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New Year's cards with your own hands. Ideas for New Year's cards

New Year's gift with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos.
Postcard "Santa Claus".

Kozlova Natalya Andreevna, teacher-psychologist and educator, MBDOU d / s No. 7 "Kolosok", Petrovsk, Saratov region.
Description: the master class will describe how to make a New Year's card "Santa Claus". The work is intended for children from 5 years old, educators, teachers of additional education and parents.
Purpose: handmade gift.
Target: teach pupils to make crafts from colored paper and improvised materials.
Learn to use waste material (cotton pads, eyes) to make interesting crafts.
Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye.
Cultivate artistic taste, accuracy.
Cultivate interest in creativity.
Materials needed for work:
1. Colored cardboard.
2. Colored paper, landscape sheet, corrugated paper.
3. Cotton pads.
4. Plastic eyes for toys.
5. Glue, pencil, brush, scissors, ruler.

WHO IS SANTA FROST? This is a kind Grandfather with a long beard and felt boots. He brings gifts to everyone in his magic bag. Our kind Grandfather used to be called Grandfather Treskun. He was a small, stern old man with a long beard. The wife of Santa Claus was the evil old woman Winter. And he also had a beautiful granddaughter - the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus lives in his own residence, which is located in Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region). If you write a letter and send it to the address: "Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, the residence of Father Frost", it will certainly reach the addressee. You can meet Santa Claus only in winter. But do not think that he just rests all year. No, he works at home. What is the work. In the House of Santa Claus there is a workshop where he creates author's New Year's gifts: carves wood, soldering, blowing, painting, varnishing, sanding...
Santa Claus is a brilliant glass artist. On long winter nights, he draws pictures without paints and brushes, but with his own icy breath. And then arranges exhibitions on the windows of our houses and cars. Likes Santa Claus and scientific experiments. He constantly comes up with new forms of snowflakes. Put your palm under the falling snow and bring it to your eyes. You will see that each snowflake created by Santa Claus is perfect and unique! Santa Claus is a great wizard. He has a magic mirror in which he looks every morning and therefore does not age. But my grandfather is over 2000 years old! Father Frost celebrates his birthday on November 18 - the children themselves came up with this date, since it is on November 18 that real winter comes into its own in his patrimony - in Veliky Ustyug, and frosts hit. And of course, one of the main concerns of Santa Claus is to have time to read all the letters before the New Year. Every year, up to five hundred thousand letters come to Santa Claus, a whole snow-white mountain! Santa Claus carefully reads each letter in order to bring the children the gifts they wanted.
Modern Santa Claus is a very cheerful and kind old man. You can recognize him by his long white beard, red hat, magic staff and a large bag of gifts.

Stages of the craft:
1. We take a sheet of red cardboard and bend it in half, cut off the upper corners in a semicircle.

2. We take corrugated white paper from under the box of sweets and make a template for the edge of the cap - 2 pcs.

3. We take beige tinted paper, cut out a rectangle measuring 13.5 cm by 6 cm.

4. We take a landscape sheet, make templates: eyebrows, mustaches, beards. Cut out the nose and mouth from red colored paper.

5. Make cuts at the same distance without reaching the other side (imitation of hairs).

6. We take green cardboard, divide it into 3 parts, make a Christmas tree template.

7. We cut out all the details of the craft with scissors.

9. Glue the rectangle, the edge of the cap, the beard.

10. Glue a mustache, mouth, nose, eyebrows, plastic eyes for toys, a cotton pad.

11. Open the card, draw stripes for congratulations, glue the Christmas tree.

12. We invite the children to write a New Year greeting and draw snowflakes on the right side with colored felt-tip pens, and stick the symbol of the year on the left side.

13. New Year's greeting card is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

We are used to giving cards for every memorable occasion, whether it is official (Easter, Christmas, New Year) or unofficial (Wedding Day, birth of a child, anniversary) celebration. People are pleased to receive such cute signs of attention, because they speak of respect and sincere feelings of the giver.

But, as you know, things that are made with one's own hand bring joy most of all. It is not necessary to have special skills to make New Year's card with your own hands. The main thing is to show perseverance and a little imagination.

We invite you to give your loved ones a piece of warmth on New Year's holidays. Pay attention to a selection of interesting and original ideas, and perhaps you will take note of some of them.

Christmas tree cards

The main attribute of the New Year, as you know, is the Christmas tree. It can be a magnificent graceful forest beauty or a small tree decorated with bright toys. It does not matter at all which tree you choose for the holiday - the main thing is that it be.

It just so happened, but Christmas trees on postcards are particularly successful. Let's figure out how to make such beauty with your own hands.

Corrugated paper Christmas tree

Such a postcard will be voluminous, so if you want to write a message to a loved one inside, we advise you to do it in advance.

To make this postcard you will need:

  • Thick A4 paper or colored cardboard, preferably red or orange;
  • A few centimeters of corrugated green paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue or double-sided tape;
  • Jewelry (sequins, rhinestones, beads);
  • Pencil.

Step 1. First of all, you need to make a rough sketch of our Christmas tree. To start, take your cardboard and fold it in half. This is the standard size of postcards, which allows them to be made practically the same as in the store. On one of the halves, you must draw with thin, barely noticeable lines, the silhouette of a Christmas tree.

Step 2 Take corrugated paper and cut it into strips, one and a half centimeters high. The length of the stripes depends on how much volume you want to give the New Year tree. Keep in mind that they must all be different lengths to follow the shape of the Christmas tree, so try to make the stripes have different lengths: from the longest to the shortest.

Step 3 After that, start gluing the strips into place. It is best to start from the bottom, slowly fixing each layer. You should focus on the markings made with a pencil and glue the strips by picking them up a little, as shown in the photo. If you do everything right, then outwardly the Christmas tree will look very believable.

Step 4 After finishing the main work, decorate your beauty. Any decorations you find can be used. It's great if there is a small star in stock - you can attach it to the top. You can make a garland from small beads, and shiny lights from rhinestones. Come up with kind words of wishes addressed to the recipient in advance, and then the craft will bring even more joy.

Christmas tree in scrapbooking style

This option also involves writing or printing wishes in advance. Think about the words that you would like to say to a loved one, decorate them in an original way and paste them in the middle of the card.

To make a scrapbooking postcard, you will need:

  • Thick colored cardboard (can be taken with an ornament);
  • Stationery scissors;
  • Double-sided tape or PVA glue;
  • Various items for decoration;
  • scrap paper;
  • Items that would look like a pencil or small diameter tube.

Step 1. The scrapbooking technique is actually quite easy and even a child can handle it. First you need to decide on the size of the future Christmas tree. The most successful option would be a tree located over the entire size of our postcard. Once you decide on the size, take your scrapbooking paper and cut it into small rectangles of different widths.

Step 2 Now you should roll the paper into a cylinder. To make it without dents, use a tube or pencil. Roll the paper in the direction of the width, periodically smearing the inside with glue so that the cylinders do not turn around. Having wound a sufficient number of paper tubes, glue them to each other, assembling the design of a Christmas tree or a triangle.

Step 3 While our craft dries, we should do the base. Fold the cardboard in half, paste the wishes inside, put a signature below. After the tube tree has dried, it must be glued to the outside of the cardboard. Thoroughly coat the surface with glue and attach the craft. Let dry.

Step 4 The next step is decoration. Any interesting thing can turn out to be: bright buttons, ribbons, rivets, rhinestones, beads, etc. It is advisable to glue each decor element with a glue gun - this will allow them to last longer.

Postcards with Santa Claus

The theme of New Year's cards does not stop at Christmas trees. You can create anything, as long as your crafts have something to do with the New Year. An excellent addition to the gift will be a postcard with the image of Santa Claus or Santa Claus.

Postcard “Santa Claus”

To make a postcard "Santa Claus" You will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colour pencils;
  • Colored cardboard and paper;
  • Elements for decor.

Step 1. For this craft, you need to find the good-natured face of Santa Claus, print and cut it out. People who can draw beautifully will create the face of Santa Claus themselves. Color some parts of the face (cheeks, eyes, hat).

Step 2 Fold the cardboard in half and glue Grandpa's face to the outside of one half. The edges of the card can be decorated with all sorts of decorative details (paper circles, small snowflakes, sparkles). Be sure to leave wishes inside to surprise and touch the recipient.

“Jolly Santa”

This one looks just like Santa Claus, so it should definitely bring a smile to the recipient. In such a card, you can put not only wishes, but also a small present, because it will be made in the form of a pocket. Stock up on all the necessary materials, and feel free to get to work.

For making a postcard "Jolly Santa" You will need:

  • Scissors;
  • A sheet of thick paper in several colors (black, red, white);
  • Glue;
  • Glitter self-adhesive paper.

Step 1. Take thick red paper, bend its edges so that a pocket forms on one side. How to do this can be seen in the photo.

Step 2 Glue the edges of the pocket with glue.

Step 3 Attach a black strip along it, as shown in the figure, and make a silver square out of self-adhesive. It remains to attach white curly stripes and the card is ready.

Inside such a craft, you can put a small souvenir or an envelope with money. It turns out a cute and practical postcard.

And finally, I would like to show how you can make an interesting and unusual New Year's card in just a few minutes.

To make an unusual postcardYou will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • Thin felt (blue and white);
  • Beads for decoration;
  • Bright tape;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue and glue gun.

Step 1. Fold the piece of cardboard in half as you like. Glue the blue felt to the front side, then make a circle of small diameter in the right corner. Inside, you can stick multi-colored paper to make the card look more festive.

Step 2 Along the edges of the round hole, “plant” beads with a glue gun (seen in the photo), and then cut out a small Christmas tree from white felt, which will also need to be glued to the postcard with beads.

Step 3 Now, from the remaining white felt, make a strip of fabric - write or embroider the inscription “Happy New Year” on it. And glue it to the front. Decorate with beads.

Step 4 The final touch is a ribbon with a small bow. Attach it from the "ball" up to make it look like a New Year's toy. Postcard is ready!

Master class "Postcard for Santa Claus"

Target: develop children's artistic and creative abilities and imagination.


learn how to make a postcard

promote the development of attention, fine motor skills of hands and imagination;

cultivate perseverance, accuracy and purposefulness;

Develop a desire to care for others.

Master class progress

Guys, I am glad to welcome you to today's master class.

Do you like holidays? Which?

For most people, their favorite holidays are Birthday and New Year. Guess the riddle:

Who comes to us in winter

Visit every home

With a beard and a staff,

And a gift bag?

Above the mustache is a red nose.

Who is this? .. (Santa Claus) (Note: the riddle is taken from the Internet. Access mode:

Santa Claus is a character famous not only for kindness, but also for his fabulous congratulations. And everyone is used to the fact that he brings us gifts. But you can also congratulate Santa Claus himself. After all, he has his own birthday. November 18 is considered to be the official birthday of Santa Claus. This date is associated with the onset of frost in the homeland of Father Frost, in Veliky Ustyug, and was chosen by the children themselves back in 2005. On this day, Veliky Ustyug celebrates the birthday of the famous birthday man. Do you want to congratulate Santa Claus?

All of you can write a letter to Santa Claus and attach a postcard with congratulations to the letter. Today we will make this postcard.

- For work, we need the following materials and tools: thick landscape sheet, colored paper, buttons of different sizes, for decorating sequins or rhinestones, ribbons, ribbons, double-sided tape, scissors, glue, hole punch, ruler, simple pencil, black marker or black felt-tip pen or black gel pen.

So, everything is ready. Let's get started with the postcard.

Take a landscape sheet, put it in front of you. Fold the right and left sides as follows:

Please note that we do not bend the left and right parts evenly, so the card will turn out more interesting.

The base of the postcard is ready. Set it aside for now. Let's start decorating it.

I have pre-prepared Christmas tree and snowman templates.

Take colored paper. It is better to take soft colors. Trace patterns on colored paper. The resulting figures must be cut out. Remember to follow safety precautions when working with scissors.

Now take the base of the postcard and glue (using a glue stick) the resulting colored Christmas tree and snowman on different parts of the postcard as follows:

To make our snowman and Christmas tree come to life, become voluminous, we use buttons. You can use buttons of various sizes and colors. It all depends on your imagination!

I'll start with the snowman. I will take 2 white buttons of different sizes. First, I will attach them to the colored paper snowman on the card, check if they fit me, and then stick them with double-sided tape.

Note: Most grade 2 children still have a hard time with some types of double-sided tape (it doesn’t cut well and sticks to scissors). Therefore, it is best if one of the adults will cut off the pieces of adhesive tape. If the child can cope with this work, then he performs all the actions on his own.

Now let's turn our attention to the Christmas tree. Take buttons of different colors and sizes, put them on a Christmas tree made of colored paper on a postcard. I took green buttons of different sizes and small colored buttons. If everything suits you, you can stick the buttons with double-sided tape.

With the help of buttons, we will depict multi-colored balls hanging from above. Let's put everything first on a postcard, check if everything suits us. Buttons can be glued with double-sided tape.

There are empty spaces at the top and bottom of the card. They can be decorated with ribbons or ribbons. I chose a red bindweed ribbon. In order to glue it evenly, you need to draw straight lines with a ruler and a simple pencil.

We also draw lines with a pencil to the button-balls at the top of the card. You can use a ruler if necessary. With a pencil, draw pens and a hat for a snowman. As soon as we have finished working with a pencil, we can circle the lines with a marker, a black felt-tip pen or a black gel pen (except for the technical lines for the braid). I'll use a pen.

Then we measure the pieces of braid of the desired length and cut with scissors. Then, using a glue stick, glue the braid exactly on the lines.

Now let's decorate our postcard with sequins or rhinestones. You can also make confetti. I use snowflake sequins. First, I'll put them on a postcard. I like everything. Sequins can be attached with double sided tape.

It remains to make only the ties. Make holes with a hole punch.

And we insert a ribbon (I have a red color) into the holes, tie a bow.

Our postcard is ready.

Now it remains for you to write a congratulation to Santa Claus inside the card and send or personally hand over a hand-made card to the birthday man.

The master class was held for 2nd grade students. The guys got these postcards.

On the eve of the New Year, a feeling of joy and warmth does not leave us. Which is not surprising, because this is a special, magical holiday of childhood, which is associated with new hopes and beginnings, and of course with original congratulations. With special trepidation, our children are preparing for the holiday, who are looking forward to gifts and a present from a mysterious guest. Kids learn songs and rhymes, make postcards and write letters with wishes to Santa Claus.

The crumbs put their soul into their creations, express their most secret dreams and desires. A vivid example of children's creativity is a hand-made postcard to Santa Claus. By the way, many parents are directly involved in the process of creating a masterpiece, because joint work helps to create a festive atmosphere for the whole family. So let's try to help our kids translate their ideas and ideas on a piece of paper and learn a few simple tricks.

How to draw a postcard to Santa Claus?

In fact, the process of creating postcards is very exciting and interesting, it contributes to the disclosure of talent and the manifestation of imagination. Moreover, there are many ways to create beautiful postcards, depending on personal wishes and skills, you can make a regular or voluminous postcard, bright colorful or black and white, you can use various techniques and decorative elements.

We bring to your attention a master class on how to make a postcard-letter to Santa Claus with your own hands.

Option 1

We will not change traditions and consider detailed instructions on how to make an original and beautiful postcard to Santa Claus with a Christmas tree from scrap paper. So, we need:

  • colored or white cardboard;
  • scrap paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil or pen;
  • decorations as desired.

Now let's start creating our masterpiece:

Here on such a wonderful postcard your child will be able to write not only a letter to Santa Claus, but a congratulation to relatives and friends.

Beautiful New Year cards with Santa Claus in high quality for free. Photo postcards, drawings, colorful pictures and a large number of beloved sincere Soviet postcards with the kindest grandfather of the Earth! On these postcards, Frost hurries to children and adults in all modes of transport - train and plane, spaceship and bicycle, car and, of course, a sleigh drawn by three horses. And on the way he is accompanied by forest animals, snowmen, children and his granddaughter-assistant - the beautiful Snegurochka.

Elegant and festive animation card with the upcoming 2020 New Year. Beautiful Santa Claus with a bell and a bag of gifts next to a decorated Christmas tree sparkling with golden lights. Beautiful shimmering golden lettering.

Postcard with Santa Claus, gifts, sweets and congratulations.

Cool postcard with the old new year 2020 with the signature

May the new year bring to pass even that which could not be fulfilled before.

Vintage New Year's card with a cheerful Santa Claus and a congratulatory signature

New Year's card with Santa Claus and a cool phrase.

Funny postcard for the New Year with the coming. Grandfather Frost peeks out from behind the wall, congratulating everyone with the words: Happy New Year 2020. That's the end of the holidays. Who did not get drunk - well done!

Cool postcard with Santa Claus DJ and signature Everything will come true

Hand-drawn card with a New Year's wreath and Santa Claus.

Postcard with Santa Claus with a huge bag of gifts and the signature: Let Santa Claus give you everything you think of!

Cool New Year's card with a wish. Good Grandfather Frost reads a funny letter with a wish for the New Year. Text in verse form.