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What can you say to a girl when you meet. Word for word: what to talk about with a girl on a first date

Talking with a girl at the first meeting should be on neutral topics. You can tell funny, but not vulgar stories from your own life. This will defuse the situation and allow both to relax. You can talk about studies if you have to meet with a student, but you should not discuss this entire meeting. A man does not need to insist on discussing personal topics during the first meeting. You should not ask about the former lovers of your chosen one.

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Often times, first dates don't go as planned. Two people, meeting for the first time on neutral territory, feel awkward, embarrassed and do not know what to talk about with each other. Silence on a date is unacceptable, so usually a guy takes the initiative into his own hands and begins to look for topics of conversation that would be of interest to his chosen one, trying to win her attention and sympathy.

In order not to get into trouble on the first date with the girl you like and to interest her in your communication so that the first meeting develops into a second date, it is important to know a few useful tips that will smooth out awkwardness and embarrassment.

To maintain a conversation in order to impress a girl, you should:

  • be original, emotional, competent;
  • tell about yourself;
  • ask the right questions;
  • tell interesting stories
  • connect fantasy;
  • play a question-and-answer game;
  • show interest;
  • behave naturally.


You need to put yourself in the place of a girl and imagine how many dates she has already been on. And if she agreed to this meeting, then she didn’t really like it at the previous ones. Most likely, the former young people talked about their studies or work, talked about their childhood years, hobbies and free time.

These topics are pretty boring if you discuss them on a first date with a stranger. Therefore, at the first meeting, you need to be original, something to interest the girl you like, surprise, attract her attention. It is necessary that the girl look at her boyfriend with different eyes, and she wants to continue the acquaintance and make a second date.

Emotionality and literacy

It is not so important what to talk about on a first date, but how to talk. Girls are quite emotional creatures, and they come on a date for new experiences. At the first meeting with a stranger you like, you need to monitor the timbre of your voice, your gestures, facial expressions and even laughter.

It is unacceptable to allow yourself to use swear words not only on the first date with a girl, but also at any other meeting. She is unlikely to be pleased, and she will not want to continue acquaintance with such a gentleman.

Story about yourself

In order to arrange a beautiful stranger to yourself, you need to set a confidential tone in communicating with the girl. It is not necessary to paint in colors about any tragic events that have occurred in life. This topic is not for the first romantic date, but it should still be mentioned in passing. This will surely evoke a response in the girl's heart and will place the girl towards the young man.

At the first meeting, you need to be as honest as possible. But any impartial actions must be hidden from your chosen one. The story about them should be postponed to a later time, when people already know each other enough, and the girl will not be scared away by some imperfection of her partner.

The Right Questions

You should not ask a girl questions that she can answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. It is necessary to talk to a beautiful stranger, choosing such questions to which she would give detailed answers. This takes skill or even talent, so you should practice this before the first date.

Prepared interesting stories

It is not known what scenario the first date with an unfamiliar girl will follow. It is possible that she will get bored or embarrassed and will not want to talk about herself. She just might not like a Q&A date. It is worth preparing for such unforeseen situations.

Before a date, you need to remember a couple of entertaining stories from life on neutral topics. The main thing is to avoid dirty jokes. Any girl loves funny guys, and if you defuse the tense situation with some interesting story, then the girl will definitely start laughing. Thus, she will be liberated and the conversation will flow into a more relaxed direction.


If all the prepared topics have been discussed, all questions have been asked, all stories have been told, contact has occurred, and there is absolutely nothing more to entertain the chosen one, then you need to connect your imagination. You can continue the conversation in the key "what if ...". You can ask the girl about what kind of film she would star in if she was offered a role in it by an eminent director. Or ask about what she would spend the inheritance of five million dollars unexpectedly left by her grandfather in the tenth generation.

You can simulate any kind of situation, respecting the boundaries of decency. Any girl likes to fantasize, for sure this game will be to your liking. There is no doubt about the success of the rendezvous, because joint fantasies only bring them together.

The game

Girls are very fond of all sorts of intrigues and riddles. If a guy feels that his chosen one has gained confidence in him and relaxed, then you can include a very entertaining game in the program of a romantic evening. You need to take turns asking each other completely different questions, agreeing that the answers to them will be honest.

The main thing that you should not do is to ask too tricky questions, so as not to put the girl in an awkward position. It is also worth avoiding intimate issues, on the first date this is completely useless, the girl should relax and trust the gentleman, but not blush and withdraw into herself from awkwardness. The game should take place in the most easy, relaxed atmosphere. Excitement will certainly bring together, add a touch of fun, and this is exactly what a first date should be like so that it develops into a second meeting.


On the first date with the girl you like, you should not splurge. Any man wants to appear before the chosen one in the best light, but if there is a desire to continue the acquaintance, then sooner or later the lie will be revealed, and then the girl will be disappointed in the chosen one. A gentleman should not pretend to be who he is not in real life. Any girl appreciates honesty and decency, it is better to tell real facts about yourself. After all, having felt even the slightest lie or a clear embellishment of her qualities, a girl can become isolated. Then the situation cannot be corrected, and you should not count on continuing the acquaintance. Honest behavior and maximum naturalness will certainly pay off in the future with the trust of the chosen one.

If the girl happily agreed to a second date, then we can assume that the task of gaining trust and charm of a companion is completed. But you should not relax, because on the second date, the attention of the companion also needs to be kept. But it will be easier to do this, because mutual understanding has already been achieved, and the guy and the girl have decided on their sympathies towards each other.

And some secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick jerk...

Many young people on the eve of the first date are very worried and think not only about how well everything is prepared, but also about topics for conversation with a girl.

and easy? What topics to choose? And what do not even remember? How to avoid mistakes in a conversation with a girl you like?

So, what to talk about with a girl at the first meeting.

We note right away that the topic of conversation with a girl is not as important as your communication style and manner of speaking. Pay attention to the timbre and volume of your voice when talking with a girl, work on intonation.

If you are going to tell a fresh joke, add funny notes to your voice, facial expressions and gestures will not interfere. If you are talking about your feelings, then the voice should be appropriate - gentle and quiet. And regardless of the topic of conversation, obscene and rude expressions are unacceptable.

Topics for conversation with a girl.

As a rule, girls talk a lot and with pleasure themselves. But sooner or later she will ask you to tell something, and then the question arises, what to talk about with a girl? Only without panic - enough topics for a conversation with a girl:

Your childhood - school, hobbies, friends;
your family and its traditions;
your goals and plans for life;
your achievements and successes;
your hobbies and interests;
your mutual friends.

In a conversation with a girl, compliments and questions about her, about her opinion on this or that account, must certainly be present. If you think what to talk about with a girl- talk about it, it's a win-win.

Mistakes when talking to a girl:

Long discussion on one topic. As soon as you notice that the girl is losing interest in the conversation - change the subject;

Banal talk about the weather and your endless anecdotes will bore any girl very quickly;

go headlong into your story, forgetting about your companion. There is no need to go into details when she asks you to tell you about her passion. Ask her questions, be interested in her opinion, conduct a dialogue;

big mistake in talking to a girl Complain about life and blame someone else for your failures. Such a conversation may be the last - a rare girl wants to date a whiner and a loser;

Show off and exaggerate the significance of your achievements. Girls, as a rule, treat such "dreamers" with great irony;

discuss other people. A man and gossip are incompatible things;

argue with a girl. This is not to say that you should not discuss and listen to each other's opinions at all, but not at the first meetings. In addition, during a dispute, you can accidentally offend a girl, and this should not be allowed.

If you are truly passionate, you will always find, what to talk about with a girl- compliments addressed to her; funny stories from your life; a few anecdotes; more questions about her - and your conversation will become interesting and relaxed.

Greetings men, Alexey Tsvetkov is in touch and today we will talk with you about one of the most common questions that I am asked. What can you talk about with a girl, let's go! In this article, we will consider what to say to a girl when meeting, on a date, everyone's favorite phrases in VK.

What topics can you talk about with a girl

Before you run into this article, you have probably already decided for yourself in what kind of situation you don’t know what to talk about with a girl, if not, then here are a few of them for you:

Below, you can get a book by Anton Inozemtsev, in which he tells his life journey from a nerd to a successful man. And a lot of other nice bonuses!

  • When meeting;
  • On a walk, for the first time and in subsequent times;
  • What can you talk about with a girl on the phone;
  • On a speed date;
  • On the first date;
  • When chatting on social networks.

One of the most basic skills that can be developed is communication.

If you fall into one of these categories, then my friend, you are on the right track and this article will be extremely useful for you. Immediately, in order not to torment the expectation and let you know that this is not another article with a bunch of “water”, here you go introductory exercise to understand how to learn to talk to girls, I give it to my students at the training, when their communication with girls suffers.

At what stage do you find it more difficult to communicate with girls?

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    When a girl is not sociable * 6%, 35 votes

    Acquaintance, 1 date when the girl is not sociable * 4%, 21 voice

    when chatting on social networks * 3%, 17 votes

    It depends on what kind of girl) * 2%, 10 votes

    After having mastered her (sex) 1%, 6 votes


Exercise "Bredogenerator" with instructions:
  1. Choose a monosyllabic object at home: an eraser, a disk, a fork, a spoon;
  2. Open a chat in Whatsup or in another similar messenger, having previously agreed with a friend to whom you will dictate this;
  3. For 5 minutes without stopping, you begin to describe the object that is in front of you, invent different stories, fables about it, only the main thing is to hold out for 5 minutes;
  4. Send to a friend and listen to yourself, it will be very disgusting to listen to yourself! But after doing such a trick 3-4 times, speech already becomes clearer;
  5. Ask a friend for criticism, tell your friend to critique your entry as much as possible.

The article has just begun, and you are already armed with something useful, it will only get more interesting, follow the headlines!

When meeting

The best thing, before you start asking this question - what to talk about with a girl when you meet, is to do the exercise that I described above. After that, the understanding of the issue will be easier. Let's start with what you need to do before you start talking to a girl:

  • Find a girl you like: in the subway, in the mall, anywhere and notice you like it in bold for a reason!
  • Approach the girl. Important! When you have already approached the girl, the first thing you need to do is stop her, this is her first investment in your communication.
  • Eye contact. Don't burn holes in it, but don't just look at your shoes either.

That moment when you don't know what to say

And that moment when you stopped her, she looks at you, but you have no idea what to say! Here I will not write about any template “openers” for this you can go to neighboring pickup projects. I will describe to you the structure that I use myself and that I give to my students.
Technique "Internal state":

  • Mood - the first thing you need to understand is what mood you are in right now;
  • Environment - look at the situation around;
  • Girl - to see something in a girl that attracts you to the maximum;
  • Identification - you need to connect all these facts into one killer mix of phrases;
  • Filtering - don't forget, no swearing!
  • Voice over - no comments.

Example: My mood is bad, the situation is devastation, the girl is the only bright spot in this day. We voice the girl.
- Hello, I’m walking, the mood is complete darkness and the atmosphere is conducive to this, then I look to meet me, you’re walking like a ray of light in a dark kingdom and then you stop thinking about the situation around, but just stand and enjoy communication with you.
The uniqueness of this technique is that you will not think about what to talk about after meeting a girl, as you voice it, your mood will change accordingly and you will speak, with further approaches you will already have completely different things. Most often, girls feel this sincerity and immediately give feedback, and you just have to keep the conversation going and take a phone number or go on a quick date.

By phone

After you have taken the phone number, you will somehow have a question - what to talk about with a girl on the phone, and here our video comes to the rescue again:

You call the next day after meeting. You need to speak minimally and to the point. And more specifically:
- Greetings;
- Reminds you who you are and where you met;
- You talk about things at which you said goodbye;
Example: The girl was choosing a gift for her mother. When talking, you ask - how did you choose a gift for your mother then?
- A little conversation about nothing (ask how her day went, talk about her day) no more than a minute!
- Plans for tomorrow (you ask about plans for tomorrow);
– Meeting (offer a specific place, specific time of the meeting);
Remember that during the conversation there should not be a position of “asking”, all the initiative should come from you.

On the first date

Before talking to a girl on a first date. Let's talk a little about the rules and places for a date.

Remember: a cafe and a walk

The best place for a first date is, of course, a cafe and a walk after it. Adequate girls understand that they did not come here to fill their stomachs. And we do not consider inadequate ones here. There's another thing here. You set the boundaries for yourself. Someone does not feel sorry for the first date to leave the average salary in Russia in a cafe, someone with a scratch gives 250 rubles for a teapot.

It doesn't matter what you say, how you do it is another matter. Are you interested in telling some stories from life, or just mumbling under your breath and acting too boring. Most importantly, whatever happens, you should feel comfortable. There is a lively conversation - good. Shut up - great. In principle, there are no absolute criteria for how to properly talk to a girl.

First of all, answer a few questions honestly to yourself:

If you honestly assessed your life and the answers to the questions are affirmative, and you know exactly what girls will be interested in, then you will also have something to talk about with them on a date.

I will not give here the entire list of topics on which you need to communicate. As you remember, you can't talk about only three: politics, religion, death. You ask now, do you need to talk to her about work? It’s 50/50 here, it happens that a girl is doing her favorite thing and she is pleased to talk about it. It happens and vice versa, she does not like her work, so it is better not to start talking about her.

In general, at the first meeting it is better to talk as much as possible about something light and unobtrusive. Try not to load the girl. In everyday life, she already has a lot of worries, and then you, with your problems. With you it should be easy and at ease. Such a seemingly simple factor will already give you a very strong advantage in relation to other men who appear in her life. And now a few topics that will tell you what you can talk about when you are walking with a girl and not only.

What to talk about with a girl: topics for conversation

Are you a specific person? Do you like to ask the question “What to talk about with a girl when you are walking or what to say on a first date”? Then below I will list for you some of the endless topics for talking with girls, as well as situations in which it is best to raise these topics:

So, what topics can you talk about, talk with a girl?

Cinema - Literature

You can talk about what's new

Movies and literature are constantly updated with new cool products, so these are the two most inexhaustible topics. You can talk about them forever, but you don't always have to talk about them. The most suitable moments to raise them are when meeting and on a first date.
Another topic in order to know what you can talk about with a girl. For every person, this topic is an object of dreams or memories. It's cool to talk about it and remember the places the girl has been to or would like to go to. Also great for dating and for a first date.

Topics to bring up when you first meet a girl:

Hobbies and sports
You can slowly increase the pace in the direction of what brings emotions. Namely sports and life hobbies, hobbies. No need to overdo it with these topics, but for acquaintance.

Topics that will allow you to get closer and literally make a girl trust you:
Memories from childhood

We all have some interesting moments in our childhood.

One of the topics for rapprochement and which you can safely reveal on a second date is memories and similarities in childhood. The best outcome is when you find something similar to what you had as a child.

Relationships with family and friends
How to talk to a girl about relationships? It is necessary to carefully raise such topics, since not everyone grew up in a full-fledged family and not everyone had good parents.

For a second date.

There is a whole range for maneuver, by the way, I will share with you the technique that can be used in this segment. Attentively, the technique of "passage to the future":
- You need to tell the person about the trip of his dreams with the maximum introduction of him into the conversation.
Example. Yana, you and I are going to the Canary Islands by car. Is the car red or yellow? you ask Yana. And you continue to develop this scenario further.

emotional actions
There is no need to explain much here, you directly ask the most emotional actions of the girl and begin to actively discuss them. For a second date

What else can you talk about with a girl?

Sexual themes (humor)
You can carefully switch to a sexual context using sexual themes in the form of a game or in the form of humor.

What to do if there is nothing to talk about with a girl

Our team made this video for you:

Oddly enough, the best way when you don’t know what to talk about with a stranger is to communicate with her. And do it as sincerely and truthfully as possible.

You need to start with what to say to a girl:
“Hi, I was walking towards you and there were a million thoughts in my head, but when I got closer, I understood, I don’t even know what to tell you… As practice shows, the girl instantly gives feedback after this. The best way is to communicate sincerely with a person and talk instantly about what is happening inside. If you don't know what to talk about, then say so. If you feel discomfort, just say so ... I hope the idea is clear.

What can you talk about with a girl in VK

Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Communication is increasingly moving to social. networks, because it's really easier. Many people want to meet and communicate, but do not understand how to communicate with a girl on VK and other networks.
Communication on the network is not very different, but, unfortunately, when communicating, you don’t feel a person, you can only write, and now we have added voice, this is to our advantage. The task is to be different from others, understand, a lot of guys write to girls on the network, you are not the only one so smart.

Among this mass, in order to excel, you just need to be yourself, open and behave adequately. You don't have to send your penis to a girl, well, at least not until you're close enough to do that sort of thing.

Do not do it this way. We must learn to communicate

We go to the girl’s profile, scroll through her pictures, the goal is to find a photo where you were really hooked by something. Let's say you saw a photo where she does yoga, in such a beautiful pose. You have an understanding of what yoga is, because you either did it yourself, or just studied information about it.

You take and write something related to this photo, your goal is to raise a specific issue in order to involve the girl in your dialogue. After she answered your question, you can build your dialogue, ideally if a question also comes from her side, if not, it's okay, she still doesn't know how cool you are)
Let's keep in touch and move on!

How to communicate with a girl so that she falls in love

If you landed on this page after this request. Then you fit into the categories of people:

  • I want an instant result (such people can be safely called * assholes);
  • You are between 16 and 20;
  • You are a virgin;
  • You are in a very lousy position (your girlfriend or wife left you).

And this text will be devoted only to the last category of people, I suggest that the rest of them read the entire article and reconsider their view of the “magic pills”. There is no and never will be a magic pill. To know how to talk to a girl to please her or the one you like. You need to start with yourself.
Practice, take gradual steps in your development, sooner or later, all this should lead you to one girl with whom you will build a harmonious relationship. But without the experience of communicating with the opposite sex, it is almost impossible to do this, even with some theoretical knowledge.

In fact, this is a serious problem for most modern guys - this is communication with a girl when meeting or meeting. Finding common ground is quite difficult, especially when you first meet a girl. On a classic date, both partners begin to look for common themes, but it looks very pathetic. You look confused at times like this. Agree that this shouldn't happen. Therefore, I will give some tips that will open a certain veil of secrecy and tell you how to communicate with a girl when meeting or during an acquaintance.

How to communicate with girls?

Get to know yourself first. What prevents you from communicating with girls and makes you think about reading such articles? The first reason is the Internet. Nowadays, many communicate on social networks, forgetting that girls can also speak with their mouths. It is much easier to communicate in social networks and instant messengers, since you do not see your interlocutor. That is why many prefer the Internet to live communication.

It is much easier for people to communicate online. In addition, there is no difficulty in distorting information here. A person can post any photos and compose just a fabulous biography, but in fact turn out to be a memorized, tortured person who is not of the most athletic build. That's why live communication is always better than the Internet. Therefore, slowly forget about social networks and enter the world of those who speak live. If inte res is, read my article about how to meet a guy online
During a walk How to communicate with a girl when meeting during a joint walk? What should she say and how should she behave? And it’s good if the girl is quite talkative, and she herself saves you from awkward pauses in communication. But often it turns out quite differently. In fact, you have a lot of topics for conversation. Girls are ready to keep up the conversation on almost any topic. It is important that she be interesting to her.

The important difference is how close you and the girl are. At the stage of acquaintance and during seduction, communication is completely different.

First meeting

Meeting after meeting is a special responsibility, and you will have to strain all your imagination, show the maximum of your capabilities. Remember that no one will give you a second chance to make a first impression.. That's why you have to show the girl excellent conversation skills so that she wants to meet you again.

Your main task is to win over the girl. This stage must necessarily occur on the first date, regardless of the technique you are working on.

There is a very delicate balance to be struck between obsession and lack of communication. All good things should be in moderation. Do not bombard the girl with questions, it looks at least strange and will scare the girl away. For an experiment, sit a friend in front of you and ask him 10 questions in a row. Already at 5 he will ask you what you want from him. So with a girl, don't turn a date into an interrogation. Listen carefully girl. This is very important to her. The opportunity to be understood and listened to is the basis on which her trust in you, as well as your mutual understanding, will be based. And this is the beginning of building a deep connection between you. This does not require much from you. Start a topic for conversation, ask her opinion on this or that account, express your own. You can even get into an argument, just remember that your task is not to outguess your opponent, but to maintain an interesting conversation. After all, are you here to win the debate or have sex tonight? I wrote more earlier in my article on how to behave with a girl on a date.

What should not be discussed under any circumstances?

There are topics on which it is better not to communicate with a girl for various reasons. Take it for granted and don't make mistakes.
  1. Politics. This area is not interesting for the vast majority of girls. She will not listen to you and will be lost in her thoughts.
  2. Purely male themes. Fishing, football, beer and so on. This is not interesting for women either. Therefore, avoid talking about such topics. The exception is her personal interest in the issue, as well as some funny incidents from your life.
  3. Religion. It is also better not to touch this issue, since the girl may turn out to be a staunch atheist, a passionate believer, or a representative of a completely different religion. As a result, you will start arguing, and it will not lead to anything good.
  4. About other girls. It's also best not to speak. This is where you take the risk. A girl may like the topic, but it may also happen that she will go berserk from your conversations. Some people like pickup artists because they are very popular with women, they are experienced in communication and sex, but others are completely against it.
  5. Negative. Do not load the girl with your problems or troubles. On a date, there should be no place for negativity at all.

Of course, these are not all taboo topics of conversation.. But others are at least not as dangerous to you. The girl will make it clear that she is not interested in the topic, and you will be able to react quickly.

What should you talk about at the meeting?

If you don’t see topics for conversation at all, you can tell about yourself. Stories that show you from a pleasant side will do. You can think of several such stories. Their essence should be as follows:
  • listened to your opinion;
  • men see you as a leader;
  • people are drawn to you;
  • you experienced some success.
But avoid direct boasting. Your merit should be mentioned in passing. Believe me, the girl will be able to see it and appreciate it. No one likes braggarts at all. If you consider yourself one of these people, then use a simple and effective technique: everyone already knows that you are cool, and there is no need to repeat this to people. Remember, success is never talked about, it's just silently demonstrated.

Talk to her about her

Pay more attention to her. Everyone loves to be talked about. Ask about her hobbies, tell me what you think about it, ask what movies she likes, what kind of music and so on. Focus on her, she will appreciate it and in response will start asking you about your hobbies and interests.

Change of topic

And now you have already discussed everything that is possible on one of the topics. There is an awkward pause in communication. This is unpleasant and should be avoided. Therefore, you need to be able to competently and timely change the topic of conversation. For this, in our great and mighty there is a very interesting word "by the way."
If you insert this word, then you can continue to talk about anything. And even if the topic is completely inopportune. With a little practice, you can easily change the subject on the go. At this time, it is important to come up with something new. You can start telling some story from your life again, for example.
The Importance of Nonverbal Communication You must understand that communication with a girl is not limited to words.. It's also touch. Have you ever noticed how girls communicate with each other? They constantly touch each other. And the girl will expect the same from you on a subconscious level. Try to make light, unobtrusive touches. While she is laughing, you can touch her. Create situations for "accidental" touches. The right touch gives the right emotions and can even easily excite a girl. Read about how to touch a girl the right way.

To start non-verbal communication, you can already hug her at the meeting and say something pleasant in her ear. It is also possible to gain access to her hands by saying that you can guess. And it does not matter at all whether you know something from palmistry. It is enough to come up with something interesting and moderately fun. This will interest the girl, curiosity will prevail, and she will allow you to touch herself officially.

Spectacular completion

Your date should end spectacularly and leave a slight aftertaste so that the girl wants to meet you again. You don't have to talk to her all the way until you've exhausted all topics.. Artists successfully use this technique when they perform in front of the public. They perform a few numbers and leave the stage despite the fact that the audience wants more. You should adopt the same approach.

Learning to feel the very moment when you need to leave is quite difficult. This feeling comes with experience. If you do not have such a feeling, then just limit yourself to certain limits. Let's say 1-1.5 hours is enough to create a good impression, have a good time and effectively go about your business.


Communication is a skill that needs to be constantly practiced. Therefore, try to communicate with girls more often. and over time, all questions about this will disappear from you. Now you know how to communicate with a girl when you meet, and you can put your knowledge into practice, so go ahead, to new victories on the personal front!

Many men are speechless when meeting a beautiful woman. If you're hoping for a friendship, or you're about to ask a girl out on a date, you might be very nervous the first time you talk. This article will give you some tips on how to say those first few words.


Part 1

start a conversation

    Gauge her interest with eye contact. Give her a quick glance, wait for her to notice, smile with your eyes, and then slowly look away. If you look at her again and notice that she is looking at you to meet your eyes, she is most likely interested in a conversation. If she completely avoids eye contact with you, then she's probably not interested.

    • If she is talking to another guy, don't approach the girl.
    • If she is in the company of girls, then your situation is better. It will be easier for you to start a conversation if you are not alone, but with your friends.
  1. Get within talking distance. If she is reviewing books, look at the books next to her. If she's at the bar, order a drink and sit next to her. Find any excuse to be at ease with her. However, in some situations it can be difficult (for example, if she is absorbed in working on a laptop in a cafe or talking with her friend). In this case, it's best not to distract her unless she shows that she's interested in you (unless she can't take her eyes off you).

    • Don't wait too long to talk to her. If she sees you, look at her and approach her, smile and show that you are determined.
  2. Start the conversation with a simple observation, ending with a question:“Nice day, isn't it?” or “There are a lot of people here today, right?” It doesn't matter what you say. You don't really need an answer to the question. You are simply engaging her in a conversation. If she replies kindly, keep talking. If she doesn't respond or seems busy or uninterested, then she's probably not interested, so start a conversation with someone else.

    • Don't worry if you are talking about something that doesn't really matter. The most important thing is to start a conversation. However, do not say things that are not natural for you.
  3. Keep up a fairly natural conversation. Don't come up with "homemade", "mad attraction" or other social clichés. The best way to get along with someone is to speak from the heart. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Communication is an exchange of energy, not memorized remarks. When in doubt, just say "Hi".

    Give her a compliment. If you just met, you should not say that she has the most beautiful eyes in the world or sexy legs. With this you can push this girl away from you. Instead, compliment her on her appearance, such as telling her she has a nice sweater or a lovely necklace. You can also tell that her laugh is very infectious. If your relationship gets more serious, you can tell that she has beautiful hair. However, take your time, do not reveal your feelings right away. Say something to show that this girl is important to you.

    • One compliment during the first conversation will be enough. Don't put her in an awkward position.
  4. Use your environment. If you feel uncomfortable and do not know where to start, look around, something will certainly attract your attention. If you're in a bar, you might ask, "Do you come here often?" or "Have you tried the mango mojito?" If you see a poster that there's a gig coming up in your city soon, you can ask her if she likes this band. In addition, if you notice that she is wearing an item of clothing of a famous brand, you can ask if she has been in a country where such products are produced.

    • You should not look around too much, the girl may feel that you are ignoring her. However, if you are looking for a topic to talk about, the environment around you can be a great help for conversation.
  5. Have a casual conversation. A casual conversation can set the stage for a more interesting conversation. Do not go beyond the question "How are you?" to the discussion of the question "What is the meaning of life?" You can start a conversation about what you did last weekend. Also, talk about friends, work, the weather, and anything the girl would be interested in. Joke, try to make the girl laugh. Don't worry too much about the girl being bored with you. Remember, you're just making casual conversation.

    • If she feels comfortable talking to you, she'll be ready to open up a little more soon.

    Part 2

    Maintain Interest
    1. If this little conversation goes well, tell us a little about yourself - just a little, like what you do or how you enjoyed the show you just saw. At some point, of course, you will want to introduce yourself and perhaps get her name. The essence of sharing information is that you gradually open up. Take turns speaking and each time she gives you some information about herself, give a similar one about yourself, and maybe share something a little more personal than her.

      Give her all your attention. Laugh at her jokes, listen to her stories, and don't get distracted by what's going on around you. It's more important to sound interested than to sound interesting, you don't want to ruin the conversation. Being a good listener is much more important to a successful conversation than being witty.

      • Put your phone away (until you ask for her number). This is not the time to talk to your friends on the phone if you want to please a girl.
    2. Ask questions. If you want a girl to want to talk to you, then you must show that you are interested in her as a person. Avoiding personal questions, you can ask her ideas about life or pick up general topics. For example, you can find out what her favorite sports team is or what she likes to do in her spare time. You can ask about the following:

      • her family
      • Animals
      • Her favorite films, books, albums
      • her friends
      • Her hobby
      • Her work
    3. Ask her opinion. Show her that her opinion is valuable to you and you care what she thinks on this or that issue. You can ask her what she thinks of your new clothes or haircut. In addition, you can find out her opinion about a new film or about a musical group. You can also find out what she thinks about the local situation.

      • Avoid topics that are too sensitive or political. Perhaps your views differ on certain issues, so a casual conversation can turn into a furious argument! Think twice before asking a question. Otherwise, an inappropriate question may turn the girl away.
    4. Look for the common. Although opposites attract, if you find something in common with a girl, then you will most likely find it easier to carry on a conversation. You don't have to bombard her with questions to determine that you have something in common. Just be observant and you may notice that you have a lot in common. You can talk about your favorite sports team, career, travel to another country, or anything else that both of you might be interested in.

      • Ask open-ended questions. Don't ask, "Do you like this sports team?" Instead, ask: "What is your favorite sports team?" Thanks to this, you can continue the conversation, even if the girl does not like a certain command.
      • Be careful. Maybe during the conversation the girl mentioned that she went to college in Spain, you can ask: "Did you spend some time in Spain? I also worked in Barcelona for a year. What area did you live in?"
    5. Show her that you are a mature person. You're talking to a young woman, not a girl, right? If so, then you need to show her that you are an independent, intelligent and mature person. Don't complain about work, don't talk about other people, don't act like you're a teenager. You can be casual and joke around a lot, but avoid teenage behavior.

      Let her speak. Perhaps you want to impress the girl so much that you talk incessantly, without letting her insert a word. Stick to the following rule when talking with a girl: 50/50 or, in extreme cases, 60/40 if one of you is very talkative. If your stories take up 80-90% of the total conversation, it is unlikely that a girl will be pleased to communicate with you, even if you tell her the most interesting stories in the world. Pay attention to how much you speak. Don't interrupt her. In addition, do not be afraid of silence, if there is a slight pause. This is a great opportunity to collect your thoughts.

      • If you want her to see that you have a lot in common, tell her what interests you and listen carefully to the girl.
    6. Flirt. Flirting maintains interest. Of course, don't overdo it. Smile. Joke with her (just do it in a way that doesn't hurt her feelings). Show her that you are not too serious, you also like to have fun. Flirt. Lean a little closer to her if you manage to keep a lively conversation going. If a girl is not ready for a relationship, she is unlikely to respond to your flirting.

    Part 3

    1. Make sure you're interested in her. While you can't really tell if a woman likes you, there are some signs you can look for that will show that she cares about you. If she looks you in the eye, laughs a lot, doesn't pay attention to her friends, doesn't step aside when you approach her, then most likely she likes you. If she answers your questions in monosyllables, just "yes" or "no", and with her whole appearance shows that she is not interested in you, you should not continue trying to win the sympathy of this girl.

      • Pay attention to body language. Does she lean towards you or does she try to stay away from you? If she leans towards you when you are talking to her, then this may be a sign that she wants a closer relationship.
      • Remember that every woman is different. She can be very shy and you can misinterpret this into thinking she has no interest in you.
    2. Break the barrier to hint at your romantic intentions. If you don't let a woman know from the start that you're romantically interested in her, you risk falling into the friendship zone. It's not that hard to touch a person while remaining respectful. If you're both about to go somewhere, stick out your elbow, suggesting that she take your arm, or touch her back with your hand, slightly above the waist, directing her to the door (or hallway) with the words "after you."

      • Or be brave and just take her hand. If she is interested, she may seem a little surprised, but will still be receptive. If she is not interested, you will see that she is not comfortable.
    3. Finish the job. For most people, this is the hardest part because you need to be clear about your intentions and risk getting rejected. Be bold. Say that you would like to see her again, just ask for her phone number, or if it seems appropriate, try to set up a date. If she's not interested, don't worry. There will always be another woman to talk to.

      • Don't push her too hard. Just say, "I had a great time with you and would like to invite you to dinner together. Could we exchange phone numbers?" Don't use the word "date" and don't say "I love you" or anything like that.
    • When speaking, pay attention to her body language. If she is facing you or leaning towards you, it means that she is interested in you. If she is fussy or quiet, she may not be interested, or she may just be shy.
    • Practice active listening skills. When you listen, you need to make it clear to the person that you are listening to him. Maintain eye contact. Nod. Say “Yes”, “I understand”, “Interesting” or something similar to show that you are paying attention and not thinking about anything else, such as what you are going to say next.
    • Get to know women. Do you think you understand women? Or are they creatures from another planet for you? Spend more time with women. Read books that give some insight into the differences between women and men. Get information about the issues women face. The more you understand women, the more comfortable you will feel talking to them.
    • Ask questions! Most people love to talk about themselves, so give them that opportunity. Ask open-ended questions (not ones that are answered with “yes” or “no”): “What classes are you attending this year?” or “Did you see that new movie? Did you like him?"
    • Don't talk about yourself all the time. The girl wants to see that you are interested in her, and do not think only about yourself.


    • Don't waste your time on a woman who seems rude and uninterested. Not only women have the right to standards. Make it a rule to only talk to women who are friendly and polite. Even if a woman isn't romantically interested in you, there are many ways to show it in a kind way. She should not treat you with irritation. In other words, a woman shouldn't act stupid. If she rolls her eyes, barely responds to you, and generally acts rude, don't wait for her to find an excuse to leave. Say something like, "You don't sound like you really want to talk," or find an excuse to leave. There is no reason to waste time on a person who is not interested in you. Just trying to talk to a complete stranger will boost your self-confidence.
    • Don't let the conversation fade. Keep it short and sweet. Even if the conversation is going well, you need to leave topics for conversation for the next meeting. Also, it's easiest to "close the case" when the conversation is going well, not when it has faded.
    • Let go of the despair you may have. Despair precedes obsession, and obsession is terrible. People in despair are unbalanced and unstable because their happiness depends so much on someone else. If you're giving off impulses that tell you that you'll be deeply upset if she doesn't show interest in you, then it's time to slow down, be patient, and look at yourself.
    • Prolonged, direct eye contact is what lovers usually do. This can be done if your interlocutor is clearly interested romantically, but even then it is risky, as there is a high probability of failure if you are mistaken. Look the person in the eye when they speak, but be sure to look away from time to time and shift your interest to other things. Make sure you don't get in the habit of staring at someone's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever), even if you're doing it out of admiration or curiosity. In general, you do not want your interlocutor to feel that you are examining him under a microscope.
    • At the very beginning of the conversation, do not talk about anything personal. Talk about your surroundings, the show you just watched, and so on, but don't talk too much about yourself or ask your interlocutor personal questions.