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Makeup for school 14 years old. How to make beautiful and easy makeup for teenagers? Light makeup for teens: going to school

All girls at the age of 11 or a little older begin to make their first attempts at applying cosmetics to the face. In order for the makeup to turn out natural, and not vulgar, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances and follow a number of rules. Indeed, on young skin, an excess of cosmetics will never look attractive.

Makeup for school: basic rules

Makeup for a girl should be as light and almost invisible as possible. The main emphasis is on natural beauty, which does not need frills.

There are a number of rules to follow:

How to do makeup for school: take into account age

Cosmetics in this case will need the bare minimum. It will be enough to take a tonal foundation, lip gloss, mascara and any eyebrow product.

Depending on the age of the young beauty, you will need to use them as follows:

Makeup for a schoolgirl: step by step instructions

Makeup options for young fashionistas can be different. The best way to apply cosmetics in this case is the following:

Makeup depending on eye color

In order to make a natural and incredibly beautiful makeup, they often resort to the use of shadows or eyeliner. At the same time, it is extremely important to take into account such important details as shading and a combination of shades.

Shadows must necessarily match the color of the eyes themselves and create true harmony.

There are a number of special recommendations:

Regardless of eye color, arrows can also be drawn. They are applied strictly along the growth line of the cilia, but do not forget about high-quality shading.

Precautionary measures

In order for the makeup applied to the face to remain in its original form even by the end of the day and create a natural look, and the skin does not suffer under the influence of cosmetics, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

In addition, after applying makeup, you need to carefully examine yourself in bright sunlight. It often happens that serious mistakes are made due to poor lighting in the bathroom.

For example, too much blush, smudged mascara, too dark lip liner, overly dark, unnatural brows, and the wrong choice of foundation.

Prohibited actions

Naturally, every schoolgirl is ready for experiments when applying makeup, but it should be borne in mind that there are certain tips that you need to listen to. It is highly recommended not to do the following:

Girls want to be beautiful at any age. In adolescence, liking yourself and others becomes even more important. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly handle cosmetics, get acquainted with the tricks of applying school makeup for teenagers.

Makeup for middle classes

For girls of the middle classes - 6, 7, 8, you can only do light, natural and elegant makeup to school. You can read in more detail about this type of make-up below, as well as tips and step-by-step instructions for performing daytime and solemn make-up.

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that a beautiful school make-up will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to rashes, acne, so a tonic, lotion for problem skin should appear on the girl's shelf. And in winter, there should be a cream that will save the face from chapping.

Daily facial care is very important in order to look beautiful even without makeup. Girls at the age of 12 should not use tonal foundations and powder - this is too “heavy” cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Special attention e it is worth giving an acquaintance with brushes for applying make-up, how to care for them, how to make eyelashes beautiful without resorting to the use of mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

The main principle of school makeup for teenagers aged 13, 14 is a minimum of decorative products.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not at all necessary. It is better not to paint the eyebrows, you can add a little brightness with the help of shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done with hypoallergenic cosmetics in delicate pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but you want to show off in an interesting way, then you can make up with special children's cosmetics.

But, already at the age of 14, makeup for school can be done with more “adult” makeup. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teens, makeup artists advise eliminating eyeliners because they require skill to use, and arrows can make the look overloaded.

Eye makeup for school is done with shades of natural colors (beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - transparent or soft colors.

Everyday make-up

It is better for girls at this age to do a simple inconspicuous make-up for school, but it is better, in general, not to abuse the make-up. Maximum - colorless or with a small pink hygienic lipstick.

How beautiful to do makeup to school for girls in grades 6, 7, 8? It is enough to follow the following steps:

  1. Moisturizing and cleansing procedures are carried out for the skin of the face.
  2. Tidy up the eyebrows: comb, if desired, fix their shape with a gel.
  3. Shadows close to natural shades are applied to the moving eyelid and carefully shaded.
  4. Eyelashes are curled with a curling machine or a transparent strengthening gel is applied. Girls 13-14 years old can rarely do makeup to school using mascara. But you need to use it in small quantities. The effect of extended eyelashes is highly undesirable.
  5. Lips should be painted with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

With step-by-step makeup for school, girls of 12, 13 or 14 years old can create a gentle and appropriate look for the decor.

Video: everyday makeup for girls 13 and 14 years old.

Festive make-up

If an important event is expected ahead, then a girl of 12, 13, 14 years old can afford a gentle solemn make-up to school. The main thing is to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

This is how you can do light makeup for school:

  1. The skin is cleansed and moisturized. You can mask the “problem” areas with a concealer.
  2. Apply a soft pink blush to create a subtle blush on your cheeks.
  3. Apply shades of peach or pink to the upper eyelid. Draw a line with a brown pencil and shade well so that the eye makeup does not seem overloaded.
  4. Elegant makeup for school for teenagers 13-14 years old can be done with mascara. But be sure to follow the rule - the shade of the mascara should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyelashes.
  5. Eyebrows can be made up with a brown pencil or shadows.
  6. Make up your lips with a gloss of soft colors. If makeup is being done to school for a girl of 12 years old, then it is better to use colorless or hygienic lipstick or gloss.

Video: festive beautiful makeup for girls in grades 7, 8.

Makeup for high school students

Girls at this age can afford more experiments and interesting solutions. The main thing is that the resulting image complies with the standards of the educational institution and does not cause protest from the parents.

The main principle is healthy, well-groomed skin. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products that are suitable for the type of facial skin for young creatures.

As for decorative cosmetics, you can conduct small experiments. At the age of 15-17, girls consider themselves adults, they want to stand out from the crowd. And even despite the assumption of experiments, make-up for school should be light and not defiant.

You can use a light foundation, brown eye and eyebrow pencil, mascara. However, in makeup for school for teenagers, bright lipstick, “smoky ice” should be avoided - on the face of a young girl, such coloring will look unnatural and inappropriate.

It is best to choose a gloss in addition to the natural range of shadows and pencils - transparent or light tones.

At this age (as in any other), we must not forget that you always need to wash off all cosmetics at night. This will call youthful skin to stay healthy and beautiful.

In the spring for a teenage make-up, you can use brighter colors than in the cold season. In winter, you need to take care of protecting the skin from hypothermia and chapping with a nourishing cream.

Everyday make-up

Everyday makeup for school for high school girls (i.e. 9th, 10th, 11th grade) should be neutral. It should emphasize the dignity and in no case overload the face.

Step-by-step instructions for doing makeup to school for girls 15, 16, 17 years old:

  1. Concealer is applied to pre-cleansed and moisturized skin to hide “problem” areas.
  2. A light foundation is applied and carefully blended into the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But if a very light makeup is planned for school, then a 9th grade student may refuse tonal cream.
  3. Eyebrows are combed, drawn with a special pencil. It is very important that the shade of this product matches the color, otherwise there will be a color imbalance.
  4. Beige or peach shadows are applied to the upper eyelid.
  5. The lower eyelid is emphasized with light brown shadows.
  6. With a brown pencil on the upper eyelid, draw a thin line along the lash line and slightly emphasize the lower eyelid.
  7. The upper eyelashes are painted with mascara in one layer.
  8. The cheekbones are emphasized with peach blush.
  9. A transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Everyday makeup for school for students aged 16-17 should be done as neutral as possible. Bright details will look out of place in the setting of an educational institution. But for various celebrations, you can please yourself and add bright notes.

Festive make-up for high school students

This kind of make-up is made simply. It is enough to follow the instructions:

  1. Apply concealer to perfect skin. If desired, a foundation can be used for a festive make-up to school, especially if it is done by a student of 16-17 years old.
  2. For make-up of the eyes, shades of shades are used, as in everyday life, only they can be applied more intensely. They can also emphasize the lower eyelid.
  3. Optionally, you can draw an arrow for makeup to school. It will accentuate the look and make it more pronounced.
  4. Eyelashes are painted with light brown or gray mascara.
  5. On the lips, you can apply a soft lipstick or gloss.

Beautiful make-up for school for students aged 15-17 will help maintain a festive mood and atmosphere.

Video: perfect make-up for a holiday to school for girls 15-16 years old.

Makeup for school can be done for different situations, for example, on September 1, New Year, the end of the school year, March 8, for some joyful events, for a disco, for a photo shoot for a school album.

But we must not forget that school makeup should be light and natural. Its main task is to emphasize all the charm of a young face. And if you follow all the tips and recommendations, you can easily create beautiful makeup for school.

By the way, don't forget the hair! About how to make beautiful and suitable hairstyles for school!

In contact with

Let's tell you what kind of makeup you can do to school for 14 years. In her youth, every schoolgirl has the opportunity to experiment with makeup. At this age, many teenage girls either do not use decorative cosmetics at all, or simply do not know how to do it right. Using cosmetics, teenage girls want to appear older than their age, or simply want to look prettier against the background of their classmates. To achieve this, you need to regularly groom yourself and apply light make-up for school.

Makeup for school 14 years old: proper facial skin care in adolescence

Many mothers are completely wrong when they forbid their girls to wear makeup for school, believing that they will only ruin their face with decorative cosmetics. But they should be aware that the foundation for attractive and healthy skin begins to be laid precisely at school age. Skin pores are subject to regular pollution not only of girls and women, but of teenage girls.

If you do not cleanse your skin with the help of special cosmetics, then various skin diseases may occur as a result, or small pimples will simply begin to appear on your face. Therefore, before applying makeup to school for 14 years, you should thoroughly cleanse your skin. To cleanse young skin, it is better to use it, this is necessary in order to protect the girl's skin from the negative effects of environmental factors. At the very end, you need to lubricate your face with a light nourishing cream. You should apply a nourishing cream in a very thin layer, so it will be invisible on the face.

All tonics, creams and other cosmetics must fully comply with the age of a teenage girl. Never use cosmetics for adult skin to avoid future skin problems in teenagers.

Choosing the right cosmetics for school at the age of 14

In order not to look too vulgar when attending school, you should give preference not to bright colors, but to pastel shades of decorative cosmetics. makeup for school 14 years old is quite easy to pick up if you follow our advice. Of course, it is very difficult for schoolgirls to resist acquiring rich blue or bright purple shades, pink lipstick and multi-colored sparkles, but using such flashy make-up cosmetics, girls run the risk of being considered too stupid and tasteless by their classmates. Therefore, to avoid this, you should use pastel-colored cosmetics.

When applying school makeup, it is advisable to give preference to eye shadow in light shades. Depending on what eye color the girl has, you can give preference to shades of light brown, cream, light blue, green. But what shadows you have not chosen to create makeup, you should not overuse them by applying them to the eyelids. Eyeshadows are recognized for bringing out the color of the eyes rather than overshadowing them. By applying shades of mother-of-pearl shades, you can give the girl's look more charm.

If we talk about lipstick, it is better to give preference to its counterpart - translucent lip gloss. Because lip gloss visually enlarges the lips, giving a more attractive appearance. Makeup for school 14 years old will only look better from this. It is necessary to give preference to natural shades. For example, it can be peach, light beige or completely transparent.

Mascara is a special accessory that every schoolgirl must have in her makeup bag. For teenage girls with sparse and long eyelashes, mascara that gives volume is most suitable, but for girls with short eyelashes, it is advisable to give preference to lengthening mascara. But whatever eyelashes you have, you should not paint them too greasy.

Proper makeup for school

Usually, waking up in the morning before going to school, girls do not have much time to apply makeup. But at the same time, you should not rush too much with applying makeup to school for 14 years, so that classmates do not laugh at you as a result of improperly applied makeup. If you don't have that much time, you can simply paint your lips with translucent gloss and apply one coat of mascara to your lashes. So you make your appearance more expressive.

Teen makeup

If you have much more time, then you can take a more thorough approach to applying school makeup. Applying makeup should begin with face powder or foundation, but if the girl’s skin is perfectly even without rashes and redness, then it is not necessary to apply foundation at all.

The chosen eye shadow should be applied from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer corners. In the area of ​​​​the superciliary arches and in the middle of the eyelids, just above the eyelashes, you can apply a little white shadow. Lastly, apply mascara. Eyelashes should be painted no more than twice, while making sure that there are no lumps on the eyelashes.

If you want to grow your hair fast, then you should read our tips.

At the end of the makeup, you need to apply a translucent gloss of peach or pale brown to the lips. If your skin is too pale, then apply a little blush to the cheek area. Apply blush very carefully to avoid the effect of too red cheeks. Our tips will help to create makeup for school 14 years old girls and be in the spotlight.

The period of middle and high school is the time when most girls begin to learn the art of makeup. Of course, experiments with my mother's cosmetic bag at the age of three are not taken into account. Unskillfully, sometimes rushing from one extreme to another, they learn to work with their appearance.

But on this path of becoming a girl without visual flaws, of course, there are small difficulties and serious obstacles.

Makeup for teenagers: basic rules

At the age of 14-17, many girls have a particularly active desire to stand out. And this results not just in the use of cosmetics, but in its unreasonable use. Bold arrows, tons of blush and foundation, defiant lipstick .... And this is not all that young girls are capable of in their attempts to reveal their own beauty. All this should be avoided.

The problem of schoolgirls at this age is that they simply have no idea about creating the right make-up for school. Mom's tough ban from the series "don't you dare to paint so brightly" causes only the opposite effect. Makeup for teenagers, with the right approach, can be appropriate not only at parties and holidays, but also at school.

  • Basic rule #1 is about skin tone. Hormonal surges usually occur at the end of middle school and the beginning of high school, provoking active rashes on the face in every second girl. Of course, this leads to complexes and the desire to disguise everything as much as possible. The idea is logical, but its implementation is not entirely reasonable. It is worth remembering that even under five layers of foundation, acne will still be visible. And the tonal one will not only declare itself, but shout at the top of its lungs. Which, in fact, is even less aesthetically pleasing than unmasked acne. Therefore, the foundation should be used to even out skin color, the corrector should be applied locally - to mask problems.
  • Basic rule number 2 - the harmony of color and accents. Every girl knows about the “eyes or lips” rule, and in school conditions it is more relevant than ever. Moreover, here it is also required to observe moderation in the brightness of makeup. The eyes can be emphasized without a bold stroke along the contour with a black pencil. And lips - not only with whitening gloss or mom's neon lipstick. In general, it is worth remembering that someone else's cosmetics can be used only if the temperature in appearance matches.
  • Basic rule number 3 - stop blindly copying makeup from fashion magazines. Following the next trend is stupid. It's not just about makeup. In the case of eyebrows, the best way out at such a young age is to go to a competent master who will give them shape. Subsequently, it will only need to be preserved by plucking out the growing hairs and combing.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention the need to carry out a skin cleansing procedure every evening. Despite the fact that this moment already belongs to the category of care, many people forget about it. Masks, scrubs and gels are not always needed. A certain category of teenagers may not need them if they are lucky by nature with clear, problem-free skin. But it is necessary to remove makeup from the face.

Based on these rules, you can create an algorithm for creating everyday light makeup for school. Every third well-known beauty blogger on YouTube provides a video on this topic. In particular, in many “Makeup to School Video” videos, absolutely competent schemes for “makeup without makeup” are given (lessons from Estonianna and Koffkathecat).

The first step is always skin preparation. It includes washing and toning. If the skin is prone to dryness, you will need a moisturizer applied in a very thin layer. He needs time to absorb. After 15 min. you can do the base.

In case of any inflammation, as well as red spots, scars and similar troubles that need to be hidden, a dense corrector is taken. Its standard packaging is a palette or round "puck". The following principle applies here: a green color is applied locally to the redness, and a remedy to match one's own skin tone is placed on top. It should not be smeared, but rather trampled into the place that needs to be disguised.

For bruises under the eyes, a concealer is used, not a foundation and not the same corrector in the washer. It is more pigmented, but does not have the property of drying the area of ​​​​application. It is distributed pointwise to the area around the eyes and gently rubbed with a synthetic brush. If you start to smear it, there will be no effect. In order for the product not to get into all the folds during the day, adding a good 20 years, it is advisable to powder it immediately after application.

The next step is to create a uniform tone. For teenage skin, light powders are highly recommended. Usually they are enough to complete the work on the base. Moreover, many manufacturers have excellent covering power. For example, DiorSkinNude. If you need even more serious coverage, you can turn to foundation creams. They are applied with a flat synthetic brush in a thin layer. Usually 1-2 drops are enough for the whole face.

The base is ready, now you can switch to the selection of facial features. Eyebrows are combed and styled. If required, a drop of fixing gel is applied to them. Throughout the upper eyelid, you should walk with a soft, flat brush with natural bristles, on which matte flesh-colored shadows are typed. They even out skin tone, hide blood vessels and eliminate signs of fatigue.

To add expressiveness to the look, a little darker pigment is drawn on a pencil brush (some manufacturers have a “barrel”) with natural pile. Shades of a shade of milk chocolate, asphalt, taupe (brown on a gray base) are preferred. The brush is drawn along the back of the palm to remove excess. Then, with a gentle touch, it passes along the bone above the moving eyelid. The movement is arched, the main concentration of color is in the outer corner. The color fades towards the edges. Then, with a soft fluffy brush, you need to shade the shadows.

Eye makeup ends with eyelash tinting. Mascara is better to take brown or classic black. No blue, purple, green or similar options. Especially if the color is saturated. Don't put mascara on your lashes either. Attach the brush to the roots, hold up. 2-3 strokes per eye is more than enough.

It is recommended to pay attention to the glosses of delicate shades. Peach and coral - for girls whose hair is dominated by golden, red and copper highlights. Pink - for owners of light brown and black curls. If you really want, you can try light lipstick-balms that give a transparent color. Chanel has them - CocoShine and Dior - Addict.

Festive makeup for teenagers

As for the solemn make-up for teenagers, although certain concessions are given here, you should not experiment from the heart. This also applies to complex eye makeup, which requires practice, and the application of bright lipsticks, which are also not so simple.

Before graduation, it is recommended to trust the makeup artist. For other holidays at the age of 14-17, it is enough to add neat arrows of black, gray, brown or dark blue and a slightly more saturated tone of lipstick to the everyday school makeup discussed above. Or you can take a bright shine - berry, red-coral.

It is normal to put on makeup at 16, 17 and even at 15 or 13. Usually parents have two reasons to worry about makeup:

    The child grows up very quickly;

    Others may misinterpret the presence of makeup in a teenager;

In fact, if mothers, grandmothers, aunts, when they were schoolgirls, had a chance to use modern cosmetics, they would not refuse. The condemnation of teenage makeup is a kind of interpretation of caring for a child, the desire to extend his childhood just a little bit more.

If the first case is associated with sentimental experiences, then the second has very real justifications.

First of all, this concerns conservative teachers.

Sometimes especially prudish teachers consider makeup a symbol of teenage rebellion and begin to treat their wards with prejudice.

To oppose them by waving a printout of this article is not a good idea. But learning how to paint so that they have nothing to complain about will be useful.

Note to Parents

Who, if not parents, should know that any make-up begins with high-quality cosmetics. If you do not want your child to suffer from post-acne, buy him good modern products and a set of synthetic brushes. Otherwise, there is a chance to find cheap cosmetics in your daughter's makeup bag that dry out the skin and clog pores and cheap tools from the kiosk that can cause an allergic reaction on contact with the face.

In addition to decorative cosmetics, the girl will definitely need cosmetics for care. Buy a moisturizer, something to fight acne and blackheads, and a cleanser. We wrote more about cosmetics for teenagers in this article.

How to prepare the skin for makeup?

Before applying decorative cosmetics, the skin must be prepared for makeup. It will take a few simple steps.

    Cleanse your face with a mild facial cleanser.

    Apply a nourishing day cream and let it absorb for a few minutes. Remove excess with a regular paper towel.

    Treat breakouts with a cotton swab dipped in salicylic acid or tea tree essential oil. If you have a remedy for spot masking of imperfections with a healing effect, apply it.

That's all the preparation. Young skin is still sufficiently hydrated and does not require active serums and leveling silicone bases. Therefore, you can immediately proceed to applying makeup.

Duty make-up

Duty make-up is an image for every day of the school year. For the first time, its creation can take up to half an hour, so it's better to experiment on the weekend. Then, when you get used to it, makeup will not take you more than 5-10 minutes.

Base makeup

First you need to create a base for makeup. An adult make-up starts with a silicone base, then there is a thorough work with proofreaders, foundation, powder, blush. But to school such a dense background is superfluous.

    If you have very noticeable redness on your face, mask them with a green corrector. It should be applied pointwise only to problem areas.

    If you want to even out the complexion, it is not necessary to use a dense foundation. Go to a beauty store and check out Korean BB creams. Unlike regular foundations, they can help cleanse, hydrate, and nourish the skin. The color of these creams adapts to your natural skin tone. It is not necessary to apply the product on the entire face, mask only problem areas.

    You can visually even out the skin with the help of powder. There are two tips here. It is better to prefer colorless, so that it only mattes and smoothes the face. And it's good if the remedy is natural. We wrote, but you can make your own from rice.

    If you really want to use blush, you do not need to do hard contouring. This, of course, is very fashionable, but it’s better not to go to school like that. Save the bronzer for Instagram shots. Take a highlighter or a light pink glitter blush and apply just a little bit on the high points of your cheekbones. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to shine like a spotlight.

This completes the makeup base preparation tips. The next steps - lips and eyes - are optional. But, if you decide, it's better to do it the way we recommend than to go around with a panda-style make-up.

How to make up eyes?

For some reason, at a young age, no one thinks about how to make up their eyes. Hundreds of inspiring photos from social networks with bright, spectacular smokes fly through my head.

Leave experiments for school holidays and photo shoots.

You can really paint your eyes at school, but it’s better to do it in accordance with the following recommendations:

    If you want to make up your eyelashes, take gray mascara. Not black, because it makes the image dramatic and evening even for brunettes, and not brown, because it will definitely give off a redhead. Gray mascara is equally suitable for girls with any color of eyes and hair. Plus, she looks natural. Especially if you don't apply too much. Sometimes it is enough to paint over the very tips so that the eyelashes seem longer.

    If your hands are reaching for the eyeliner, then the mascara should be left aside. You can wear them together only on holidays, in other cases it is considered bad form.

    If you still took a pencil, apply the product along the very lash line. You don't need to draw arrows (we'll explain why below). It is desirable that it be gray and matte. When you apply a thin line, carefully blend it. So your eyelashes will look thicker, but at the same time no one will have the thought that their eyes are made up.

    Few people talk about this, but you can emphasize your eyes without mascara and eyeliner. If you have no time to do a full make-up, just tint your eyebrows. Take a pencil or shadow half a tone lighter (this is necessary to make the makeup look natural), fill in the voids with them and blend thoroughly. Kayals and shadows are perfectly rubbed, which is why it is not worth painting over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows with the product.

    If you decide to make up your eyebrows, forget about clear geometric shapes. They are no longer in fashion. Maybe it still looks spectacular in the photo on Instagram, but that's where they belong. So clean lines are sent after hard contouring - to the social network.

Lips are not always vulgar

Lips are not always vulgar. Especially if you honestly followed all our recommendations on how to paint your eyes.

You probably already understood that the make-up on duty is almost invisible on the face. It is not intended for bright self-expression. Such makeup is more suitable for correcting flaws and highlighting virtues.

Therefore, your eyes are not too bright and your lips will also be quite natural. Just a little prettier.

Here are some tips to make it perfect:

    If you want to make up your lips with lipstick, choose a tone-on-tone product with your natural color. Why then is it needed at all? Play with textures. You can use a matte product, or you can create a wet shine. Lip makeup is not always color.

    You can buy a lip liner. The one that looks like an eyeliner. And here it can be a little darker or a little brighter than your natural color. Apply it along the contour of the lips and blend towards the mouth. You will emphasize the color, but do not make the makeup vulgar.

    The ideal option is a tint. Tint is very handy. It impregnates the upper layers of the skin and due to this it gives color. Looks natural and doesn't fade throughout the day. Apply only one layer, because the second will look like an evening lipstick.

    If you are not a risky person, but you still want to smear your lips with something, take a simple hygienic lipstick or a transparent gloss. A light accent without claiming too much attention is provided to you.

That's it, makeup is ready. There are only a few important tips left.

The main thing is that no one notices

The main thing in a school make-up is that no one notices it. Above, we talked about the bias of teachers to make-up. That is why you need to avoid contouring, bright dense lipstick and clear arrows.

You don't have to be an icon of teenage rebellion to be interesting.

So now that your makeup is ready, do the following:

    Take a plain paper towel and wipe your face. This is necessary not to remove makeup, but to even it out. This will remove excess makeup and erase obvious transitions. Makeup will not float during the day, it does not have to be edited. Most importantly, it will not cause a negative reaction from others.

    Once again inspect the make-up for clear transitions and lines. If you find something like this, immediately grab the feathering brush.

Makeup should be considered under artificial lighting and in daylight. Therefore, take a small mirror and go to the window to make sure that the make-up is in order.

3 Cool School Party Ideas

Duty makeup is pretty boring, but there are school holidays for which we have some cool ideas in store. Forget about the adult evening make-up: you have a whole life to get fed up with them. We offer three bright ideas that will help you stand out.

Color accents

To make a color accent, it is not at all necessary to paint over the eyelids with a dense layer of mother-of-pearl green shadows. Take a bright colored mascara and paint her eyelashes. On our site there is about such makeup. You can also experiment with colored eyeliner. And for this case, we have .

If these materials are not enough for you, we suggest watching some videos with really cool color makeup ideas.

VIDEO. Gradient colored arrows:

VIDEO. Three-color arrows from Elena Krygina:

VIDEO. Bright and unusual idea:

VIDEO. In this video, in our opinion, only lipstick is superfluous:

VIDEO. Contrasting fashion make-up:

More shine

Holidays - it's time to add more sparkle! Glitter can be applied to the hair, body and, of course, the face. Simply mix glitter with Vaseline for a clear base glitter. Glitter can be applied in a dense layer instead of shadows, you can add highlighter to the cheekbones and other protruding parts of the face. We suggest watching a video with several bright ideas. You will surely find what you like.

VIDEO. The Golden Glitter of the East:

VIDEO. Makeup, reminiscent of a scattering of precious stones:

VIDEO. Lace make-up:

VIDEO. Ethnic make-up for an African type of face:

VIDEO. Lip makeup in the style of a Disney villain:

VIDEO. Opal-like lips:

VIDEO. Lips are just space:

It is very important to be able to correctly assess how appropriate your makeup is. Remember that in life there are enough platforms for experiments. And if they are not, you can always create an occasion for an interesting make-up yourself. Try running a youth beauty blog or find a creative hobby that involves performing on stage. If you can't sing or dance, take a look at cosplay, for example.

Let makeup inspire you to new discoveries and become your means of self-expression.

And most importantly: remember that real beauty lies not in the amount of decorative cosmetics on the face.

If you are no longer a schoolgirl, tell us about your first make-up. What mistakes did you make, what products did you use and how did you learn how to apply makeup? If you are a student, tell us what is fashionable and popular with your peers now. Share your feedback on video bloggers and make-up tutorials, as well as cosmetics that you have already tried!