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How to make a ball of thread. How to make balls of thread and pva glue with your own hands

There is nothing more magical and exciting than creating a small miracle with your own hands, even if it was once invented and embodied by someone else. After all, you can always add something from yourself to the craft: interesting additions or a piece of the soul.

And involving your own offspring in the process, who are looking for your attention and creative skills, will bring together and help you discover a lot of new and unknown things, which is why the world of crafts, necessary or cute, is so rich. So, today we will learn how to make a ball of thread and glue, consider different options for starting materials and various ideas for decorating a home, a festive table or a children's corner.

We start with the selection of consumables

The variety of modern crafts designed to decorate our lives is huge. Balls are simple, but very impressive crafts.

A set of materials needed to create a souvenir:

Inflatable (air) balls of small diameter;

Any greasy cream or petroleum jelly;

A skein of the thread you like, with which we will decorate the ball;

Long (collar) needle. It is required depending on the choice of glue and the method of wetting the thread with it;

Glue - clerical, PVA or specially made.

Before you learn how to make a ball of thread and glue, and before you start selecting materials for the job, you should decide on the size of the future craft, the quality of the thread, which will be the main decorating element, and the pasting method.

Balloon: basic requirements

Let's figure out how to make a ball of thread and glue with your own hands. The basis for the manufacture of this souvenir are balloons.

When choosing them, you should be guided by the following considerations:

Balls should be round, since ovals require more accuracy, cannot always keep a given shape and are not as spectacular and versatile as regular spheres;

It is better to take balls that are not very large, a diameter of 8-12 cm is the best option, especially if this is the first craft.

And it is also important that the ball is stronger, i.e. the cheapest option can fail at the decisive moment, deflating at the wrong time and ruining the future product. It is worth buying balloons with a margin and carefully check them before starting work.

Choosing glue

The success of the craft largely depends on the composition of the glue. You can use stationery in a plastic bottle. In this case, we need a thick needle. The walls of the bubble are pierced with it and the thread is pulled through the glue, thereby wetting it, preventing excessive wetting (the second wall of the bottle serves as an obstacle). This is a good and economical way, but the use of PVA glue is more often welcomed by our craftsmen. This universal glue is more plastic, softer, and it seems that the craft processed by it is more pleasant to the touch and even warmer. Although each method has its adherents. PVA glue is heavy, so it is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, mixed well and poured into a flat dish. Then the thread is passed through the glue solution. There is also a special glue recipe that is most suitable for performing such work: sugar is added to an aqueous solution of PVA. This mixture gives the manufactured crafts the necessary rigidity and strength. The proportions of glue are as follows: 30 g of water, 15 g of glue, 4-5 teaspoons of sugar.

How to make a ball of thread and glue stick? This is also possible, but the help of the baby will be needed here, since the thread should be pulled along the glue stick protruding from the case, pressing it well so that it has time to soak, and this requires another pair of hands.

The main element of decoration is a thread

The thread is selected depending on what you want to see at the output. You can use thick woolen or acrylic threads.

There are many great decorative yarns: with knots, sequins, various flows and other interesting elements. The thickness of the thread is selected based on the functional load that the future craft will carry. Balls of large diameter, decorating rooms of impressive areas, made of thick thread, jute or light cord, will look great. And elegant Christmas balls should be made of thin cotton, linen or artificial fibers. In other words, the question is not only how to make it, but also what exactly will decorate the souvenir. When the question of the place where the craft will be located is resolved, they begin to implement the idea.

Workplace preparation

The surface on which the process of the appearance of craft balls will take place should be protected from the aggressive effects of the source materials. It is especially difficult to wipe the countertop from silicate glue. A piece of oilcloth or garden film will help out. They cover the work surface. Before you make a ball of thread and glue, you need to protect your own clothes and hands. An apron and gloves made of silicone or thin rubber are very useful here.

How to make a ball of thread with your own hands

So, let's get started. Pour some of the prepared glue into a narrow container (we are talking about how to make a ball of thread and PVA glue). Place the skein of the selected thread next to it. We inflate a round ball to the required size and tie it tightly, leaving a sufficiently long end of the thread as a fastener, which will come in handy when drying the finished souvenir. Lubricate the inflated balloon with prepared cream, petroleum jelly or any oil. This is done so that the ball does not stick to the threads. If this happens, it will be impossible to tear off and pull out the remains of the ball from the resulting sphere without deforming the craft. Lowering the thread into a container with glue and wetting it, we begin to wrap the ball. You can apply turns, pulling the thread a little, in any order or arbitrarily, depending on the conceived option.

It has already been said above how to make a ball of thread and clerical glue. You will need a thick needle, with which you can pull the thread through a bottle of glue and wind it in the same way as when working with PVA glue.

Drying Features

After the ball is wrapped, it must dry completely. Here you will need the long end of the thread. When drying, the ball should not come into contact with any surfaces, so the best option would be to tie it to a horizontal stick, fixed in a place where the crafts will dry without disturbing anyone. For complete drying, it takes a long time - 1-2 days. But there is no need to speed up this process. Heating devices located close to hanging crafts can deform them. If you overdo it with heating, then the source ball can burst and nullify all efforts. Therefore, do not make unnecessary efforts. Let the balls dry naturally.

Final stage

After a good drying, the threads wrapping the ball harden perfectly and will keep their shape. Now you need to carefully remove the original rubber ball, which serves as a kind of frame. You can simply pierce it with a needle and, when it deflates, pull it out of the resulting sphere with a hook.

That's all. The craft is ready. Today we learned how to make a ball of thread and glue. It can be used as it is, or decorated with sequins, crystals, artificial flowers, etc. Magnificent Christmas decorations are balls covered with acrylic spray paint. All shades of bronze, gold and silver tones are especially spectacular. Such balls often serve as the basis for elegant decorative compositions, and are also used as single accents in decorating the space around us.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


How to make a ball of thread, many of us know from school labor training lessons in primary grades. With the help of such a thread ball, you can decorate any room, bringing a touch of originality and warmth to it. In addition, a hand-made and unusually decorated thread ball can be a great gift for your family and friends. That is why your favorite site of useful tips site will tell you how to make a ball of yarn with your own hands.

So, to make the original thread ball you will need:

  • threads - give preference to natural ones, for example, cotton or viscose, which absorb glue well;
  • a thick long needle, which is also called a gypsy needle;
  • a jar of PVA glue;
  • balloons;
  • wipes for wiping excess glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

First blow up the balloons. Inflate them in the size you want your thread balls to be in the future. You can make balls of different sizes, depending on how you plan to decorate them in the future.

Thread the thread into the needle. Poke a tube of glue with a needle and thread. The thread, passing through the glue, will be impregnated with it. Now you can remove the needle, we won't need it anymore.

Each balloon should now be wrapped with a thread impregnated with PVA glue. Try to keep it snug against the surface of the ball. Wrap tight, use more thread, don't skimp. When you wind the last layers of the thread, into the thread, already at the exit of the jar of glue, you can wind the beads that will add originality to your ball. But leave this step to your discretion.

After all the threads are wound on all the balls, the most difficult thing remains - wait until the glue dries. It is best to make such blanks of balls in the evening, then you can go to bed with peace of mind, and in the morning the blanks of balls will have time to dry completely, and you can proceed to the next step of the instruction.

Use a needle to burst the balloons, and carefully remove their remnants through the hole in the thread ball. If you want to use the balloon again, then simply untie the thread that tightened the inflatable hole, deflate the air and carefully remove the deflated balloon. Gossamer balls are ready. Now you can decorate them to your taste and decorate your room with them.

Elizabeth Rumyantseva

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible.


To create something original with your own hands, for example, a lampshade for a lamp or decoration for a holiday, you do not need to stock up on expensive materials. It can be ordinary threads and glue that can be found in any home. Knowing how to make a ball of thread and glue, you can build a variety of original decor elements that will decorate not only the interior, but any celebration. If you don’t know about such a technique yet, study the instructions below and feel free to start creating.

DIY crafts from threads and glue

Such crafts are good to do with children, because their manufacture is not difficult. Finished products can act as an independent decoration or be part of more complex compositions, for example, a snowman or a cockerel. In addition, it is not necessary to make a spherical product - with the help of threads and glue it is easy to build even a heart for Valentine's Day. The decor can even look like feathers, Christmas trees or snowflakes. First you need to stock up on materials:

  1. A thread. An important condition for the selection of this material is that it should have a slightly loose structure so that the glue can easily soak it.
  2. The usual balloon sold in stationery stores. For large crafts, it is recommended to inflate it no more than 15 cm, and for New Year's decorations it is better to use a fingertip bought at a pharmacy with a diameter of up to 6-8 cm.
  3. Glue. The main factor influencing the outcome of the work. It has proven itself well for such PVA crafts. Stationery glue or a mixture based on PVA, water and corn starch in a ratio of 1.5: 0.25: 0.5 is also used - the main thing is that the mixture should turn out with the consistency of sour cream.

In addition to the 3 main elements for crafts, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • fat cream or petroleum jelly;
  • Bowl;
  • Gypsy needle.

Christmas balls from threads

Do not rush to buy Christmas decorations in the store - try to build them yourself. This will be a more original decoration of the Christmas tree, which will only emphasize the family atmosphere of the holiday, especially if you do it together. In addition to the main elements, stock up on all kinds of beads, beads, feathers or ribbons for decorating finished crafts. Next, proceed to the instructions on how to make balls of thread and glue:

  1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size, tie off the end. Lubricate with oily cream or petroleum jelly.
  2. Next, either soak the thread in the adhesive, or pierce the glue container at the very bottom with a needle and push it through the hole.
  3. Pull it and gradually wind the inflated balloon.
  4. Fasten the end of the thread under the already stretched one.
  5. Leave to dry for at least 1 day.
  6. Then gently deflate the balloons.
  7. Decorate the resulting toys with beads, beads, spruce branches or bows. To give the effect of falling snow, soak the product in glue, and then roll in semolina or powdered sugar.

DIY surprise ball

If you wind more threads, the product will be almost opaque, so you can put sweets or other small gifts inside. You will need the same materials, only for larger submersible elements you will need a “surprise loader” - a tube of medium diameter made of thick cardboard. If you managed to find one, then proceed to the manufacture of crafts:

  1. Prepare the adhesive composition, pull the thread through it.
  2. Pull the balloon on one end of the tube, inflate it.
  3. Gently load the planned surprise. Remove the base of the balloon from the tube and tie it.
  4. Wrap the thread soaked in glue as you wish - whether the gift will be transparent or you want to hide a surprise.
  5. Hang the product and leave to dry.
  6. Blow the balloon.
  7. The surprise is ready - decorate it with any accessories depending on the holiday.

Balls of thread for the wedding

A wedding celebration is also a holiday, the decoration of which can be such thread products. Instructions for making wedding jewelry:

  1. Inflate all balloons at once.
  2. Hang on any bar.
  3. Coat with vaseline.
  4. Take pure PVA or mixed, as indicated above, with starch and water.
  5. Poke the bottom of the tube of glue with a needle or soak the thread in a bowl of glue.
  6. Wrap each ball so that the threads intersect.
  7. Leave the items to dry.
  8. After drying, deflate the balloons, decorate decorations with fresh flowers, rhinestones, ribbons, beads or LED garlands.

Many of you have seen many times how beautiful a ball of thread looks. Very often, such unusual crafts become an addition to the interior of a room or office. But how to make such a ball of thread with your own hands? Everything is not so difficult, the main thing is to visually learn the technology of this very interesting craft.

In our today's tutorial, we'll take a step-by-step look at how to make a ball of thread yourself at home.

So, let's start our informative master class on making a ball.

What we need:

a) a deep plate or any deep bowl;
b) PVA glue (one bottle will be enough);
c) a skein of thread;
d) hand cream (you can also use petroleum jelly, or a cream based on it);
e) scissors;
e) a balloon.

Necessary materials for crafts.

Description of the process of making a ball of thread:

1) Take our balloon and inflate it. We securely tie the inflatable hole with a thread so that the air does not escape. The balloon should be inflated to the size that we need for the future ball of thread. We will make a ball about 15-20 cm in diameter.

2) Apply a small amount of cream to the balloon and rub it over the entire surface of the inflated balloon. This procedure is done with the aim that in the future the wound threads on the ball do not stick to it.

3) Pour PVA glue into a plate or bowl. The amount of glue depending on the size of the future ball. At this stage, you can go in several ways, either moisten the entire skein of threads in the plate at once, or apply glue to the thread gradually, winding the thread, pulling it through the plate with glue. In the second case, it turns out that it is more economical to use glue on this craft. We wind the thread impregnated with glue until we achieve approximately the same distribution of threads throughout the ball. We make the dimensions of the gaps to your taste. The gaps between the threads can be both small and large. By the way, the threads can be of different colors and thicknesses.

4) After the glue dries a little, we pierce the balloon with scissors or a needle and carefully take it out through some convenient gap in our ball of threads.

5) So our wonderful ball is ready, we hope you liked it! Now you know how to do this craft yourself. Such a ball can decorate the interior of a room in any home. It can be placed on a coffee table, bookshelf, or simply hung on something, it's up to you.

The final look of the craft.

At all times, needlework has been the best remedy for depression and any emotional upheaval. Engage in making crafts with your own hands more often with your children or loved ones! On our site you can always find a lot of interesting and entertaining do-it-yourself works. For example, crafting a bracelet made of ribbon and beads with your own hands will be of interest to any girl or even a girl.

Balls of thread beautiful, airy and will decorate any interior. Moreover, this method can be used to make almost any three-dimensional object, for example, a lampshade, vases, animal figurines, etc.

We'll need :


PVA glue;

Dense cotton threads;

food film;


A plastic cup.

To balls turned out to be even and dense, you need to be very careful about the quality of PVA glue and threads. I used this glue from Tury - PVA glue Profi - I advise. Do not take PVA glue from the stationery department. Many of them do not adhere well to paper.

Threads are needed so that their composition is mainly made of cotton. This is a more porous material and it is better impregnated with glue. In no case do not use fully synthetic threads, they will not be well saturated with glue, and your ball will be soft and do not hold its shape well.

I bought knitting threads "Peony" of the St. Petersburg factory named after. Kirov. Their composition: 70% - cotton, 30% - viscose. They are dense, but quite voluminous and take a lot of glue (this is good for keeping the shape). The second batch I had was from the floss of the same plant. balls from the threads "Peony" I liked more.

We take an ordinary rubber ball, inflate it to the size we need. I had a conveyor, so I immediately inflated 6-7 pieces. Pull off the pimpka well so that the ball does not deflate during drying, otherwise the whole structure will warp :)

Wrap the inflated ball in cling film. I left the tail open, so that later it would be more convenient to blow off the balls. Yes, I didn’t pierce them, but blew them off, because if you do everything carefully, then the rubber ball can serve us more than once or twice :)

Then we take Vaseline and spread the ball wrapped in cling film. This will prevent the threads from sticking to the ball and not damaging their shape. Yes, it’s vaseline in the photo :) I took pictures in the process, so my hands were dirty, the camera in my hands was shaking and jumping :)

Now the important point. How to prepare a thread for wrapping. So that the thread does not get tangled and is not too wet from the glue, it must be passed through a glass of glue. Creating the first ball of thread, I put the threads in a bowl of glue, that is, I simply dipped them there. The threads were too wet, constantly tangled and folded into knots. And, of course, everything around was in glue :) There was more glue on my hands than on threads :) So I took a plastic disposable cup, with an awl on both sides (closer to the bottom, but not quite low) made two holes and passed through them thread. Then I poured PVA glue to cover the thread. The photo shows how the thread passes through the glass. Such a system allows the thread not to get tangled, to absorb glue as much as necessary. The ball itself was placed in a large mug so that it does not jump around the table :)

I just dragged the thread through a glass of glue, gradually wrapping it around the ball.

Here is such a design. An important element is a good series or movie :)

The ball is wrapped. Wrap evenly without leaving large holes.

I hung all the blanks in the bathroom to dry. I dried all night, although you can remove it earlier - after 3-4 hours.

After the final drying, I blew off the rubber ball and pulled it out along with the film. These are the thread cocoons turned out.