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What clicks during pregnancy in the stomach. During pregnancy, something clicks in the stomach

At different stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience new sensations. They are not always pleasant. Sometimes it's just not clear, is this normal? This makes the woman in position even more uncomfortable. Many feel clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy. In this article, we will try to understand the causes of this phenomenon and find out whether it is a norm or a pathology.

What does clicking in the stomach mean?

Hearing incomprehensible sounds in the form of clicks, a pregnant woman begins to worry and worry that something is wrong with the baby. However, there is no cause for concern at all. This is the safest symptom that accompanies a woman's pregnancy. It usually does not portend any threats to the health of the baby and the course of pregnancy.

A woman may begin to feel clicks in her stomach from the 31st week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, the fetus becomes already quite large, taking up more and more space in the mother's stomach. At this time, this already relatively independent little man can make all kinds of sounds.

Usually, in addition to clicks, the expectant mother can hear other sounds. For example, gurgling, rumbling, popping and other sounds. They are produced by the body of mother and child and are a normal physiological process.

Possible causes of clicks

There is still no unanimous opinion about the causes of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy. Experts agree on only one thing: it is not dangerous.

It is likely that these sounds are due to the fact that the baby simply releases gas, burps or hiccups. If you observe such sounds rarely enough, then this may mean that your child, for example, bites his fist or sucks his finger.

Fetal mobility can cause gurgling in the abdomen. When the baby is active, bubbles with amniotic fluid burst. This causes such

Some pregnant women are faced with a kind of crackling in the stomach. It could be the child's joints. But do not panic, this is also a normal process. After all, the skeletal system of the crumbs has not yet strengthened. By the way, you can hear such a crackle until the child is one year old.

It also happens that all these sounds have nothing to do with the child. They are produced by the mother's body, for example, accompanying the process of digestion. It may also be due to the divergence of the pelvic bones. In this case, clicking in the abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy may already mean an approaching birth. And if they are accompanied by leakage of water or discharge of the mucous plug, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Is it worth doing something?

If you hear clicking in the abdomen at the 35th week of pregnancy, then this is not a reason to worry. Initially, it is recommended to calm down so as not to cause other unwanted symptoms that may already have negative consequences. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that this is an absolutely normal phenomenon that every pregnant woman experiences.

However, if you are very concerned about these symptoms and are concerned about your baby's health, you may want to visit your gynecologist unscheduled. He will examine you and find out what caused these sounds and sensations. You can also have additional tests to make sure your little one is okay.

Click location

Clicking sounds can be heard anywhere in the abdomen. Often, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy are localized in the navel. They are best heard there, because in this place the skin is much thinner.

Often, at the same time as the sound, you can feel the tremors of the baby. Since the baby is constantly moving, the place and nature of the sound will depend on what position he takes. A woman can hear him clearly or, on the contrary, as if from afar.

Some of the expectant mothers hear these sounds in the chest area, some in the navel, and some even from the uterus.

Bubbling or clicking?

These two sensations must be clearly separated. If clicks do not pose a threat, then gurgling can just mean pathology.

In the 8th week of pregnancy, clicking in the abdomen can be easily confused with gurgling. This is because the embryo at this time is still very tiny and cannot make such sounds.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's body changes dramatically. This can cause the following conditions:

  • digestive disorders;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • rumbling or gurgling;
  • increased gas production.

These symptoms can appear in anyone, and in order to get rid of them, it is enough to simply review your diet.

Often gurgling in the stomach means a violation of the intestinal microflora. In this case, there is also pain in the navel. Here it is recommended to contact your gynecologist and, if necessary, visit a gastroenterologist.

Possible deviations

Since the body of each woman is individual, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy at 36 weeks or at any other time may also indicate the presence of a pathology. Therefore, it is recommended that you always report your feelings to your gynecologist.

Among the possible deviations that clicks signal, there are:

  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • symphysiopathy;
  • high water;
  • umbilical hernia.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

This means that the fetal bladder burst before the onset of labor. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance. Usually a woman experiences a sharp click, pop or crack at this moment, which indicates a rupture of the fetal bladder. There is also a simultaneous outpouring of a large amount of liquid of a transparent or pink color. Or, on the contrary, a slow leakage, which increases when lying down or when changing the position of the body. In addition, the stomach is reduced in size.


This is an increase in the distance between the pubic bones. Normally, in the third trimester, there is a slight discrepancy. This indicates the preparation of the body for childbirth. However, if this process becomes pathological, then the woman experiences pain in the pubic region while sitting, walking or bending over. Also, her gait may change. She becomes like a duck - with small side steps. In addition, there is a crunch or crepitus when exposed to the symphysis.

The situation can be complicated by the large weight of the child or multiple pregnancy. Symphysiopathy is a rather serious pathology that can lead to disability due to rupture of the pubic symphysis during childbirth. However, if it is detected in time, the situation can still be corrected.


This pathological condition can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth. In the presence of an increased amount of amniotic fluid, gurgling is observed, which is often confused with clicks. Concomitant symptoms are heaviness and pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, swelling of the lower extremities, and discrepancy between the circumference of the abdomen and the timing of gestation. However, such a diagnosis as polyhydramnios is made only after an ultrasound scan.

Umbilical hernia

Since pressure on the abdominal cavity increases during pregnancy, women with weak umbilical ring muscles are at risk of developing an umbilical hernia. Its appearance can provoke a large fetal weight, polyhydramnios and excess weight in a woman. Visually, it looks like a "popped" navel or just a protrusion in its area. This phenomenon is painless, and when pressed, a characteristic click sound appears. The general condition of the woman remains the same.

Expert opinion

Almost all doctors consider the presence of clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy to be absolutely normal. Pregnant women themselves say that in this way the baby allegedly communicates with them. In fact, "stomach sounds" are provoked by sounds that make ligaments, joints of the pelvic bones and muscles. This happens because the growing uterus constantly presses on the bones and ligaments, which leads to their stretching. Just the process of stretching the ligaments is accompanied by characteristic clicks.

In addition, such sounds can cause amniotic fluid to move when the baby is active. As a rule, "sounds of pregnancy" appear in the third trimester, closer to childbirth. In the absence of associated symptoms, there is no cause for concern. Therefore, the clicks that appeared in the abdomen at the 37th week of pregnancy can be considered a variant of the norm. Thus, your body is preparing for the upcoming birth. This is inherent in nature, and you should not panic. On the contrary, it is recommended to communicate more with your baby, to prepare him for the moment of meeting with you. Tactile contact is also important. If you hear that the clicks have become frequent and are accompanied by movements from the baby, then stroke your stomach, thereby calming your Nutcracker.

Some manifestations during pregnancy cause puzzlement. Such unusual symptoms include all kinds of sounds inside the abdomen - from rhythmic hiccups to clicks. However, are clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy a consequence of the unusual condition of the woman herself or her baby, how to respond to them, and is it worth worrying about?

As a rule, in the antenatal clinic, women ask about alarming manifestations during pregnancy. Fears cause both discharge and painful manifestations. But, how to be and how to delicately ask that a woman feels a click in her stomach? Why does it click in the stomach during pregnancy constantly or periodically? Should I take any medications in this case, and why does this happen?

First of all, it is worth deciding whether the manifestations really have a click character, and how often this happens. Such observations will help determine not only the cause, but also the probable factors provoking certain changes in the body of a pregnant woman. To create a correct picture of what is happening, it is worth conducting a mini survey of yourself and describing the nature of the manifestations on a piece of paper. To determine the history of clicks, it is important to pay attention to such features:

  • Click intensity.

    Hearing in the abdomen during pregnancy is quite large. At the same time, both the child and the mother hear. Describe on a 10-point scale how strong and under what circumstances such manifestations in the form of clicks are most noticeable: at night, during the period of wakefulness of the child or his sleep. Where 10 is often and clearly audible, 1 is heard not often, or once.

  • Feel

    Soreness of the manifested symptoms for a woman. Does the woman experience any pain at the moment when clicks are felt or not? How severe is the pain, and how does it manifest itself?

  • Periodicity.

    How often and with what frequency do such symptomatic manifestations occur? Describe how often clicks are observed, and how many times per day.

  • Time

    Click time - in the afternoon or in the morning, in the evening or before bedtime, after exercise or after eating, sweet water?

  • How can you characterize

    How can a woman characterize a click, what does it look like more? Normally, such manifestations are similar to the bones cramming together, while the woman herself does not feel any painful manifestations, and the click is clearly felt once.

  • Child behavior.

    No changes in the child's behavior with any features and crunches, clicks or gurgling should be noted. At the same time, the baby feels and behaves as usual, without showing excessive activity or, on the contrary, uncharacteristic drowsiness.

It is also worth noting that such manifestations most often occur and are noted in the later stages of gestation, when the uterus is already large enough to take up most of the space in the abdominal part. In late pregnancy, clicks in the abdomen are felt more intensely than in the early stages. Normally, clicks until 28-35 weeks are not felt so clearly. In the later stages, even a listening relative can hear such a sound.


Clicks during pregnancy are not a symptom, alarming or life-threatening for the baby. Often, such manifestations are also characteristic of women who had bone injuries before pregnancy, in particular, the hip sacrum or pelvis.

Possible causes of clicks

After determining the nature and intensity of such a manifestation, you can ask questions to your doctor. Immediately it is worth pointing out and recalling that such manifestations as clicks do not have any descriptions or lectures in gynecology. And therefore, the answer and the probable assumption of the reasons often depend on the experience of the doctor leading the pregnancy.

Skeletal system

The child throughout pregnancy grows and develops, all its internal organs are formed, including the skeletal system. If in the later stages of gestation, the mother hears barely perceptible clicks during the movements of the child, reminiscent of the sound of bone on bone, most likely, this child is turning over like this, and his bones are a little crunchy. There is nothing dangerous in this manifestation, and you should not worry.


An excess amount of amniotic fluid in gynecology is considered a pathology, the complexity of which depends on the degree of manifestation of such a feature. For example, a small amount of water for a child is not a danger, but for a mother this should be a signal that it is worth eating right, leading an active lifestyle and drinking less fluid, drinking drugs prescribed by a doctor. Often the cause of this condition is the individual feature of the woman's body or heredity.


Polyhydramnios is often diagnosed in women with multiple pregnancies. As a rule, this feature is the cause of early childbirth.


Of course, you can distinguish hiccups from clicks on your own. With the baby's hiccups, mommy will feel rhythmic spasmodic tremors in the place where the baby's head is now located. At the same time, it is also worth paying attention to the gestational age, because, as a rule, such manifestations are characteristic of later periods. In earlier weeks of development, such changes should not be noted.


Pathologies of the bone tissue of the mother are often caused either by a history of injuries to the pelvic bones (accidents, falls, bone fractures or fractures), or by an anatomical feature of the structure of the bone tissue - congenital pathologies of the development of the pelvic bones. The last reasons - congenital pathologies provoke many diseases that complicate the life of the expectant mother. Sometimes the pain becomes so intense that it is impossible to endure it.

Symphysitis is an abnormal location of the bone joint, which provokes pain symptoms, in particular, in the later stages of bearing a child, when the pressure on the bones increases and grows.

Typically, such a feature or disease manifests itself at 30-33 weeks. Previously, such pain is characterized as aching, but tolerable.

How can symphysitis be distinguished from other characteristic pain symptomatic manifestations?

  • severe swelling and soreness, possibly reddening of tissues in the lower abdomen - in the symphysis area. As a rule, such edema does not have permanent symptoms, it is expressed in periodic exacerbation, after physical exertion or walking;
  • sensation of pain and peculiar clicks when pressing or moving from side to side on the pubic bone;
  • pain in the region of the pelvic bone, which has the character of aching, but tolerable. The pain is aggravated by turning, pressing, or wearing tight clothing;
  • soreness in the pubis and in the groin, coccyx or thigh;
  • sharp pain manifestations during the rotation of the body, especially in the sitting position. Lifting, lifting and slopes of a different nature, relating to the movement of the pelvis, provoke sharp aching pains, it is difficult to walk, and it is impossible to raise straightened legs while lying down due to severe intense pain;
  • duck gait with jerky jerks during a walk;
  • the woman walks with fractional and small steps;
  • heaviness and pain in the pubis occurs when lifting the torso up the stairs.

With the development of pathology with a simultaneous increase in the weight of the child, such pain intensifies, acquires a pronounced character, can manifest itself when walking, in a passive state - sitting or lying down.


X-ray during pregnancy is not carried out, and therefore the diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture and the woman's complaints. Symphysiopathy is a common condition for women who have had bone trauma in the past.

It is not necessary to self-diagnose symphysitis, because such pains can also be caused by other disorders - changes in the femoral-sacral joints. If symphysitis has been diagnosed, delivery is performed by caesarean section, since there is a risk of rupture during natural delivery.

Click location

Since clicks in the abdomen are not a pathology to worry about, it is worth determining the place of a likely click, in which such a manifestation is most often noted. It can click in the lower part of the abdomen, in its center, and where the child is now located - if he has not yet turned over, then you can expect a clicking in the center of the abdomen, if the baby is turned upside down, then such features can be observed on the lower part, near the pubis.

Some obstetricians note that such manifestations can be observed in the later stages due to the aging of the placenta. Such a process is considered natural and does not cause complications if the gestation period comes to its logical conclusion - childbirth. It is impossible to speak of a clear pattern, since such manifestations are not considered dangerous, and do not pose a threat to the mother.

Gurgling or clicking

If gurgling is noted during clicks, then we can say that such features are associated with the life of the child. He can’t harm himself or his mother, but clicking with a gurgle can most often be associated with the peculiarity of the baby’s body turns, his excessive activity. Often, pregnant women noted that such manifestations are observed during the process of turning the baby into a permanent position - on the head.

Since the baby is completely immersed in water, such gurglings are natural. It cannot be said that there is air in the uterus in the stomach, which rolls from place to place, but with active movements this is possible.

Possible deviations

However, despite the safety of such a manifestation, it is worth paying attention to such features as pathological manifestations. More often, such manifestations are not a single symptom, but appear in conjunction with all the others. A woman may feel:

  • Aching pain in the region of the thoracic abdomen, located closer to the navel. This indicates the pathologies of the mother's digestive system, it is worth paying attention to the diet and the number of servings;
  • swelling of the extremities, in particular, not after physical exertion, which is considered a normal reaction to overwork, but in the morning, when the liquid is not excreted with urine, and the woman feels tired in the limbs before she wakes up. In this situation, special attention is paid to venous diseases, in particular. If a pregnant woman before conception suffered from hypertension, had venous thrombosis;
  • Belly sizes more than the due date. And the doctor makes a presumptive diagnosis of polyhydramnios. In this case, we can assume pathologies of the mother's metabolism, which directly affect the formation of excess fluid in the uterus. Also, the process of hernia formation can be affected by the large weight of the fetus. Weight control and proper nutrition in this situation should definitely be agreed with the doctor.
  • Mother's umbilical hernia- a disease that is common in women with initially overweight, as well as in those who are prone to developing such a disease. It is not necessary to say that this pathology is not observed in women engaged in physical activity before pregnancy or during it;
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid. As a rule, such a manifestation is quite rare for the onset of labor. But those who noticed one click without pain in themselves could soon see a slight outpouring of water. After this process, childbirth begins.

Probable complications for a pregnant woman are associated for the most part with the prospect of early childbirth. If there is no such probability, then you should not worry about clicks in the stomach. Such features do not pose a danger at any gestation period.

Is it worth doing something

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor not only your health, but also your emotional state. Clicks are not a disease, and therefore you should not consider yourself at risk. The child develops according to the term, in addition, the female body can cope with many difficulties that the woman herself did not even suspect.

Is it worth it to somehow react to such manifestations, if they are noted periodically, from time to time? No, it’s not worth doing anything, you can ask your doctor, but it’s not worth talking about a disease or pathology if there are no reasons for it. Proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of clean water, walks in the fresh air and good sleep are what are important to ensure at any gestational age. If at this time clicks or light crackles appear as bones rub against each other, there is no need to worry, this is how your baby says hello, and the message that you will meet soon.

What are these strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy? Even doctors are not able to give an exact answer to this question.

A pregnant woman is the guardian of a real small world, with her own needs, structure and tasks. She does not have the slightest idea what and how is happening in this world, even if high modern technologies allow you to count the heartbeat and you can see “daddy's” or “mother's” nose. The number of mysteries that lie in this extraordinary process cannot be counted. For example, these strange clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Somewhere in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is formed and is now just growing in the womb, the expectant mother begins to hear sounds in her stomach that resemble clicks. These clear sounds come directly from the depths of the abdomen. Naturally, clicks in the abdomen during pregnancy can be attributed to the consequences of nervousness and impressionability, which are common to all pregnant women. For example, to attribute it to nocturnal auditory hallucinations, however, when everyone around hears it, it is worth considering.

What does a woman usually do when she hears clicks in her stomach during pregnancy? The young mother has long been accustomed to her baby and has learned to identify all his turns, movements and other somersaults, realizes when he suddenly starts to hiccup. And suddenly a new action happens - clicks. Mom is in a panic (any pregnant woman needs only a reason for new unrest), first of all, she starts calling her best friend, who is glad to report that she had the same problem during pregnancy, but cannot advise anything on the road.

One thing will please mom for sure - she is not alone in this. However, at the next appointment with a gynecologist, a young mother will almost certainly ask this exciting question. In addition, the stomach continues to click from time to time. The doctor, of course, will be surprised by this and will express his own assumption that normal bowel function may be to blame and you should not pay attention to this, arguing that all the tests are in perfect order.

The answer to the question about clicking in the abdomen during pregnancy can be searched on the Internet. Of course, there is a lot of information here, but these are just guesses, there is not a single exact statement here, but there are plenty of various assumptions about the origin of these sounds.

For example, some people think that it's just the baby smacking his lips when he clicks his tongue or sucks on his fist. Many mothers will argue that after birth, the baby made just such sounds. Others say that it is the baby's joints that crunch. Indeed, newborns have rather weak joints, which crunch from time to time, and this disappears by the first year of a baby's life. Still others argue that it’s just the mother’s bones that click when the baby in the womb is too active. There is a theory that the amniotic fluid simply makes "popping bubble" sounds as the baby presses against the belly and then pushes away. There is even a version that the baby is blowing gas like this.

After reading this information and thinking about it, you need to calm down and understand that if your strange clicks are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, then you should not worry. With normal analyzes, all the more, you should not pay attention to these clicks. However, it is important to remember that a ringing pop usually accompanies the discharge of water, as well as rupture of the amniotic membrane, which is very important not to miss. In all other respects, there is nothing to worry about. Naturally, it is very strange that experts still do not know the answer to the question of what exactly clicks there. For now, they just stare wide-eyed and don't know what to say.

A pregnant woman carries within herself a real little world, with its tasks, needs and structure. And you don’t know exactly what and how is happening there in this world - even if with the help of modern technologies you can count the number of heartbeats of the crumbs, and make out “daddy’s” or “mother’s” nose. But mysteries are innumerable. Here, for example, .... clicks.

It was as if at night I woke up from a strange sound similar to a click. As if someone snapped their fingers "Hey, sex!". But this clear sound definitely came from the depths of my voluminous belly. It could be attributed to nocturnal auditory hallucinations, if the next time the stomach did not click in the presence of her husband, he also heard.

The baby and I were already used to each other, I clearly identified his movements, rustlings and other somersaults, I understood when he suddenly. And then it clicks on you. In a panic (don’t feed us pregnant women with bread, let me find a reason to worry) I call my friend: “Katka, didn’t you accidentally click anything inside during pregnancy, somewhere above the navel?” The girlfriend laughed: “I didn’t tell anyone except my husband, but it was the case, except for the options, that the baby somehow dragged himself a piece of bubble wrap and sits there having fun, popping bubbles, we didn’t have.”

Hooray, I'm not alone, besides, Kat'kin's baby has grown into a completely healthy three-year-old boy, so the degree of excitement has decreased. But still, at the next meeting with my gynecologist, I could not resist the question. In addition, the belly continued to click from time to time. The doctor was terribly surprised, suggested that it was the intestines and offered to stop paying attention: “All the tests are normal, don’t look for difficulties for yourself.”

However, I did not calm down and went in search of clues to the Internet. Everyone knows there. They did know, but not sure. But I got a lot of suggestions about the source of my strange sounds.
For example, they wrote that this child smacks his lips, sucking his fist, or clicks his tongue. Moms said that when the baby was already born, he made just such sounds. Others argued that these sounds are nothing more than the crunching of the joints of a child (in newborns, the joints really crunch, this is due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, usually goes away by itself by the age of the child). Still others - that click your pubic joint when the baby is excessively active. And there were also options that the sounds were made by the amniotic fluid, that the bubble “bangs” there when the child presses and then pushes away from him, and even that with such a sound the baby “releases gas”.

The main thing that I understood is that if my strange clicks are not accompanied by pain or discomfort, there is no need to worry. And even more so, you should not worry with good indications of CTG and ultrasound. True, in some, ringing cotton is accompanied by rupture of the amniotic membranes and discharge of water. This moment is extremely important not to miss. And the rest - what to worry about? Maybe there is a little musician growing inside you who has begun his first rehearsals. However, I hope one day the doctors will discover the secret, what is it that clicks there?