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My decoupage on canvas. Plain napkin with seam-first embroidery

Any outfit can be decorated in such a way that it acquires individuality and reflects the taste of the owner of the thing. A modest blouse, dress, scarf will become more elegant and elegant, a tablecloth, towel, curtains, on which there will be a hemstitch, will give a unique look. How to make this embroidery, show the photos given in the article.


This is a very old and recently fashionable one. It is performed on fabric carefully prepared in a special way. In the place where the embroidery will be located, the transverse threads are removed, the number of which depends on the planned width. After that, work is performed with one of the types of patterns. And so it turns out the hemstitch. How to do it - we will consider further.

It is not difficult to perform hemstitching, it does not require any special devices and materials. But at the same time, this type of needlework requires utmost care and accuracy, otherwise the product with embroidery will look ugly.

This method is most often used when decorating cotton products. These are all kinds of tablecloths, blouses, bed linen, kitchen towels and curtains. On any of these products, a hemstitch will look very impressive. How to do it? Will learn.

Types of patterns

The beauty of hemstitching lies in the accuracy and method of making the pattern. There are several types of it. Here are the simplest ones. All of them are performed with a needle and thread on a prepared area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric where the transverse threads have been removed.

  • Tassels. We stretch the needle with the working thread through 3-5 main threads and tighten them with a loop. Similarly, we sew stitches to the end of the row.

  • Columns. These are the same brushes, only they are made on both sides of the fabric. Between them you can stretch an elegant lace.
  • Merezhka split. Consists of their brushes, made in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Goat. It connects the columns, each time the junction is shifted, and a kind of cross is obtained.
  • Flooring. The working thread is pulled together into a fairly dense surface, which is similar to satin stitch embroidery.

This is only part of the patterns that make up the hemstitch. How to make them? First you need to practice on a small piece of fabric, and only then you can start embroidering. If you do the work slowly and carefully, you will get a beautiful pattern, because the hemstitching is done as evenly as possible, and the work is even and smooth.

Skillful embroiderers add beads to the patterns, and a few more variations are obtained. It is also possible to perform hemstitching with ribbons. Such a pattern turns out to be voluminous, and if you choose the right color, it will look very impressive.

Simple hemstitch

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a hemstitch. For beginners, acquaintance with this type of needlework is best obtained from embroidery on cotton or linen fabric. It holds its shape well, does not slip, the threads are clearly visible on it.

We make an incision along the edge of the cotton fabric and pull out several transverse threads with tweezers. First, we will process the edges so that they do not crumble. Then, with a prepared needle with a white thread, we pull 5-10 threads together with a loop. We fix each loop on the canvas. Thus we pass both edges. Now we cross adjacent bundles in pairs, fixing them in the center with an additional thread. This is a very easy way to do hemstitching on fabric. Such a simple embroidery will be an elegant element of any thing, moreover, the funds used to complete the work are minimal, which saves the budget.

If you choose a good combination of fabric and thread colors, you can get a very beautiful pattern, which will be a vivid example of how to make a hemstitch. For beginners in this type of needlework, such embroidery will allow you to master the methods and techniques of work. With this pattern, you can decorate a kitchen towel, a pocket on a blouse, a pillowcase.

Merezhka on canvas

And now let's look at how to make a hemstitch on a canvas with a "split" pattern.

The canvas is quite loose, so you need to work with it carefully, otherwise the embroidery can be ruined. But at the same time, such a rare weaving will help to complete the drawing correctly, especially for a beginner needlewoman.

First you need to learn how to pull the strings. This is done with a blade, with which we cut about six threads. You should not do a wide hemstitch, as the pattern will be lost in this case.

Let's go through one end first. It is better to process it immediately so that it does not bloom further. Then we make the second edge in the same way.

When the canvas is prepared, we proceed to the execution of the drawing. Consider how you can gradually make a hemstitch. For beginners, the "split" pattern will be easy to perform. On one side of the embroidery, we make a brush of two threads. We carefully pass the seam so that the loops are clearly visible. On the other side, we connect the threads of different columns into one brush.

You can combine several strips of embroidery made with different patterns, and if you add colored threads, the pattern will turn out bright.

On a napkin

At the next stage of acquaintance with this type of embroidery, we will consider how to make a hemstitch on a napkin.

Along the edge of the napkin, leaving room for a fold, pull out eight to ten threads from the fabric. Let's go through all the edges in this way. Now let's make the folds. Then you can start embroidering. Always sew from left to right.

We fix the thread by making a few stitches. We collect on the needle from 4 to 8 threads (optional). The needle goes from right to left horizontally. Then we stick the needle from the wrong side and tighten the working thread to form a brush. Thus, go along the entire length of the napkin. We must remember that the brushes must be of the same thickness, so you need to carefully count the number of threads. Also pay attention to the passage of corners so that they are neat.

This work clearly shows how to make a simple hemstitch on a napkin.

This type of needlework can become an exciting hobby. Decorate clothes and interior items - what could be more fun!

Depending on the state of familiarity with this technique, needlewomen can embroider works in a different range: from small, thin embroidery, which acts as a decorative element, to complex flat patterns. The same applies to colors: white sewing can be replaced by colorful hemstitches.

Merezhka can decorate a tablecloth or bed linen, a festive blouse or a ribbon on a hat. In any case, using the basic techniques, you can experiment and apply different combinations of colors and patterns.

Slow painstaking work will allow you to relax, and the end result will leave a feeling of satisfaction in your soul.


Needlewomen have long loved to embroider with a cross. I must admit that this work is very painstaking, not everyone has the patience to embroider even a small motif. This circumstance, probably, was the reason for the emergence of the so-called lazy embroidery. This is nothing more than an imitation of cross-stitch, familiar to many. Moreover, a very realistic embroidery effect can be created using only the desired texture of the fabric, a napkin, glue and your ideas. Decoupage on canvas is done quite simply, and most importantly very quickly.

In this master class, we will try to “cross-stitch” a beautiful picture.

Materials for lazy embroidery

In the process of work, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • canvas
  • decoupage napkin
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • cup for glue
  • tassel
  • needle
  • and a little patience.

Manufacturing process

Let's get to work.

First you need to choose a motif, which will later become an embroidered picture.

As you know, the French word decoupage is translated as "cutting". So we will decorate the canvas using a picture cut out of a napkin.

To hide the clear border of the cut-out napkin on a white canvas, you need to cut off the excess paper with your hands. As a rule, a decoupage napkin consists of three layers. Therefore, the picture needs to carefully separate the two lower layers. For work, we need only the top layer, on which the drawing is usually applied.

We stretch a piece of canvas to the size of the picture on the hoop.

PVA glue is poured into a small glass and diluted with water.

The gluing process is the main operation in decoupage. Putting the picture on the canvas, dip the brush in the adhesive solution and get to work. We apply the dissolved glue directly on top of the napkin, moving from the center to the edges of the pattern. You need to glue it carefully, because the napkin is very thin. In order not to form wrinkles, try not to smooth the napkin, but tap it with a brush, as if driving it gently into the texture of the canvas.

At the end of the work, the canvas with the picture glued to it should dry completely.

Next, we take an ordinary needle and begin to pierce the picture in the square cells of the canvas. It is not necessary to perform such work, you can leave the decoupage on the canvas in the form that was received. This simple operation will enhance the effect of cross-stitching.

Due to numerous requests and wishes, I am posting a master class on plastic canvas and beautiful transformation. I love to embroider, and the plastic canvas simply fascinated me and my loved ones. Rigid (no need to pull), the cells are large (the result is immediately visible). The most attractive thing for Us is that many different things can be created from it.

We will need:

  • 2 pieces of rectangular plastic canvas 7ST
  • scissors
  • a simple pencil or marker that dissolves in water. (I cut out simple patterns without a drawing)
  • 7CT acrylic threads (I have 4mm Chinese threads), which are perfect in size. Many more stores advise "It is recommended to embroider with Gamma floss threads 100% cotton in 4 threads or in full skein, or with fine yarn of the brand Adelia or Alpin"
  • scissors
  • tapestry needles
  • a ready-made shemka (there are a lot of them on the Internet) or a scheme invented by you personally.
  • everything is ready to start the creation process

    Cut out two parts of 29 * 29 cells.

    Trim off excess tails

    We got 2 parts of 29 * 29 cells. We put one aside. In the second middle, cut out 11 * 11 cells (this is a hole for pulling out napkins)

    We cut off all the teeth, we get a smooth edge.

    according to the scheme (drawing), we embroider all the details. Then we sew everything.

    First, we sew all the tops of the parts to the top of the napkin holder (part 29 * 29 with a cutout in the center), then we sew the side parts.

    It turned out a box without a bottom

    We sew the bottom (I don’t embroider the bottom, because I think it’s more stable. It’s like anyone. My works basically have the bottom like this (two sashes with Velcro)) photo below

    In my scheme, another ribbon was provided.

    That's it. Most importantly, it's made with love. Successful creativity!

    Do not judge strictly. I tried to. If you have any questions please write.

    I have already talked about the fact that I periodically take part in needlework robins for the exchange of decorative napkins for decoupage on the forum of the wonderful site about sewing and needlework "Seamstress".

    Tools and materials for work:

    plain linen fabric,


    Threads to match the fabric

    Decorative napkin with Easter motifs,

    Glue for decoupage on textiles,

    polyethylene file,

    Golden outline for fabric

    I wash and iron natural linen fabric before starting work. By the way, you don’t have to be too zealous with ironing: all the same, the fabric will definitely wrinkle during work and it will have to be ironed more than once.

    I cut out a napkin from the fabric, taking into account the size of the decorative motifs that are supposed to be pasted, and allowances of 4.5 cm for making a fringe.

    I have one little secret how to cut the fabric evenly. To do this, it is necessary to pull the thread from the weave, and then cut the fabric along the mark formed. The edge is perfectly even, and the possibility of distortion of the finished product is completely excluded.

    By the way, my grandmother taught me how to cut fabric in this way when I was still a child. Therefore, I try to teach my children everything that I know myself. I hope that this knowledge will someday be useful to them.

    In order for the napkin to look aesthetically pleasing and serve for a long time, you first need to process the edges of the fabric. You can simply tuck the edges of the cut out part, and then sew on a sewing machine. But I am a big supporter of hand sewing and in addition to this I want to show you the traditional Ukrainian way of processing the edge of the product with the help of an openwork counted seam “hemstitch”. Merezhka will fix the edges of the napkin, decorated with fringe.

    My grandmother also taught me to embroider hems. In my heart, I am very proud that I am, in fact, the custodian of the knowledge and experience of many generations of women in our family. And so I always remember my grandmother, a needlewoman with a feeling of great gratitude.

    It is quite easy to embroider a hemstitch. To do this, on each side of the future napkin, I measure 4.5 cm from the edge and pull 3 threads from the fabric.

    Merezhki are usually embroidered with threads to match the fabric, and sometimes threads drawn from the fabric are used for embroidery. Therefore, I chose ecru-colored threads for my work, which practically do not differ from the color of unbleached linen fabric for my future Easter napkin.

    For hemstitching, I bring out the needle with the working thread on the front side of the fabric three threads below the area with elongated threads.

    On the wrong side, I leave the end of the working thread about 1.5 cm in order to further secure it with subsequent hemstitch stitches. After all, the knots on the wrong side of the embroidery are a clear sign of the work of an inexperienced craftswoman, whom I don’t consider myself at all :).

    The number of threads picked up may vary depending on their thickness. In any case, the stitch should not be wider than 3 mm, otherwise the fabric will be pulled together.

    Then I stretch the needle with the working thread behind the picked up threads of the fabric and stick to the right of them. I bring the needle from the wrong side of the napkin to the front side diagonally, while fixing the end of the working thread left from the inside.

    I stretch the working thread, tightening the picked up threads of the fabric. I get a “single twig”, or “tassel” - the most common basic hemstitch seam. I carry out single twigs along the perimeter of the napkin, along the area with the threads pulled out of the fabric.

    I fasten the second end of the working thread from the inside, stretching it through several stitches of the hemstitch.

    This completes the embroidery, and I start decorating the napkin with Easter motifs using the decoupage technique.

    I cut out images of traditional Easter rabbits from a decorative napkin. I stratify the cut out motifs, separating the top layer with the pattern.

    I lay out a napkin on a file (you can use a piece of cellophane or oilcloth) so as not to stain the working surface of the table with glue. I generously lubricate the place of drawing with glue for decoupage on textiles. In order for the fabric to be well saturated with glue, I use a hard brush with bristle bristles.

    I immediately apply a napkin motif to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric smeared with glue. And on top I carefully apply another layer of decoupage glue. Great delicacy is needed here so as not to stretch or tear a thin layer of decorative napkin, so I replace the bristle brush with a brush with soft synthetic bristles.

    When all the pictures are pasted, I let them dry a little, after which I decorate the individual elements of the picture with a gold outline for the fabric.

    I leave the napkin for 12 hours to allow the glue and contour to soak into the fabric and dry.

    After this time, I iron the napkin from the wrong side with a hot iron in the “cotton” mode for 5 minutes. This will help not only smooth the fabric well, but also securely fix the pasted pattern on it.

    And now I just have to make a fringe. To do this, I pull out the threads that are not fastened with a hemstitch along the edges of the napkin.

    Having caught me doing this exciting activity, my daughter also decided to take part in making a napkin with Easter motifs. And I lost my job. In the meantime, my little helper, with a diligent sniffling, was working on making a fringe, I came up with a wonderful idea for a little decoupage lesson for kids. But read about it in the following articles.

    And here is the finished Easter napkin, decorated with decoupage and fringe with hemstitch.

    Now you also know how to apply decorative napkins for decoupage with Easter motifs.

    Create with HobbyMama!

    Today we will make with our own hands a canvas napkin for a cup, which we will embroider with a hemstitch. Such a napkin will perfectly serve as a decoration on the festive table.

    To make a napkin, we need:

    red and white threads for embroidery;

    Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a 15x15 cm square on the canvas. It is important that the line goes strictly between the two threads, that is, it does not jump to other cells and is even. This is how we continue to work.

    From the top and side, we retreat from the edge by 5 cm. Now we cut with the blade, starting from the same cell, two strips that are parallel to the sides. Carefully cut 5 threads so that the short threads do not spread in different directions. It is better to cut on a cutting mat or on a surface that you do not mind damaging.

    We begin to pull the threads with a needle, only in the direction inside the square.

    Before reaching 5 cm to the other edge, we cut the canvas again and pull out all 5 threads. Thus, we form a square inside the fabric. We have prepared columns of canvas threads, from which we will very easily perform hemstitching.

    Since we cut the threads with a blade, some of their ends remained free and if they are not protected, then as a result the threads will spread and look sloppy. Therefore, we thread the red thread into the needle and begin to process the cut edge of the canvas. We skip one cell and starting from the second in the direction from the bottom up, as if wrapping the edge with a thread. We wrap it twice, penetrating the needle into the same hole.

    We hide the end of the thread, penetrating the needle through the seams from the back. We do the same if the thread ends at any stage of embroidery.

    At the end, we bring the needle up and start hemstitching. We wrap the needle around two columns of threads and again bring the needle towards ourselves.

    Then we pierce the right extreme cell from top to bottom with a needle and bring the needle towards ourselves. Thus, we perform a “tassel” seam on all sides.

    After that, we perform the same seam on the other side in the inner square, but at the same time we capture two columns from different brushes. It turns out the seam "split".

    We sew a seam around the entire edge and then embroider hearts according to the scheme. You can choose any other pattern of your choice.

    Now let's finish the edge. We carefully pull out the threads, leaving only two to the already completed seam. You should pull out very carefully, as you can pull the wrong thread or pull too much and the whole pattern will deteriorate. Therefore, it is better to hold the main threads with one hand, which should remain in place, and pull them out with the other.

    We carry out a brush with white threads along the entire edge of the napkin, only at the same time capturing as many as 4 columns.

    Get even and neat brushes.

    It's so easy to make such a decor as a do-it-yourself canvas napkin for a cup.