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Do cosmetologists deceive us or the whole truth about biorevitalization. Secret experiment: do cosmetologists deceive us How cosmetologists deceive us

In modern cosmetology, several anti-aging procedures are used. Specialists of beauty salons, medical centers vying to praise each of them, call them a miraculous opportunity to restore youth and beauty to a person of any age.
One of the most popular methods now is biorevitalization. According to experts, a few procedures are enough for a magical transformation to take place. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, you should first understand the principles on which the procedure is based. This will make it possible to understand whether biorevitalization is so good, or how they deceive us, promising eternal youth.

Principles of rejuvenation with the help of biorevitalization

As the advantages of biorevitalization, experts note the use of hyaluronic acid as the basis. This substance is produced in the human body, therefore it is not an alien structure for it. Hyaluronic acid is necessary for the skin to moisturize and retain water. This element is also required for collagen and elastin fibers, which maintain skin elasticity. Hyaluronic acid supplies nutrients and moisture to them.

With age, the processes of its synthesis gradually slow down. The amount of acid is reduced. This leads to various negative changes. Wrinkles appear on the face, skin tone becomes unattractive. Lack of elasticity is expressed in the form of sagging, loss of facial contours. The skin becomes thinner, capillary nets appear. Such changes, loss of attractiveness cannot but upset, but cause a desire to look younger.
The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous layer makes it possible to restore the required amount of this element. Beauticians claim that it moisturizes the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, cell regeneration. They believe that after the procedures, hyaluronic acid begins to be produced in the same quantities as in youth.

Side effects of biorevitalization

In biorevitalization, a special therapeutic cocktail is used, consisting of several components. The basis of the mixture is hyaluronic acid. Vitamins, peptides, essential amino acids and other ingredients can be added to it. Currently, the following drugs are used in the procedure:
  • IAL System.
  • Surgelift.
  • Restylane Vital.
  • Juvederm Ultra 2.
  • Theosial Meso.
A remedy is selected depending on the existing defects, their degree of severity. When doctors say that the procedure is absolutely safe and suitable for every person, we are being deceived by biorevitalization. Nowadays, allergic diseases are diagnosed more and more often. If a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the cocktail, the results of rejuvenation can be disastrous. Thorough testing is required before the procedure, which is not carried out in every beauty parlor.

The vast majority of side effects are the result of insufficient qualifications of the cosmetologist. An important stage of preparation is the determination of the points of administration of the drug. The doctor must have in-depth knowledge of the structure of the skin and experience in order to ensure the expected effect, to avoid complications.

Ideally, after injections, only barely noticeable traces should remain, slight redness, which soon disappears. You have to deal with the side effects of biorevitalization if the cosmetologist made a mistake with the dose of the cocktail, the depth and method of its administration. In this case, swelling, hematomas appear. They can last long enough. You will need to search for cosmetics that can cope with the consequences. Often, papules do not pass in patients after biorevitalization.

As for any other medical procedure, there are contraindications to biorevitalization. Anyone who decides to become younger with her help should know about them.

Contraindications to biorevitalization

This type of rejuvenation can be considered one of the most gentle, but there are still a lot of contraindications to biorevitalization.
This technique is not used during the period of bearing and feeding a child. The ingestion of medicinal components can have a negative effect on the fetus, get into breast milk.

Before injecting, the doctor should carefully examine the skin, make sure that there are no skin diseases in the injection areas. Biorevitalization is not carried out for inflammatory, oncological, infectious diseases. You can not perform the procedure during exacerbations of various chronic diseases.

Clients need to tell the doctor in detail about their health problems. Otherwise, we need to talk not about the fact that we were deceived by biorevitalization, but about our irresponsible attitude to an important procedure.

Important details about biorevitalization

There are several important features of the procedure that should be considered before deciding on it.
We are deceived by biorevitalization when they claim that it can be performed in any beauty salon. The procedure requires absolute sterility, the availability of painkillers, drugs that are needed to assist in unforeseen situations. All healing cocktails must be certified, hermetically packed.

Only a full course of biorevitalization will help to get the expected result, how many procedures are needed, the doctor determines for each patient. The sessions are not cheap. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate in advance whether financial opportunities allow you to pay for a rejuvenating course. It is important to bear in mind that this technique does not provide long-term results. Hyaluronic acid is absorbed in the body, after about a year and a half, biorevitalization will have to be repeated.

If a trip to the sea is planned after the procedures, the beautician should be warned about this in advance. He will be able to distribute the sessions so as to avoid damage to the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Usually one procedure is carried out before the trip, and two after the return.

The wonders of modern rejuvenation should be treated soberly, take into account and calculate all the pros and cons before making a final decision. You can learn about all the negative aspects of biorevitalization or how we are being deceived on the forums. Those who have already managed to use the procedure and felt all its consequences communicate there.

From this article you will learn:

  • biorevitalization: what is this procedure, reviews,
  • photos of patients before and after,
  • injection and non-injection methods,
  • how much does biorevitalization cost - price for 1 procedure (for 2019).

Biorevitalization of the face is a procedure for intradermal administration of high concentrations of active substances, which can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, increase its elasticity, as well as achieve a lifting effect and reduce the depth of wrinkles. Most often, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements, amino acids are used for this, and at a more mature age, components for intensive skin lifting, for example, peptides, DNA-RNA complexes and DMAE.

The composition of the drug for each patient is selected individually. The age of the patient, the condition of the skin of the face, and, most importantly, the type of skin aging are taken into account. For example, with finely wrinkled and deformation types of aging, completely different preparations will be shown. An important problem is the training of specialists. How often, for example, do mesotherapists tell patients that it is necessary to do capillary mesotherapy before the introduction of biorevitalizants? But in many cases, the severity and duration of the biorevitalization effect will depend on this.

Biorevitalization: photo of the procedure

Indications for biorevitalization -

  • biological skin aging therapy,
  • photoaging therapy (including hyperpigmentation and rosacea),
  • aging prevention,
  • wrinkles, thinning, loss of elasticity, dry skin,
  • deterioration of the skin as a result of smoking (including the appearance of small vertical wrinkles on the lips).

Thus, the biorevitalization technique will allow you to improve the color and texture of the skin (especially in smokers), increase its elasticity, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and achieve a skin lifting effect. Additional effects of this procedure may be the correction of hyperpigmentation, a decrease in the severity of rosacea, as well as inflammatory elements of acne. The severity of this or that effect will directly depend on the composition of the selected drug.

Differences of biorevitalization from mesotherapy -

How to choose a drug for biorevitalization -

Preparations for biorevitalization are currently produced by countless companies. One of the main components for these purposes are hyaluronic acid (HA) molecules. Typically, the lifetime of chemically unmodified (unstabilized) HA molecules is only 24 to 48 hours. However, biorevitalizants are produced in the form of a viscous gel, which makes it possible to deposit even unstabilized HA for a slightly longer period, reducing the rate of its destruction.

The properties of the drug are also very dependent on the molecular weight of the HA chains. High molecular weight HA (from 1500 to 3300 kDa) moisturizes the skin well, but does not have a stimulating effect on fibroblasts. Low molecular weight HA has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts, angiogenesis, but rather weakly moisturizes tissues. At the same time, low molecular weight HA is destroyed faster in the skin than high molecular weight (unless, of course, it has been chemically modified). For example, the preparation "Ial-system ACP" contains a stabilized low molecular weight HA with a molecular size of 200 kDa.

According to the manufacturer, the degradation period of HA in this drug is 10 days, and given the size of the molecules, you can immediately understand that the drug mainly has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts, activating collagen synthesis in them, but the moisturizing effect of such a drug will be less pronounced than if we will use a preparation with high molecular weight HA with a molecular size of, for example, 1800 kDa or more. Next, we look at the percentage of HA in the formulation. For drugs with unstabilized HA, its optimal concentration is 1.8-2.0%, but if we are talking about drugs with stabilized HA, then 1.4% is enough.

Important : modern data suggest that preparations with hyaluronic acid generally cannot be done more than once a month, because. frequent administration of high concentrations of HA leads - 1) to increased production of the hyaluronidase enzyme, which accelerates the destruction of its own HA synthesized by fibroblasts, 2) enhances the activity of metalloprotease enzymes that destroy the extracellular matrix. Those. it turns out that you inject too often and too much HA into the dermis, and the body reacts to this with a surge in the production of hyaluronidase, which will rapidly destroy not only the biosynthetic HA you enter, but also its own endogenous HA produced by fibroblasts.

Therefore, it is worth using biorevitalizants with HA no more than once a month, alternating them, for example, with nucleotides. Or another option is to use biorevitalizants with stabilized HA, which tends to gradually release chains of active hyaluronic acid without creating excessively high concentrations of active HA molecules in tissues for a short period of time. Such drugs act gradually and for a longer time, and they are usually given 1 time in 3-4 weeks. Examples of preparations are Restylane Vital, Juvederm Hydrate, HyalRepair, etc.

1. Mono preparations with hyaluronic acid -

Below we give an example of the most famous monopreparations with hyaluronic acid. Please note that in any case, it makes sense to do such drugs only up to 30-35 years. After this age, it is impossible to achieve a good skin lifting or intensive rejuvenation with the help of HA alone. A more or less effect will be noticeable only after a course application of 4-5 procedures, and then only if your skin is relatively in poor condition. These drugs will not be particularly effective in photoaging, either. they do not contain a complex of components for relieving oxidative stress.

  • Restylane Vital and Restylane Vital Light(Sweden) -
    these are the first biorevitalizants in which the technology of chemical modification of HA (i.e. its stabilization) was applied. The preparations contain only 2% and 1.2% hyaluronic acid, respectively, and are used in patients with a finely wrinkled type of facial aging: - for more mature skin, and Restylane Vital Light - for the prevention of aging of younger skin. Reviews: these drugs are of high quality, but their composition is obsolete, and they are suitable for nothing more than the prevention of age-related changes, and even then with a stretch.
  • Juvederm Hydrate(USA) -
    contains 1.35% stabilized hyaluronic acid + antioxidant mannitol. The antioxidant is rather weak, so the drug is not very suitable for the treatment and prevention of photoaging. Reviews: in our opinion, it should be used only for the prevention of aging in patients with a finely wrinkled type, and not older than 30 years. A course of at least 3-4 procedures performed once every 3 weeks will be more or less effective.

2. Combined preparations with HA (cocktails) -

The group of these drugs is so numerous that we will give only one of the many options - the line of affordable drugs Revofil Aquashine (made in Korea). Available in 2.0 ml syringes.

  • Biorevitalizants Revofil Aquashine
    the first option is "Aquashine", containing unstabilized high molecular weight 1.5% HA, peptides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, coenzymes (56 components in total). In our opinion, it is better to use in patients 35+, it gives a good lifting effect with a course application. The second option is Aquashine BR, which additionally contains skin lightening peptides, and therefore it is well suited for hyperpigmentation, for example, for aged skin 45+, as well as for the treatment and prevention of photoaging.

    "Aquashine BTX" - suitable for ages 30+. It also has a similar composition, but peptides have been additionally added to it, the action of which is similar, i.e. smooth out small mimic wrinkles. Aquashine biorevitalization reviews: these drugs are suitable for patients with moderate age-related changes. Not suitable for patients with deforming/edematous type of aging.

3. Powerful biorevitalizants for aging skin -

If your age is 40-45+ and you need a noticeable lifting effect and a reduction in the depth of wrinkles, then hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants alone are no longer enough. Here you need nucleotides (DNA-RNA complexes), as well as peptides and growth factors. At this, and even more so at an even more mature age, the dermis contains a significantly smaller number of fibroblasts, not to mention their activity. And if there are almost no fibroblasts, then there is nothing to stimulate. This is especially true for postmenopausal women.

  • Line "HYALREPAIR" -
    biorevitalizant "Hyalrepair -02" contains 1.4% stabilized HA, vitamin C and the main amino acids involved in the synthesis of collagen, these are proline, glycine and lysine. An excellent preparation for flabby finely wrinkled skin. The drug "Hyalrepair -04" - in addition to the same hyaluronic acid contains vitamin C, glutathione and cysteine. This drug is well suited for the treatment of photoaging, it copes well with a network of fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. The course of these drugs usually consists of 3 procedures at intervals of 3 weeks.
  • Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A
    a good biorevitalizant based on 1.8% unstabilized HA, with a large amount of antioxidants (vitamin C, glutathione, thioctic acid, coenzyme Q10), vitamin B5. This composition perfectly relieves oxidative stress after solar insolation, helps to moisturize the skin, lighten hyperpigmentations and prevent their formation. Those. this drug is good for photoaging, optimal before and after holidays in hot countries. You can 30+ regularly (and even 25+, but infrequently).

Important: for aging skin, only a course of biorevitalization (from 3 to 7 procedures) can give a good effect. Most often, the course is carried out not with one drug, but with a combination of several, and their choice for each woman will be individual.

Biorevitalization: price for 1 procedure

How much biorevitalization of the face and neck costs will depend on the cost of the selected drug, as well as the amount of the clinic's margin. In most clinics, the markup is + 150-200% to the cost of the drug. For private cosmetologists, the margin is usually + 100%. For the biorevitalization technique, the cost of 1 procedure in clinics of the middle price category will be (for 2019) -

Biorevitalization procedure: price
Restylane Vital - 1.0 ml
Restylane Vital (injector) - 2.0 ml
11 000
17 000
Restylane Vital Light - 1.0 ml
Restylane Vital Light (injector) - 2.0 ml
10 000
16 000
Juvederm Hydrate - 1.0 ml9000
IAL-System - 1.1 ml
IAL-System ACP - 1.0 ml
10 500
NucleoSpire DNA-RNA line - 2.0 ml8000
Line "HyalRepair" - 1.5 ml9000
Meso-Wharton P199 - 1.5 ml13 000
Aquashine - 2.0 ml
Aquashine BR - 2.0 ml
Aquashine BTX - 2.0 ml
9 500
9 500
11 000

The purchase price for cosmetology clinics for Restylane Vital and Vital Light is about 5,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Juvederm Hydrate - 4,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Aquashine - about 3,500 rubles (for 2.0 ml) etc. But you must understand that the cost of the service includes anesthesia, consumables, and the cost of a special regenerating mask that must be applied to the face after the procedure. Do not forget about renting an office, an employee's salary, taxes, reimbursement of expenses for training a specialist, etc.

Biorevitalization of the face: photo before and after, effect

You will be able to find real photos before and after biorevitalization with great difficulty, because. cosmetology clinics post only cases of the most successful procedures, or simply take photographs of patients after hardware rejuvenation techniques, passing them off as biorevitalization procedures. The following 2 photos are taken from an independent clinical study. Each patient was administered 2.0 ml of Restylane Vital for 1 procedure. The course of treatment consisted of three procedures done with an interval of 4 weeks.

Biorevitalization: photo before and after (course with GK mono-preparation)

As you can see, the effect of mono-hyaluronic acid therapy in patients aged 35 and 46 is either minimal or not noticeable at all. As we said above, patients older than 30 need other preparations containing vitamins, amino acids, microminerals, antioxidants, and 40-45+ also nucleotides, peptides and growth factors. What do you think: will the patient feedback on such biorevitalization of the face be positive? It is unlikely that cosmetology clinics will post such photos.

Example #2 -

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Petrovskaya Victoria. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures, with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks. At the beginning of each procedure, first, a lymphatic drainage vascular injection was performed with the GAG ​​Complex DVL Capyl formula, then Hydro Line P-Anti-wrinkles formula for the periorbital region, and Hydro Line Peptide formula for all other areas of the face. Photos were taken after the second procedure. Those. each procedure used the same 3-drug regimen.

Example #3 -

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Voropaeva A.Yu. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures, with a frequency of 1 time in 10-14 days. At the beginning of each procedure, a lymphatic drainage vascular puncture was first performed with the GAG ​​Complex DVL Capyl formula preparation. Then, different biorevitalizants were used in each procedure -

Example #4 -

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Pyagay Irina. The patient underwent a course of 8 procedures, with a frequency of 1 time in 10 days. At the beginning of each procedure, a lymphatic drainage vascular puncture was first performed with the GAG ​​Complex DVL Capyl formula preparation. Different biorevitalizants were used in different procedures -

Biorevitalization of the face: reviews of doctors and patients

Over the past 10 years, the composition of preparations for mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face has changed dramatically, and if earlier it was impossible to achieve express lifting, reduce the depth of wrinkles, increase collagen production, now it has become a reality. Of course, mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid can already be considered the last century of cosmetology. They are best used primarily in patients with a fine-wrinkled type of aging under the age of 25-30 years, who do not yet require intensive rejuvenation.

For patients with fine wrinkled type of aging 30+, in addition to hyaluronic acid, vitamins (especially vitamin C), B vitamins, antioxidants that protect against photoaging, amino acids proline, glycine and lysine - to stimulate collagen production, cysteine ​​- to correct hyperpigmentations are very important. Further 40-45+ to the above are added peptides, nucleotides, growth factors that stimulate the production of collagen. Remember that it is better not to put HA more than once a month, i.e. you need to combine and alternate different drugs.

An important point - remember that in patients with a deformation (edematous) type of aging, the use of HA, especially its high concentrations, will only aggravate swelling and deformation of the face, and increase gravitational ptosis. In such patients, it is very important to carry out capillary mesotherapy in the amount of 4-5 procedures, and use preparations with nucleotides, peptides, amino acids, vitamins as biorevitalizants. The use of HA in such patients is possible only in small concentrations of 0.3-0.5% and only at the final stage of treatment.

Let's just say that there are very few qualified mesotherapists. Most people just want to quickly inject 1.0-2.0 ml of biorevitalizant into the patient and earn money. Almost no one is engaged in the activation of lymphatic drainage and blood supply to the skin of the face. That is why the reviews of many patients on biorevitalization are negative. They say it's expensive and the effect doesn't last.

One of the safest methods of modern cosmetology is commonly referred to as biorevitalization widely advertised by the staff of cosmetology clinics. Among regular clients of cosmetologists, there is an opinion that modern methods of non-radical rejuvenation are painless and suitable for almost everyone. Many consumers of this service tend to believe that biorevitalization has become a happy exception among anti-aging procedures, which quite often have a number of side effects, in addition to the declared external rejuvenation.

To find out whether biorevitalization is so safe, or cosmetologists hide part of the truth, you can only understand the issue in more detail.

What is biorevitalization?

Biorevitalizationpreventive and corrective method external rejuvenation. These include the popular mesotherapy, which involves the introduction of a certain amount of active medicines directly under the skin - most often, on the face.

However, the mutual intersection of such techniques as biorevitalization and mesotherapy is elusive: some of the “beauty specialists” attribute biorevitalization to one of the varieties of mesotherapy, while others, on the contrary, tend to believe “beauty injections” are only a private method of exposure for the biorevitalization procedure.

When carrying out such cosmetic manipulations, the superficial and deep layers of the skin on the human face are saturated with special substances. Typically, this is used injection method of administration However, sometimes beauty salons and clinics practice low-impact rejuvenation methods using other tools, which are also called biorevitalization.

What is used for biorevitalization?

The main and most common component of the effect on tissues in the process of biorevitalization can be considered acid polymer- such as hyaluronic. For a deep intradermal effect, a product obtained synthetically is used. Synthetic acid lingers in the skin for a long time, without decomposing into excreted components.

The acid used in biorevitalization is a natural element of the skin and is synthesized in the body of a young age in sufficient quantities. The first signs of wilting are precisely associated with the suspension and slowdown in the production of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Rejuvenation with the help of biorevitalization not only supplies cells with deficient acid, but also causes the body to urgently grow “elastic fibers” - for the most part, elastin or collagen. Only with the regular passage of biorevitalization increase the chances of preserving youth, as well as significantly reducing the acquired traces of time on the face.

The uniqueness of biorevitalization in that the technique proved to be excellent when exposed to elderly clients. It is biorevitalization that is recommended by a number of cosmetologists as a universal modern practice for the prevention of external age-related changes, as well as for improving the quality of weakened, thinned skin and even healing.

What happens in the body during biorevitalization?

Immediately after undergoing preparatory manipulations, which include anesthesia with injections or cream as one of the mandatory items, clients of the cosmetology room undergo the biorevitalization procedure itself.

What happens under the skin during biorevitalization cannot be seen from the outside. However, it is possible to describe the interaction of the administered drug with skin cells.

The body during injection biorevitalization goes through the following stages:

Clients who care about a youthful appearance, a new procedure is required. From the first session to the next, a cumulative effect is triggered. Own hyaluronic acid ceases to be produced by the body, which affects the skin turgor.

Thus, the more biorevitalization procedures a client has undergone, the more such procedures he will potentially need. A double addiction loop with biochemically and psychologically significant underpinnings: to refuse the next session of rejuvenation suddenly means to face old age, literally.

The slyness of the beauty industry: contraindications

A well-educated, ethically sensitive professional working in a beauty clinic will first of all make sure to carefully find out about all allergies and cases of individual intolerance patients. At the same time, he will have to rely only on what the client can remember and voice. How many people know about the allergy to synthetic hyaluronic acid if they are going to inject it for the first time? In addition, the composition of the drug, in addition to the acid itself, includes some “hypoallergenic components”, which, despite the purpose of reducing the risk of potential allergic reactions, paradoxically can provoke an unpredictable response of the body.

For these reasons, among the contraindications to biorevitalization are:

  1. pregnancy and lactation - studies confirming the safety of such a procedure in the critical phases of a woman's life simply do not exist. However, it should be noted that no negative effect was also recorded.
  2. Individual intolerance is a very broadly interpreted concept, which can be attributed to almost anything, including the deliberately unprofessional manipulations of the alleged specialist.
  3. Autoimmune diseases such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis, as well as any chronic disease in the acute stage.
  4. Any kind of inflammation, the tendency of the skin to scarring.

Biorevitalization: pros and cons

In making a decision in favor of biorevitalization or against similar rejuvenation methods, one should not write off what is beyond doubt.

Benefits of using biorevitalization

Proponents of the procedure be sure to note:

Opponents of rejuvenation with the help of biorevitalization will also have something to oppose. Those who are inclined to believe that cosmetologists are deceiving us believe that the whole truth about biorevitalization lies precisely in the shortcomings of this technique.

Arguments against the procedure:

In addition, even the most chemically safe anti-aging injection remains, in fact, introduction of a foreign body into the deep layers of the skin. Repeated sessions are enhanced by the effect of the presence of a foreign object, which does not have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition.

Of course, the foregoing does not mean that a particular person will have all the contraindications - as well as the fact that the threat to health during biorevitalization is completely reduced to zero. Prioritization remains the responsibility of personal choice. In the context of the above provisions, such, as always, remains with the clients of cosmetology clinics.

Hello beauties! 😉

Today we will talk about such a sensational and advertised procedure as "biorevitalization", and also consider whether it is as good as cosmetologists say about it. And so, let's sort through all the pros and cons. But before we get started - a little theory!

At any time of the year, a woman wants to be beautiful. A variety of tricks are used in the form of cosmetics, an updated wardrobe and regular trips to a manicure and hairdresser. But for some ladies, even this set seems insufficient, and they go to special care procedures, which are now so actively advertised by beauty salons.

The range of such procedures is huge, but how to decide what is really needed and will bring real benefits? A consultation with a dermatologist will help with this, because cosmetology and dermatology are also areas of medicine, so the choice of procedure should be entrusted to the doctor. But, girls, nothing prevents you from first getting acquainted with the main aspects of cosmetic care activities in order to know what to prepare for and what to expect.

Why is biorevitalization so good?

The literal translation of the term "biorevitalization" is "natural revival", which is a reflection of the whole essence of the procedure. The basis of this technology was laid in the early 2000s by the French scientists Pietro and Sante, who discovered the process of skin regeneration under the influence of hyaluronic acid.

One of the most popular rejuvenation procedures today is face biorevitalization carried out in two ways. The laser variety involves the stimulation of collagen formation by exposing the deep layers of the skin to light radiation. The injection variety involves the subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid.

Both options fight age-related manifestations on the skin in the form of wrinkles and furrows, and also help to increase the elasticity of turgor. In addition to the corrective effect, the procedure also replenishes the lack of moisture and nutrients in the skin.

The laser version is allowed for people over the age of 30 who are concerned about a decrease in skin tone. Dear women, please note that after 40 years, laser biorevitalization ceases to be effective, as the reserve of its own collagen is significantly reduced. The injection procedure can be performed from 17 to 70 years. The doctor establishes a ban on injection exposure with severe dehydration of the skin, as well as with an allergy to protein.

Who is shown the procedure?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our body, and the older we get, the less it is produced. The lack of hyaluronic acid negatively affects the state of collagen and elastin proteins - they are gradually destroyed, which causes flabbiness and sagging of soft tissues. Ultimately, the skin loses its natural hydration, becomes thin and prone to wrinkles.

  • lack of moisture and peeling;
  • loss of skin elasticity due to age-related changes, frequent stress or uncontrolled weight changes;
  • premature manifestation of aging factors;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • skin problems - acne, enlarged pores, and others.

Biorevitalization is one of the most important preparatory stages of plastic surgery, as well as a restorative procedure prescribed after a deep chemical peel.

Dear ladies, remember that such an effect can be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the decollete, neck and even hands - areas most susceptible to the aging process.

The danger of biorevitalization: myths and reality

Before giving your consent to the procedure, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its contraindications in more detail, because not every one of us thinks about the possible risks, and even when they talk so beautifully about the results of such rejuvenation in the salon.

When it comes to the injection method, it should be noted that the used preparation based on hyaluronic acid is completely safe. It is compatible with the cells of the human body, so there can be no negative reactions if it is used. Other elements of the drug - peptides, glycerin and mannitol also do not cause rejection or allergic reactions. The substance injected under the skin is also supplemented with useful microelements and vitamins that stimulate the processes of dermis restoration and activate the growth of protein fibers. After the procedure, the process of accumulation and preservation of useful substances by skin cells is observed, which is why the negative effect of biorevitalization is simply impossible.

On a note!

Dear women, be careful, because after laser biorevitalization you can’t stay in the open sun for a long time without a protective cream with an SPF of at least 50.

  • the period of pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • dermatological diseases in the areas of procedural exposure;
  • individual intolerance to a certain component of the drug.

I would like to once again emphasize the prohibition of biorevitalization for pregnant and lactating women. The fact is that the procedure itself is not accompanied by the most pleasant sensations, and during pregnancy such inconveniences should be avoided. Although there are no toxic drugs in the composition of hyaluronic acid, no one can guarantee that inflammation will not occur after the procedure, which will not have to be fought with the most useful means for pregnant women. The same reasons are relevant for women during the feeding period. But already a year and a half after its completion, you may well take care of your appearance without threatening your health and the health of your baby.

What to expect after biorevitalization?

The procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Believe me, the improvements will be tangible:

  • the texture of the skin will soften, and its tone will become more even;
  • a healthy glow and smoothness will appear;
  • mimic and age wrinkles will be smoothed;
  • excess will disappear;
  • oiliness of the skin will be reduced due to the narrowing of pores;
  • the skin will receive deep hydration and high-quality nutrition, due to which its elasticity will increase, and the signs of aging will be removed as if by hand! 😉

When to expect the result?

The results of biorevitalization of the face will be noticeable on the third day after the starting session. Due to the aforementioned accumulation property that the drug used for the procedure has, the effect will not disappear even after a few days, but will only increase over the course of a month. The peak result lasts for 5-8 months (depending on the initial condition of the skin), as well as your age.

Dear ladies, for maximum results from biorevitalization you will have to complete a full course of 5 treatments. To consolidate and maintain the effect obtained, it is enough to carry out 2 procedures every six months. Also, before agreeing to the procedure, do not forget to carefully check the reputation of the cosmetologist, salon and, be sure to first familiarize yourself with the components included in the anti-aging cocktail.


    A chem vrednu in'ekcii v gybu? What is the aftermath?

    After biorevitalization of the eyes, the skin began to dry out, creases and static wrinkles began to form. And I just came to do prophylaxis from them and got this. I'm sorry. Caused premature aging. Now I'm afraid to do anything. but the skin itself will not recover for 34 years, the only hope is for botex so that new creases do not appear.

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Biorevitalization is an intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid. Included in the top aesthetic procedures, competing only with botulinum toxin injections. As with any popular procedure, there are many myths around biorevitalization.

Specialists in aesthetic medicine, those who started 10-20 years ago, the word "biorevitalization" could speak like a tongue twister or a magic spell. Years went by… Biorevitalization became part of the protocols for preparing the skin for a controlled injury and rehabilitation schemes. Patients have learned not to expect “skin tightening, wrinkle removal, double chin removal” and other mythological miracles from biorevitalization, which this method of intradermal administration of hyaluronic acid and parallel antioxidants is fanned with in order to prepare the skin, create a hydro-reserve and rehabilitate patients.

We collected the myths that practitioners face at the appointment and asked them to comment on them.

Myth 1. After the biorevitalization procedure, the skin condition may worsen, it is not worth performing it at a young age

Such questions at first baffle me, then I begin to explain: the greater the amount of moisture in the skin, the better the person looks. Biorevitalization as a method of intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid allows you to restore and normalize metabolic processes in the dermis, for 15 years this method has proven its effectiveness. Biorevitalization is necessary for the skin to restore the normal function of cells, to activate the synthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid. Thus, the procedure can improve the quality of the skin, help to cope with sagging and other signs of age-related changes. If a woman in the menopause says that the introduction of hyaluronic acid is ineffective, and after the procedure the skin becomes more swollen and dry, then such signs indicate that the patient should be sent to an endocrinologist. Hypothyroidism is common in this age group, and after the normalization of thyroid function, the injections will be very effective, the skin will become moist, not dry.

One of the frequently asked questions that can be attributed to the category of myths: "Will it get worse." Most often this question can be heard from the older generation (after 50 years). In this case, you need to correctly and in detail explain everything. The younger generation very boldly resorts to biorevitalization, many often ask themselves to perform this procedure. And the question “Is it too early to start?” is also more often asked by people over 50 years old.

Myth 2. About prosthetics

Despite the fact that cosmetologists at the appointment, as a rule, always explain in detail not only the indications and contraindications, but also the essence of the biorevitalization procedure, you can often hear from our patients: “I had this procedure six months ago, all the hyaluronic acid has already resolved! » Or like this: “Of course, I know what kind of procedure this is: there is little hyaluronic acid in the skin, and I will be injected with enough of it to last for a year!” Of course, it is not necessary for the patient, and there is no need to delve into the essence of biochemical reactions, however, in order to understand the strategy chosen by the doctor, it is necessary to understand the following: biorevitalization is not a replacement, but a stimulating procedure. There is a fundamental difference here. With the help of such a course, tissues will “live” a full-fledged biochemical life, just as they did at the age of 20–25. This effect is much more valuable than the substitution (prosthetics) of the substance. This is a real prolongation of the youthfulness of the skin, and not a disguise of age. For clarity, I will suggest to fantasize. Imagine that when transplanting, for example, a kidney, you do not need to look for a donor, it is possible to grow your own functioning kidney on the spot. This is a dream! This is a breakthrough in science! This is exactly what the cosmetologist does during biorevitalization, but not yet at the level of an organ, but at the level of one substance - hyaluronic acid. It creates conditions for its natural production in the skin. It is this miracle, the maintenance of health, that this procedure is valuable.

Myth 3. Biorevitalization is ineffective after 35 years

Usually I answer this question: “But what about the preparation for laser procedures, resurfacing, radio wave lifting? But what about the finely wrinkled type of aging? Of course, biorevitalization is effective. Inefficiency can only be considered in the monovariant, when the administered drug consists of hyaluronic acid, and the patient does not have a finely wrinkled type of aging, in this case, after 35 years, the biorevitalizant will rather be a drug that also contains amino acids and peptides, trace elements and vitamins (Mezovarton is now popular ).

Myth 4. It is not worth it to carry out the biorevitalization procedure, since after the termination of the procedures it will be worse? Getting used to injections

After a course of procedures, we get the result, the duration of which depends primarily on the patient's lifestyle, the presence of stressful situations, the frequency of air travel and change of time zones, general health, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, as well as the resorptive ability of the skin, accompanying and subsequent cosmetic procedures. . A new course of revitalization is prescribed in 6–8 months. As you know, you quickly get used to the good, and if the patient leads an "unhealthy" lifestyle, then it may seem to him that the result has come to naught, or even more - it has become worse than it was.

Myth 5. The biorevitalization procedure can be performed during pregnancy.

Any injection procedures during pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated, since no company has ever conducted clinical studies on this category of patients. During this period, the hormonal background changes in the body, the pain threshold and psycho-emotional status decrease, and no one knows how the woman will feel, how the body and the fetus will react.

Myth 6. The higher the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the better the effect.

When choosing a concentration, it should be understood that the cells need a physiological concentration, it is it that is optimal to achieve the restoration of the physiological environment and the normalization of metabolic processes. If you use a revitalizant with a higher concentration, then a “stressful” situation occurs for fibroblasts as a result of their active dehydration. But the doctor selects the drug and concentration, taking into account individual characteristics.

Myth 7. The longer the papules stay on the face after the biorevitalization procedure, the better the effect.

This is not true, since hyaluronic acid introduced from the outside is not immediately distributed inside the skin. How quickly the papules pass and how noticeable they will be depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Of particular importance is the quality of the blood supply.

Myth 8. Fear of combining biorevitalization with other correction methods

Most often, doctors do not understand that the depth of the procedure is different, and biorevitalization is an intradermal injection (mesh or papillary layer) depending on the density of the drug. For example, botulinum toxin or a contouring agent is injected deeper, and these procedures can be combined. Doctors, who can be classified either as “apparatchiks” or “injectionists”, also treat the combination with hardware techniques differently, and such a combination sometimes causes confusion. The situation when a biorevitalizant can improve the hardware technique most often worries doctors. They ask questions and are not always able to find justification themselves. Although many use combined methods. It is not always clear when a single hyaluronic acid preparation can be used, and when a combination can be used. Hydroreserve drugs (only hyaluronic acid) are not always understood by doctors and they say that they do not have such a pronounced effect, although with a competent approach, such a drug gives a pronounced effect. As for combined drugs, fears are caused by peptides. On the one hand, this is understandable, since they began to be used in practice not so long ago, on the other hand, when they are correctly applied (for treatment, the correct course has been developed), they give a good result. The technique of drug administration still causes a lot of controversy: is it necessary to linearly inject the drug or is it enough just to papularly treat the required surface. In some cases, doctors argue about whether biorevitalizants can completely replace the introduction of stabilized hyaluronic acid. Perhaps it is these moments that give rise to the most myths.