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Do-it-yourself money faucet from coins. Do-it-yourself money faucet

Good afternoon to all who visit! Works have accumulated, but for some reason there is no time to exhibit them))) I will slowly replenish my collection of art in the Land of Masters))))
A bit of prehistory. Gathered for my father-in-law's birthday. The gift was presented in advance (for urgent need), but somehow it’s inconvenient to go to the birthday party empty-handed. Therefore, it was decided to do something creative. Our dad is a business man, has his own business, and of course the choice was made in favor of a money tap. It is original, gives positive emotions and is universal at the same time, as it will suit any interior and for any holiday.

There are a lot of money taps in our country, I have reviewed a lot of works. Here are links to master classes of craftswomen, which she herself relied on when starting work. Here is the MK itself for creating a crane, here is how to twist banknotes correctly, here is the MK of a money butterfly. Many thanks to the craftswomen for the information provided, thanks to your experience, even the most beginners can do a decent job!

My gift is not simple - I give a golden faucet! There is no water in this tap, for men there is only one dream - money flows straight into the money chest! One, two, three, four, five - you will count the profit !!!
The poems are not mine, they were found on the Internet))))

In the end, I got such a faucet

The crane itself is closer with a fluttering butterfly

A money faucet will be a great gift that you can make with your own hands. It is original, gives positive emotions and is universal at the same time, as it will suit any interior and for any holiday. You can give such a gift of money for a wedding, birthday, anniversary, etc. Making such a souvenir that brings financial luck is not at all difficult. The main thing is accuracy and care.

To create a gift from money with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • faucet (it is advisable to look for a plastic one, as it is lighter);
  • gold paint;
  • foam plastic (in our case, it is used with a thickness of 5 cm);
  • cardboard, stationery knife, scissors, pencil, ruler;
  • hot glue;
  • green, golden corrugated paper;
  • souvenir dollars, coins;
  • basis for fastening the crane (bamboo skewers, wooden stick);
  • beads.

Master class on making a crane out of money

1) The first step is painting the parts. Before starting work, be sure to degrease the surface with alcohol.

It is better to paint the tap and beads outdoors in several layers. If you paint indoors, be aware that dark dust will be released during painting, which will settle on nearby objects and surfaces.

You need to apply at least three layers. Dry each layer for at least 15 minutes. When choosing a paint, remember that its color will be darker than the sample promises. Photo 1, 2.

3) To make the side surface of the base even, glue it with cardboard, cut off the excess. Photo 5.

4) In this case, a wooden glazing bead is used as the basis for the "cash flow". Sharpen the end with a knife. For high-quality gluing, apply hot glue to the inner surface of the faucet spout, the edge of the glazing bead and press firmly against each other.

Be sure to immediately pay attention to the fact that the crane is evenly placed and becomes part of the "cash flow", does not look to the side. Photo 6.

5) Glue the bottom of the round base with any paper. Photo 7.

6) Then we decorate the outer surface with green corrugated paper. Decorate with gold on top and carefully glue the side edges. Photo 8.

7) Here is a view of our workpiece from above. Photo 9.

8) Now you need to decorate the side of the round base so that the dollars hold well on it and create an even row.

In a modern market economy, money is the best gift for a birthday or wedding. But just giving banknotes in an envelope is not original. It's better to make some. And now we have one great option for you.

A money faucet is just a wonderful gift for or that you can make with your own hands.

In addition to money (), this is a great way to give money. A little effort and you can easily make such a Money Faucet yourself. And now we will figure out how to make it.

We will need:

  • Money (bills and coins, either real or decorative)
  • Wire
  • Glue and tape
  • Cardboard
  • Paralon
  • wooden skewers
  • Can of gold paint

First, let's make a faucet holder. We add 6 skewers, and put the wire in the center so that its edge protrudes a little. We fasten the skewers with tape and bend the edge of the wire, as shown in the figure.

Then, using this design, we fix the crane. Paint the faucet golden with a spray can.

Now we wrap the faucet stand with bills - this will be the basis of the money jet of the money faucet. Then we attach the rack to the pedestal.

The money faucet should just splash money. This is what we will do. Using a pencil, we wind bills like hair on curlers. You will get such money curls.

We glue them along the entire length of the rack. This is the final touch, a do-it-yourself birthday money faucet is ready.