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Ideas for congratulating employees on the new year. How to congratulate colleagues on the new year in an original way at work? Ideas for the new year

Dikmi: Loud and succinct, but most importantly, using a professional vocabulary that is understandable only to people of the same trade! Briefly and globally, because a new countdown begins, the New Year is in the yard! It's fun and easy, because it's a holiday, and not just another mournful solemn and official meeting with the boss! All these are the requirements for the right New Year's greetings for colleagues! We tried to take them into account when compiling congratulations for the most sought-after and popular professions of this year! Look for your own, congratulate, be original and visit us more often for new ideas!


1. Congratulations for programmers

May the New Year be full of positive information, may e-mail become richer with letters of happiness, may all servers be available, programs successful, codes solved, keys selected. Let the search engine be tuned to personal happiness, let the desired love get entangled in the networks of your charm, and let the anti-virus program block all adversity! A thousand terabytes of inspiration for you! Happy New Year!

2. New Year's greetings for web designers

Let the New Year be a period of new discoveries for you. Let the graphics of the body be improved, and the cross-browser compatibility of the thoughts of your beloved correspond to the logic of your personal site. Let search engine optimization give birth to monetization, and let the artwork look like a smile. Let in the New Year you be for someone an icon of style, taste, sophistication, mind. And let life in the New Year not follow the pattern, be filled with illustrations, travel collages, and everything will be usability!

3. Happy New Year lawyers

Happy New Year, friend! I wish you that in the coming year you have the right to live without rules! So that the main law for you is love blind, like Themis. So that taxes are not burdened, citizens do not bake, work was easy, family - strong, inheritance - unexpected and huge, housing - spacious and in the center, corporate party - cheerful, administration - indulgent!

4. Happy New Year text for drivers

Happy New Year to you, the leader of the roads! Let the maps be clear in the coming year, the paths be smooth, the tank full of gasoline, the carburetor with a spark, the steering wheel obedient. So that the passengers are pleasant, so that the eyes shine with joy, brighter than the headlights on a foggy night, and so that the love starter works without interruption. Oh yes, my friend, and Kama Sutra instead of boring traffic rules in the glove compartment!

5. New Year greetings for managers

Let next year you have to plan the budget of your own corporation, drive an expensive car, organize bright parties, improve your wardrobe, count exponential growth in profits, motivate many men to exploits. Let competitors stay out of your big voyage, and trust reigns at home! Happy New Year!

6. Happy New Year Accountants

In the year that is already on the threshold, we wish you to pay moderate taxes, submit reports on time and the first time, receive small bills and a large salary. Let the balance always converge, and the auditors bypass. Let dividends come in the form of gifts, smiles and pleasant moments for your love, care and kindness. Let the risks be justified, assets - so in gold, liabilities - in sables! Happy New Year!

7. Economists. We wish you to forget about savings in the New Year! So that the budget is enough for boots and coats, for a ring and Bordeaux, for a theater and a sauna, for a new hairstyle and other joys. So that GDP is always higher than your growth, so that planning is correct, and thinking is positive. So that the working day is measured by several cups of coffee, competition is a gray mouse and hides in the gap, and the quality of life is measured by macro indicators!

8. Engineers. May the New Year burst into your life with new projects and inspiration. Let no adjustment be required for family watches, let all tests be bypassed, and instructions exist only to break them! Let the heart need no maintenance, and let the heroic health be extended! May there be many orders and amazing schedule flexibility! Happy New Year!

9. Builders. In the New Year, we wish you gingerbread houses, castles in the air and other fabulous structures! So that you don’t have to do a major overhaul of the family ship, and the current one manages with a small fright. So that restoration is not required for feelings, so that the mother-in-law is an investor, and the father-in-law is a contractor. So that the solution of love does not thicken in the frost of ridiculous quarrels, and the bricks of good luck gently fold into an amazing design!

10. Architects. We wish you a year that is already knocking on the door of the implementation of master plans, bright drawings of joy, chic body geometry, a girl who wakes up next to you. Philosophy of lines and secrets of happiness. Positive estimates and flexible standards. A girl and a boy as the main projects for next year! Happy New Year!

11. Pharmacists. In the New Year, we wish to reveal the secret of the chemistry of love, invent a cure for the blues, build a dream pharmacy and find the treasure of health. Let every step be effective, every smile safe for others, and every look full of magic!

12. Doctors. Fewer patients and higher wages so that health knocks on your door! More patience, luck, jam, so that all adversity and friction pass by! So that feelings do not require diagnostics, children - prevention, and medical secrecy and the Hippocratic oath gather dust on the farthest shelf in the closet! Happy New Year!

13. Dentists. In the New Year, we wish thoughts to be wise, like teeth, so that the jaw does not break from vain troubles, so that the heart hurts only from love, and hands always have work to count money! Happy holiday!

14. Teachers. May Makarenko and Ushinsky envy you this New Year, may the magazine be full of fives, may titles and awards fly after you like a blizzard, may the students be grateful and pluck stars from the sky. Let the cakes be delicious, victories sweet, words sincere, eyes kind. Happy New Year!

15. To journalists. We wish next year that Grandfather brings a frying pan! And on it - facts and hot, sensations over the edge, intrigues - take it! So that the salary does not fail, the Snow Maiden so that she is sweet, so that love beats over the edge, and words, so that a good harvest! Happy New Year!

16. Chefs. Let the New Year's holiday salad consist of such ingredients: love, luck, gratitude, success, kindness and sweetness! Let the life menu be luxurious, and the price lists be correct. So that fate does not knead the dough with you, so that it stuffs with money, and the temperature regime rises only from passion! May the New Year bring you happiness in large portions! Happy holiday!

17. Designers. Let the New Year create more ideal images, draw perspectives, draw grandiose plans. Let three graces come into life: love, hope and beauty. Let the aesthetic taste always receive pleasure, and the heart - inspiration. Orange mood, rainbow luck and fairy tales around! Happy New Year!

18. Actors. Interesting scenarios, complex roles, understandable characters, ideal characters, limitless creativity and many scenes! Let the directors be kind, and Stanislavsky always shouts: “I believe!”. Let cinema be life and life be play. Let the makeup be of high quality, the costume - incomparable, the gait - graceful, flying, the gestures - confident, the facial expressions - funny, the role - unique! Let the New Year be creative and full of adventures!

19. Policemen. Next year we wish you smooth roads, order in society, rights without violations, fabulous chivalry, smiling fortune, holidays without danger, sincere love and a friendly iron shoulder! Happy New Year!

20. Firemen. May the fire burn only in the hearts in the New Year, and only love has to extinguish it! So that you can see sand only on the beach, a shovel - in your favorite country house and in your favorite mother-in-law's hands, and a fire hose only in a folded form! Let the ladder be only a career ladder, and only friends have to be saved from a hangover! Happy holiday!

21. Photographers. We wish you flexible models, stunning backdrops, fabulous shoots, six-figure earnings in the New Year! And also - people who can create inspiration, deep glances, sincere smiles, extreme shooting and outrageous props! Let the camera be true, and the look sharp! Happy New Year!

22. Florists. Beauty in everything, brightness around, light and color! So that the decor is successful, the atmosphere is inspiring, the words are correct, the branches are green, the colors are mystical! Let there be harmony of form and color, and let there be a successful composition of love, silence, respect and smiles in the house! Happy New Year!

23. Artists. We wish next year to reveal new facets of talent, conquer new peaks, see distant depths. So that the painting is noticeable, the hand is firm, the freedom is boundless, the exposition is triumphant! Let art find a new life in the form of cash injections, and the name will become the hallmark of the city! Happy New Year!

24. Stylists and hairdressers. Loud applause, muffled sighs, bright hairstyles without a shadow of dirty tricks! Holidays are everywhere, both in life and in fashion, necessary little things, and important sweets! Bright images without shocking, and fashion of eternal revelry! Happy roads to Paris, and money without robbery! Happy New Year!

25. For dancers. We wish you to live in the rhythm of your heart in the New Year, move towards the wind, be paired with the sun, create compositions of love and passion. Let the music of the heart be major, and dance steps - soft! May luck be dynamic, technique obedient, harmony eternal, and facial expressions cordial! Let expression reign in the New Year in the house, and the wallet be filled to the rhythm of tango! Happy holiday!

Dikmi: Give your colleagues New Year's smiles! It's so easy - to give a drop of spiritual light and get the whole sun in return! May you succeed!

18.12.2014 | 1316

New Year holidays are associated primarily with gifts. For relatives, I want to choose something valuable, something that they have long dreamed of. But in the festive bustle, do not forget about your colleagues. We offer you useful tips on how to originally congratulate a colleague on the New Year!

What gift to choose?

Many people think that an SMS with a traditional wish for happiness, health and fulfillment of desires will do for colleagues. For especially close associates at work, you can be generous with a beautiful poem. However, such attention is momentary, and the next day a colleague is unlikely to remember the gift. Therefore, in order to remember your attention for a long time, take more initiative and turn on your imagination. Small gifts will help you to unite even more with the team.

Make a postcard

A very inexpensive gift is a postcard. The easiest way is to buy it in the store. But it is much more interesting to make a present with your own hands. To do this, select a photo of a colleague and print it. Let the photo be as beautiful and fresh as possible. Then cut out the head, glue it on thick cardboard and finish the torso. Naturally, not a figure, but for example:

  • silhouette of the Snow Maiden;
  • fish tail of the Little Mermaid;
  • the body of the hero, if the addressee is a man.

If you didn’t shine with talents in drawing lessons, you can build a collage from magazine clippings. Additionally, decorate the card with satin ribbons. Inside the card, you can write a congratulation, the options for which you can look for on the Internet.

Show your talents

A corporate party is a great way to kill all birds with one stone and congratulate the whole company on the holiday. This can be done with a soulful song or a dance show. See what talents you have. Remember the limits of decency: even if you really love chanson, it’s better to postpone this hit for home karaoke. Pole dancing also goes there. After the performance, a small congratulatory speech should follow.

Choose a personal present

You can give colleagues a small gift that matches their habits and character. For example, if a colleague is always in a sleepy and lethargic state, then you can please him with a small jar of coffee. If a colleague is fond of needlework, you can give beautiful scissors. This item will always come in handy.
Gift options for colleagues:

  • a small figurine of a sheep or a goat;
  • keychain with the image of the symbol of the year;
  • beautiful cup;
  • mousepad;
  • candles with fruity or floral scents.

sweet gift

If you are afraid to make a mistake with a present, prepare a sweet gift. For example, you can buy a delicious fruit cake and treat them to your office colleagues, but it will be much more pleasant to drink tea with a home-made cake. If you want to surprise, do not limit yourself to charlotte. Good options: a gingerbread house or a cake called "Ladyfingers". Such light, unfeigned sweets should please colleagues.

You can bake cookies with wishes. There is an element of the game here, and it's just very tasty. Just try not to have gloomy predictions among the congratulations. Otherwise, the mood of one of the colleagues will be spoiled.

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues! I wish everyone today to be in a wonderful mood, I wish us good fun, and may the whole coming year be as easy and successful as this holiday for us. Let us leave all the mistakes and failures in the past and with new strength, absolute confidence and grandiose plans, we will move forward on a new path. I wish you all love, inspiration and good luck!

Happy New Year
Dear my colleagues.
I wish you happiness, joy
Any creative victories.

Finally we got together
The friendliest team
Everything! Finished work
Corporate has arrived.

Only you, a colleague, remember
Raising your glass
What else do you have to work
With the one with whom you drank all night ...

Happy New Year,
My dear team!
So that there is a lot of happiness
To always be positive.

We worked for glory
It's time to rest
So let's raise our glasses.
With coming! Hooray!

We plowed like horses
At work for a whole year.
Deserved! And today
Let's rock out, people!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you
Relax like never before.
Happy New Year!
Be happy friends!

We gathered as a team
To shine with a corporate party,
Holiday to celebrate
Celebrate the New Year for everyone.

Let the money flow to our cashier,
To get tired of counting them
So that there is always an opportunity
We need to update our outfits.

So that the boss is only kind,
Forgive us for being late
Million contracts
Definitely concluded.


Wish you here:
Do not find yourself in a salad
Do not get into a ridiculous frame,
Like a ferocious gladiator.

Do not get wet reputation
Waking up not in prostration
Leaving a corporate party
Very drunk, but beautiful.

Year worked tirelessly
Our close-knit team.
We deserve it guys
"Tear-off" corporate.

I want to take a walk cool,
To remember later.
Positively, clearly, clearly
Let's enter the New Year together.

I wish you all success,
And noble incomes,
So that the salary allows
Life is very sweet for us!

Each member of our team
Cheerful, smart, hardworking!
Let it be fun and funny
There will be our corporate party!

I wish you all a Happy New Year
Strength, energy in labor,
To achieve goals
In difficult everyday life.

Let it be great in families
And let the salary grow
Good luck and health to all
I wish you a New Year!

new year, corporate
Laughter, smiles, creativity,
Jokes, dances, congratulations,
New birth year!

Let him bring everyone: good luck,
To whom - a fur coat, to whom - a summer residence,
To whom - a new "Mercedes",
All - career and progress!

Let the sound of fireworks
The hands will close on the clock,
And strike twelve times
We have chimes at this hour!

We plowed, we plowed
And a little tired
Horses die from work,
And we have a new year!

Happy New Year, you colleagues,
We start to celebrate
Everything is possible today on a holiday,
Even dance on the table.

May all strength not run out
They are left with a vengeance,
So that until next year
They were enough!

Holiday let you today
Will swirl in a whirlwind of happiness
Be always happy
You never grieve!

Comic congratulations to the team on the new year poems

I wish the team
See straight ahead!
Execute plans accurately
And respect your boss!
Get paid faster
Pay your rent on time!
To go without shivering to the boss,
Better yet, for dinner!
And know everything about the awards
To not suffer without money!
And go on vacation soon
Remember the fresh air there!
In general, stop talking
It's time to welcome the New Year!

Happy New Year greetings to the team in verse

Here a year has passed. What to add to this?
Another step is behind.
I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming
And wish you success ahead!
Let our team be friendly, courageous
Always in everything, luck is just waiting.
So that any business is on the shoulder,
And may fortune find us everywhere!

Comic congratulations on the New Year to the team in verse

I wish my native team
Don't worry too much about fat!
Live modestly, on income,
Go outdoors more often!
Less likely to hit shopping
More business to do!
Take a vacation every year
Multiply to income!
Without resentment to live and gossip,
Everyone is so noticeable!
Always be healthy
Even if it's cold!
And let the new year
Let happiness bring you!
Cheerful laughter and smiles,
And not to know in what losses!

Team congratulations

Colleagues! I want to congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all health and good luck, warmth and peace in the family and zeal in work! I want to wish that our team always remains so friendly, so that in difficult times you can lean on the shoulders of colleagues and hear words of encouragement!

New Year's greetings to the team in verse

The year has gone. We won't be sad about him.
This year left a lot of experience.
We will not forget to take it to New.
We will live the new one without worries.
Without enmity, longing, misunderstanding
Our glorious team will live.
Our collective consciousness
It will only be positive.
"Thanks!" - let's say the outgoing year
And together with him we will point to the door:
Discord, gossip, laziness and adversity,
After all, there is no place for them now in the coming.
I would also like, colleagues, to wish
You can easily work and grow!
Get good salaries
Men grow stronger, women flourish!

Congratulations in verse to the team

The team is friendship
The team is strength
The team is someone who always “started”!
The team, when together always and everywhere!
Even on the reef, even in space, even on the water!

New Year's greetings to the labor collective

I want to sincerely congratulate the team of _____________ on the upcoming New Year. I address the warmest words of congratulations to our honored veterans who, despite their age, in difficult times, are still in the ranks, being an example of high professionalism, skill, duty and responsibility.
Recently, our team has become more cohesive, monolithic and friendly, despite the fact that today it unites several sites. The team was united by common tasks and interests in fulfilling both planned and urgent orders, everyone's sense of responsibility for the fate of the plant, because the performance of the entire production program depends on the work of our team. There were a lot of positive moments in the life of the workshop team in the outgoing 2010: the most important thing is that the team was replenished with young promising workers who already show their real character. I wish all factory workers peace, happiness and fulfillment of all desires!

New Year's greetings to the team

Our team is the most friendly,
Let's have fun from the heart!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
We do not sin against the authorities.
After all, this is what we have...
And not put into words.
Wise and willful.
Congratulations to us!
Let dreams come true
Money will rustle in the treasury.
Only, chur - do not get drunk,
Always be on top!

Congratulations to the team

Congratulations to the team of the company _____________ (name!) on the holiday! We wish you all happiness, health, good luck and prosperity! So that your families live in prosperity and prosperity, peace to you, kindness and warmth! Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the team on the anniversary

We congratulate your team on the anniversary,
And we will not regret the words of our hearts!
May the team be powerful
And he never sees clouds above him!
And every day things are getting better,
We wish the salary to grow!
And prizes in your pocket to come
And in alterations so that you do not visit!
We wish you good luck and good,
May everyone's dream come true!

Congratulations to the team on the anniversary of the enterprise 75 years

Dear Colleagues! Today our company is 75 years old! Is it a lot or a little!? I think that this is the age when there is experience, wisdom, but at the same time youth, vivacity, fresh ideas! I congratulate you on this wonderful date and wish everyone to work at our enterprise with great pleasure and dedication! Let you feel comfortable and cozy in the team!

Congratulations in verse for the team happy birthday

We congratulate the friendly team
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish everyone good health.
We know - luck awaits ahead,
Prosperity and wealth on the way.
Let every day be like a fairy tale.
Let prosperity be!
Do not get sick, do not know you grief, troubles,
And live at least a hundred years!
Let your team be the best in work,
And the bosses will not forget the merits.

Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the leadership and the trade union, let me congratulate you on the great holiday - Victory Day!
The victory in May 1945 was and remains a landmark event in the history of Russia. The feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers will forever remain in our hearts. Eternal memory to them and glory to the victorious people!
Happy Victory Day!

Comic congratulations to the team on the New Year in verse

Congratulations to the team
Have an aperitif for you!
Warm up nicely
Take your seats!
Earn a lot of money
Eliminate your problems
And achieve a career for everyone
So as not to fight for positions!
Let the bosses not channel
And sorry, helps!
May our dear union
Bring me a watermelon now!
Let the accountant without effort,
Will give salaries for merit!
Let everyone give kisses
Even all your enemies!
In general, happiness in the New Year,
Let everyone give what everyone is waiting for!

Our lovely beautiful women. Everything that sounds beautiful in life, we want to wish you that love for you never ends, trouble and sadness do not meet on the way.
Great happiness, great friends, health, success and sunny days.

New Year's greetings to the staff

The ongoing changes at the enterprise inspire hope and confidence in each of us that the plant will develop not only in the new year, but also in subsequent years. Together with the plant, we will grow in our professionalism, attitude to quality, to labor discipline, to everything that ultimately makes up a strong, cohesive and hard-working team.
The team of the machine shop congratulates the workers of all departments of the plant on the upcoming holiday. We are colleagues, so our close-knit, joint work gives such a tangible result. New labor successes to all factory workers, health and well-being.

New Year's greetings to the team

Friends, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let the happy year come!
Let the deed, not just the word
He will bring joy to life!
I want to see you always
Happy as ever!

Happy New Year greetings for the team in verse

Happy New Year everyone, friends,
I hasten to congratulate!
Let anxiety and worries
Forever leave you!
Only joy and happiness
Will be full every hour!
May good luck come to you
Definitely in the New Year!
Only you, of course,
Control Miracles!

The most valuable thing in our life is peace, stability and tranquility! And therefore, it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day is respected and revered in Russia and is a symbol of courage, strength and valor! Today we from the bottom of our hearts congratulate our wonderful team of men! Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, kindness, peace and prosperity!

Congratulations to the kindergarten team

Dear educators! Probably, none of us can even imagine how difficult and responsible your work is. We trust you with the most precious thing we have - our little children. And we really do. We know how much love and patience your profession requires, how much imagination and talent, how many skills and abilities. We are grateful to you that you invest so much in our children, instill in them a love of creativity and knowledge. And perhaps, thanks to your efforts, new Tchaikovskys, Repins, Pushkins are already emerging. We congratulate you, our dear educators, on your holiday, and wish you wisdom, patience, love, health and great human happiness.

Holiday greetings from the head of the team

Dear employees. Thank you for the excellent work and warm relations in the team! Let the work bring joy and impressive results! I wish you happy sunny days, female happiness and a cheerful smile, you are my hope and support.

Salute on Victory Day May 9,
A magical rainbow of bright lights
Peace and happiness have a straight road,
Let's just go for it.
We wish you joy, peace, health,
The radiance of the sun, spring foliage,
Success in work, inspiration and happiness,
Good friends and big dreams

Congratulations for the amateur art group

Dear friends, today we have gathered here at your performance, true fans and lovers of the team, which won the recognition and love of the audience with its creativity, devotion to the beloved work. We wish you great creative success.

We are a team of men with a smile congratulations!
We protect and respect our men,
Otherwise, it cannot be
Who will love us then!?
We wish you on February 23,
Never know problems and grief!
We wish to serve the Fatherland with faith, truth,
Universal recognition will be your reward!
We wish you courage, good health,
May every day be filled with love!

Congratulations to the chief accountant from the team in verse

We are proud of our chief accountant,
And we strive to be like you!
Our chief accountant is very smart,
And he knows a lot about numbers!
He will make his calculation
Calm down and without further ado!
He will sign everything slowly,
Paper carefully rustling!
We wish you all the best:
Let it be cozy and warm
And from people - always good,
Everything in life will be fine!

Congratulations to the editorial staff

Congratulations to your wonderful team. Your publication does not allow itself to stand still for a second, constantly sensitively responding to the wishes of its readers. It is interesting, topical and exciting and provides an excellent opportunity to keep abreast of all events. Undoubtedly, this is a great merit of your team!
We wish you new creative ideas, good health and, of course, great happiness! And to your publication - prosperity and new readers!

Congratulations to the staff of the vocational school

We congratulate the team today,
May this holiday in the snow and in the heat,
Brings excellent performance
And most of the students with a bright head!
Great fame, new achievements
In your difficult field - to teach,
Burning eyes and understanding
And faith in the future, and live with dignity!

Congratulations to the leader from the team on his birthday

You are the most amazing woman and we are proud that you lead our team. The most beautiful qualities that a woman can embody are inherent in you. We sincerely and wholeheartedly wish you success in everything and always.

Congratulations to the President of the company from the team in verse

Let our company prosper
After all, every dividend counts!
We are calm
After all, he manages
Our very smart president!
You are very wise, far-sighted,
Your successes are obvious!
And we are in a hurry to congratulate you,
And we want to say from the bottom of our hearts!
Your accomplishments are so noticeable
That the image is only growing!
Your decisions are all concrete,
They are respected by our people!
We wish you good health
And life long, long years!
Let the weather be beautiful
And light illuminates your path!

Congratulations to the headmaster from a team of teachers in verse

Team of teachers
I was going to congratulate you
How lucky you are to be our director!
You do everything
So that the image of the school only advances,
You are doing great!
You are a wonderful organizer in everything,
And we all noted your talent!
Please accept our heartfelt congratulations,
May success always await you!
Let plans and ideas come true
And do not be sad, do not be upset - never!

Comic congratulations to the team on the new year in verse

Happy New Year, team!
Drinking an aperitif now!
Drive out the negative
Having let in a lot of happiness!
Because at the gate
The cat is visiting us!
Open the door wider
Let the cat come in!
We accept with all our hearts
Give us a big jackpot!

Official congratulations to the maid from the team

On this day we would like to wish
You life on the assessment of "Five".
Smiles - the sea, happiness - the ocean,
So that both sadness and a hurricane go by.
So that we make life less difficult for you -
Everything around was not filled with garbage.
Your work - the work of a maid was valued as your own,
After all, you - to us a little man - are not a stranger.
Congratulations on the holiday to the whole team,
We wish you all the best and joy in the world!

Mud, dirt and bad weather,
The wind is blowing a little!
Smells like nothing
We are rushing, who is why!
In general, it's hard, guys,
Spring day is coming!
When spending is nothing
We all go with flowers!
What to give a ring, earrings,
Maybe we should have a drink!?
And we buy everything
And lingerie lineup!
In general, cool, there is an opportunity
Something different too!
Congratulations on Women's Day
Showering you with rain
From love, smiles, affection,
The day goes by like in a fairy tale!
Be happy folks!
We love you dear!

Happy New Year to the team

Both in sports and in art we have achieved success,

The workers of our workshop did not lose their honor.

In the coming year we will improve the quality,

We will eliminate all shortcomings, reduce labor intensity.

Happy New Year!

Comic New Year's greetings to the team

Dear team on New Year's Eve, I wish storms, snowstorms, snow and cold!
So that everyone sits at home at the festive table by candlelight and thinks how good it is that we are at home and have not gone anywhere! And what else is needed for happiness if the house is warm and cozy! Happy New Year!

Congratulation of the men of the enterprise team on the Day of the Defender

Dear men! Comrade soldiers, sergeants, ensigns and officers! Dear veterans of the Armed Forces and defenders of the Fatherland!
On February 23 we will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, 1918, the Day of the Red Army was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the "Kaiser's troops." In the documents of that time there are no words "German" or "German" troops, but only "Kaiser": apparently, in the interests of proletarian internationalism and by analogy with the "tsarist troops".
From the first days of the formation of their native Fatherland, the Russian people never threatened anyone, did not claim other people's territories, did not impose their will on other peoples. Even today we want to live in peace on this land - the land of our ancestors. Having taken an oath to faithfully and honestly serve their people, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Russia, not in words, but in deeds, proved their devotion to their native land. No matter how difficult conditions life puts us in, the foreground has always been the protection and protection of a peaceful and calm life. The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Russia served and serve this great goal.
Soldiers of the Fatherland were our grandfathers, fathers, older brothers. They saved the world from fascism by doing their duty with honor.
You have fulfilled your duty, our dear men. Love for your home, your people, a sense of responsibility for its future have led you to the ranks of its defenders. With gratitude and appreciation, we say to you; - "Thanks!" Low bow for your feat of arms!

Congratulations to the children's team

Congratulations boys and girls
They are worthy of all praise.
I wish them health and success
And a dream come true!

Congratulations to the theater team

The hypocrites are you
You are stage workers.
I sincerely love you
And I will certainly congratulate you.
Let your friendly team
Striking beauty,
Well, my short verse
You will be pleased with yourself.

Congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary of the Head of the Department from the staff

We heartily congratulate the head of the department Nikolay Nikolayevich on the 50th anniversary of the anniversary! We wish you, dear Nikolai Nikolaevich, good health for many years to come, creative success and great personal happiness! You have been a member of our team for many years, however, our respect and feelings for you have not weakened in the slightest. And no matter what life brings us, you remain steadfast in your beliefs and principles! Good luck, new discoveries and bright achievements!

Lovely women! We wish you:
Be happy in April and May
Today and tomorrow and a thousand years!
Now women hold the light!

Poems for Valentine's Day team congratulations

Inspired by a bright feeling,
Sometime in the ancient years.
Someone came up with a day for all lovers,
Without thinking then
That this day will be loved
And an important holiday of the year,
And Valentine's Day
So this holiday will be called
So let a miracle happen for you -
And only love will rule you.
Flowers, postcards, congratulations,
In love, confessions again and again! Congratulations on the wedding in verse from the team

All the best and good health,
Prosperity, peace and kindness.
A family united by love
Strong for centuries.
Family life is only a joy to you,
For children to inspire you
Friends, let's say "bitter!"
And we wish you "good luck!"

Comic congratulations on the new year to the team

I advise the team not to relax in the New Year, but to earn more money, because the cat is a crafty and cunning animal, with a good grip and sharp claws, which means everything will work out! And if there is a lot of income, then there will be peace in the team! Happy New Year!

Congratulations for men from a team of women

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Any congratulations and wishes should be of an individual nature and emphasize the holiday with appropriate congratulations to the team, in which a certain meaning and an abundance of beautiful words will be felt, from which a unique wish will be assembled. Congratulation to the team, as a rule, can be with humor in order to brighten up gray everyday life with a good mood, or vice versa, be solemn and official, which is also relevant and in demand. You should not invent something from yourself, because today there are a huge number of all kinds of congratulations that will suit any festive event. One congratulation can be sent to the whole team using a name change, or you can select a wish that will become individual for everyone. After all, any person is distinguished by his own logic, his own interests and tastes, which should also be taken into account when choosing the appropriate option for congratulations.

All our good team
Happy new year congratulations!
And career prospects
We sincerely wish!

Let the work flow with song
Wages are on the rise!
In personal life, everything will grow together,
And it will go right!

May Santa Claus be on holiday
Will knock on the door
And a whole load of gifts
Give to everyone!

Another year of teamwork is behind us
And how many joint and new projects are ahead of us now!

I wish success to our team and rapid growth of salaries,
May each of you be rich in friends not only in money!

Let the New Year fulfill all desires and bring happiness to the bag
Let our boss be fair and generous and distribute bonuses to everyone!

Happy New Year to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us receive in it everything that he desires, what he secretly dreamed about and saw in his best dreams! Let all the tasks set in the New Year be completed on time, with maximum profit and with a great mood!

Team - Happy New Year!
Before all honest people
You for a festive motive
Wrote a good poem!

We give to everyone without exception
This is a wonderful congratulations!
We wish you all success
Mood and laughter

And career achievements
And dreams of all accomplishments!
In the life of memorable events,
Great discoveries!

We did a good job in the old year,
We were not afraid of rapid take-offs,
And in the new, friends, deserved by right,
May our dreams and wishes come true!

Let's fill the glasses with sparkling
And I wish you all great victories.
Let joy with success rush to you quickly
And life will be sweeter than a ton of candy!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Thank you for your support and understanding, help in difficult situations. I wish you success in all your endeavors, good health, more sunny joyful days. May happiness, love and care surround you, and sorrows and problems bypass.