, multiple pregnancy.
  2. If amniotic fluid or mucous membranes are released, then infection is possible. Therefore, in this case, intimacy is also excluded.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases and even the suspicion of such diseases are also a reason for refusing to have sex.

If the contraindications listed above do not apply to you, then you can continue to have sex. Studies have shown that sperm can increase the elasticity of the cervix, so it makes sense to use a condom.

Until recently, it was believed that due to intimacy, namely, due to uterine contractions during orgasm, premature birth is provoked. However, research results have shown that there is no connection between these processes.

Many men are afraid of intimacy in the later stages, fearing to harm the child.

Cold at 35 weeks pregnant

An elevated temperature may mean that a woman has caught a cold. At this time, it is really dangerous:

  1. Runny nose causes oxygen starvation.
  2. If a pregnant woman was diagnosed with a low placenta, then coughing (especially spasmodic) can cause placental abruption. If the fetus also gradually descends, then childbirth can begin before the term.

To heal, you must first calm down. Rest, stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids.

If there is a possibility and the cold is not serious, give up medications, preferring traditional medicine.


The type of secretions changes slightly - mucous inclusions are added to the creamy milky secretions. This is normal, mucous secretions are parts of the mucous plug that closes the cervix before the baby is born so that pathogenic bacteria do not penetrate into it and harm the baby's body.

The last stages of pregnancy mark the softening of the cervix, the cervical canal begins to open slightly, and the mucous plug begins to separate in parts.

It is possible to isolate the entire cork. If this happens, then the expectant mother will understand this by finding a clot of very thick mucus, probably interspersed with blood.

Be extremely attentive to your feelings - if the cork is completely out, then this is a harbinger of childbirth.

If the discharge is greenish, yellowish, earthy in color, and also if there is an admixture of flakes, if it resembles cottage cheese in consistency or even foams, and has an unpleasant odor, then this is a deviation from the norm.

Leading a healthy lifestyle increases resistance to colds

If one or more of the above signs are found, then most likely it is a genital infection. These signs are also characterized by itching in the perineum, inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.

This problem needs to be fixed! If you do not pay attention to it, you will pass the infection to the child during childbirth, when he passes through the birth canal.

If blood is visible in the discharge, call an ambulance immediately. The detected blood can signal placental abruption - a very serious problem that can provoke a tragic outcome.

Bloody discharge is also a signal of placenta previa, but, most likely, after passing all the mandatory tests, this problem has already been ruled out.

It doesn’t matter what causes blood to come out, the main thing is to urgently call an ambulance, since blood is an unfavorable sign.

You should also call emergency care if you have a liquid or watery discharge, possibly yellowish or greenish in color. Such discharge may signal the outflow of amniotic fluid. If this happens, then in a few hours labor will begin, which means you need not to hesitate, but call emergency help or go to the hospital on your own.

In the later stages, scheduled visits to the doctor become more frequent up to once a week

Remember, amniotic fluid does not always flow out in full at one time, sometimes it flows out little by little. Therefore, pay attention to the consistency of the discharge. If they are liquid, then, most likely, amniotic fluid departs.

You can’t wait, seek medical help, because after a violation of the integrity of the fetal membrane, infections can penetrate into the womb, which harms the child.

Ultrasound at 35 weeks pregnant

To find out if everything is fine with the fetal membranes, if the placenta functions reliably, if there are any threats to the life of the crumbs, you need to do an ultrasound. As in previous examinations, the specialist will find out the size of the child and whether they correspond to the term, evaluate the heartbeat, determine if there are pathologies or inconsistencies in development.

Ultrasound at the 35th week is different in that the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid is necessarily analyzed, the possibility of entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord is excluded. The specialist also checks the level of maturity of the placenta: while it is still in the second level of maturity, but starting from the 36th week, it will move to the third degree.

On ultrasound, a specialist checks the normal course of pregnancy

The specialist will once again determine the position of the crumbs before childbirth. Head - the most optimal (that is, head down). If the baby has not accepted this position, you may have to use a caesarean section.

If you are still not on maternity leave, then doctors strongly recommend that you apply for it. In any case, physical activity should be reduced, and the time for rest should be increased.

At this stage, it is important to start mastering the technique of proper breathing, perform gymnastics to relieve pain in the lower back, legs, and back. It is also time to prepare things for the hospital.


The main thing is to get enough vitamins and minerals from food, especially calcium and iron, protein and healthy fats. To make sure what substances are missing, you need to see a doctor so that he can prescribe a blood test to detect a vitamin deficiency.

After the tests are ready, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate drugs. Self-treatment with vitamins is not recommended, because you cannot know exactly what is missing and what is in excess. Only analysis will determine for sure.

To feel good and provide your baby with everything you need, include the following in your daily menu:

  1. Dairy products - cottage cheese and hard cheese.
  2. Rye bread, but not from the highest grade flour, but from wholemeal flour. This product contains a lot of iron and fiber.
  3. Offal rich in iron - liver and heart, preferably chicken or beef.
  4. Enrich your body with healthy fats - red fish and vegetable oils, linseed is especially useful (if you buy oils, then only in a dark and glass jar).
  5. Greens, especially spinach (source of iron).
  6. Two or more servings of fresh vegetables. If it's winter, then give preference to frozen vegetables (after defrosting them), rather than eating pickled foods.

At this time, swelling interferes with pregnant women, so do not drink too much fluid (optimally up to a liter per day). Don't eat too many salty and sugary foods. Any chips, crackers, nuts are excluded. If you want sweets, eat fruits, dried fruits, berries. Cakes, cakes, milk chocolate, should be excluded from the diet.

Do not eat legumes and cabbage in any form - these foods cause bloating. The uterus already puts pressure on the internal organs, and if it still torments bloating, then the pregnant woman will feel uncomfortable.

Eat small meals, six to seven times a day. And if discomfort prevents you from eating, then you still need to overpower yourself. The baby now really needs all the nutrients that his mother can give him. Its further development largely depends on the diet of the mother.

Some whims and eating habits of pregnant women can be harmful, for example, pickles will cause swelling

Alcohol at 35 weeks

It must be excluded, because there is no benefit to the child from it, but it can cause harm. Very often, pregnant women are drawn to alcohol, and especially to beer. But this can be explained by scientific facts:

  • The desire to drink red wine can be explained by low blood pressure or low mood. A cup of coffee or green tea will raise the pressure, and you can improve your mood with a bar of high-quality, dark chocolate with a large percentage of cocoa beans. You can also eat a banana, it, like high-quality chocolate, causes the production of the hormone of pleasure.
  • Often pregnant women are drawn to beer - this is very easy to explain. Craving for beer signals a deficiency of vitamin B, which is very abundant in the foamy product. To make up for the deficiency, eat nuts, eggs, carrots - as soon as the body receives vitamin B in the right amount, you will no longer want beer.

Physical activity

To give birth to a healthy baby, it is not necessary to lie in bed for days. Physical activity is a must if you want to easily endure childbirth, and then quickly return to your previous forms. But physical activity should be done in moderation.

Physical activity will:

  1. Strengthen muscles and improve the functioning of internal organs.
  2. Learn the correct breathing technique.
  3. Learn to relax and tense your muscles.
  4. Minimize the risk of complications during childbirth.
  5. Relatively quickly recover after the birth of a child.

You can not lift weights, jump, make sudden movements. Choose an insignificant load that strengthens the body, but does not have a negative effect.

With multiple pregnancies, you need to be especially careful when playing sports.

Medical control

Once you are 35 weeks pregnant, your doctor may schedule visits every seven days. You will also have to regularly take tests and undergo examinations - this will allow you to carefully monitor the process of bearing crumbs, to know if everything is in order and if there is any danger.

According to the mother's well-being, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound, CTG, or two examinations at once. Dopplerometry is performed in order to determine the quality of blood flow in the placenta, uterus and large vessels of the baby. It is important that the blood supply of the crumbs is as correct as possible.

They take a swab from the vagina - pregnant women often suffer from a violation of the microflora, and sometimes they are not even aware of it, because there are no symptoms. For example, the development of streptococcus is often accompanied by the absence of any symptoms. This microorganism is very dangerous for a child.

Regular procedures are also prescribed - measurements of the height of the uterus, weight and blood pressure.

Need to move more. This does not mean that you need to load yourself beyond measure, give preference to light exercises that do not involve jumping and lifting weights. Constant rest will make a woman feel worse. If you have to sit often, then you need to take a break every twenty minutes, get up and move.

Proper nutrition, healthy sleep, fresh air and good mood - that's what a pregnant woman needs at this time

Be sure to walk in the fresh air, because the child needs oxygen. As a time for walking, choose the evening. It may seem strange to some, but it is important to prepare the husband for the appearance of the child.

There is very little time left, and he must understand that soon your life will change even more. When walking, make sure there are benches along the way to rest.

To relieve pain in the back, lower back, legs, do exercises. Traps and pelvic rotations work best. Look for information about acupuncture foot mats, they have a positive effect on the body.

Get a bandage, it must be worn even at home. It wonderfully relieves stress from the back and lower back. If your breasts have grown so much that they are painful, you can start wearing a breastfeeding bra.

Sign up for couples prep classes for mom and dad if you haven't already. They will explain what a fitball is and what to do with it. This is an item that can not only relieve abdominal pain, but also allow you to learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth. Classes with him are carried out daily.

For pain of any nature, you should call your doctor and do not self-medicate

Learn to take the correct position in bed so as not to suffer from insomnia. It is not recommended to sleep on your back, preferably only on your side. For greater comfort, you should adjust your posture with pillows or rollers for pregnant women.

Do not take sleeping pills or sedatives, in exceptional cases only your doctor can prescribe it.

Regarding intimacy - if the doctor says that there are no contraindications, then it can be included.

You should collect a bag with things for the hospital, because at this time there is a risk of premature birth.

It is necessary to exclude any negative emotions. To do this, you need to watch positive films, read light, pleasant books, communicate with friends and relatives. In general, the expectant mother should do what brings her joy.

Your baby is already 35 weeks old. He not only formed and grew, but also became absolutely unique: he has a unique skin pattern and individual facial features.

Fetus at 35 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

Now the baby already weighs an average of 2,400 g, but this figure may differ in each individual case. Starting from the 35th week of pregnancy, the baby gains weight very quickly, becoming heavier every week by 200-220 g. Its height can already exceed 46 cm - of course, it is quite crowded in the womb, and you clearly feel every movement.

Every day there is less and less space left in the uterus, therefore every push, every movement of the crumbs is felt by the woman very clearly. The baby is already quite big and strong, sometimes he pushes his mother from the inside, which causes her very noticeable pain. The frequency of movements of the mask remains the same: doctors say that at this time the expectant mother should “catch” at least 10 movements of the baby within half a day.

If the baby moves much more often, or, conversely, his movements are felt much less often, you should immediately consult a doctor. Increased intensity or lack of movement indicates that the baby is experiencing certain difficulties.

The organs and systems of the baby by the 35th week of pregnancy are formed and are actively working. The adrenal glands secrete hormones that are responsible for the mineral and water-salt balance in a small organism.

Subcutaneous tissue continues to accumulate, now most intensively in the shoulder area. By birth, the baby will become beautiful and plump, the skin is smooth, even, pleasantly pink, round cheeks, fairly long hairs. However, there are also almost bald babies - all this is individual.

By now, your pauncher has long enough fingernails, and he may even scratch himself inadvertently. The fact that the baby is curled up, and even upside down, absolutely does not cause him any discomfort. But the tummy can bring a number of inconveniences to mom.

Delivery at 35 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that the baby has already grown enough and all the life-supporting systems of the body have started to work, the time for childbirth has not yet come. Of course, in order to guarantee its survival and further normal development, the baby needs to be conveyed to the mother. But some babies already by the 35th week of pregnancy decide that they don’t want to linger in their mother’s tummy and persistently begin to move towards a new world.

You should not be especially afraid and worried in this regard: if the birth took place at the 35th week, the masik with a high degree of probability will not only survive, but in the future will not lag behind in development from babies born on time. Of course, in each individual case, all this is individual, however, as practice confirms, most 35-week-old babies still live and grow quite safely over time.

By 35 weeks, the baby is already able to breathe on its own. – the amount of surfactant in the lungs is sufficient. All its organs and systems are formed and developed. In some cases, of course, a longer stay of the crumbs in the hospital may be necessary, possibly with a connection to life support devices. The need for additional maintenance of the baby in this way will be determined by the doctor. But even when the baby survives after childbirth due to artificial support, in the future he will most likely have time to get stronger and demonstrate the best indicators of development.

Future mom

The uterus slightly flattens the lungs with its mass, it has reached its peak - it rises at a level of 15 cm above the navel or 35 cm above the pubic bone. Shortness of breath can sometimes be very severe. If it becomes impossible to breathe, get on all fours and slowly inhale and exhale deeply several times. If, with a lack of air, your lips turn blue and your limbs get cold, call an ambulance and consult.

Perhaps the baby will begin to descend a little, and you will notice that breathing becomes easier. However, do not worry if this does not happen: many babies do not go down to the birth itself.

Carrying a baby is getting harder and harder. You quickly get tired and can no longer walk for a long time, as before. Therefore, you try not to go far from home, but daily walks should be an indestructible rule for you - oxygen is vital for a baby.

Doctors do not recommend making long trips, and even more so flights at such a late date. If you need to go somewhere, enlist the support of a loved one and change position every 15 minutes: get up, walk around.

Sleep is getting harder and harder. Frequent urination haunts - try not to drink a lot of fluids at night.

Pain at 35 weeks pregnant

Try to rest as much as possible and go to bed with any unpleasant symptoms - resting and relaxing in a lying position now will be the best way to deal with annoying discomfort.

You are probably almost used to the daily presence of painful sensations in the back, lower back, legs. A serious load on the back and legs provokes the appearance of pain, and even a strongly shifted center of gravity due to the large abdomen. Surely you managed to note that the pains become aggravated with a long stay on your feet, your excessive physical activity. Therefore, do not forget about wearing a prenatal bandage, avoid a long stay on your feet, try to unload your back more often. Regular warm-ups will help reduce the risk of exacerbation of pain: change your body position more often, stretch and warm up every 15-20 minutes.

Include circular movements of the pelvis in the complex of “warm-up” exercises - with their use, you can reduce and even prevent the occurrence of pain in the sacrum and thighs. But, even if pains in the pelvic region, in the perineum are present, you will have to endure them: such sensations are associated with the natural preparation of the body for childbirth, when the pelvic bones gradually diverge, preparing the passage for the baby through the birth canal.

If during pregnancy you continued to work at the computer in the same mode, do not be surprised at the presence of pain in the hands, especially in the fingers and wrists. In the case of hemorrhoids, you will have to endure pain in the anus, however, in parallel, taking measures to treat it.

Perhaps from time to time headaches will make themselves felt. The recipe for their elimination is still the same: bed and rest, and always in a dark, cool, well-ventilated room. If the headache is severe, exhausting, resort to cool compresses, ask your spouse to give you a head massage.

Anxiety about the upcoming birth is also added to the obvious general discomfort. You should not take sleeping pills. Better wake up your husband - let him calm you down. Listen to calm relaxing music, do not overeat at night. No matter how much you want to lie on your back, try to fall asleep on your side. Additional pillows will help you find the most comfortable sleeping position. You may even have to sleep half-sitting, but you need to endure this time and still find some solution for yourself. Very soon, the nights may well become truly sleepless.

Belly at 35 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

Pay close attention to abdominal pain: a pulling sensation in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back, may indicate the approach of childbirth. Normally, there is no pain in the abdomen at 35 weeks of gestation. Irregular uterine contractions, the so-called training contractions of Braxton-Higgs, have become familiar. True, if earlier they were not painful, now they can be quite noticeable. Watch the intensity and severity of contractions: if they acquire a certain frequency, are accompanied by increasing pain, and, moreover, against this background, there is an outpouring of amniotic fluid - it's time for you to go to the hospital.

The prolapse of the abdomen, which is one of the harbingers of an early birth, usually occurs between 36 and 38 weeks. In some cases, the abdomen may not drop at all until childbirth. Or drop earlier than usual - at 35 weeks of gestation. But this does not mean that childbirth will begin in the next hours, after the stomach has dropped - women can wait a week or two weeks for the start of labor after the stomach drops.


By the 35th week of pregnancy, the nature of vaginal discharge may slightly change: in normal creamy, light milky discharge, an admixture of mucus is observed. These are parts of the mucous plug, which closes the cervix until the end of pregnancy, protecting the baby from the penetration of pathogens. In the last stages, the cervix softens, the cervical canal gradually opens up, thus, the mucous plug slowly separating in parts turns out to be in the discharge. The cork can come out and everything - you will understand that this happened by finding a clot of thick mucus, possibly interspersed, streaked with blood. If this happens, be prepared for an early birth: the separation of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers.

Call an ambulance immediately if you notice an admixture of blood in the discharge, if the discharge is generally bloody. The separation of blood from the genital tract indicates a high risk of placental abruption, a serious and complex pathology that can even have tragic consequences. In theory, spotting, in addition to abruption, can also be a symptom of placenta previa. However, this pathology is already probably excluded after all the examinations and tests passed. In any case, blood from the vagina is an unfavorable symptom: when it appears, go to bed and call an ambulance without delay.

The appearance of liquid watery, possibly yellowish or greenish discharge, which is actually amniotic fluid, requires the same action from a pregnant woman. The outflow of amniotic fluid is a signal that childbirth will begin in the next few hours. It happens that the waters pour out even against the background of contractions. Therefore, with the call of doctors for help, do not hesitate. Keep in mind that amniotic fluid may not necessarily pour out all at once: it happens that the amniotic fluid leaks a little. This is possible with violation and deterioration of the fetal membranes. But even then, do not postpone a visit to the doctor, because if the integrity of the fetal membranes is violated, an infection can penetrate to the fetus within a day.

It will help to determine whether everything is normal with the fetal membranes, whether the placenta is coping properly with its function, whether there are any threats to the baby. Ultrasound at 35 weeks pregnant . As before, with the help of ultrasound, the doctor will determine the size of the fetus and their compliance with the term, evaluate its heartbeat, and once again make sure that there are no pathologies and developmental anomalies.

When conducting an ultrasound, the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid is necessarily taken into account, the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord is excluded. He will check the ultrasound and the degree of maturity of the placenta: the placenta is still in the second degree of maturity, but next week it will move to the third degree.

Once again, the correct presentation of the baby before childbirth will be confirmed - the head one. If the baby has not taken the optimal position, the question of the possibility of delivery by caesarean section will be considered.

Chances are you are already on maternity leave. But if not, then it is strongly recommended to abandon the work hassle and fuss if it tires you and makes you nervous.

Take care of yourself and the upcoming birth. Collect things for the hospital, master the technique of proper breathing, do exercises to relieve pain in the back and lower back (circular movements of the pelvis in different directions).

Be sure to tell the baby how much you love and expect him, and assure him that together you will do the upcoming work perfectly.

Pregnant women always pay special attention to changes in their bodies. Some begin to worry that the stomach has dropped, others are worried that this has not yet happened at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy.

As a rule, prolapse of the abdomen is one of the harbingers of childbirth. In connection with these, the question arises, how many days or weeks before childbirth does the stomach drop? For each woman, the period is individual.

There are many reasons why this does not happen. But this does not mean that a woman's body is not preparing for childbirth. For obstetricians, the concept of "prolapse of the abdomen" is not only a harbinger of childbirth, but also an indicator of the proportionality of the pelvic ring to the parameters of the baby's head.

After 37 weeks of pregnancy in the cerebral cortex of the woman's cerebral hemispheres, the "dominant of childbirth" begins to form. From this moment, the preparation of the body for the birth process begins.

There is a production of the hormone relaxin, which helps to relax the connective tissue, tendons. Under the influence of this hormone, the articular joints of the pelvic ring of a woman begin to “diverge” a little, this process is especially pronounced in the pubic joint. Thanks to these processes, the woman's pelvis adapts to the upcoming birth.

Many women already at 35-36 weeks are interested in how long before the birth the stomach drops.

By the beginning of the 37th week, the formation of the lower segment of the uterus occurs. This area anatomically corresponds to the isthmus of the uterus, but it is in the last weeks of pregnancy that it begins to increase significantly in size. Due to this, the lower part of the uterus increases, as a result of which the head of the fetus freely descends and is fixed to the bones of the small pelvis.

A similar change in the position of the fetus leads to changes in the position of the uterus: its bottom drops significantly.

After lowering the head to the entrance to the small pelvis, the position of the center of gravity of the woman changes. A woman has a gait, which obstetricians call "proud gait." Since the main load falls on the lower back, a woman walks with a straight back, slightly raising her head, often she holds her lower back with her hand.

By what signs can you understand that the stomach has dropped?

A woman cannot always notice the difference in, since this distance can be insignificant (a few cm) and not always visible to the eye. However, there are a number of other signs by which you can reliably determine that the stomach has dropped.

Subjective signs

It's no secret that most pregnant women, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, suffer from heartburn.

This is due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on all organs of the abdominal cavity, in particular on the stomach.

As a result of this pressure, the contents of the stomach are increasingly thrown into the esophagus, which causes a feeling of heartburn.

With the lowering of the abdomen before childbirth, the pressure on the stomach is significantly reduced. A woman may notice that she is practically not worried about heartburn and she does not have to take antacids ("", "Rutacid", "", etc.).

  • Decreased breathlessness.

The decrease in shortness of breath occurs for the following reason: the descending uterus stops pressing so hard on the diaphragm. Thanks to this, the respiratory movements are made effortlessly, and shortness of breath ceases to bother.

  • Frequent urination.

Due to the fact that the baby's head descends into the small pelvis, there is excessive pressure on the bladder, which is located in anatomical proximity to the uterus. The pregnant woman notes that she has become much more likely to experience the urge to urinate.

  • Gain .

This is due to the increased load on this part of the back during this period.

Objective signs

  • Reducing the frequency of respiratory movements.

This is due to easier breathing and reduced shortness of breath.

  • Decreased heart rate.

The lungs and the heart are organs whose work greatly influences each other. Therefore, when shortness of breath disappears, the load on the heart also decreases, which is manifested by a slight decrease in the pulse.

  • Change in the height of the fundus of the uterus.

If you measure the distance from the pubic joint to the highest point of the uterus (bottom), then you can determine that this distance has decreased by 3-4 cm.

  • The head of the fetus is tightly pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis.

This sign is determined only by the obstetrician, he puts his hand on the head of the fetus and determines that it is fixed to the pelvic bones.

  • Moving the center of gravity, in connection with which the woman's gait changes.

How long to give birth if the belly sank?

There can be no exact answer to this question, since the processes of preparing for childbirth for all women are individual and take a different amount of time. But in general, there are some features:

  • In primiparas, from the moment when the stomach sank, and the onset of labor, it usually takes more time than in multiparous ones.

This is due to the fact that the precursors that develop in primigravida last longer, as the formation of a generic dominant occurs. Usually, after the prolapse of the abdomen, women begin labor after 2 weeks.

  • Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women may appear only a few days before childbirth, therefore, after lowering the abdomen, less time may pass before the onset of labor (about 1 week).

These figures are very relative, as they depend on many factors.

In what cases does the abdomen not drop before childbirth?

Some women do not have a prolapse of the abdomen before childbirth for a number of reasons:

  1. Incorrect position of the fetus (oblique or transverse).

With this pathology, there is no fixation of the fetal head to the pelvic bones, so there are no signs of abdominal prolapse. The belly of such pregnant women has a special shape: it is elongated on the sides.

A significant increase in the amount of amniotic fluid prevents the descent of the uterine fundus. The baby's head in such cases is often not fixed to the pelvic ring. Amniotic fluid in this pathology is not divided into anterior and posterior.

If the child's head exceeds the size of the woman's pelvis, then there is no tight fixation to the bones, as a result of which the head is, as it were, located above the pelvis, which prevents the abdomen from lowering.

  1. Some diseases of the fetus.

An increase in the fetal head with hydrocephalus also prevents its tight fixation to the pelvic bones.

  1. Incorrect position of the fetal head.

Obstetricians call this category of pathologies "asynclitic insertion", which means a change in the position of the fetal head.

This happens under the following conditions:

  • Extension positions of the head (frontal, fronto-parietal).

Normally, the baby's head is bent, but with an increase in the angle between the neck and the chin of the fetus, extensor states occur. The extreme degree is facial insertion, when the child is placed face to the pelvic bones.

  • Anterior and posterior parietal asynclitism is a pathology in which the child's head is inserted when tilted to one side (right or left).

Asynclitic insertion of the head creates a number of serious complications during childbirth and is often the cause of operative delivery!


The prolapse of the abdomen before childbirth is an important sign of the readiness of the woman's body for childbirth. But obstetricians attach importance to this sign for another reason: the stomach drops if the size of the fetal head and the pelvic ring are comparable.

Thus, this sign should be treated with increased attention, since it reflects many physiological processes before childbirth: the formation of the lower segment of the uterus, fixation of the head to the pelvic bones, adaptation of the pelvic ring, and the correct position of the head.

“The tummy has dropped, which means that the baby will be born soon,” say experienced mothers and grandmothers. But how do you know exactly when it's time to give birth? What does the lowering of the abdomen before childbirth mean? These questions arise in many women, especially during the first pregnancy, when prenatal changes occur in the body. The expectant mother is afraid that she will not have time to get to the hospital in time and she will have to give birth at home.

Why does the stomach drop?

During the last month of pregnancy, the female body undergoes changes to help prepare for childbirth. At that time:

  • The baby's head goes down a little, approaching the bones of the small pelvis.
  • The pelvic bones gently fix the head, ensuring the correct passage through the birth canal when the time comes for childbirth.
  • Simultaneously with the change in the position of the baby, the uterus goes down by 4-6 cm. Sometimes it looks like the pregnant woman's tummy has decreased and the navel has gone down.

Signs indicating a lowering of the abdomen

How to understand that the stomach has dropped? Most primiparous and some multiparous find it difficult to determine whether the abdomen has dropped or not, especially if the pregnant woman has swelling or excess weight.

The expectant mother can determine the sagging belly if, at the 35th week, she makes a mark on the wall at the level of her navel in advance and checks the correspondence of the navel and the mark every couple of days. If the mark is higher, then this means that the stomach has dropped. An additional sign is that the palm is calmly placed between the tummy and chest.

When does the belly drop in pregnant women, if the gestation took place without pathologies? For each woman, this period is individual.

But what usually happens is:

  • In primiparas at 36 weeks.
  • In multiparous women, it is difficult to determine the exact date. With a second pregnancy, this event can occur at 37 or 38 weeks, or it may turn out that the stomach dropped immediately before labor began.

In addition to measuring the height of the navel, a pregnant woman feels changes in her body:

  • It becomes easier for her to breathe.
  • Heartburn stops, digestive problems disappear.
  • The baby stops kicking hard, allowing the mother to rest a bit.

At the same time, unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • The head of the child in the small pelvis presses on the bladder and intestines, forcing the woman to often run for small needs and causing constipation.
  • If the baby's head compresses blood vessels or nerve endings, then there are backaches that radiate to the leg or lower back.
  • Walking becomes more difficult due to the increased load on the legs.

What causes your tummy not to drop?

Some moms start to panic that it is time to give birth, and the stomach is still under the breast, although it has already been 38 weeks. Such undescended uterus for a period of 37-38 weeks can be caused by:

  • multiple pregnancy, when the babies at 38 weeks have not yet taken the position necessary for childbirth;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • large size of the baby - in this case, descent can occur after 38 weeks.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and after 38 weeks the child has not yet taken the position necessary for childbirth, it is recommended to increase physical activity.

For this you can:

  • Do simple housework (wash the floor, cook dinner).
  • Take short walks.

Probably, a few days after the increase in physical activity, the uterus will take the necessary prenatal position. But even the non-descension of the uterus after 38 weeks is not a reason to panic. You just need to consult with your doctor regarding the course of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of your body.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

“When the stomach dropped, how long should I wait before giving birth? After how many days do you have to go to the hospital? - some pregnant women begin to panic, noticing their tummy lowering. When you see this change, don't panic.

You can roughly determine the date of birth:

These symptoms will serve as an additional signal that you need to prepare the necessary things, if this has not been done before, and go to give birth after:

  • There were strong contractions, and the interval between them is gradually decreasing.
  • The fetal waters are leaking or departed immediately.

How long will it take from the moment the tummy goes down to the birth of the baby? For each woman, such a period is individual, but the appearance of this symptom in a pregnant woman always says that in the near future (from a few hours to a month) she will be able to become a mother.

No need to fuss. It is better to familiarize yourself and familiarize loved ones with the rest of the harbingers of childbirth and try not to make long trips at this time in order to reduce the risk of having a baby before arriving at the hospital.