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What benefits can an unemployed mother count on. What payments are due to non-working pregnant women? Maternity payments to the unemployed

To maintain the quality of life of a woman and an unborn child, the state provides assistance to needy families. In the absence of an official place of work, they have the right to issue social support measures that are paid by a state institution.

What compensation is due

The provision of maternity benefits to unemployed women is regulated by federal law, in particular law number 81 in force since May 19, 1995. It defines the types of benefits intended for this category of the population.

If you intend to make payments, a non-working pregnant woman must understand which category of citizens she belongs to. The fact is that there is a tangible difference between the unemployed and the unemployed, although maternity benefits for non-working mothers and maternity benefits for the unemployed in both cases are charged the same way.

If she worked before going on maternity leave, but unofficially, we can talk about the status of an unemployed pregnant woman. In this case, she will be denied a maternity allowance specifically for the unemployed.

IMPORTANT! The status of the unemployed must be assigned by the employment center due to the lack of an actual place of work.

Benefits for pregnancy can be divided into 2 types: before the birth of the child and after birth.


For those who are not officially employed and are in a position, the following payments are expected for non-working pregnant women:

  1. With early registration in the antenatal clinic (up to 12 weeks), it is provided once, the amount varies from 630 to 650 rubles, depending on the district coefficient and annual indexation.
  2. The allowance for a non-working woman who is about to become a mother, in case of dismissal not on her initiative, is payable if the company was liquidated or happened during pregnancy, it is necessary to register at an employment center at the place of residence. She will receive maternity benefits for the unemployed: for each month indicated on the sick leave - 630 rubles, 140 days of maternity leave - 2900 rubles, while waiting for the birth of twins or triplets - 3200 rubles, if the birth goes through with complications - 4030 rubles.
  3. Payment after 30 weeks is provided at a time within the limits of 2300 rubles.
  4. The maternity allowance for the unemployed is subject to assignment if both parents are not employed or.
  5. Monthly allowance for expectant mothers whose husbands are in military service until the end of their term: from 26 weeks upon presentation of a certificate from a antenatal clinic in the amount of 23,000 rubles.


After a woman has given birth to a child, she is entitled to the issuance of a monetary allowance of the following nature:

  • One-time, when the child is aged 0 to 6 months, it is about 8,000 rubles.
  • Monthly up to 1.5 years in the amount of 40% of earnings for the last 2 years.
  • Compensation from 1.5 to 3 years in the amount of 50 rubles.
  • Lump sum in case of the birth of 1 child in the amount of the subsistence minimum, which is established in the region.

ATTENTION! Maternity capital is also one of the forms of social support for families, which and. It can be spent on the purchase of housing or the improvement of its conditions, educational services, the adaptation of a disabled child, and the accumulation of a mother's pension.

How to apply for an allowance

It is possible to issue payments to unemployed pregnant women in circumstances where the right to implement these procedures arises. For example, upon reaching the period of 12 weeks, 30 weeks, or after childbirth, until the child is 3 years old.

In order for citizens to have the right to receive payments for pregnancy and childbirth to the unemployed, they need to apply to institutions that are competent to assign funds for unemployed pregnant women and provide the required documentation (certificates, certificates, etc.).

Where to apply for benefits

The applicant should be guided by which institution to address the application so that pregnancy benefits are paid in accordance with the law. Their appointment is carried out by the following organizations:

  • social protection authorities, if both parents do not have an official place of work and are not registered with the employment center;
  • an educational institution in the case of a student planning the birth of a child, full-time;
  • military registration and enlistment office, when the expectant mother has the right to receive a monthly allowance during military service by the father of the baby;
  • employment center, if a woman is fired not on her own initiative, but when the company is liquidated or its rate is reduced.

ATTENTION! In the absence of work, the payment of maternity leave from each of these institutions is not provided.

What documents to provide when applying for benefits

The list of documents submitted to the relevant authority includes:

  • statement;
  • passport details of the applicant;
  • certificate confirming the fact of the birth of the baby;
  • certificate confirming the fact of marriage;
  • a certificate from a gynecologist indicating the gestational age;
  • certificate from the employment center, which determines the status of the unemployed;
  • extract from the work book;
  • certificate of study from an educational institution;
  • information from the social protection authorities that the funds have not been previously issued.

IMPORTANT! When adopting a child, a woman will be able to receive payments only after she establishes the status of motherhood through the court. But she will not be entitled to benefits for pregnancy.

Consulting assistance on the provision of such benefits is fully competent to provide specialists of social protection institutions. They have information about the size, the procedure for obtaining and the legal features of the procedure.

Women who have a job and are insured in the FSS system during pregnancy and after childbirth can count on certain social guarantees in the form of various benefits. Some of them are paid in a fixed amount, and some depend on the amount of salary received. And what benefits are due to pregnant non-working women? After all, they cannot apply for payments to the employer, and they do not have average earnings for calculating benefits. What can an unemployed woman expect in anticipation of a child, we will consider in our material.

Are benefits paid to unemployed pregnant women?

First, let's decide who can be attributed to non-working expectant mothers. In particular, this category may include:

  • Women who are unemployed, quit, or work without proper registration. Even if a woman works, but her relationship with the employer is not documented, she cannot be considered working for the assignment of benefits, because her salary is unofficial and insurance premiums in connection with motherhood and illness are not charged to her;
  • Women - individual entrepreneurs who have ceased their entrepreneurial activities, having deregistered with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Private lawyers and notaries who have ceased their practice;
  • Women who were fired due to the liquidation of the company or the termination of the activities of the entrepreneur-employer;
  • Spouses of conscripts;
  • Students studying full-time.

If we compare what payments an unemployed pregnant woman and a working woman receive, we will see that part of the benefits are not available to the unemployed due to the fact that they should be calculated from average earnings. In some cases, a woman who does not have a job may be assigned such an allowance, but only in the minimum amount. Let us consider in more detail what payments are available to non-working mothers, and under what conditions.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed in exceptional cases

Payment for maternity leave - this maternity allowance is not paid to non-working women, but there are exceptions:

  • Dismissed during the liquidation of the organization, termination of entrepreneurial activities of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, within a year before the day they were recognized as unemployed, if they are registered with the employment service, they are entitled to benefits. But, if for working people its size is 100% of average earnings or is calculated from the current minimum wage, then these are the payments due to a pregnant unemployed woman - the minimum fixed amount of 613.14 rubles per month, which for maternity leave for 140 days will be 2822.12 rubles. , for 156 days - 3144.65 rubles, for 194 days - 3910.66 rubles. (Articles 7 and 8 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2017 No. 88). For benefits, you need to apply to the social security authority at the place of residence. If a woman receives unemployment benefits, then she will have to make a choice between him and maternity benefits - these payments cannot be received at the same time.
  • Future mothers - students of universities, scientific organizations and other professional educational institutions can receive an allowance equal to their scholarship. The payment of maternity allowance is made at the place of study, and it does not matter on what basis the student is studying - commercial or budget (letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 08.09.2010 No. 02-02-01 / 08-3930).

In addition to maternity women who entered the medical register before 12 weeks of pregnancy, a one-time payment(Article 9 of Law No. 81-FZ). Its size is fixed and subject to indexation - today it is 613.14 rubles. Only those who are entitled to maternity benefits, that is, women dismissed during the liquidation, and full-time students, can receive this payment, the rest of the unemployed are not entitled to benefits.

What payments are due to pregnant non-working women and mothers

Absolutely all unemployed women have the right to one-time payment at the birth of a child . It can be received by the mother or father of the newborn. A working father will receive an allowance at the place of work, and if an unemployed single mother receives the allowance, or both parents study, then it will be paid by the social security service at their place of residence.

The size of the allowance for a newborn is the same for everyone, and changes only in connection with indexation. From 01.02.2017 it is 16,350.33 rubles. (Government Decree No. 88). The amount received is not affected by the number of already existing children, and at the birth of twins, the allowance is assigned in full for each of them.

Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years employed women are kept 40% of their wages, and unemployed women are assigned only the minimum amount: 3065.69 rubles. per month for the first child and 6131.37 rubles. – for the second and subsequent younger children. The allowance for unemployed mothers is paid by the social security authority from the day the child is born until the age of 1.5 years.

Mothers receiving unemployment benefits must choose only one of the two payments - they are not allowed to be applied simultaneously. For student mothers, the right to the allowance is preserved even when continuing their education, but they also need to make a choice: between the maternity allowance and the care allowance up to 1.5 years.

Special allowances for the wives of military conscripts rely regardless of their employment, including the social security authorities pay them to the unemployed. Women receive these payments along with all other benefits due to pregnant women and mothers:

  • Lump sum allowance to the wife of a conscript soldier Relies on a gestational age of 180 days and the presence of a registered marriage. The amount of the allowance is 25,892.45 rubles. (Article 12.3 of Law No. 81-FZ).
  • Monthly allowance for a child of a conscript is paid from the day of his birth, but not earlier than the day the father began his service in the army on conscription. The payment continues until the child is 3 years old, but no later than the day the father’s military service ends (Article 12.6 of Law No. 81-FZ). The amount of the allowance is 11,096.76 rubles. per month.

What payments are due to a non-working pregnant woman yet:

  • If there are social indications and a medical opinion, the expectant mother may be entitled to additional nutrition. Its size is set by the regions, they also decide whether to give benefits in cash or in kind.
  • At the local level, other payments and additional payments to pregnant women, including the unemployed, can be additionally established at the expense of regional budgets.

The birth of a child always requires material costs.

The state has taken care of working women who are preparing to become a mother. They are socially protected and even before the birth can receive maternity leave.

But what about non-working expectant mothers? Do maternity pay the unemployed?

The procedure for paying various benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is regulated by Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006.

In accordance with Art. 2 are entitled to maternity payments:

As you can see, nothing is written about non-working mothers in the law. Therefore, maternity leave is not provided for these categories of persons.

This is due to the fact that the so-called maternity payments are characterized as a compensation for earnings that the expectant mother does not receive due to maternity leave. A non-working woman has no such income.

The exception is:

  1. Future mothers who were forced to quit due to the liquidation of the employer.
  2. Non-working female students of stationary departments of educational institutions. They receive an allowance in the amount of a scholarship, regardless of whether they pay for their education or not.

Thus, maternity benefits for non-working mothers are not allowed. However, the state has provided other payments for non-working mothers.

Regardless of employment, every pregnant citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to social benefits. She is entitled to various types of benefits for childbirth and child care.

The legislation provides for several forms of support for families. At the same time, if previously unemployed mothers were not paid childcare benefits, today absolutely all categories of mothers can count on social benefits.

After the birth of a child, parents have the right to receive 2 types of benefits, which are paid on different conditions:

  • allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years;
  • regional child support.

Regional allowances are assigned and paid in all regions of Russia according to different rules and in different sizes.

There are several types of social support:

  1. The one-time payment for the birth of a baby in 2019 is 16,350.33 rubles.
  2. Monthly support for the first child under one and a half years old is 3065.69 rubles. At the birth of the second, the allowance is 6131.37 rubles per month.

At the birth of a baby, a previously unemployed mother will be offered a choice of 2 options for receiving financial payments:

  1. Further unemployment money transfers
  2. Replacing unemployment benefits with child care benefits.

Important! From 01.01. In 2010, a rule was introduced stating that in order to receive a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old and regional payments, a non-working mother must be registered in the same place as the child.

The law of the Russian Federation allows low-income families where a woman works unofficially or does not work at all, to receive food for the baby from the dairy kitchen at the birth of a child until the child reaches 2 years of age.

If there is no dairy kitchen near the place of residence of the family, then the social protection service is obliged to assign regular payments to the family in the form of monetary compensation equal to the cost of food. The amount of such compensation is set at the regional level.

Needy families that are below the poverty line, and parents are not employed, are entitled to payments for the maintenance and upbringing of minor children.

The amount of these payments depends on the number of children. Such support is provided if the income received for each family member does not reach the official subsistence level.

In addition, the amount of state support depends on the region where the family lives and, as a rule, is about 300 rubles per month for each child. Thus, a mother with two children will receive an additional 600 rubles a month.

Payments also rely on adult children who study in vocational, higher or secondary technical educational institutions. Mothers pay monthly payments for them until the child completes his studies.

If the family has an unemployed mother and an employed father, then only the mother is entitled to claim the allowance for caring for a newborn.

This allowance is intended only for the family member who is caring for the child. By default, it is considered that these duties are performed by a non-working family member.

With a non-working mother, parental leave is also not allowed for a working father.

Unemployed women in a position often ask the question: “Will I be able to get maternity leave if I get pregnant and don’t work?”

The answer will be: "In this case, payments are due, but not all and in a smaller amount than for employed citizens."

According to the law, maternity leave for non-working women is not allowed (with the exception of those women who were fired during the liquidation of the enterprise and students).

Non-working expectant mothers are only entitled to receive child benefits, which are accrued after the birth of the child.

To arrange payments for childbirth, a non-working mother must apply to the social security authorities at the place of registration. She needs to prepare a package of documents confirming the right to use state aid.

Here's what you need for this:

After 10 days from the date of submission of the application and documents, the employees of the department of social protection of the population must decide on the accrual of benefits to the pregnant woman.

To apply for financial support from the state for a newborn, an unemployed woman must also contact the social security service and provide the following set of documents:

Making payments and accruing state support for pregnant women and mothers is strictly regulated by law.

The Social Security Service considers the issue of awarding payments and benefits to the woman within 10 days after receiving the application and supporting documents.

If the woman's application is satisfied, transfers will be made every month no later than the 26th day. Money can be transferred by mail or transferred to a bank account.

Of course, the amount of payments to unemployed pregnant women and mothers with children is very small.

However, this assistance is sometimes the only financial protection for non-working mothers.

In order to go on maternity leave and receive the appropriate benefits, a woman must work officially. The employer deducts mandatory contributions to Social Insurance. In this case, a working woman goes on maternity leave, the basis for which will be a standard sick leave. Another name for this document is a disability certificate. In this article, we will tell you how you can get maternity allowance for non-working mothers.

Despite the moment with official employment, some pregnant women may still qualify for maternity benefits, even if they do not work at all and cannot count on insurance contributions. Unlike working expectant mothers, payments to non-working expectant mothers will not be made gradually, but at one moment. True, the money is transferred from completely different sources.

Which categories of unemployed women are entitled to pregnancy benefits

The maternity allowance for a non-working mother can be received by:

  • women who are officially unemployed;
  • women in public service;
  • full-time students of colleges and universities.

Officially, women are considered unemployed, recognized as such after a reduction or dismissal, when the latter is associated with the liquidation of the employer's organization. As for those who are in the civil service, the military, customs officers and other contractors fall under this category. About students - everything is clear and without explanation, the only thing that should be mentioned is that benefits will be paid to graduate students.

Each category of women has the right to expect payment of maternity leave in full - from its beginning to its end. By law, the duration can be 70 days before the birth and 70 after them, if there were no complications during the birth. Unfortunately, complications do sometimes occur. In this case, after childbirth, maternity payments are made not for 70 days, but for 86 (156 days in total). When a woman is pregnant with several children at once, she will receive benefits for 194 days. This period is divided into 84 days before delivery and 110 days after delivery.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about non-working expectant mothers who live in areas contaminated after accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Mayak. Such women are sent on maternity leave 20 days earlier than expected. That is, the prenatal period is paid for 90 days.

If a woman has never worked and has not been in the civil service, that is, she was engaged in housework, alas, she cannot count on payment. The same applies to those who worked unofficially before pregnancy. Expectant mothers who left work of their own free will, and students of correspondence departments, similarly, cannot apply for BiR benefits,

B&D allowance for unemployed women who were fired after the liquidation of the organization

The payment of maternity benefits to non-working women for the reason stated in the title is mandatory. The state assumes responsibility for the people who, until recently, made contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. Expectant mothers who are left without work through no fault of their own are entitled to receive a certificate of incapacity for work. And, accordingly, payments on it.

It is very important to register with one of the local employment centers if a year before pregnancy there was either a pure liquidation or a reorganization of the enterprise, as a result of which you lost your permanent job.

Separately, it should be said about women who are in the status of an individual entrepreneur, but who have ceased their entrepreneurial activities. The same applies to expectant mothers who have lost their lawyer or notary status. These women receive the right to formalize the receipt of maternity benefits for a non-working mother. Similarly, maternity leave is issued on the basis of a sick leave.

How the unemployed are paid sick leave according to BiR

Citizens of Russia, and in our case - citizens, get the opportunity to register at the labor exchange. Once registered, Special Unemployment Benefit will be paid for a year. The amount is a percentage of the salary received. The existing norms of the Labor Code state that if there is a sick leave, the annual period is extended by the number of days specified in the sheet. For a year and a half after dismissal, the number of sick days cannot exceed 365.

Pregnant women who are unemployed have a special status. Making a sick leave is directly in their area of ​​​​interest. There are several reasons for this. Pregnant women receive payment for all maternity leave for the periods that we mentioned in the first section of the article when we described the payment procedure itself. But the amounts will not be any significant - 613.14 rubles per month.

Throughout the pregnancy and childbirth leave, a woman cannot be deregistered at the labor exchange, she retains the status of officially unemployed.

For the period of vacation in BiR, the woman continues to receive unemployment benefits, but there are some nuances:

  • that is, the allowance itself is not accrued during the vacation, but it will be paid after the end of the decree (if 18 months have not passed since the registration with the employment service);
  • if, after the end of maternity leave, a young mother draws up a child care allowance, then the payment of unemployment benefits will be suspended.

But all this is relevant if no more than a year has passed since a woman received the status of unemployed and before going on maternity leave. And, on the contrary, it is irrelevant if a woman registered with the employment service, but before that she did not work or worked unofficially. Voluntary dismissal will be an excuse for the state not to pay any benefits.

How unemployed pregnant women receive maternity benefits through Social Security

It is also possible to issue a pregnancy and childbirth allowance for the unemployed through the Social Security authorities: in this case, the payment of B&R benefits to expectant mothers who have lost their jobs due to the reduction or liquidation of the organization is carried out by local social protection authorities. Here you will need to submit an application using the specified form. Plus, you need to attach more documents. Here is their list:

  • maternity sick leave, which is issued after the thirtieth week of pregnancy;
  • extract from the work book with a record of the last place of work;
  • statement of dismissal in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise;
  • certificate of registration of the unemployed status (this document is provided by the employment service);
  • a decision taken by the tax authority that the woman stopped the activities of a lawyer or notary, if such a decision took place.

The federal budget provides the necessary funds for the social payment, which is assigned within ten days after the application has been registered. Until the 26th day of the month following the month in which the application was submitted, the B&R allowance funds are transferred to the applicant's bank account. Another option for receiving is a postal order.

How contract and civil servants, as well as students of full-time departments receive benefits for R&D

As we said earlier, the non-working include civil servants, contract military and full-time students. Here, the conditions for obtaining will differ from those that are due to working pregnant women.

In any case, contractors and students are required to receive a certificate of incapacity for work. Based on it, you can apply for payment.

Women in the military and government officials

Pregnant women who serve in the civil service may qualify for maternity benefits. In order to qualify for benefits, they will need to provide:

  • application for maternity leave;
  • a certificate from a doctor;
  • if the place of service does not match the place of residence, then you must also provide a certificate of non-receipt of benefits at the place of residence. Such a certificate can be obtained from the local social security authorities.

According to Russian law, the allowance must be credited within ten days. The day of reference is the date on which the service ceased. If the service continued after receiving a sick leave, then such a future mother is entitled to only one monetary allowance. But you don’t have to count on the full amount along with maternity payments.

Funds are transferred directly from the federal budget. The budget is determined by the federal executive authorities that regulate contract service.

Full-time students of educational institutions

This category of expectant mothers has every right to receive maternity benefits. The budgetary or commercial training scheme will in no way affect the decision on this issue. Students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions can apply for the allowance for pregnancy and childbirth.

Making payments is easy. It is enough to submit an application and relevant documents to the accounting department of your educational institution. Once approved, the allowance is paid through a scholarship scheme. You can receive money directly at the box office, where a scholarship is usually issued.

In the case of full-time female students, the source of funding will be the federal or regional budget, from which the educational institution receives subsidies. The term of payments, as for civil servants, is ten days after the registration of the submitted application. The application must be accompanied by a certificate or sick leave, which is issued for a period of thirty weeks.

In the article, we talked about which categories of non-working pregnant women can apply for the payment of benefits under the BiR, and what is needed to receive this benefit without problems. But we would like to give one piece of advice: you should apply for maternity benefits after the sick leave has begun to operate. If this did not work out, then you should not be upset - you can apply within six months after the sick leave has expired.